Build Result for solidcharity/openpetra/openpetra-test-mysql/test
go to bottom of this page
[00:00:00] * Starting at 2025-03-14 00:22:35 GMT+0100
[00:00:00] * Preparing the machine...
[00:00:01] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (cd /var/lib/incus/containers/ || exit -1) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:01] 0
[00:00:01] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus stop l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com || echo 'container is not running') 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:02] Error: The instance is already stopped
[00:00:02] container is not running
[00:00:02] 0
[00:00:02] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ | grep 'l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com' || exit -1) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:02] l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com stopped no Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
[00:00:02] 0
[00:00:02] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus delete l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:05] 0
[00:00:05] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com 6 41 0) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:06] Creating l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:10] Retrieving image: Unpacking image: 100% (953.81MB/s)
[00:00:10] Retrieving image: Unpacking image: 100% (953.81MB/s)
[00:00:10] The instance you are starting doesn't have any network attached to it.
[00:00:10] To create a new network, use: incus network create
[00:00:10] To attach a network to an instance, use: incus network attach
[00:00:11] Host not found in /root/.ssh/known_hosts
[00:00:11] /root
[00:00:21] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:00:27] Fedora 41 - x86_64 100% | 6.4 MiB/s | 35.2 MiB | 00m05s
[00:00:28] Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates 100% | 8.6 MiB/s | 11.6 MiB | 00m01s
[00:00:29] Fedora 41 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_ 100% | 4.5 KiB/s | 4.8 KiB | 00m01s
[00:00:35] Repositories loaded.
[00:00:38] Total size of inbound packages is 533 KiB. Need to download 533 KiB.
[00:00:38] After this operation, 1 MiB extra will be used (install 1 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:00:38] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:00:38] Installing:
[00:00:38] openssh-server x86_64 9.9p1-3.fc41 updates 1.4 MiB
[00:00:38] Transaction Summary:
[00:00:38] Installing: 1 package
[00:00:38] [1/1] openssh-server-0:9.9p1-3.fc41.x86 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 533.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:38] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:38] [1/1] Total 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 533.4 KiB | 00m01s
[00:00:38] Running transaction
[00:00:38] [1/3] Verify package files 100% | 500.0 B/s | 1.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:38] [2/3] Prepare transaction 100% | 8.0 B/s | 1.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:39] [3/3] Installing openssh-server-0:9.9p1 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:39] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: openssh-server-0:9.9p1-3.fc41.x86_64
[00:00:39] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: openssh-server-0:9.9p1-3.fc41.x86_64
[00:00:39] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:00:39] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' →
[00:00:39] >>>
[00:00:39] Complete!
[00:00:39] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:00:39] Repositories loaded.
[00:00:40] Package "glibc-all-langpacks-2.40-22.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:00:40] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:00:40] Installing:
[00:00:40] glibc-locale-source x86_64 2.40-22.fc41 updates 15.0 MiB
[00:00:40] Transaction Summary:
[00:00:40] Installing: 1 package
[00:00:40] Total size of inbound packages is 4 MiB. Need to download 4 MiB.
[00:00:40] After this operation, 15 MiB extra will be used (install 15 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:00:40] [1/1] glibc-locale-source-0:2.40-22.fc4 100% | 16.4 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:40] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:40] [1/1] Total 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m01s
[00:00:40] Running transaction
[00:00:41] [1/3] Verify package files 100% | 62.0 B/s | 1.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:41] [2/3] Prepare transaction 100% | 38.0 B/s | 1.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:41] [3/3] Installing glibc-locale-source-0: 100% | 94.7 MiB/s | 15.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:41] Complete!
[00:00:41] passwd: password changed.
[00:00:41] To setup port forwarding from outside, please run:
[00:00:41] ./ 6 22
[00:00:41] ./ 6
[00:00:41] To start the container, run: incus start l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:41] To connect to the container locally, run: eval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add; ssh root@
[00:00:43] 0
[00:00:43] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ 6 22) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:43] outward interface: eth0
[00:00:43] outward IP address:
[00:00:43] bridge interface: incusbr0
[00:00:43] bridge address:
[00:00:43] guestip:
[00:00:43] there is already a mapping for port 2006
[00:00:43] 0
[00:00:43] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (mkdir -p /var/lib/incus/containers/l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com/rootfs/root/.ssh/) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:44] 0
[00:00:44] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod 700 /var/lib/incus/containers/l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com/rootfs/root/.ssh/ && chmod 600 /var/lib/incus/containers/l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com/rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:44] 0
[00:00:44] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/solidcharity/openpetra/fedora/41 l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com /root/repo) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:45] chown: warning: '.' should be ':': '100000.100000'
[00:00:45] Device root_repo added to l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:45] 0
[00:00:45] now running: rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2222" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/solidcharity/openpetra/fedora/41
[00:00:45] sending incremental file list
[00:00:45] 41/
[00:00:45] sent 87 bytes received 20 bytes 71.33 bytes/sec
[00:00:45] total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
[00:00:45] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod a+w -R /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/solidcharity/openpetra/fedora/41) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:46] 0
[00:00:46] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (/usr/share/incus-scripts/ /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/solidcharity/openpetra l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com /root/tarball) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:46] chown: warning: '.' should be ':': '100000.100000'
[00:00:46] Device root_tarball added to l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com
[00:00:46] 0
[00:00:46] now running: rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2222" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/solidcharity/openpetra
[00:00:47] sending incremental file list
[00:00:47] openpetra/
[00:00:47] sent 756 bytes received 80 bytes 1,672.00 bytes/sec
[00:00:47] total size is 226,675,825 speedup is 271,143.33
[00:00:47] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod a+w -R /mnt/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/solidcharity/openpetra) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:47] 0
[00:00:47] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus start l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:48] 0
[00:00:48] now running: ssh-keygen -f "/home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/.ssh/known_hosts" -R []:2006
[00:00:48] # Host []:2006 found: line 30
[00:00:48] # Host []:2006 found: line 31
[00:00:48] # Host []:2006 found: line 32
[00:00:48] /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/.ssh/known_hosts updated.
[00:00:48] Original contents retained as /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/.ssh/known_hosts.old
[00:00:48] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -p 2222 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ "export LC_ALL=C; (incus exec l006-build01incus-solidcharity-com -- /bin/bash -c 'dhclient eth0') 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:48] /bin/bash: line 1: dhclient: command not found
[00:00:48] Error: Command not found
[00:00:48] 127
[00:00:48] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (echo "container is running") 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:49] ssh: connect to host port 2006: Connection refused
[00:00:50] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (echo "container is running") 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:50] Warning: Permanently added '[]:2006' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
[00:00:50] container is running
[00:00:50] 0
[00:00:50] container has been started successfully
[00:00:50] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:51] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:00:52] Repositories loaded.
[00:00:52] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:00:52] Installing:
[00:00:52] dnf-plugins-core noarch 4.10.0-1.fc41 updates 22.7 KiB
[00:00:52] Installing dependencies:
[00:00:52] dbus-libs x86_64 1:1.14.10-4.fc41 fedora 368.9 KiB
[00:00:52] dnf-data noarch 4.22.0-2.fc41 updates 38.6 KiB
[00:00:52] duktape x86_64 2.7.0-8.fc41 fedora 616.2 KiB
[00:00:52] gnupg2 x86_64 2.4.5-3.fc41 fedora 9.5 MiB
[00:00:52] hiredis x86_64 1.2.0-3.fc41 fedora 110.1 KiB
[00:00:52] ima-evm-utils-libs x86_64 1.6.2-2.fc41 fedora 60.8 KiB
[00:00:52] libassuan x86_64 2.5.7-2.fc41 fedora 163.8 KiB
[00:00:52] libb2 x86_64 0.98.1-12.fc41 fedora 42.2 KiB
[00:00:52] libcomps x86_64 0.1.21-4.fc41 updates 206.2 KiB
[00:00:52] libdnf x86_64 0.73.4-2.fc41 updates 2.1 MiB
[00:00:52] libfsverity x86_64 1.6-1.fc41 fedora 32.6 KiB
[00:00:52] libgcrypt x86_64 1.11.0-3.fc41 fedora 1.5 MiB
[00:00:52] libgpg-error x86_64 1.50-2.fc41 fedora 889.5 KiB
[00:00:52] libksba x86_64 1.6.7-2.fc41 fedora 398.4 KiB
[00:00:52] libsecret x86_64 0.21.4-3.fc41 fedora 563.4 KiB
[00:00:52] libusb1 x86_64 1.0.27-9.fc41 updates 170.3 KiB
[00:00:52] mpdecimal x86_64 2.5.1-16.fc41 fedora 204.9 KiB
[00:00:52] npth x86_64 1.7-2.fc41 fedora 49.6 KiB
[00:00:52] pcsc-lite x86_64 2.3.0-1.fc41 fedora 220.1 KiB
[00:00:52] pcsc-lite-libs x86_64 2.3.0-1.fc41 fedora 68.0 KiB
[00:00:52] polkit x86_64 125-1.fc41.1 updates 479.6 KiB
[00:00:52] polkit-libs x86_64 125-1.fc41.1 updates 208.0 KiB
[00:00:52] protobuf-c x86_64 1.5.0-4.fc41 fedora 54.0 KiB
[00:00:52] python-pip-wheel noarch 24.2-1.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:00:52] python3 x86_64 3.13.2-1.fc41 updates 31.8 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-dateutil noarch 1:2.8.2-16.fc41 fedora 879.2 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-dbus x86_64 1.3.2-8.fc41 fedora 520.7 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-distro noarch 1.9.0-5.fc41 fedora 198.7 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-dnf noarch 4.22.0-2.fc41 updates 2.6 MiB
[00:00:52] python3-dnf-plugins-core noarch 4.10.0-1.fc41 updates 1.2 MiB
[00:00:52] python3-hawkey x86_64 0.73.4-2.fc41 updates 297.4 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-libcomps x86_64 0.1.21-4.fc41 updates 140.8 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-libdnf x86_64 0.73.4-2.fc41 updates 3.8 MiB
[00:00:52] python3-libs x86_64 3.13.2-1.fc41 updates 40.4 MiB
[00:00:52] python3-rpm x86_64 4.20.0-1.fc41 fedora 175.3 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-six noarch 1.16.0-23.fc41 fedora 118.3 KiB
[00:00:52] python3-systemd x86_64 235-11.fc41 fedora 356.5 KiB
[00:00:52] rpm-sign-libs x86_64 4.20.0-1.fc41 fedora 39.4 KiB
[00:00:52] unbound-libs x86_64 1.22.0-14.fc41 updates 1.4 MiB
[00:00:52] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:00:52] gnupg2-smime x86_64 2.4.5-3.fc41 fedora 577.9 KiB
[00:00:52] pcsc-lite-ccid x86_64 1.6.1-2.fc41 fedora 404.2 KiB
[00:00:52] pinentry x86_64 1.3.1-2.fc41 fedora 258.0 KiB
[00:00:52] polkit-pkla-compat x86_64 0.1-29.fc41 fedora 93.8 KiB
[00:00:52] python-unversioned-command noarch 3.13.2-1.fc41 updates 23.0 B
[00:00:52] python3-unbound x86_64 1.22.0-14.fc41 updates 522.9 KiB
[00:00:52] rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit x86_64 4.20.0-1.fc41 fedora 16.3 KiB
[00:00:52] unbound-anchor x86_64 1.22.0-14.fc41 updates 57.5 KiB
[00:00:52] Transaction Summary:
[00:00:52] Installing: 48 packages
[00:00:52] Total size of inbound packages is 20 MiB. Need to download 20 MiB.
