Build Result for basx/basxconnect/basxconnect-test/main
go to bottom of this page
[00:00:00] * Starting at 2024-10-01 23:54:02 GMT+0200
[00:00:00] * Preparing the machine...
[00:00:01] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (cd /var/lib/incus/containers/ || exit -1) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:01] 0
[00:00:01] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus stop l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com || echo 'container is not running') 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:02] Error: The instance is already stopped
[00:00:02] container is not running
[00:00:02] 0
[00:00:02] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ | grep 'l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com' || exit -1) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:02] l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com stopped no Fedora release 40 (Forty)
[00:00:02] 0
[00:00:02] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus delete l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:04] 0
[00:00:04] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com 6 9-Stream 0) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:05] Creating l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:10] Retrieving image: Unpack: 100% (1.69GB/s)
[00:00:10] Retrieving image: Unpack: 100% (1.69GB/s)
[00:00:11] Host not found in /root/.ssh/known_hosts
[00:00:11] /root
[00:00:17] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:17] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:17] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:17] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:17] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:17] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:36] CentOS Stream 9 - BaseOS 514 kB/s | 8.3 MB 00:16
[00:00:39] CentOS Stream 9 - AppStream 10 MB/s | 21 MB 00:02
[00:00:45] CentOS Stream 9 - Extras packages 63 kB/s | 19 kB 00:00
[00:00:46] Dependencies resolved.
[00:00:46] ================================================================================
[00:00:46] Package Architecture Version Repository Size
[00:00:46] ================================================================================
[00:00:46] Installing:
[00:00:46] openssh-server x86_64 8.7p1-43.el9 baseos 461 k
[00:00:46] Transaction Summary
[00:00:46] ================================================================================
[00:00:46] Install 1 Package
[00:00:46] Total download size: 461 k
[00:00:46] Installed size: 1.0 M
[00:00:46] Downloading Packages:
[00:00:46] openssh-server-8.7p1-43.el9.x86_64.rpm 2.5 MB/s | 461 kB 00:00
[00:00:46] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:46] Total 1.6 MB/s | 461 kB 00:00
[00:00:46] Running transaction check
[00:00:46] Transaction check succeeded.
[00:00:46] Running transaction test
[00:00:46] Transaction test succeeded.
[00:00:46] Running transaction
[00:00:46] Preparing : 1/1
[00:00:46] Running scriptlet: openssh-server-8.7p1-43.el9.x86_64 1/1
[00:00:46] Installing : openssh-server-8.7p1-43.el9.x86_64 1/1
[00:00:46] Running scriptlet: openssh-server-8.7p1-43.el9.x86_64 1/1
[00:00:46] Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service.
[00:00:46] Verifying : openssh-server-8.7p1-43.el9.x86_64 1/1
[00:00:46] Installed:
[00:00:46] openssh-server-8.7p1-43.el9.x86_64
[00:00:46] Complete!
[00:00:47] Removing password for user root.
[00:00:47] passwd: Success
[00:00:47] To setup port forwarding from outside, please run:
[00:00:47] ./ 6 22
[00:00:47] ./ 6
[00:00:47] To start the container, run: incus start l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:47] To connect to the container locally, run: eval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add; ssh root@
[00:00:49] 0
[00:00:49] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ 6 22) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:49] outward interface: ens18
[00:00:49] outward IP address:
[00:00:49] bridge interface: incusbr0
[00:00:49] bridge address:
[00:00:49] guestip:
[00:00:49] there is already a mapping for port 2006
[00:00:49] 0
[00:00:49] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (mkdir -p /var/lib/incus/containers/l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com/rootfs/root/.ssh/) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:49] 0