[00:00:52] After this operation, 73 MiB extra will be used (install 73 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:00:53] [ 1/48] dnf-plugins-core-0:4.10.0-1.fc4 100% | 499.4 KiB/s | 38.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 2/48] python3-dbus-0:1.3.2-8.fc41.x86 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 157.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 3/48] python3-dnf-plugins-core-0:4.10 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 314.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 4/48] python3-dateutil-1:2.8.2-16.fc4 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 359.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 5/48] python3-distro-0:1.9.0-5.fc41.n 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 46.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 6/48] python3-systemd-0:235-11.fc41.x 100% | 5.0 MiB/s | 106.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 7/48] 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 41.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 8/48] dbus-libs-1:1.14.10-4.fc41.x86_ 100% | 8.0 MiB/s | 155.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [ 9/48] python3-0:3.13.2-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 28.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [10/48] libb2-0:0.98.1-12.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 25.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [11/48] mpdecimal-0:2.5.1-16.fc41.x86_6 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 89.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [12/48] python-pip-wheel-0:24.2-1.fc41. 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [13/48] python3-dnf-0:4.22.0-2.fc41.noa 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 627.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [14/48] dnf-data-0:4.22.0-2.fc41.noarch 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 40.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [15/48] python3-rpm-0:4.20.0-1.fc41.x86 100% | 2.7 MiB/s | 69.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [16/48] rpm-sign-libs-0:4.20.0-1.fc41.x 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 26.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [17/48] ima-evm-utils-libs-0:1.6.2-2.fc 100% | 670.5 KiB/s | 29.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [18/48] libfsverity-0:1.6-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 376.2 KiB/s | 18.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [19/48] libassuan-0:2.5.7-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 67.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [20/48] gnupg2-0:2.4.5-3.fc41.x86_64 100% | 12.3 MiB/s | 2.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [21/48] libgpg-error-0:1.50-2.fc41.x86_ 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 237.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:53] [22/48] libgcrypt-0:1.11.0-3.fc41.x86_6 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 578.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [23/48] libksba-0:1.6.7-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 159.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [24/48] npth-0:1.7-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 680.1 KiB/s | 25.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [25/48] python3-hawkey-0:0.73.4-2.fc41. 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 96.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [26/48] python3-libdnf-0:0.73.4-2.fc41. 100% | 6.3 MiB/s | 779.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [27/48] libdnf-0:0.73.4-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 671.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [28/48] python3-libcomps-0:0.1.21-4.fc4 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 45.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [29/48] libcomps-0:0.1.21-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 73.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [30/48] python3-libs-0:3.13.2-1.fc41.x8 100% | 12.5 MiB/s | 9.1 MiB | 00m01s
[00:00:54] [31/48] python-unversioned-command-0:3. 100% | 236.5 KiB/s | 11.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [32/48] python3-unbound-0:1.22.0-14.fc4 100% | 2.7 MiB/s | 117.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [33/48] hiredis-0:1.2.0-3.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 49.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [34/48] protobuf-c-0:1.5.0-4.fc41.x86_6 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 32.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [35/48] unbound-libs-0:1.22.0-14.fc41.x 100% | 11.5 MiB/s | 554.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [36/48] rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit-0:4. 100% | 656.4 KiB/s | 20.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [37/48] pinentry-0:1.3.1-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 111.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [38/48] libsecret-0:0.21.4-3.fc41.x86_6 100% | 7.8 MiB/s | 191.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [39/48] pcsc-lite-ccid-0:1.6.1-2.fc41.x 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 125.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [40/48] pcsc-lite-0:2.3.0-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 96.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [41/48] libusb1-0:1.0.27-9.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 76.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [42/48] polkit-0:125-1.fc41.1.x86_64 100% | 4.9 MiB/s | 160.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [43/48] polkit-libs-0:125-1.fc41.1.x86_ 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 68.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [44/48] pcsc-lite-libs-0:2.3.0-1.fc41.x 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 32.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [45/48] duktape-0:2.7.0-8.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 169.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [46/48] unbound-anchor-0:1.22.0-14.fc41 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 37.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [47/48] polkit-pkla-compat-0:0.1-29.fc4 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 44.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [48/48] gnupg2-smime-0:2.4.5-3.fc41.x86 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 259.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:54] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:00:54] [48/48] Total 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 19.9 MiB | 00m02s
[00:00:54] Running transaction
[00:00:54] [ 1/50] Verify package files 100% | 592.0 B/s | 48.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:54] [ 2/50] Prepare transaction 100% | 640.0 B/s | 48.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 3/50] Installing libgpg-error-0:1.50- 100% | 51.4 MiB/s | 895.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 4/50] Installing libassuan-0:2.5.7-2. 100% | 23.1 MiB/s | 165.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 5/50] Installing polkit-libs-0:125-1. 100% | 29.2 MiB/s | 209.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 6/50] Installing libgcrypt-0:1.11.0-3 100% | 140.2 MiB/s | 1.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 7/50] Installing libksba-0:1.6.7-2.fc 100% | 78.3 MiB/s | 401.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 8/50] Installing protobuf-c-0:1.5.0-4 100% | 10.8 MiB/s | 55.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [ 9/50] Installing hiredis-0:1.2.0-3.fc 100% | 18.2 MiB/s | 111.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [10/50] Installing libdnf-0:0.73.4-2.fc 100% | 150.2 MiB/s | 2.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [11/50] Installing npth-0:1.7-2.fc41.x8 100% | 9.9 MiB/s | 50.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [12/50] Installing gnupg2-0:2.4.5-3.fc4 100% | 176.7 MiB/s | 9.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [13/50] Installing dbus-libs-1:1.14.10- 100% | 51.6 MiB/s | 370.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [14/50] Installing pcsc-lite-libs-0:2.3 100% | 13.6 MiB/s | 69.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [15/50] Installing duktape-0:2.7.0-8.fc 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 618.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [16/50] Installing polkit-0:125-1.fc41. 100% | 8.0 MiB/s | 489.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [17/50] Installing libusb1-0:1.0.27-9.f 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 171.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [18/50] Installing libsecret-0:0.21.4-3 100% | 28.1 MiB/s | 575.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [19/50] Installing libcomps-0:0.1.21-4. 100% | 16.9 MiB/s | 207.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [20/50] Installing libfsverity-0:1.6-1. 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 33.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [21/50] Installing ima-evm-utils-libs-0 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 62.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [22/50] Installing rpm-sign-libs-0:4.20 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 40.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [23/50] Installing dnf-data-0:4.22.0-2. 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 40.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [24/50] Installing python-pip-wheel-0:2 100% | 73.0 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [25/50] Installing mpdecimal-0:2.5.1-16 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 206.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [26/50] Installing libb2-0:0.98.1-12.fc 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 43.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [27/50] Installing python3-libs-0:3.13. 100% | 97.8 MiB/s | 40.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [28/50] Installing python3-0:3.13.2-1.f 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 33.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:55] [29/50] Installing python3-libdnf-0:0.7 100% | 118.0 MiB/s | 3.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [30/50] Installing python3-hawkey-0:0.7 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 300.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [31/50] Installing unbound-libs-0:1.22. 100% | 89.5 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [32/50] Installing python3-dbus-0:1.3.2 100% | 34.8 MiB/s | 533.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [33/50] Installing python3-distro-0:1.9 100% | 24.8 MiB/s | 203.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [34/50] Installing python3-systemd-0:23 100% | 23.8 MiB/s | 365.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [35/50] Installing python3-six-0:1.16.0 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 120.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [36/50] Installing python3-dateutil-1:2 100% | 54.5 MiB/s | 892.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [37/50] Installing python3-rpm-0:4.20.0 100% | 21.8 MiB/s | 178.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [38/50] Installing python3-libcomps-0:0 100% | 17.5 MiB/s | 143.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [39/50] Installing python3-dnf-0:4.22.0 100% | 72.3 MiB/s | 2.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [40/50] Installing python3-dnf-plugins- 100% | 93.4 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [41/50] Installing pcsc-lite-ccid-0:1.6 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 407.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [42/50] Installing pcsc-lite-0:2.3.0-1. 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 223.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: pcsc-lite-0:2.3.0-1.fc41.x86_64
[00:00:56] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: pcsc-lite-0:2.3.0-1.fc41.x86_64
[00:00:56] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:00:56] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' -> '
[00:00:56] >>>
[00:00:56] [43/50] Installing dnf-plugins-core-0:4 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 25.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [44/50] Installing python3-unbound-0:1. 100% | 57.3 MiB/s | 528.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [45/50] Installing unbound-anchor-0:1.2 100% | 919.9 KiB/s | 58.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: unbound-anchor-0:1.22.0-14.fc41.x86_64
[00:00:56] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: unbound-anchor-0:1.22.0-14.fc41.x86_64
[00:00:56] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:00:56] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/
[00:00:56] >>>
[00:00:56] [46/50] Installing python-unversioned-c 100% | 59.2 KiB/s | 424.0 B | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [47/50] Installing pinentry-0:1.3.1-2.f 100% | 31.8 MiB/s | 260.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [48/50] Installing polkit-pkla-compat-0 100% | 12.0 MiB/s | 98.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:56] [49/50] Installing rpm-plugin-systemd-i 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 17.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:00:57] [50/50] Installing gnupg2-smime-0:2.4.5 100% | 689.5 KiB/s | 579.1 KiB | 00m01s
[00:00:57] Complete!
[00:00:57] 0
[00:00:57] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (dnf config-manager --set-disabled updates-testing) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:57] Unknown argument "--set-disabled" for command "config-manager". Add "--help" for more information about the arguments.
[00:00:57] 2
[00:00:57] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (dnf -y install tar createrepo gcc rpm-build rpm-sign gnupg make curl iptables rsync perl iproute 'dnf-command(config-manager)') 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:00:58] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:00:58] Repositories loaded.
[00:00:59] Package "tar-2:1.35-4.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:00:59] Package "gnupg2-2.4.5-3.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:00:59] Package "curl-8.9.1-3.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:00:59] Package "iproute-6.10.0-1.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:00:59] Package "dnf-plugins-core-4.10.0-1.fc41.noarch" is already installed.