[00:00:49] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod 700 /var/lib/incus/containers/l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com/rootfs/root/.ssh/ && chmod 600 /var/lib/incus/containers/l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com/rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:50] 0
[00:00:50] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/basx/basxconnect/centos/9-Stream l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com /root/repo) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:50] Device root_repo added to l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:50] 0
[00:00:50] now running: rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2222" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/basx/basxconnect/centos/9-Stream
[00:00:51] sending incremental file list
[00:00:51] 9-Stream/
[00:00:51] sent 89 bytes received 20 bytes 72.67 bytes/sec
[00:00:51] total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
[00:00:51] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod a+w -R /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/basx/basxconnect/centos/9-Stream) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:51] 0
[00:00:51] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/basx/basxconnect l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com /root/tarball) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:52] Device root_tarball added to l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:52] 0
[00:00:52] now running: rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2222" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/basx/basxconnect
[00:00:52] sending incremental file list
[00:00:52] basxconnect/
[00:00:52] sent 92 bytes received 20 bytes 224.00 bytes/sec
[00:00:52] total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
[00:00:52] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod a+w -R /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/basx/basxconnect) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:53] 0
[00:00:53] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus start l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:53] 0
[00:00:53] now running: ssh-keygen -f "/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/.ssh/known_hosts" -R []:2006
[00:00:53] # Host []:2006 found: line 19
[00:00:53] # Host []:2006 found: line 20
[00:00:53] # Host []:2006 found: line 21
[00:00:53] /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
[00:00:53] Original contents retained as /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/.ssh/known_hosts.old
[00:00:53] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus exec l006-build02incus-solidcharity-com -- /bin/bash -c 'dhclient eth0') 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:54] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:54] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:54] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:54] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:54] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:54] grep: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*: No such file or directory
[00:00:56] 0
[00:00:56] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (echo "container is running") 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:56] Warning: Permanently added '[]:2006' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
[00:00:56] container is running
[00:00:56] 0
[00:00:56] container has been started successfully
[00:00:56] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (yum -y install tar createrepo gcc rpm-build rpm-sign gnupg make curl iptables rsync perl iproute yum-utils) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:57] Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:12 ago on Tue Oct 1 23:54:47 2024.
[00:00:57] Package gnupg2-2.3.3-4.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
[00:00:57] Package curl-7.76.1-31.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
[00:00:57] Package iproute-6.2.0-5.el9.x86_64 is already installed.
[00:00:57] Dependencies resolved.
[00:00:57] ================================================================================
[00:00:57] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:00:57] ================================================================================
[00:00:57] Installing:
[00:00:57] createrepo_c x86_64 0.20.1-2.el9 appstream 75 k
[00:00:57] gcc x86_64 11.5.0-2.el9 appstream 32 M
[00:00:57] iptables-nft x86_64 1.8.10-5.el9 baseos 206 k
[00:00:57] make x86_64 1:4.3-8.el9 baseos 536 k
[00:00:57] perl x86_64 4:5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 8.2 k
[00:00:57] rpm-build x86_64 appstream 67 k
[00:00:57] rpm-sign x86_64 baseos 18 k
[00:00:57] rsync x86_64 3.2.3-20.el9 baseos 397 k
[00:00:57] tar x86_64 2:1.34-7.el9 baseos 885 k
[00:00:57] yum-utils noarch 4.3.0-16.el9 baseos 40 k
[00:00:57] Installing dependencies:
[00:00:57] annobin x86_64 12.65-1.el9 appstream 1.0 M
[00:00:57] binutils x86_64 2.35.2-54.el9 baseos 4.6 M
[00:00:57] binutils-gold x86_64 2.35.2-54.el9 baseos 734 k
[00:00:57] bzip2 x86_64 1.0.8-8.el9 baseos 56 k
[00:00:57] cpio x86_64 2.13-16.el9 baseos 275 k
[00:00:57] cpp x86_64 11.5.0-2.el9 appstream 11 M
[00:00:57] createrepo_c-libs x86_64 0.20.1-2.el9 appstream 100 k
[00:00:57] debugedit x86_64 5.0-5.el9 appstream 77 k
[00:00:57] dnf-plugins-core noarch 4.3.0-16.el9 baseos 37 k
[00:00:57] dwz x86_64 0.14-3.el9 appstream 128 k
[00:00:57] ed x86_64 1.14.2-12.el9 baseos 75 k
[00:00:57] efi-srpm-macros noarch 6-2.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] elfutils x86_64 0.191-4.el9 baseos 562 k
[00:00:57] elfutils-debuginfod-client x86_64 0.191-4.el9 baseos 37 k
[00:00:57] file x86_64 5.39-16.el9 baseos 50 k
[00:00:57] fonts-srpm-macros noarch 1:2.0.5-7.el9.1 appstream 28 k
[00:00:57] gcc-c++ x86_64 11.5.0-2.el9 appstream 13 M
[00:00:57] gcc-plugin-annobin x86_64 11.5.0-2.el9 appstream 43 k
[00:00:57] gdb-minimal x86_64 14.2-3.el9 appstream 4.2 M
[00:00:57] ghc-srpm-macros noarch 1.5.0-6.el9 appstream 8.8 k
[00:00:57] glibc-devel x86_64 2.34-125.el9 appstream 33 k
[00:00:57] glibc-headers x86_64 2.34-125.el9 appstream 539 k
[00:00:57] go-srpm-macros noarch 3.6.0-3.el9 appstream 27 k
[00:00:57] groff-base x86_64 1.22.4-10.el9 baseos 1.1 M
[00:00:57] info x86_64 6.7-15.el9 baseos 225 k
[00:00:57] iptables-libs x86_64 1.8.10-5.el9 baseos 460 k
[00:00:57] kernel-headers x86_64 5.14.0-513.el9 appstream 1.9 M
[00:00:57] kernel-srpm-macros noarch 1.0-13.el9 appstream 16 k
[00:00:57] libdatrie x86_64 0.2.13-4.el9 appstream 33 k
[00:00:57] libmpc x86_64 1.2.1-4.el9 appstream 62 k
[00:00:57] libnetfilter_conntrack x86_64 1.0.9-1.el9 baseos 59 k
[00:00:57] libnfnetlink x86_64 1.0.1-21.el9 baseos 30 k
[00:00:57] libnftnl x86_64 1.2.6-4.el9 baseos 88 k
[00:00:57] libpkgconf x86_64 1.7.3-10.el9 baseos 36 k
[00:00:57] libstdc++-devel x86_64 11.5.0-2.el9 appstream 2.4 M
[00:00:57] libthai x86_64 0.1.28-8.el9 appstream 208 k
[00:00:57] libxcrypt-devel x86_64 4.4.18-3.el9 appstream 29 k
[00:00:57] llvm-libs x86_64 18.1.8-3.el9 appstream 26 M
[00:00:57] lua-srpm-macros noarch 1-6.el9 appstream 9.5 k
[00:00:57] ncurses x86_64 6.2-10.20210508.el9 baseos 400 k
[00:00:57] ocaml-srpm-macros noarch 6-6.el9 appstream 8.8 k
[00:00:57] openblas-srpm-macros noarch 2-11.el9 appstream 8.4 k
[00:00:57] patch x86_64 2.7.6-16.el9 appstream 128 k
[00:00:57] perl-Algorithm-Diff noarch 1.2010-4.el9 appstream 48 k
[00:00:57] perl-Archive-Tar noarch 2.38-6.el9 appstream 72 k
[00:00:57] perl-Archive-Zip noarch 1.68-6.el9 appstream 112 k
[00:00:57] perl-Attribute-Handlers noarch 1.01-481.el9 appstream 27 k
[00:00:57] perl-AutoLoader noarch 5.74-481.el9 appstream 21 k
[00:00:57] perl-AutoSplit noarch 5.74-481.el9 appstream 21 k
[00:00:57] perl-B x86_64 1.80-481.el9 appstream 180 k
[00:00:57] perl-Benchmark noarch 1.23-481.el9 appstream 26 k
[00:00:57] perl-CPAN noarch 2.29-3.el9 appstream 557 k
[00:00:57] perl-CPAN-Meta noarch 2.150010-460.el9 appstream 202 k
[00:00:57] perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements noarch 2.140-461.el9 appstream 32 k
[00:00:57] perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML noarch 0.018-461.el9 appstream 27 k
[00:00:57] perl-Carp noarch 1.50-460.el9 appstream 30 k
[00:00:57] perl-Class-Struct noarch 0.66-481.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-Compress-Bzip2 x86_64 2.28-5.el9 appstream 70 k
[00:00:57] perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 x86_64 2.101-5.el9 appstream 35 k