[00:00:59] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:00:59] Installing:
[00:00:59] createrepo_c x86_64 1.2.0-2.fc41 updates 197.8 KiB
[00:00:59] gcc x86_64 14.2.1-7.fc41 updates 103.4 MiB
[00:00:59] iptables-legacy x86_64 1.8.10-15.fc41 fedora 99.9 KiB
[00:00:59] make x86_64 1:4.4.1-8.fc41 fedora 1.8 MiB
[00:00:59] perl x86_64 4:5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 0.0 B
[00:00:59] rpm-build x86_64 4.20.0-1.fc41 fedora 194.3 KiB
[00:00:59] rpm-sign x86_64 4.20.0-1.fc41 fedora 22.5 KiB
[00:00:59] rsync x86_64 3.4.1-1.fc41 updates 770.1 KiB
[00:00:59] Installing dependencies:
[00:00:59] add-determinism x86_64 0.3.6-3.fc41 updates 2.4 MiB
[00:00:59] annobin-docs noarch 12.69-1.fc41 fedora 97.7 KiB
[00:00:59] annobin-plugin-gcc x86_64 12.69-1.fc41 fedora 985.0 KiB
[00:00:59] ansible-srpm-macros noarch 1-16.fc41 fedora 35.7 KiB
[00:00:59] binutils x86_64 2.43.1-5.fc41 updates 27.4 MiB
[00:00:59] build-reproducibility-srpm-macros noarch 0.3.6-3.fc41 updates 735.0 B
[00:00:59] cpp x86_64 14.2.1-7.fc41 updates 34.5 MiB
[00:00:59] createrepo_c-libs x86_64 1.2.0-2.fc41 updates 274.5 KiB
[00:00:59] debugedit x86_64 5.1-4.fc41 updates 197.7 KiB
[00:00:59] drpm x86_64 0.5.2-6.fc41 fedora 131.6 KiB
[00:00:59] dwz x86_64 0.15-8.fc41 fedora 298.9 KiB
[00:00:59] ed x86_64 1.20.2-2.fc41 fedora 146.9 KiB
[00:00:59] efi-srpm-macros noarch 5-13.fc41 updates 40.2 KiB
[00:00:59] elfutils x86_64 0.192-9.fc41 updates 2.7 MiB
[00:00:59] elfutils-debuginfod-client x86_64 0.192-9.fc41 updates 84.2 KiB
[00:00:59] fonts-srpm-macros noarch 1:2.0.5-17.fc41 fedora 55.8 KiB
[00:00:59] forge-srpm-macros noarch 0.4.0-1.fc41 updates 38.9 KiB
[00:00:59] fpc-srpm-macros noarch 1.3-13.fc41 fedora 144.0 B
[00:00:59] gcc-c++ x86_64 14.2.1-7.fc41 updates 37.7 MiB
[00:00:59] gcc-plugin-annobin x86_64 14.2.1-7.fc41 updates 59.6 KiB
[00:00:59] gdb-minimal x86_64 16.2-1.fc41 updates 13.3 MiB
[00:00:59] ghc-srpm-macros noarch 1.9.1-2.fc41 fedora 747.0 B
[00:00:59] glibc-devel x86_64 2.40-22.fc41 updates 2.3 MiB
[00:00:59] glibc-gconv-extra x86_64 2.40-22.fc41 updates 7.9 MiB
[00:00:59] gnat-srpm-macros noarch 6-6.fc41 fedora 1.0 KiB
[00:00:59] go-srpm-macros noarch 3.6.0-5.fc41 updates 60.8 KiB
[00:00:59] groff-base x86_64 1.23.0-7.fc41 fedora 3.8 MiB
[00:00:59] iptables-legacy-libs x86_64 1.8.10-15.fc41 fedora 90.4 KiB
[00:00:59] jansson x86_64 2.13.1-10.fc41 fedora 88.3 KiB
[00:00:59] kernel-headers x86_64 6.13.3-200.fc41 updates 6.5 MiB
[00:00:59] kernel-srpm-macros noarch 1.0-24.fc41 fedora 1.9 KiB
[00:00:59] libdatrie x86_64 0.2.13-10.fc41 fedora 57.9 KiB
[00:00:59] libdb x86_64 5.3.28-63.fc41 fedora 1.8 MiB
[00:00:59] libmpc x86_64 1.3.1-6.fc41 fedora 164.7 KiB
[00:00:59] libstdc++-devel x86_64 14.2.1-7.fc41 updates 15.4 MiB
[00:00:59] libthai x86_64 0.1.29-9.fc41 fedora 783.5 KiB
[00:00:59] libxcrypt-devel x86_64 4.4.38-6.fc41 updates 30.8 KiB
[00:00:59] lua-srpm-macros noarch 1-14.fc41 fedora 1.3 KiB
[00:00:59] ncurses x86_64 6.5-2.20240629.fc41 fedora 627.3 KiB
[00:00:59] ocaml-srpm-macros noarch 10-3.fc41 fedora 1.9 KiB
[00:00:59] openblas-srpm-macros noarch 2-18.fc41 fedora 112.0 B
[00:00:59] package-notes-srpm-macros noarch 0.5-12.fc41 fedora 1.6 KiB
[00:00:59] patch x86_64 2.7.6-25.fc41 fedora 266.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Algorithm-Diff noarch 1.2010-12.fc41 fedora 107.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Archive-Tar noarch 3.02-512.fc41 fedora 154.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Archive-Zip noarch 1.68-15.fc41 fedora 291.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Attribute-Handlers noarch 1.03-514.fc41 updates 39.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-AutoLoader noarch 5.74-514.fc41 updates 20.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-AutoSplit noarch 5.74-514.fc41 updates 23.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-B x86_64 1.89-514.fc41 updates 498.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Benchmark noarch 1.25-514.fc41 updates 36.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-CPAN noarch 2.38-2.fc41 updates 1.9 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-CPAN-Meta noarch 2.150010-511.fc41 fedora 592.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements noarch 2.143-9.fc41 fedora 81.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML noarch 0.018-512.fc41 fedora 50.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Carp noarch 1.54-511.fc41 fedora 46.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Class-Struct noarch 0.68-514.fc41 updates 25.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Compress-Bzip2 x86_64 2.28-20.fc41 fedora 142.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 x86_64 2.212-512.fc41 fedora 69.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma x86_64 2.212-5.fc41 fedora 124.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib x86_64 2.212-512.fc41 fedora 162.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Config-Extensions noarch 0.03-514.fc41 updates 2.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Config-Perl-V noarch 0.36-512.fc41 fedora 25.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-DBM_Filter noarch 0.06-514.fc41 updates 28.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-DB_File x86_64 1.859-512.fc41 fedora 193.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Data-Dumper x86_64 2.189-512.fc41 fedora 111.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Data-OptList noarch 0.114-5.fc41 fedora 50.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Data-Section noarch 0.200008-6.fc41 fedora 42.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Devel-PPPort x86_64 3.72-512.fc41 fedora 892.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Devel-Peek x86_64 1.34-514.fc41 updates 47.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Devel-SelfStubber noarch 1.06-514.fc41 updates 6.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Devel-Size x86_64 0.84-3.fc41 fedora 45.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Digest noarch 1.20-511.fc41 fedora 35.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Digest-MD5 x86_64 2.59-5.fc41 fedora 59.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Digest-SHA x86_64 1:6.04-512.fc41 fedora 116.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-DirHandle noarch 1.05-514.fc41 updates 3.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Dumpvalue noarch 2.27-514.fc41 updates 19.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-DynaLoader x86_64 1.56-514.fc41 updates 32.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Encode x86_64 4:3.21-511.fc41 fedora 4.7 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-Encode-devel x86_64 4:3.21-511.fc41 fedora 99.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-English noarch 1.11-514.fc41 updates 6.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Env noarch 1.06-511.fc41 fedora 26.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Errno x86_64 1.38-514.fc41 updates 8.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Exporter noarch 5.78-511.fc41 fedora 54.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder noarch 1:0.280240-511.fc41 fedora 96.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-Command noarch 2:7.70-512.fc41 fedora 9.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-Constant noarch 0.25-514.fc41 updates 85.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-Embed noarch 1.35-514.fc41 updates 15.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-Install noarch 2.22-511.fc41 fedora 85.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-MM-Utils noarch 2:7.70-512.fc41 fedora 2.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker noarch 2:7.70-512.fc41 fedora 734.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-Manifest noarch 1:1.75-511.fc41 fedora 84.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl noarch 1.14-514.fc41 updates 8.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS noarch 1:3.51-511.fc41 fedora 399.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Fcntl x86_64 1.18-514.fc41 updates 49.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Basename noarch 2.86-514.fc41 updates 14.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Compare noarch 1.100.800-514.fc41 updates 5.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Copy noarch 2.41-514.fc41 updates 19.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-DosGlob x86_64 1.12-514.fc41 updates 24.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Fetch noarch 1.04-511.fc41 fedora 59.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Find noarch 1.44-514.fc41 updates 41.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-HomeDir noarch 1.006-13.fc41 fedora 119.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Path noarch 2.18-511.fc41 fedora 63.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Temp noarch 1:0.231.100-511.fc41 fedora 162.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-Which noarch 1.27-12.fc41 fedora 30.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-File-stat noarch 1.14-514.fc41 updates 12.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-FileCache noarch 1.10-514.fc41 updates 7.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-FileHandle noarch 2.05-514.fc41 updates 9.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Filter x86_64 2:1.64-512.fc41 fedora 165.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Filter-Simple noarch 0.96-511.fc41 fedora 50.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-FindBin noarch 1.54-514.fc41 updates 6.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-GDBM_File x86_64 1:1.24-514.fc41 updates 83.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Getopt-Long noarch 1:2.58-2.fc41 fedora 144.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Getopt-Std noarch 1.14-514.fc41 updates 11.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-HTTP-Tiny noarch 0.090-1.fc41 updates 154.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Hash-Util x86_64 0.32-514.fc41 updates 59.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash x86_64 1.27-514.fc41 updates 66.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-I18N-Collate noarch 1.02-514.fc41 updates 7.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-I18N-LangTags noarch 0.45-514.fc41 updates 82.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-I18N-Langinfo x86_64 0.24-514.fc41 updates 38.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IO x86_64 1.55-514.fc41 updates 151.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IO-Compress noarch 2.212-513.fc41 updates 1.0 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-IO-Compress-Lzma noarch 2.212-2.fc41 fedora 215.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IO-Socket-IP noarch 0.43-1.fc41 updates 100.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IO-Socket-SSL noarch 2.089-1.fc41 fedora 703.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IO-Zlib noarch 1:1.15-511.fc41 fedora 25.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IPC-Cmd noarch 2:1.04-512.fc41 fedora 84.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IPC-Open3 noarch 1.22-514.fc41 updates 22.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IPC-SysV x86_64 2.09-512.fc41 fedora 73.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-IPC-System-Simple noarch 1.30-14.fc41 fedora 71.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-JSON-PP noarch 1:4.16-512.fc41 fedora 141.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Locale-Maketext noarch 1.33-512.fc41 fedora 171.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple noarch 1:0.21-514.fc41 updates 12.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-MIME-Base32 noarch 1.303-21.fc41 fedora 30.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-MIME-Base64 x86_64 3.16-511.fc41 fedora 46.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-MIME-Charset noarch 1.013.1-6.fc41 fedora 104.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-MRO-Compat noarch 0.15-10.fc41 fedora 43.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Math-BigInt noarch 1:2.0030.03-3.fc41 fedora 957.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Math-BigInt-FastCalc x86_64 0.501.800-511.fc41 fedora 44.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Math-Complex noarch 1.62-514.fc41 updates 85.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Memoize noarch 1.16-514.fc41 updates 64.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Build noarch 2:0.42.34-7.fc41 fedora 654.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-CoreList noarch 1:5.20250220-1.fc41 updates 1.2 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-CoreList-tools noarch 1:5.20250220-1.fc41 updates 18.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Load noarch 1:0.36-511.fc41 fedora 14.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Load-Conditional noarch 0.74-511.fc41 fedora 28.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Loaded noarch 1:0.08-514.fc41 updates 5.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Metadata noarch 1.000038-511.fc41 fedora 67.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Signature noarch 0.89-1.fc41 fedora 139.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-NDBM_File x86_64 1.17-514.fc41 updates 32.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-NEXT noarch 0.69-514.fc41 updates 23.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Net noarch 1.04-514.fc41 updates 22.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Net-Ping noarch 2.76-511.fc41 fedora 134.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Net-SSLeay x86_64 1.94-7.fc41 fedora 1.3 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-ODBM_File x86_64 1.18-514.fc41 updates 32.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Opcode x86_64 1.65-514.fc41 updates 52.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-POSIX x86_64 2.20-514.fc41 updates 235.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Package-Generator noarch 1.106-32.fc41 fedora 29.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Params-Check noarch 1:0.38-511.fc41 fedora 27.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Params-Util x86_64 1.102-16.fc41 fedora 54.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-PathTools x86_64 3.91-512.fc41 updates 184.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Perl-OSType noarch 1.010-512.fc41 fedora 32.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint noarch 0.10-511.fc41 fedora 30.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Checker noarch 4:1.77-511.fc41 fedora 52.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Escapes noarch 1:1.07-511.fc41 fedora 24.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Functions noarch 1.14-514.fc41 updates 14.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Html noarch 1.35-514.fc41 updates 42.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Perldoc noarch 3.28.01-512.fc41 fedora 163.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Simple noarch 1:3.45-511.fc41 fedora 560.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Pod-Usage noarch 4:2.03-511.fc41 fedora 84.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Safe noarch 2.46-514.fc41 updates 30.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Scalar-List-Utils x86_64 5:1.68-1.fc41 updates 148.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Search-Dict noarch 1.07-514.fc41 updates 4.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-SelectSaver noarch 1.02-514.fc41 updates 2.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-SelfLoader noarch 1.27-514.fc41 updates 22.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Socket x86_64 4:2.038-511.fc41 fedora 124.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Software-License noarch 0.104006-2.fc41 fedora 502.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Storable x86_64 1:3.32-511.fc41 fedora 232.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Sub-Exporter noarch 0.991-4.fc41 fedora 194.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Sub-Install noarch 0.929-6.fc41 fedora 35.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Symbol noarch 1.09-514.fc41 updates 6.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Sys-Hostname x86_64 1.25-514.fc41 updates 19.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Sys-Syslog x86_64 0.36-512.fc41 fedora 94.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-ANSIColor noarch 5.01-512.fc41 fedora 97.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-Cap noarch 1.18-511.fc41 fedora 29.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-Complete noarch 1.403-514.fc41 updates 5.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-ReadLine noarch 1.17-514.fc41 updates 17.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-Size-Perl x86_64 0.031-20.fc41 fedora 25.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-Table noarch 0.022-2.fc41 updates 77.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Test noarch 1.31-514.fc41 updates 37.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Test-Harness noarch 1:3.50-1.fc41 fedora 559.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Test-Simple noarch 3:1.302204-1.fc41 fedora 1.7 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-Abbrev noarch 1.02-514.fc41 updates 3.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-Balanced noarch 2.06-511.fc41 fedora 111.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-Diff noarch 1.45-22.fc41 fedora 83.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-Glob noarch 0.11-24.fc41 fedora 8.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-ParseWords noarch 3.31-511.fc41 fedora 13.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap noarch 2024.001-511.fc41 fedora 22.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Text-Template noarch 1.61-6.fc41 fedora 112.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Thread noarch 3.05-514.fc41 updates 12.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Thread-Queue noarch 3.14-511.fc41 fedora 28.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Thread-Semaphore noarch 2.13-514.fc41 updates 10.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Tie noarch 4.6-514.fc41 updates 32.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Tie-File noarch 1.09-514.fc41 updates 85.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Tie-Memoize noarch 1.1-514.fc41 updates 6.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Tie-RefHash noarch 1.41-1.fc41 fedora 35.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Time noarch 1.04-514.fc41 updates 9.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Time-HiRes x86_64 4:1.9777-511.fc41 fedora 119.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Time-Local noarch 2:1.350-511.fc41 fedora 69.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Time-Piece x86_64 1.3401-514.fc41 updates 75.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-URI noarch 5.30-1.fc41 fedora 256.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Unicode-Collate x86_64 1.31-511.fc41 fedora 4.2 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-Unicode-Normalize x86_64 1.32-511.fc41 fedora 465.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Unicode-UCD noarch 0.78-514.fc41 updates 204.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-User-pwent noarch 1.05-514.fc41 updates 17.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-autodie noarch 2.37-512.fc41 fedora 214.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-autouse noarch 1.11-514.fc41 updates 5.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-base noarch 2.27-514.fc41 updates 12.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-bignum noarch 0.67-512.fc41 fedora 133.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-blib noarch 1.07-514.fc41 updates 3.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-constant noarch 1.33-512.fc41 fedora 26.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-debugger noarch 1.60-514.fc41 updates 402.2 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-deprecate noarch 0.04-514.fc41 updates 6.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-devel x86_64 4:5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 8.0 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-diagnostics noarch 1.40-514.fc41 updates 465.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-doc noarch 5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 11.0 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-encoding x86_64 4:3.00-511.fc41 fedora 149.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-encoding-warnings noarch 0.14-514.fc41 updates 10.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-experimental noarch 0.033-1.fc41 updates 42.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-fields noarch 2.27-514.fc41 updates 11.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-filetest noarch 1.03-514.fc41 updates 6.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-if noarch 0.61.000-514.fc41 updates 5.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-inc-latest noarch 2:0.500-29.fc41 fedora 34.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-interpreter x86_64 4:5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 122.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-less noarch 0.03-514.fc41 updates 4.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-lib x86_64 0.65-514.fc41 updates 8.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-libnet noarch 3.15-512.fc41 fedora 289.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-libnetcfg noarch 4:5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 16.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-libs x86_64 4:5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 9.8 MiB
[00:00:59] perl-local-lib noarch 2.000029-8.fc41 fedora 117.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-locale noarch 1.12-514.fc41 updates 6.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-macros noarch 4:5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 5.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-meta-notation noarch 5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 2.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-mro x86_64 1.29-514.fc41 updates 45.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-open noarch 1.13-514.fc41 updates 11.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-overload noarch 1.37-514.fc41 updates 71.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-overloading noarch 0.02-514.fc41 updates 4.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-parent noarch 1:0.242-1.fc41 fedora 10.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-perlfaq noarch 5.20240218-511.fc41 fedora 732.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-ph x86_64 5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 268.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-podlators noarch 1:6.0.2-2.fc41 fedora 317.5 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-sigtrap noarch 1.10-514.fc41 updates 11.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-sort noarch 2.05-514.fc41 updates 4.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-srpm-macros noarch 1-56.fc41 fedora 861.0 B
[00:00:59] perl-subs noarch 1.04-514.fc41 updates 2.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-threads x86_64 1:2.40-511.fc41 fedora 115.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-threads-shared x86_64 1.69-511.fc41 fedora 83.7 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-utils noarch 5.40.1-514.fc41 updates 96.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-vars noarch 1.05-514.fc41 updates 3.9 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-version x86_64 9:0.99.33-1.fc41 fedora 132.8 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-vmsish noarch 1.04-514.fc41 updates 6.5 KiB
[00:00:59] pyproject-srpm-macros noarch 1.17.0-1.fc41 updates 1.9 KiB
[00:00:59] python-srpm-macros noarch 3.13-3.fc41 fedora 51.0 KiB
[00:00:59] python3-pyparsing noarch 3.1.2-7.fc41 fedora 1.0 MiB
[00:00:59] qt5-srpm-macros noarch 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 500.0 B
[00:00:59] qt6-srpm-macros noarch 6.8.2-1.fc41 updates 456.0 B
[00:00:59] redhat-rpm-config noarch 293-1.fc41 fedora 183.5 KiB
[00:00:59] rust-srpm-macros noarch 26.3-3.fc41 fedora 4.8 KiB
[00:00:59] sombok x86_64 2.4.0-22.fc41 fedora 131.7 KiB
[00:00:59] systemd-rpm-macros noarch 256.12-1.fc41 updates 10.7 KiB
[00:00:59] systemtap-sdt-devel x86_64 5.2-1.fc41 updates 182.4 KiB
[00:00:59] systemtap-sdt-dtrace x86_64 5.2-1.fc41 updates 179.0 KiB
[00:00:59] unzip x86_64 6.0-64.fc41 fedora 386.8 KiB
[00:00:59] xxhash-libs x86_64 0.8.3-1.fc41 updates 88.5 KiB
[00:00:59] zig-srpm-macros noarch 1-3.fc41 fedora 1.1 KiB
[00:00:59] zip x86_64 3.0-41.fc41 fedora 703.2 KiB
[00:00:59] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:00:59] perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo noarch 0.12-31.fc41 fedora 10.6 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Encode-Locale noarch 1.05-30.fc41 fedora 19.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Pluggable noarch 2:5.2-29.fc41 fedora 53.3 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Module-Runtime noarch 0.016-23.fc41 fedora 30.4 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Term-Size-Any noarch 0.002-43.fc41 fedora 8.0 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-TermReadKey x86_64 2.38-23.fc41 fedora 64.1 KiB
[00:00:59] perl-Unicode-LineBreak x86_64 2019.001-22.fc41 fedora 264.6 KiB
[00:00:59] Transaction Summary:
[00:00:59] Installing: 291 packages
[00:00:59] Total size of inbound packages is 109 MiB. Need to download 109 MiB.
[00:00:59] After this operation, 336 MiB extra will be used (install 336 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:01:00] [ 1/291] rpm-build-0:4.20.0-1.fc41.x86 100% | 490.2 KiB/s | 82.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 2/291] rpm-sign-0:4.20.0-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 124.7 KiB/s | 22.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 3/291] patch-0:2.7.6-25.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 131.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 4/291] redhat-rpm-config-0:293-1.fc4 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 82.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 5/291] make-1:4.4.1-8.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 586.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 6/291] unzip-0:6.0-64.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 184.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 7/291] ed-0:1.20.2-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 81.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 8/291] ansible-srpm-macros-0:1-16.fc 100% | 432.8 KiB/s | 20.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 9/291] dwz-0:0.15-8.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 138.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 10/291] fpc-srpm-macros-0:1.3-13.fc41 100% | 346.2 KiB/s | 8.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 11/291] fonts-srpm-macros-1:2.0.5-17. 100% | 929.9 KiB/s | 27.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 12/291] ghc-srpm-macros-0:1.9.1-2.fc4 100% | 232.2 KiB/s | 9.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 13/291] gnat-srpm-macros-0:6-6.fc41.n 100% | 248.7 KiB/s | 9.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 14/291] kernel-srpm-macros-0:1.0-24.f 100% | 704.9 KiB/s | 9.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 15/291] lua-srpm-macros-0:1-14.fc41.n 100% | 522.3 KiB/s | 8.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 16/291] ocaml-srpm-macros-0:10-3.fc41 100% | 511.1 KiB/s | 9.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 17/291] openblas-srpm-macros-0:2-18.f 100% | 428.6 KiB/s | 7.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 18/291] package-notes-srpm-macros-0:0 100% | 427.4 KiB/s | 9.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 19/291] perl-srpm-macros-0:1-56.fc41. 100% | 340.5 KiB/s | 8.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 20/291] qt5-srpm-macros-0:5.15.15-1.f 100% | 593.2 KiB/s | 8.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 21/291] python-srpm-macros-0:3.13-3.f 100% | 948.9 KiB/s | 23.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 22/291] rust-srpm-macros-0:26.3-3.fc4 100% | 504.5 KiB/s | 12.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 23/291] 100% | 280.1 KiB/s | 8.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 24/291] createrepo_c-0:1.2.0-2.fc41.x 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 73.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:00] [ 25/291] zip-0:3.0-41.fc41.x86_64 100% | 7.6 MiB/s | 264.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:01] [ 26/291] libmpc-0:1.3.1-6.fc41.x86_64 100% | 112.3 KiB/s | 71.1 KiB | 00m01s
[00:01:01] [ 27/291] annobin-plugin-gcc-0:12.69-1. 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 971.0 KiB | 00m01s
[00:01:02] [ 28/291] annobin-docs-0:12.69-1.fc41.n 100% | 75.0 KiB/s | 91.8 KiB | 00m01s
[00:01:02] [ 29/291] gcc-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.x86_64 100% | 17.6 MiB/s | 36.1 MiB | 00m02s
[00:01:02] [ 30/291] cpp-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.x86_64 100% | 8.1 MiB/s | 11.5 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:02] [ 31/291] gcc-plugin-annobin-0:14.2.1-7 100% | 449.7 KiB/s | 58.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 32/291] iptables-legacy-0:1.8.10-15.f 100% | 904.1 KiB/s | 52.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 33/291] iptables-legacy-libs-0:1.8.10 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 38.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 34/291] rsync-0:3.4.1-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 417.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 35/291] perl-4:5.40.1-514.fc41.x86_64 100% | 752.4 KiB/s | 13.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 36/291] perl-Archive-Tar-0:3.02-512.f 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 70.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 37/291] perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-0 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 35.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 38/291] perl-CPAN-Meta-0:2.150010-511 100% | 5.3 MiB/s | 190.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 39/291] perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML-0:0.018-5 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 26.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 40/291] perl-Carp-0:1.54-511.fc41.noa 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 28.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 41/291] perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-0:2.2 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 35.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 42/291] perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-0:2.21 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 65.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 43/291] perl-Config-Perl-V-0:0.36-512 100% | 394.0 KiB/s | 21.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 44/291] perl-DB_File-0:1.859-512.fc41 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 81.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 45/291] perl-Data-Dumper-0:2.189-512. 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 56.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 46/291] perl-Devel-PPPort-0:3.72-512. 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 219.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 47/291] perl-Digest-0:1.20-511.fc41.n 100% | 518.8 KiB/s | 24.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 48/291] perl-Digest-MD5-0:2.59-5.fc41 100% | 750.2 KiB/s | 36.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 49/291] perl-Digest-SHA-1:6.04-512.fc 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 62.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 50/291] perl-Env-0:1.06-511.fc41.noar 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 19.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 51/291] perl-Exporter-0:5.78-511.fc41 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 30.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 52/291] perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder-1:0.28 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 50.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 53/291] perl-ExtUtils-Command-2:7.70- 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 14.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 54/291] perl-ExtUtils-Install-0:2.22- 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 43.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 55/291] perl-ExtUtils-MM-Utils-2:7.70 100% | 895.4 KiB/s | 11.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 56/291] perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-2:7.7 100% | 13.0 MiB/s | 292.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 57/291] perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1:1.75 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 34.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:02] [ 58/291] perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS-1:3.51- 100% | 6.3 MiB/s | 187.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 59/291] perl-File-Fetch-0:1.04-511.fc 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 30.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 60/291] perl-File-Path-0:2.18-511.fc4 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 35.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 61/291] perl-File-Temp-1:0.231.100-51 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 59.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 62/291] perl-Filter-2:1.64-512.fc41.x 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 86.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 63/291] perl-Filter-Simple-0:0.96-511 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 27.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 64/291] perl-Getopt-Long-1:2.58-2.fc4 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 63.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 65/291] perl-IO-Zlib-1:1.15-511.fc41. 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 19.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 66/291] perl-IPC-Cmd-2:1.04-512.fc41. 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 39.