[00:00:57] perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma x86_64 2.101-3.el9 appstream 51 k
[00:00:57] perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib x86_64 2.101-5.el9 appstream 61 k
[00:00:57] perl-Config-Extensions noarch 0.03-481.el9 appstream 12 k
[00:00:57] perl-Config-Perl-V noarch 0.33-4.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-DBM_Filter noarch 0.06-481.el9 appstream 31 k
[00:00:57] perl-DB_File x86_64 1.855-4.el9 appstream 82 k
[00:00:57] perl-Data-Dumper x86_64 2.174-462.el9 appstream 56 k
[00:00:57] perl-Data-OptList noarch 0.110-17.el9 appstream 27 k
[00:00:57] perl-Data-Section noarch 0.200007-14.el9 appstream 26 k
[00:00:57] perl-Devel-PPPort x86_64 3.62-4.el9 appstream 212 k
[00:00:57] perl-Devel-Peek x86_64 1.28-481.el9 appstream 32 k
[00:00:57] perl-Devel-SelfStubber noarch 1.06-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-Devel-Size x86_64 0.83-10.el9 appstream 32 k
[00:00:57] perl-Digest noarch 1.19-4.el9 appstream 26 k
[00:00:57] perl-Digest-MD5 x86_64 2.58-4.el9 appstream 37 k
[00:00:57] perl-Digest-SHA x86_64 1:6.02-461.el9 appstream 62 k
[00:00:57] perl-Digest-SHA1 x86_64 2.13-34.el9 appstream 53 k
[00:00:57] perl-DirHandle noarch 1.05-481.el9 appstream 12 k
[00:00:57] perl-Dumpvalue noarch 2.27-481.el9 appstream 18 k
[00:00:57] perl-DynaLoader x86_64 1.47-481.el9 appstream 25 k
[00:00:57] perl-Encode x86_64 4:3.08-462.el9 appstream 1.7 M
[00:00:57] perl-Encode-devel x86_64 4:3.08-462.el9 appstream 42 k
[00:00:57] perl-English noarch 1.11-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-Env noarch 1.04-460.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-Errno x86_64 1.30-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-Exporter noarch 5.74-461.el9 appstream 32 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder noarch 1:0.280236-4.el9 appstream 49 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-Command noarch 2:7.60-3.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-Constant noarch 0.25-481.el9 appstream 46 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-Embed noarch 1.35-481.el9 appstream 17 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-Install noarch 2.20-4.el9 appstream 45 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-MM-Utils noarch 2:7.60-3.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker noarch 2:7.60-3.el9 appstream 300 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-Manifest noarch 1:1.73-4.el9 appstream 35 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl noarch 1.09-481.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS noarch 1:3.40-460.el9 appstream 186 k
[00:00:57] perl-Fcntl x86_64 1.13-481.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Basename noarch 2.85-481.el9 appstream 17 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Compare noarch 1.100.600-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Copy noarch 2.34-481.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-DosGlob x86_64 1.12-481.el9 appstream 19 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Fetch noarch 1.00-4.el9 appstream 31 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Find noarch 1.37-481.el9 appstream 25 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-HomeDir noarch 1.006-4.el9 appstream 60 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Path noarch 2.18-4.el9 appstream 36 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Temp noarch 1:0.231.100-4.el9 appstream 60 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-Which noarch 1.23-10.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-File-stat noarch 1.09-481.el9 appstream 17 k
[00:00:57] perl-FileCache noarch 1.10-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-FileHandle noarch 2.03-481.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-Filter x86_64 2:1.60-4.el9 appstream 91 k
[00:00:57] perl-Filter-Simple noarch 0.96-460.el9 appstream 28 k
[00:00:57] perl-FindBin noarch 1.51-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-GDBM_File x86_64 1.18-481.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-Getopt-Long noarch 1:2.52-4.el9 appstream 61 k
[00:00:57] perl-Getopt-Std noarch 1.12-481.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.076-462.el9 appstream 54 k
[00:00:57] perl-Hash-Util x86_64 0.23-481.el9 appstream 34 k
[00:00:57] perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash x86_64 1.20-481.el9 appstream 38 k
[00:00:57] perl-I18N-Collate noarch 1.02-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-I18N-LangTags noarch 0.44-481.el9 appstream 54 k
[00:00:57] perl-I18N-Langinfo x86_64 0.19-481.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-IO x86_64 1.43-481.el9 appstream 88 k
[00:00:57] perl-IO-Compress noarch 2.102-4.el9 appstream 270 k
[00:00:57] perl-IO-Compress-Lzma noarch 2.101-4.el9 appstream 78 k
[00:00:57] perl-IO-Socket-IP noarch 0.41-5.el9 appstream 43 k
[00:00:57] perl-IO-Socket-SSL noarch 2.073-2.el9 appstream 217 k
[00:00:57] perl-IO-Zlib noarch 1:1.11-4.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-IPC-Cmd noarch 2:1.04-461.el9 appstream 40 k
[00:00:57] perl-IPC-Open3 noarch 1.21-481.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-IPC-SysV x86_64 2.09-4.el9 appstream 43 k
[00:00:57] perl-IPC-System-Simple noarch 1.30-6.el9 appstream 41 k
[00:00:57] perl-Importer noarch 0.026-4.el9 appstream 40 k
[00:00:57] perl-JSON-PP noarch 1:4.06-4.el9 appstream 67 k
[00:00:57] perl-Locale-Maketext noarch 1.29-461.el9 appstream 95 k
[00:00:57] perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple noarch 1:0.21-481.el9 appstream 17 k
[00:00:57] perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.16-4.el9 appstream 31 k
[00:00:57] perl-MIME-Charset noarch 1.012.2-15.el9 appstream 49 k
[00:00:57] perl-MRO-Compat noarch 0.13-15.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-Math-BigInt noarch 1:1.9998.18-460.el9 appstream 190 k
[00:00:57] perl-Math-BigInt-FastCalc x86_64 0.500.900-460.el9 appstream 28 k
[00:00:57] perl-Math-BigRat noarch 0.2614-460.el9 appstream 39 k
[00:00:57] perl-Math-Complex noarch 1.59-481.el9 appstream 46 k
[00:00:57] perl-Memoize noarch 1.03-481.el9 appstream 56 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-Build noarch 2:0.42.31-9.el9 appstream 263 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-CoreList noarch 1:5.20210320-3.el9 appstream 82 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-CoreList-tools noarch 1:5.20210320-3.el9 appstream 19 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-Load noarch 1:0.36-4.el9 appstream 18 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-Load-Conditional noarch 0.74-4.el9 appstream 23 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-Loaded noarch 1:0.08-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-Metadata noarch 1.000037-460.el9 appstream 36 k
[00:00:57] perl-Module-Signature noarch 0.88-1.el9 appstream 84 k
[00:00:57] perl-Mozilla-CA noarch 20200520-6.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-NDBM_File x86_64 1.15-481.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-NEXT noarch 0.67-481.el9 appstream 21 k
[00:00:57] perl-Net noarch 1.02-481.el9 appstream 25 k
[00:00:57] perl-Net-Ping noarch 2.74-5.el9 appstream 50 k
[00:00:57] perl-Net-SSLeay x86_64 1.94-1.el9 appstream 414 k
[00:00:57] perl-ODBM_File x86_64 1.16-481.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-Object-HashBase noarch 0.009-7.el9 appstream 26 k
[00:00:57] perl-Opcode x86_64 1.48-481.el9 appstream 36 k
[00:00:57] perl-POSIX x86_64 1.94-481.el9 appstream 96 k
[00:00:57] perl-Package-Generator noarch 1.106-23.el9 appstream 24 k
[00:00:57] perl-Params-Check noarch 1:0.38-461.el9 appstream 23 k
[00:00:57] perl-Params-Util x86_64 1.102-5.el9 appstream 34 k
[00:00:57] perl-PathTools x86_64 3.78-461.el9 appstream 88 k
[00:00:57] perl-Perl-OSType noarch 1.010-461.el9 appstream 24 k
[00:00:57] perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint noarch 0.09-4.el9 appstream 23 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Checker noarch 4:1.74-4.el9 appstream 33 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-460.el9 appstream 21 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Functions noarch 1.13-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Html noarch 1.25-481.el9 appstream 26 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.28.01-461.el9 appstream 87 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.42-4.el9 appstream 225 k
[00:00:57] perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:2.01-4.el9 appstream 41 k