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 67/291] perl-IPC-SysV-0:2.09-512.fc41 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 41.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 68/291] perl-JSON-PP-1:4.16-512.fc41. 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 66.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 69/291] perl-Locale-Maketext-0:1.33-5 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 93.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 70/291] perl-MIME-Base64-0:3.16-511.f 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 29.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 71/291] perl-Math-BigInt-1:2.0030.03- 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 225.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 72/291] perl-Math-BigInt-FastCalc-0:0 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 28.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 73/291] perl-Module-Load-1:0.36-511.f 100% | 723.5 KiB/s | 17.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 74/291] perl-Module-Load-Conditional- 100% | 578.7 KiB/s | 22.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 75/291] perl-Module-Metadata-0:1.0000 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 35.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 76/291] perl-Net-Ping-0:2.76-511.fc41 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 49.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 77/291] perl-Params-Check-1:0.38-511. 100% | 702.7 KiB/s | 21.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 78/291] perl-Perl-OSType-0:1.010-512. 100% | 477.9 KiB/s | 22.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 79/291] perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint-0 100% | 434.6 KiB/s | 21.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 80/291] perl-Pod-Checker-4:1.77-511.f 100% | 814.7 KiB/s | 31.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 81/291] perl-Pod-Escapes-1:1.07-511.f 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 19.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 82/291] perl-Pod-Perldoc-0:3.28.01-51 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 86.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 83/291] perl-Pod-Simple-1:3.45-511.fc 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 219.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 84/291] perl-Pod-Usage-4:2.03-511.fc4 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 40.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 85/291] perl-Socket-4:2.038-511.fc41. 100% | 2.7 MiB/s | 54.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 86/291] perl-Storable-1:3.32-511.fc41 100% | 6.9 MiB/s | 98.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 87/291] perl-Sys-Syslog-0:0.36-512.fc 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 46.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 88/291] perl-Term-ANSIColor-0:5.01-51 100% | 2.7 MiB/s | 47.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 89/291] perl-Term-Cap-0:1.18-511.fc41 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 22.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 90/291] perl-Test-Harness-1:3.50-1.fc 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 277.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 91/291] perl-Test-Simple-3:1.302204-1 100% | 6.9 MiB/s | 863.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 92/291] perl-Text-Balanced-0:2.06-511 100% | 400.2 KiB/s | 48.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 93/291] perl-Text-ParseWords-0:3.31-5 100% | 276.3 KiB/s | 16.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 94/291] perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-0:2024.00 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 21.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 95/291] perl-Tie-RefHash-0:1.41-1.fc4 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 23.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 96/291] perl-Thread-Queue-0:3.14-511. 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 21.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 97/291] perl-Time-HiRes-4:1.9777-511. 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 57.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 98/291] perl-Time-Local-2:1.350-511.f 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 34.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [ 99/291] perl-Unicode-Collate-0:1.31-5 100% | 16.2 MiB/s | 645.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [100/291] perl-Unicode-Normalize-0:1.32 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 74.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [101/291] perl-autodie-0:2.37-512.fc41. 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 96.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [102/291] perl-bignum-0:0.67-512.fc41.n 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 48.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [103/291] perl-constant-0:1.33-512.fc41 100% | 885.8 KiB/s | 23.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [104/291] perl-encoding-4:3.00-511.fc41 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 63.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [105/291] perl-libnet-0:3.15-512.fc41.n 100% | 8.4 MiB/s | 128.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [106/291] 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 15.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [107/291] perl-perlfaq-0:5.20240218-511 100% | 5.7 MiB/s | 378.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [108/291] perl-podlators-1:6.0.2-2.fc41 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 128.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [109/291] perl-threads-1:2.40-511.fc41. 100% | 828.3 KiB/s | 58.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [110/291] perl-threads-shared-0:1.69-51 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 44.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [111/291] perl-version-9:0.99.33-1.fc41 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 63.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [112/291] perl-devel-4:5.40.1-514.fc41. 100% | 14.4 MiB/s | 764.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [113/291] perl-interpreter-4:5.40.1-514 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 72.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [114/291] perl-libs-4:5.40.1-514.fc41.x 100% | 16.9 MiB/s | 2.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [115/291] perl-IO-Compress-Lzma-0:2.212 100% | 731.4 KiB/s | 79.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [116/291] perl-Text-Diff-0:1.45-22.fc41 100% | 379.1 KiB/s | 40.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:03] [117/291] libdb-0:5.3.28-63.fc41.x86_64 100% | 16.5 MiB/s | 758.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [118/291] groff-base-0:1.23.0-7.fc41.x8 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:04] [119/291] gcc-c++-0:14.2.1-7.fc41.x86_6 100% | 20.3 MiB/s | 13.7 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:04] [120/291] ncurses-0:6.5-2.20240629.fc41 100% | 657.0 KiB/s | 423.8 KiB | 00m01s
[00:01:04] [121/291] perl-IPC-System-Simple-0:1.30 100% | 210.3 KiB/s | 38.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [122/291] perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma-0:2.21 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 51.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [123/291] perl-Algorithm-Diff-0:1.2010- 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 46.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [124/291] perl-ph-0:5.40.1-514.fc41.x86 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 48.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [125/291] perl-Errno-0:1.38-514.fc41.x8 100% | 987.0 KiB/s | 14.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [126/291] perl-utils-0:5.40.1-514.fc41. 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 52.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [127/291] perl-diagnostics-0:1.40-514.f 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 217.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [128/291] perl-Pod-Functions-0:1.14-514 100% | 725.7 KiB/s | 14.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [129/291] xxhash-libs-0:0.8.3-1.fc41.x8 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 35.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [130/291] perl-File-Basename-0:2.86-514 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 17.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [131/291] perl-Getopt-Std-0:1.14-514.fc 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 15.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [132/291] perl-PathTools-0:3.91-512.fc4 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 87.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [133/291] perl-vars-0:1.05-514.fc41.noa 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 12.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [134/291] perl-DynaLoader-0:1.56-514.fc 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 25.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [135/291] perl-Encode-4:3.21-511.fc41.x 100% | 18.8 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [136/291] libxcrypt-devel-0:4.4.38-6.fc 100% | 480.0 KiB/s | 29.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [137/291] perl-ExtUtils-Constant-0:0.25 100% | 792.0 KiB/s | 43.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [138/291] perl-File-Compare-0:1.100.800 100% | 423.1 KiB/s | 13.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [139/291] systemtap-sdt-devel-0:5.2-1.f 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 67.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [140/291] systemtap-sdt-dtrace-0:5.2-1. 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 68.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [141/291] python3-pyparsing-0:3.1.2-7.f 100% | 12.3 MiB/s | 277.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [142/291] perl-Scalar-List-Utils-5:1.68 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 74.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [143/291] perl-Attribute-Handlers-0:1.0 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 27.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [144/291] perl-AutoLoader-0:5.74-514.fc 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 21.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [145/291] perl-AutoSplit-0:5.74-514.fc4 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 21.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [146/291] perl-B-0:1.89-514.fc41.x86_64 100% | 10.1 MiB/s | 176.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [147/291] perl-Benchmark-0:1.25-514.fc4 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 26.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [148/291] perl-CPAN-0:2.38-2.fc41.noarc 100% | 16.3 MiB/s | 567.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [149/291] perl-Archive-Zip-0:1.68-15.fc 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 111.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [150/291] perl-Compress-Bzip2-0:2.28-20 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 67.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [151/291] perl-Devel-Size-0:0.84-3.fc41 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 30.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [152/291] perl-File-HomeDir-0:1.006-13. 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 59.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [153/291] perl-Module-Build-2:0.42.34-7 100% | 11.2 MiB/s | 251.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [154/291] perl-Module-Signature-0:0.89- 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 86.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [155/291] perl-Text-Glob-0:0.11-24.fc41 100% | 312.4 KiB/s | 13.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [156/291] perl-URI-0:5.30-1.fc41.noarch 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 140.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [157/291] perl-local-lib-0:2.000029-8.f 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 66.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [158/291] perl-File-Which-0:1.27-12.fc4 100% | 803.4 KiB/s | 21.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [159/291] perl-Software-License-0:0.104 100% | 5.5 MiB/s | 151.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [160/291] perl-inc-latest-2:0.500-29.fc 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 23.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [161/291] perl-MIME-Base32-0:1.303-21.f 100% | 445.0 KiB/s | 20.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [162/291] perl-Data-Section-0:0.200008- 100% | 555.5 KiB/s | 25.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [163/291] perl-Text-Template-0:1.61-6.f 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 59.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [164/291] perl-MRO-Compat-0:0.15-10.fc4 100% | 977.5 KiB/s | 25.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [165/291] perl-Sub-Exporter-0:0.991-4.f 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 77.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [166/291] perl-Data-OptList-0:0.114-5.f 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 26.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [167/291] perl-Package-Generator-0:1.10 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 22.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [168/291] perl-Params-Util-0:1.102-16.f 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 32.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [169/291] perl-Sub-Install-0:0.929-6.fc 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 22.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [170/291] perl-Class-Struct-0:0.68-514. 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 21.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [171/291] perl-Config-Extensions-0:0.03 100% | 932.3 KiB/s | 12.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [172/291] perl-DBM_Filter-0:0.06-514.fc 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 26.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [173/291] perl-Devel-SelfStubber-0:1.06 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 14.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [174/291] perl-Devel-Peek-0:1.34-514.fc 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 31.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [175/291] perl-DirHandle-0:1.05-514.fc4 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 12.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [176/291] perl-Dumpvalue-0:2.27-514.fc4 100% | 534.7 KiB/s | 18.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [177/291] perl-Encode-devel-4:3.21-511. 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 41.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [178/291] perl-English-0:1.11-514.fc41. 100% | 448.4 KiB/s | 13.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [179/291] perl-ExtUtils-Embed-0:1.35-51 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 17.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [180/291] perl-ExtUtils-Miniperl-0:1.14 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 14.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [181/291] perl-Fcntl-0:1.18-514.fc41.x8 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 29.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [182/291] perl-File-Copy-0:2.41-514.fc4 100% | 908.4 KiB/s | 20.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [183/291] perl-File-DosGlob-0:1.12-514. 100% | 751.8 KiB/s | 19.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [184/291] perl-File-stat-0:1.14-514.fc4 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 16.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [185/291] perl-File-Find-0:1.44-514.fc4 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 25.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [186/291] perl-FileCache-0:1.10-514.fc4 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 14.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [187/291] perl-FileHandle-0:2.05-514.fc 100% | 959.8 KiB/s | 15.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [188/291] perl-FindBin-0:1.54-514.fc41. 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 14.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [189/291] perl-GDBM_File-1:1.24-514.fc4 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 42.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [190/291] perl-HTTP-Tiny-0:0.090-1.fc41 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 56.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [191/291] perl-IO-Socket-SSL-0:2.089-1. 100% | 11.3 MiB/s | 231.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [192/291] perl-Net-SSLeay-0:1.94-7.fc41 100% | 14.1 MiB/s | 375.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [193/291] perl-Hash-Util-0:0.32-514.fc4 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 34.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [194/291] perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-0:1. 