[00:00:57] perl-Safe noarch 2.41-481.el9 appstream 25 k
[00:00:57] perl-Scalar-List-Utils x86_64 4:1.56-462.el9 appstream 71 k
[00:00:57] perl-Search-Dict noarch 1.07-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-SelectSaver noarch 1.02-481.el9 appstream 11 k
[00:00:57] perl-SelfLoader noarch 1.26-481.el9 appstream 21 k
[00:00:57] perl-Socket x86_64 4:2.031-4.el9 appstream 56 k
[00:00:57] perl-Software-License noarch 0.103014-12.el9 appstream 140 k
[00:00:57] perl-Storable x86_64 1:3.21-460.el9 appstream 96 k
[00:00:57] perl-Sub-Exporter noarch 0.987-27.el9 appstream 73 k
[00:00:57] perl-Sub-Install noarch 0.928-28.el9 appstream 23 k
[00:00:57] perl-Symbol noarch 1.08-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-Sys-Hostname x86_64 1.23-481.el9 appstream 17 k
[00:00:57] perl-Sys-Syslog x86_64 0.36-461.el9 appstream 48 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 5.01-461.el9 appstream 49 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.17-460.el9 appstream 23 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-Complete noarch 1.403-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-ReadLine noarch 1.17-481.el9 appstream 19 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-Size-Perl x86_64 0.031-12.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-Table noarch 0.015-8.el9 appstream 36 k
[00:00:57] perl-Test noarch 1.31-481.el9 appstream 28 k
[00:00:57] perl-Test-Harness noarch 1:3.42-461.el9 appstream 295 k
[00:00:57] perl-Test-Simple noarch 3:1.302183-4.el9 appstream 626 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-Abbrev noarch 1.02-481.el9 appstream 12 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-Balanced noarch 2.04-4.el9 appstream 48 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-Diff noarch 1.45-13.el9 appstream 42 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-Glob noarch 0.11-15.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.30-460.el9 appstream 17 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap noarch 2013.0523-460.el9 appstream 24 k
[00:00:57] perl-Text-Template noarch 1.59-5.el9 appstream 61 k
[00:00:57] perl-Thread noarch 3.05-481.el9 appstream 18 k
[00:00:57] perl-Thread-Queue noarch 3.14-460.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-Thread-Semaphore noarch 2.13-481.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-Tie noarch 4.6-481.el9 appstream 31 k
[00:00:57] perl-Tie-File noarch 1.06-481.el9 appstream 43 k
[00:00:57] perl-Tie-Memoize noarch 1.1-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-Tie-RefHash noarch 1.40-4.el9 appstream 24 k
[00:00:57] perl-Time noarch 1.03-481.el9 appstream 18 k
[00:00:57] perl-Time-HiRes x86_64 4:1.9764-462.el9 appstream 58 k
[00:00:57] perl-Time-Local noarch 2:1.300-7.el9 appstream 34 k
[00:00:57] perl-Time-Piece x86_64 1.3401-481.el9 appstream 40 k
[00:00:57] perl-URI noarch 5.09-3.el9 appstream 121 k
[00:00:57] perl-Unicode-Collate x86_64 1.29-4.el9 appstream 760 k
[00:00:57] perl-Unicode-Normalize x86_64 1.27-461.el9 appstream 91 k
[00:00:57] perl-Unicode-UCD noarch 0.75-481.el9 appstream 78 k
[00:00:57] perl-User-pwent noarch 1.03-481.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-autodie noarch 2.34-4.el9 appstream 97 k
[00:00:57] perl-autouse noarch 1.11-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-base noarch 2.27-481.el9 appstream 16 k
[00:00:57] perl-bignum noarch 0.51-460.el9 appstream 43 k
[00:00:57] perl-blib noarch 1.07-481.el9 appstream 12 k
[00:00:57] perl-constant noarch 1.33-461.el9 appstream 24 k
[00:00:57] perl-debugger noarch 1.56-481.el9 appstream 133 k
[00:00:57] perl-deprecate noarch 0.04-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-devel x86_64 4:5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 676 k
[00:00:57] perl-diagnostics noarch 1.37-481.el9 appstream 210 k
[00:00:57] perl-doc noarch 5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 4.6 M
[00:00:57] perl-encoding x86_64 4:3.00-462.el9 appstream 63 k
[00:00:57] perl-encoding-warnings noarch 0.13-481.el9 appstream 16 k
[00:00:57] perl-experimental noarch 0.022-6.el9 appstream 22 k
[00:00:57] perl-fields noarch 2.27-481.el9 appstream 16 k
[00:00:57] perl-filetest noarch 1.03-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-if noarch 0.60.800-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-inc-latest noarch 2:0.500-20.el9 appstream 25 k
[00:00:57] perl-interpreter x86_64 4:5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 71 k
[00:00:57] perl-less noarch 0.03-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-lib x86_64 0.65-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-libnet noarch 3.13-4.el9 appstream 130 k
[00:00:57] perl-libnetcfg noarch 4:5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 16 k
[00:00:57] perl-libs x86_64 4:5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 2.2 M
[00:00:57] perl-local-lib noarch 2.000024-13.el9 appstream 68 k
[00:00:57] perl-locale noarch 1.09-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-macros noarch 4:5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 10 k
[00:00:57] perl-meta-notation noarch 5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 9.3 k
[00:00:57] perl-mro x86_64 1.23-481.el9 appstream 28 k
[00:00:57] perl-open noarch 1.12-481.el9 appstream 16 k
[00:00:57] perl-overload noarch 1.31-481.el9 appstream 45 k
[00:00:57] perl-overloading noarch 0.02-481.el9 appstream 12 k
[00:00:57] perl-parent noarch 1:0.238-460.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-perlfaq noarch 5.20201107-4.el9 appstream 375 k
[00:00:57] perl-ph x86_64 5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 44 k
[00:00:57] perl-podlators noarch 1:4.14-460.el9 appstream 114 k
[00:00:57] perl-sigtrap noarch 1.09-481.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-sort noarch 2.04-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-srpm-macros noarch 1-41.el9 appstream 9.1 k
[00:00:57] perl-subs noarch 1.03-481.el9 appstream 11 k
[00:00:57] perl-threads x86_64 1:2.25-460.el9 appstream 58 k
[00:00:57] perl-threads-shared x86_64 1.61-460.el9 appstream 45 k
[00:00:57] perl-utils noarch 5.32.1-481.el9 appstream 55 k
[00:00:57] perl-vars noarch 1.05-481.el9 appstream 13 k
[00:00:57] perl-version x86_64 7:0.99.28-4.el9 appstream 63 k
[00:00:57] perl-vmsish noarch 1.04-481.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] pkgconf x86_64 1.7.3-10.el9 baseos 41 k
[00:00:57] pkgconf-m4 noarch 1.7.3-10.el9 baseos 15 k
[00:00:57] pkgconf-pkg-config x86_64 1.7.3-10.el9 baseos 11 k
[00:00:57] pyproject-srpm-macros noarch 1.12.0-1.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] python-srpm-macros noarch 3.9-54.el9 appstream 18 k
[00:00:57] python3-dateutil noarch 1:2.8.1-7.el9 baseos 288 k
[00:00:57] python3-dbus x86_64 1.2.18-2.el9 baseos 144 k
[00:00:57] python3-dnf-plugins-core noarch 4.3.0-16.el9 baseos 264 k
[00:00:57] python3-pyparsing noarch 2.4.7-9.el9 baseos 150 k
[00:00:57] python3-six noarch 1.15.0-9.el9 baseos 37 k
[00:00:57] python3-systemd x86_64 234-19.el9 baseos 89 k
[00:00:57] qt5-srpm-macros noarch 5.15.9-1.el9 appstream 8.8 k
[00:00:57] redhat-rpm-config noarch 208-1.el9 appstream 71 k
[00:00:57] rust-srpm-macros noarch 17-4.el9 appstream 10 k
[00:00:57] sombok x86_64 2.4.0-16.el9 appstream 48 k
[00:00:57] systemtap-sdt-devel x86_64 5.1-4.el9 appstream 75 k
[00:00:57] unzip x86_64 6.0-57.el9 baseos 182 k
[00:00:57] xz x86_64 5.2.5-8.el9 baseos 226 k
[00:00:57] zip x86_64 3.0-35.el9 baseos 266 k
[00:00:57] zstd x86_64 1.5.1-2.el9 baseos 548 k
[00:00:57] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:00:57] perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo noarch 0.12-23.el9 appstream 15 k
[00:00:57] perl-Encode-Locale noarch 1.05-21.el9 appstream 20 k
[00:00:57] perl-Term-Size-Any noarch 0.002-35.el9 appstream 14 k
[00:00:57] perl-TermReadKey x86_64 2.38-11.el9 appstream 37 k
[00:00:57] perl-Unicode-LineBreak x86_64 2019.001-11.el9 appstream 125 k
[00:00:57] Transaction Summary
[00:00:57] ================================================================================
[00:00:57] Install 300 Packages
[00:00:57] Total download size: 128 M
[00:00:57] Installed size: 406 M
[00:00:57] Downloading Packages:
[00:01:14] The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
[00:01:14] You can remove cached packages by executing 'yum clean packages'.
[00:01:14] Error: Error downloading packages:
[00:01:14] Status code: 503 for,http (IP:
[00:01:14] 1
[00:01:14] LBSERROR: Problem with PrepareForBuilding
[00:01:27] This build took about 1 minutes
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