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 38.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [195/291] perl-I18N-Collate-0:1.02-514. 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 14.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [196/291] perl-I18N-LangTags-0:0.45-514 100% | 4.6 MiB/s | 52.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:04] [197/291] perl-I18N-Langinfo-0:0.24-514 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 25.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [198/291] perl-IO-0:1.55-514.fc41.x86_6 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 81.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [199/291] perl-IO-Compress-0:2.212-513. 100% | 13.5 MiB/s | 303.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [200/291] perl-IO-Socket-IP-0:0.43-1.fc 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 42.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [201/291] perl-IPC-Open3-0:1.22-514.fc4 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 21.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [202/291] perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple-1 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 17.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [203/291] perl-Math-Complex-0:1.62-514. 100% | 3.5 MiB/s | 45.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [204/291] perl-Memoize-0:1.16-514.fc41. 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 46.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [205/291] perl-Module-CoreList-1:5.2025 100% | 8.1 MiB/s | 91.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [206/291] perl-Module-CoreList-tools-1: 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 18.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [207/291] perl-Module-Loaded-1:0.08-514 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 13.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [208/291] perl-NDBM_File-0:1.17-514.fc4 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 22.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [209/291] perl-NEXT-0:0.69-514.fc41.noa 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 20.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [210/291] perl-Net-0:1.04-514.fc41.noar 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 22.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [211/291] perl-ODBM_File-0:1.18-514.fc4 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 22.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [212/291] perl-Opcode-0:1.65-514.fc41.x 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 35.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [213/291] perl-POSIX-0:2.20-514.fc41.x8 100% | 6.8 MiB/s | 97.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [214/291] perl-Pod-Html-0:1.35-514.fc41 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 29.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [215/291] perl-Safe-0:2.46-514.fc41.noa 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 24.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [216/291] perl-Search-Dict-0:1.07-514.f 100% | 919.8 KiB/s | 12.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [217/291] perl-SelectSaver-0:1.02-514.f 100% | 891.2 KiB/s | 11.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [218/291] perl-SelfLoader-0:1.27-514.fc 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 21.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [219/291] perl-Symbol-0:1.09-514.fc41.n 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 14.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [220/291] perl-Sys-Hostname-0:1.25-514. 100% | 951.1 KiB/s | 17.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [221/291] perl-Term-Complete-0:1.403-51 100% | 988.7 KiB/s | 12.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [222/291] perl-Term-ReadLine-0:1.17-514 100% | 822.2 KiB/s | 18.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [223/291] perl-Term-Table-0:0.022-2.fc4 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 42.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [224/291] perl-Test-0:1.31-514.fc41.noa 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 28.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [225/291] perl-Text-Abbrev-0:1.02-514.f 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 12.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [226/291] perl-Thread-Semaphore-0:2.13- 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 15.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [227/291] perl-Thread-0:3.05-514.fc41.n 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 17.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [228/291] perl-Tie-0:4.6-514.fc41.noarc 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 27.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [229/291] perl-Tie-File-0:1.09-514.fc41 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 43.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [230/291] perl-Tie-Memoize-0:1.1-514.fc 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 14.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [231/291] perl-Time-0:1.04-514.fc41.noa 100% | 922.6 KiB/s | 16.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [232/291] perl-Time-Piece-0:1.3401-514. 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 40.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [233/291] perl-Unicode-UCD-0:0.78-514.f 100% | 4.0 MiB/s | 78.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [234/291] perl-User-pwent-0:1.05-514.fc 100% | 922.8 KiB/s | 19.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [235/291] perl-autouse-0:1.11-514.fc41. 100% | 975.6 KiB/s | 13.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [236/291] perl-base-0:2.27-514.fc41.noa 100% | 845.6 KiB/s | 16.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [237/291] perl-blib-0:1.07-514.fc41.noa 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 12.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [238/291] perl-debugger-0:1.60-514.fc41 100% | 8.7 MiB/s | 133.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [239/291] perl-meta-notation-0:5.40.1-5 100% | 754.4 KiB/s | 10.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [240/291] perl-sigtrap-0:1.10-514.fc41. 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 15.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [241/291] perl-deprecate-0:0.04-514.fc4 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 14.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [242/291] 100% | 19.0 MiB/s | 4.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [243/291] perl-encoding-warnings-0:0.14 100% | 63.1 KiB/s | 16.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [244/291] perl-experimental-0:0.033-1.f 100% | 100.9 KiB/s | 26.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [245/291] perl-fields-0:2.27-514.fc41.n 100% | 516.0 KiB/s | 16.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [246/291] perl-filetest-0:1.03-514.fc41 100% | 535.9 KiB/s | 14.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [247/291] perl-if-0:0.61.000-514.fc41.n 100% | 462.0 KiB/s | 13.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [248/291] perl-less-0:0.03-514.fc41.noa 100% | 449.8 KiB/s | 13.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [249/291] perl-libnetcfg-4:5.40.1-514.f 100% | 578.1 KiB/s | 16.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [250/291] perl-lib-0:0.65-514.fc41.x86_ 100% | 329.1 KiB/s | 14.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [251/291] perl-locale-0:1.12-514.fc41.n 100% | 385.1 KiB/s | 13.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [252/291] perl-macros-4:5.40.1-514.fc41 100% | 435.5 KiB/s | 12.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [253/291] perl-mro-0:1.29-514.fc41.x86_ 100% | 848.7 KiB/s | 29.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [254/291] perl-open-0:1.13-514.fc41.noa 100% | 381.2 KiB/s | 16.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [255/291] perl-overload-0:1.37-514.fc41 100% | 732.2 KiB/s | 45.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [256/291] perl-overloading-0:0.02-514.f 100% | 354.7 KiB/s | 12.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [257/291] perl-sort-0:2.05-514.fc41.noa 100% | 334.7 KiB/s | 13.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [258/291] perl-subs-0:1.04-514.fc41.noa 100% | 680.9 KiB/s | 11.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [259/291] glibc-devel-0:2.40-22.fc41.x8 100% | 14.3 MiB/s | 614.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [260/291] perl-vmsish-0:1.04-514.fc41.n 100% | 217.8 KiB/s | 13.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [261/291] kernel-headers-0:6.13.3-200.f 100% | 14.9 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:05] [262/291] libstdc++-devel-0:14.2.1-7.fc 100% | 14.2 MiB/s | 2.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [263/291] binutils-0:2.43.1-5.fc41.x86_ 100% | 14.3 MiB/s | 6.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [264/291] jansson-0:2.13.1-10.fc41.x86_ 100% | 114.5 KiB/s | 44.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [265/291] createrepo_c-libs-0:1.2.0-2.f 100% | 388.2 KiB/s | 107.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [266/291] drpm-0:0.5.2-6.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 63.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [267/291] elfutils-debuginfod-client-0: 100% | 984.1 KiB/s | 46.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [268/291] elfutils-0:0.192-9.fc41.x86_6 100% | 10.9 MiB/s | 546.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [269/291] debugedit-0:5.1-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 75.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [270/291] build-reproducibility-srpm-ma 100% | 470.6 KiB/s | 10.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [271/291] add-determinism-0:0.3.6-3.fc4 100% | 16.8 MiB/s | 875.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [272/291] efi-srpm-macros-0:5-13.fc41.n 100% | 423.8 KiB/s | 22.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [273/291] forge-srpm-macros-0:0.4.0-1.f 100% | 358.3 KiB/s | 19.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [274/291] go-srpm-macros-0:3.6.0-5.fc41 100% | 847.3 KiB/s | 28.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [275/291] qt6-srpm-macros-0:6.8.2-1.fc4 100% | 437.8 KiB/s | 9.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [276/291] pyproject-srpm-macros-0:1.17. 100% | 582.4 KiB/s | 14.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [277/291] gdb-minimal-0:16.2-1.fc41.x86 100% | 21.5 MiB/s | 4.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [278/291] glibc-gconv-extra-0:2.40-22.f 100% | 6.3 MiB/s | 1.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [279/291] systemd-rpm-macros-0:256.12-1 100% | 114.9 KiB/s | 31.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [280/291] perl-Encode-Locale-0:1.05-30. 100% | 238.7 KiB/s | 18.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [281/291] perl-Unicode-LineBreak-0:2019 100% | 5.3 MiB/s | 119.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [282/291] perl-MIME-Charset-0:1.013.1-6 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 48.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [283/291] sombok-0:2.4.0-22.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 48.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [284/291] libthai-0:0.1.29-9.fc41.x86_6 100% | 7.4 MiB/s | 211.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [285/291] libdatrie-0:0.2.13-10.fc41.x8 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 32.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [286/291] perl-Module-Pluggable-2:5.2-2 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 31.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [287/291] perl-TermReadKey-0:2.38-23.fc 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 35.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [288/291] perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo-0:0.12 100% | 508.4 KiB/s | 14.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [289/291] perl-Term-Size-Any-0:0.002-43 100% | 690.1 KiB/s | 13.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [290/291] perl-Term-Size-Perl-0:0.031-2 100% | 611.0 KiB/s | 20.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] [291/291] perl-Module-Runtime-0:0.016-2 100% | 823.8 KiB/s | 23.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:06] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:01:06] [291/291] Total 100% | 14.5 MiB/s | 108.8 MiB | 00m07s
[00:01:06] Running transaction
[00:01:08] [ 1/293] Verify package files 100% | 607.0 B/s | 291.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 2/293] Prepare transaction 100% | 2.0 KiB/s | 291.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 3/293] Installing elfutils-debuginfo 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 86.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 4/293] Installing libmpc-0:1.3.1-6.f 100% | 27.0 MiB/s | 166.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 5/293] Installing elfutils-0:0.192-9 100% | 121.6 MiB/s | 2.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 6/293] Installing xxhash-libs-0:0.8. 100% | 14.6 MiB/s | 89.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 7/293] Installing gdb-minimal-0:16.2 100% | 138.1 MiB/s | 13.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 8/293] Installing dwz-0:0.15-8.fc41. 100% | 48.9 MiB/s | 300.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 9/293] Installing unzip-0:6.0-64.fc4 100% | 42.3 MiB/s | 390.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 10/293] Installing make-1:4.4.1-8.fc4 100% | 58.1 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 11/293] Installing zip-0:3.0-41.fc41. 100% | 62.8 MiB/s | 707.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 12/293] Installing cpp-0:14.2.1-7.fc4 100% | 140.5 MiB/s | 34.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 13/293] Installing libdatrie-0:0.2.13 100% | 11.5 MiB/s | 59.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 14/293] Installing libthai-0:0.1.29-9 100% | 85.2 MiB/s | 785.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 15/293] Installing sombok-0:2.4.0-22. 100% | 14.5 MiB/s | 133.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 16/293] Installing qt6-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 178.7 KiB/s | 732.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 17/293] Installing efi-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 6.7 MiB/s | 41.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 18/293] Installing add-determinism-0: 100% | 102.4 MiB/s | 2.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 19/293] Installing build-reproducibil 100% | 200.0 KiB/s | 1.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 20/293] Installing drpm-0:0.5.2-6.fc4 100% | 16.2 MiB/s | 132.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 21/293] Installing createrepo_c-libs- 100% | 22.4 MiB/s | 275.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 22/293] Installing jansson-0:2.13.1-1 100% | 9.7 MiB/s | 89.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 23/293] Installing binutils-0:2.43.1- 100% | 210.7 MiB/s | 27.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 24/293] Installing debugedit-0:5.1-4. 100% | 19.6 MiB/s | 200.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:09] [ 25/293] Installing libstdc++-devel-0: 100% | 109.7 MiB/s | 15.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 26/293] Installing kernel-headers-0:6 100% | 54.9 MiB/s | 6.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 27/293] Installing glibc-devel-0:2.40 100% | 43.0 MiB/s | 2.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 28/293] Installing libxcrypt-devel-0: 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 33.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 29/293] Installing gcc-0:14.2.1-7.fc4 100% | 170.6 MiB/s | 103.4 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:10] [ 30/293] Installing gcc-plugin-annobin 100% | 3.5 MiB/s | 61.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 31/293] Installing gcc-c++-0:14.2.1-7 100% | 143.7 MiB/s | 37.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 32/293] Installing python3-pyparsing- 100% | 70.6 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 33/293] Installing systemtap-sdt-dtra 100% | 29.3 MiB/s | 180.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:10] [ 34/293] Installing systemtap-sdt-deve 100% | 22.4 MiB/s | 183.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 35/293] Installing ncurses-0:6.5-2.20 100% | 20.6 MiB/s | 633.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 36/293] Installing groff-base-0:1.23. 100% | 35.9 MiB/s | 3.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 37/293] Installing perl-Digest-0:1.20 100% | 7.2 MiB/s | 37.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 38/293] Installing perl-Digest-MD5-0: 100% | 7.5 MiB/s | 61.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 39/293] Installing perl-FileHandle-0: 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 9.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 40/293] Installing perl-B-0:1.89-514. 100% | 49.0 MiB/s | 501.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 41/293] Installing perl-MIME-Base32-0 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 32.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 42/293] Installing perl-Data-Dumper-0 100% | 11.1 MiB/s | 113.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 43/293] Installing perl-libnet-0:3.15 100% | 20.6 MiB/s | 294.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 44/293] Installing perl-AutoLoader-0: 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 20.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 45/293] Installing perl-IO-Socket-IP- 100% | 14.3 MiB/s | 102.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 46/293] Installing perl-URI-0:5.30-1. 100% | 16.5 MiB/s | 269.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 47/293] Installing perl-Text-Tabs+Wra 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 23.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 48/293] Installing perl-Time-Local-2: 100% | 8.6 MiB/s | 70.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 49/293] Installing perl-Pod-Escapes-1 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 25.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 50/293] Installing perl-File-Path-0:2 100% | 7.0 MiB/s | 64.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 51/293] Installing perl-Net-SSLeay-0: 100% | 64.9 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 52/293] Installing perl-if-0:0.61.000 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 6.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 53/293] Installing perl-locale-0:1.12 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 6.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 54/293] Installing perl-IO-Socket-SSL 100% | 86.4 MiB/s | 707.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 55/293] Installing perl-Term-ANSIColo 100% | 16.1 MiB/s | 99.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 56/293] Installing perl-Term-Cap-0:1. 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 30.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 57/293] Installing perl-Class-Struct- 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 25.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 58/293] Installing perl-Pod-Simple-1: 100% | 42.9 MiB/s | 570.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 59/293] Installing perl-File-Temp-1:0 100% | 20.0 MiB/s | 164.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 60/293] Installing perl-POSIX-0:2.20- 100% | 33.0 MiB/s | 236.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 61/293] Installing perl-HTTP-Tiny-0:0 100% | 30.6 MiB/s | 156.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 62/293] Installing perl-IPC-Open3-0:1 100% | 5.7 MiB/s | 23.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 63/293] Installing perl-Socket-4:2.03 100% | 20.5 MiB/s | 126.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 64/293] Installing perl-SelectSaver-0 100% | 644.5 KiB/s | 2.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 65/293] Installing perl-Symbol-0:1.09 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 7.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 66/293] Installing perl-podlators-1:6 100% | 26.2 MiB/s | 321.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 67/293] Installing perl-Pod-Perldoc-0 100% | 16.5 MiB/s | 169.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 68/293] Installing perl-File-stat-0:1 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 13.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 69/293] Installing perl-Text-ParseWor 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 14.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 70/293] Installing perl-Fcntl-0:1.18- 100% | 8.2 MiB/s | 50.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 71/293] Installing perl-base-0:2.27-5 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 12.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 72/293] Installing perl-mro-0:1.29-51 100% | 7.6 MiB/s | 46.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 73/293] Installing perl-Pod-Usage-4:2 100% | 16.9 MiB/s | 86.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 74/293] Installing perl-IO-0:1.55-514 100% | 19.0 MiB/s | 155.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 75/293] Installing perl-overloading-0 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 5.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 76/293] Installing perl-MIME-Base64-0 100% | 7.9 MiB/s | 48.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 77/293] Installing perl-constant-0:1. 100% | 5.3 MiB/s | 27.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 78/293] Installing perl-parent-1:0.24 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 10.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 79/293] Installing perl-Errno-0:1.38- 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 8.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 80/293] Installing perl-File-Basename 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 14.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 81/293] Installing perl-Getopt-Std-0: 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 11.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 82/293] Installing perl-vars-0:1.05-5 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 4.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 83/293] Installing perl-Scalar-List-U 100% | 18.6 MiB/s | 152.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 84/293] Installing perl-Storable-1:3. 100% | 28.6 MiB/s | 234.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 85/293] Installing perl-Getopt-Long-1 100% | 20.5 MiB/s | 147.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 86/293] Installing perl-overload-0:1. 100% | 17.6 MiB/s | 71.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 87/293] Installing perl-Exporter-0:5. 100% | 18.1 MiB/s | 55.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 88/293] Installing perl-DynaLoader-0: 100% | 10.6 MiB/s | 32.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 89/293] Installing perl-PathTools-0:3 100% | 20.5 MiB/s | 188.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 90/293] Installing perl-Encode-4:3.21 100% | 107.2 MiB/s | 4.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 91/293] Installing perl-Carp-0:1.54-5 100% | 6.7 MiB/s | 47.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 92/293] Installing perl-libs-4:5.40.1 100% | 81.2 MiB/s | 9.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 93/293] Installing perl-interpreter-4 100% | 20.2 MiB/s | 124.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 94/293] Installing perl-File-Find-0:1 100% | 8.3 MiB/s | 42.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 95/293] Installing perl-version-9:0.9 100% | 18.9 MiB/s | 135.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 96/293] Installing perl-File-Copy-0:2 100% | 4.9 MiB/s | 20.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 97/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Mani 100% | 16.9 MiB/s | 86.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 98/293] Installing perl-threads-1:2.4 100% | 19.1 MiB/s | 117.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [ 99/293] Installing perl-threads-share 100% | 14.0 MiB/s | 86.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [100/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Pars 100% | 49.5 MiB/s | 405.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [101/293] Installing perl-Compress-Raw- 100% | 23.0 MiB/s | 164.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [102/293] Installing perl-Time-HiRes-4: 100% | 17.0 MiB/s | 121.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [103/293] Installing perl-File-Compare- 100% | 766.1 KiB/s | 6.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [104/293] Installing perl-lib-0:0.65-51 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 8.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [105/293] Installing perl-CPAN-Meta-Req 100% | 13.6 MiB/s | 83.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [106/293] Installing perl-Module-Metada 100% | 11.2 MiB/s | 69.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [107/293] Installing perl-Module-CoreLi 100% | 119.6 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [108/293] Installing perl-Digest-SHA-1: 100% | 16.6 MiB/s | 119.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [109/293] Installing perl-Filter-2:1.64 100% | 17.1 MiB/s | 174.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [110/293] Installing perl-Module-Load-1 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 15.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [111/293] Installing perl-Perl-OSType-0 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 34.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [112/293] Installing perl-Unicode-Norma 100% | 57.1 MiB/s | 467.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [113/293] Installing perl-Term-ReadLine 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 17.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [114/293] Installing perl-Tie-0:4.6-514 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 33.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [115/293] Installing perl-meta-notation 100% | 457.8 KiB/s | 2.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [116/293] Installing perl-encoding-4:3. 100% | 29.4 MiB/s | 150.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [117/293] Installing perl-Net-Ping-0:2. 100% | 22.0 MiB/s | 135.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [118/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Comm 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 10.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [119/293] Installing perl-Pod-Html-0:1. 100% | 5.3 MiB/s | 43.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [120/293] Installing perl-CPAN-Meta-YAM 100% | 8.4 MiB/s | 51.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [121/293] Installing perl-Compress-Raw- 100% | 10.0 MiB/s | 71.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [122/293] Installing perl-IO-Compress-0 100% | 73.5 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [123/293] Installing perl-IO-Zlib-1:1.1 100% | 8.7 MiB/s | 26.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [124/293] Installing perl-Devel-PPPort- 100% | 97.1 MiB/s | 894.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [125/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-MM-U 100% | 914.1 KiB/s | 3.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [126/293] Installing perl-Text-Balanced 100% | 22.0 MiB/s | 112.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [127/293] Installing perl-Tie-RefHash-0 100% | 7.3 MiB/s | 37.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [128/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Cons 100% | 14.3 MiB/s | 87.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [129/293] Installing perl-AutoSplit-0:5 100% | 4.6 MiB/s | 23.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [130/293] Installing perl-Benchmark-0:1 100% | 9.0 MiB/s | 36.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [131/293] Installing perl-Test-Harness- 100% | 37.9 MiB/s | 582.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [132/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Inst 100% | 12.2 MiB/s | 87.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [133/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Make 100% | 55.9 MiB/s | 744.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:11] [134/293] Installing perl-Params-Util-0 100% | 6.2 MiB/s | 57.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [135/293] Installing perl-Sub-Install-0 100% | 9.1 MiB/s | 37.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [136/293] Installing perl-DirHandle-0:1 100% | 947.3 KiB/s | 3.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [137/293] Installing perl-Dumpvalue-0:2 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 20.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [138/293] Installing perl-Hash-Util-Fie 100% | 13.4 MiB/s | 68.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [139/293] Installing perl-Hash-Util-0:0 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 60.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [140/293] Installing perl-I18N-LangTags 100% | 16.3 MiB/s | 83.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [141/293] Installing perl-Locale-Makete 100% | 28.3 MiB/s | 173.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [142/293] Installing perl-Locale-Makete 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 13.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [143/293] Installing perl-Params-Check- 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 28.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [144/293] Installing perl-Module-Load-C 100% | 7.3 MiB/s | 29.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [145/293] Installing perl-IPC-Cmd-2:1.0 100% | 16.8 MiB/s | 85.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [146/293] Installing perl-I18N-Langinfo 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 40.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [147/293] Installing perl-Math-Complex- 100% | 10.5 MiB/s | 85.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [148/293] Installing perl-Math-BigInt-1 100% | 78.3 MiB/s | 961.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [149/293] Installing perl-JSON-PP-1:4.1 100% | 15.6 MiB/s | 143.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [150/293] Installing perl-CPAN-Meta-0:2 100% | 50.0 MiB/s | 613.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [151/293] Installing perl-NDBM_File-0:1 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 33.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [152/293] Installing perl-SelfLoader-0: 100% | 7.4 MiB/s | 22.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [153/293] Installing perl-Sys-Hostname- 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 21.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [154/293] Installing perl-Term-Table-0: 100% | 13.1 MiB/s | 80.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [155/293] Installing perl-User-pwent-0: 100% | 5.8 MiB/s | 17.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [156/293] Installing perl-autouse-0:1.1 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 6.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [157/293] Installing perl-deprecate-0:0 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 6.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [158/293] Installing perl-subs-0:1.04-5 100% | 623.0 KiB/s | 2.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [159/293] Installing perl-Opcode-0:1.65 100% | 8.8 MiB/s | 53.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [160/293] Installing perl-Safe-0:2.46-5 100% | 5.0 MiB/s | 31.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [161/293] Installing perl-Test-Simple-3 100% | 46.7 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [162/293] Installing perl-Devel-SelfStu 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 7.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [163/293] Installing perl-Memoize-0:1.1 100% | 8.1 MiB/s | 66.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [164/293] Installing perl-Math-BigInt-F 100% | 5.7 MiB/s | 46.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [165/293] Installing perl-bignum-0:0.67 100% | 19.0 MiB/s | 136.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [166/293] Installing perl-File-Fetch-0: 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 60.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [167/293] Installing perl-fields-0:2.27 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 12.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [168/293] Installing perl-Data-OptList- 100% | 8.5 MiB/s | 52.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [169/293] Installing perl-libnetcfg-4:5 100% | 692.3 KiB/s | 17.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [170/293] Installing perl-inc-latest-2: 100% | 8.9 MiB/s | 36.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [171/293] Installing perl-Filter-Simple 100% | 25.3 MiB/s | 51.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [172/293] Installing perl-DBM_Filter-0: 100% | 14.9 MiB/s | 30.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [173/293] Installing perl-open-0:1.13-5 100% | 5.7 MiB/s | 11.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [174/293] Installing perl-debugger-0:1. 100% | 78.8 MiB/s | 403.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [175/293] Installing perl-sigtrap-0:1.1 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 11.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [176/293] Installing perl-Env-0:1.06-51 100% | 13.3 MiB/s | 27.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [177/293] Installing perl-Unicode-Colla 100% | 116.6 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [178/293] Installing perl-Unicode-UCD-0 100% | 66.7 MiB/s | 205.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [179/293] Installing perl-Module-CoreLi 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 19.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [180/293] Installing perl-Archive-Zip-0 100% | 58.2 MiB/s | 297.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [181/293] Installing perl-Thread-Queue- 100% | 14.8 MiB/s | 30.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [182/293] Installing perl-Thread-0:3.05 100% | 6.1 MiB/s | 12.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [183/293] Installing perl-Thread-Semaph 100% | 10.3 MiB/s | 10.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [184/293] Installing perl-experimental- 100% | 21.4 MiB/s | 43.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [185/293] Installing perl-Encode-devel- 100% | 32.9 MiB/s | 101.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [186/293] Installing perl-Pod-Checker-4 100% | 26.1 MiB/s | 53.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [187/293] Installing perl-utils-0:5.40. 100% | 32.1 MiB/s | 98.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [188/293] Installing perl-diagnostics-0 100% | 113.9 MiB/s | 466.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [189/293] Installing perl-macros-4:5.40 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 5.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [190/293] Installing perl-Config-Perl-V 100% | 13.2 MiB/s | 27.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [191/293] Installing perl-IPC-SysV-0:2. 100% | 18.7 MiB/s | 76.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [192/293] Installing perl-PerlIO-via-Qu 100% | 10.5 MiB/s | 32.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [193/293] Installing perl-Sys-Syslog-0: 100% | 23.7 MiB/s | 97.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [194/293] Installing perl-perlfaq-0:5.2 100% | 89.9 MiB/s | 736.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [195/293] Installing perl-IPC-System-Si 100% | 17.9 MiB/s | 73.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [196/293] Installing perl-autodie-0:2.3 100% | 35.7 MiB/s | 219.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [197/293] Installing perl-Compress-Raw- 100% | 31.1 MiB/s | 127.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [198/293] Installing perl-IO-Compress-L 100% | 53.8 MiB/s | 220.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [199/293] Installing perl-Algorithm-Dif 100% | 53.5 MiB/s | 109.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [200/293] Installing perl-Text-Diff-0:1 100% | 41.5 MiB/s | 85.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [201/293] Installing perl-Archive-Tar-0 100% | 50.9 MiB/s | 156.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [202/293] Installing perl-Module-Signat 100% | 69.2 MiB/s | 141.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [203/293] Installing perl-ph-0:5.40.1-5 100% | 44.4 MiB/s | 273.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [204/293] Installing perl-Pod-Functions 100% | 7.2 MiB/s | 14.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [205/293] Installing perl-Attribute-Han 100% | 19.8 MiB/s | 40.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [206/293] Installing perl-Compress-Bzip 100% | 28.4 MiB/s | 145.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [207/293] Installing perl-Devel-Size-0: 100% | 15.5 MiB/s | 47.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [208/293] Installing perl-Text-Glob-0:0 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 9.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [209/293] Installing perl-local-lib-0:2 100% | 29.4 MiB/s | 120.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [210/293] Installing perl-File-Which-0: 100% | 15.3 MiB/s | 31.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [211/293] Installing perl-File-HomeDir- 100% | 24.2 MiB/s | 123.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [212/293] Installing perl-Text-Template 100% | 27.8 MiB/s | 114.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [213/293] Installing perl-MRO-Compat-0: 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 44.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [214/293] Installing perl-Package-Gener 100% | 10.3 MiB/s | 31.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [215/293] Installing perl-Sub-Exporter- 100% | 49.3 MiB/s | 201.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [216/293] Installing perl-Data-Section- 100% | 14.3 MiB/s | 44.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [217/293] Installing perl-Software-Lice 100% | 45.7 MiB/s | 514.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [218/293] Installing perl-Module-Build- 100% | 64.8 MiB/s | 663.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [219/293] Installing perl-Config-Extens 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 3.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [220/293] Installing perl-Devel-Peek-0: 100% | 23.9 MiB/s | 49.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [221/293] Installing perl-English-0:1.1 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 6.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [222/293] Installing perl-File-DosGlob- 100% | 25.7 MiB/s | 26.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [223/293] Installing perl-FileCache-0:1 100% | 7.7 MiB/s | 7.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [224/293] Installing perl-FindBin-0:1.5 100% | 7.0 MiB/s | 7.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [225/293] Installing perl-GDBM_File-1:1 100% | 41.4 MiB/s | 84.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [226/293] Installing perl-I18N-Collate- 100% | 7.4 MiB/s | 7.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [227/293] Installing perl-Module-Loaded 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 5.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [228/293] Installing perl-NEXT-0:0.69-5 100% | 23.4 MiB/s | 23.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [229/293] Installing perl-Net-0:1.04-51 100% | 23.2 MiB/s | 23.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [230/293] Installing perl-ODBM_File-0:1 100% | 10.9 MiB/s | 33.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [231/293] Installing perl-Search-Dict-0 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 5.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [232/293] Installing perl-Term-Complete 100% | 6.1 MiB/s | 6.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [233/293] Installing perl-Test-0:1.31-5 100% | 36.5 MiB/s | 37.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [234/293] Installing perl-Text-Abbrev-0 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 3.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [235/293] Installing perl-Tie-File-0:1. 100% | 42.1 MiB/s | 86.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [236/293] Installing perl-Tie-Memoize-0 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 6.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [237/293] Installing perl-Time-0:1.04-5 100% | 5.3 MiB/s | 10.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [238/293] Installing perl-Time-Piece-0: 100% | 18.7 MiB/s | 76.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [239/293] Installing perl-blib-0:1.07-5 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 3.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [240/293] Installing perl-doc-0:5.40.1- 100% | 136.7 MiB/s | 11.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [241/293] Installing perl-encoding-warn 100% | 10.4 MiB/s | 10.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [242/293] Installing perl-filetest-0:1. 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 6.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [243/293] Installing perl-less-0:0.03-5 100% | 5.2 MiB/s | 5.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [244/293] Installing perl-sort-0:2.05-5 100% | 5.0 MiB/s | 5.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [245/293] Installing perl-vmsish-0:1.04 100% | 6.8 MiB/s | 6.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [246/293] Installing perl-MIME-Charset- 100% | 26.2 MiB/s | 107.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [247/293] Installing perl-Term-Size-Per 100% | 8.9 MiB/s | 27.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [248/293] Installing libdb-0:5.3.28-63. 100% | 114.7 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [249/293] Installing perl-DB_File-0:1.8 100% | 63.4 MiB/s | 194.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [250/293] Installing iptables-legacy-li 100% | 30.0 MiB/s | 92.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [251/293] Installing annobin-docs-0:12. 100% | 48.2 MiB/s | 98.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [252/293] Installing annobin-plugin-gcc 100% | 120.4 MiB/s | 986.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [253/293] Installing zig-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 1.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [254/293] Installing rust-srpm-macros-0 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 5.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [255/293] Installing qt5-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 757.8 KiB/s | 776.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [256/293] Installing perl-srpm-macros-0 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 1.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [257/293] Installing package-notes-srpm 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 2.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [258/293] Installing openblas-srpm-macr 100% | 382.8 KiB/s | 392.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [259/293] Installing ocaml-srpm-macros- 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 2.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [260/293] Installing lua-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 1.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [261/293] Installing kernel-srpm-macros 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 2.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [262/293] Installing gnat-srpm-macros-0 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 1.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [263/293] Installing ghc-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 1.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [264/293] Installing fpc-srpm-macros-0: 100% | 410.2 KiB/s | 420.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [265/293] Installing ansible-srpm-macro 100% | 17.7 MiB/s | 36.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [266/293] Installing ed-0:1.20.2-2.fc41 100% | 36.4 MiB/s | 149.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [267/293] Installing patch-0:2.7.6-25.f 100% | 52.4 MiB/s | 268.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [268/293] Installing python-srpm-macros 100% | 17.0 MiB/s | 52.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [269/293] Installing fonts-srpm-macros- 100% | 27.8 MiB/s | 57.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [270/293] Installing forge-srpm-macros- 100% | 19.7 MiB/s | 40.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [271/293] Installing go-srpm-macros-0:3 100% | 20.2 MiB/s | 62.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [272/293] Installing redhat-rpm-config- 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 190.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [273/293] Installing rpm-build-0:4.20.0 100% | 28.3 MiB/s | 202.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [274/293] Installing pyproject-srpm-mac 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 2.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [275/293] Installing perl-devel-4:5.40. 100% | 161.0 MiB/s | 8.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [276/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-CBui 100% | 19.9 MiB/s | 101.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [277/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Embe 100% | 15.7 MiB/s | 16.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [278/293] Installing perl-ExtUtils-Mini 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 8.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [279/293] Installing perl-CPAN-0:2.38-2 100% | 99.7 MiB/s | 1.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [280/293] Installing perl-4:5.40.1-514. 100% | 40.4 KiB/s | 124.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [281/293] Installing iptables-legacy-0: 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 102.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [282/293] Installing perl-Term-Size-Any 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 9.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [283/293] Installing perl-Unicode-LineB 100% | 33.0 MiB/s | 270.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [284/293] Installing perl-Module-Plugga 100% | 13.5 MiB/s | 55.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [285/293] Installing perl-Encode-Locale 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 20.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [286/293] Installing perl-TermReadKey-0 100% | 16.2 MiB/s | 66.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [287/293] Installing perl-CPAN-Distname 100% | 5.7 MiB/s | 11.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [288/293] Installing perl-Module-Runtim 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 31.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [289/293] Installing createrepo_c-0:1.2 100% | 39.4 MiB/s | 201.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [290/293] Installing rsync-0:3.4.1-1.fc 100% | 75.8 MiB/s | 775.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:12] [291/293] Installing systemd-rpm-macros 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 11.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:13] [292/293] Installing glibc-gconv-extra- 100% | 84.6 MiB/s | 8.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:13] [293/293] Installing rpm-sign-0:4.20.0- 100% | 62.5 KiB/s | 23.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:13] Complete!
[00:01:13] 0
[00:01:13] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (if [ -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Sources.repo ]; then rm -Rf /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Sources.repo; fi) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:13] 0
[00:01:13] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (if [ -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Vault.repo ]; then rm -Rf /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Vault.repo; fi) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:14] 0
[00:01:14] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (mkdir -p rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:14] 0
[00:01:14] now running: rsync -avz -e "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2006" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/src/solidcharity/lbs-openpetra root@
[00:01:14] sending incremental file list
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/codedoc/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/codedoc/Dockerfile
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/codedoc/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/dbdoc/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/dbdoc/Dockerfile
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/dbdoc/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/demodb/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/demodb/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/manual/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/manual/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/nightlydevzip/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/nightlydevzip/github_uploadrelease.php
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/nightlydevzip/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-bin-tarball/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-bin-tarball/Dockerfile.centos7
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-bin-tarball/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-mysql/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-mysql/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-postgresql/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-postgresql/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-setup/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-setup/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/config.yml
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/sql2diagram.dsc
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/sql2diagram.spec
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/debian/
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/debian/changelog
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/debian/compat
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/debian/control
[00:01:14] lbs-openpetra/sql2diagram/debian/rules
[00:01:14] sent 9,327 bytes received 448 bytes 19,550.00 bytes/sec
[00:01:14] total size is 26,119 speedup is 2.67
[00:01:15] now running: rsync -avz -e "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2006" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/solidcharity/openpetra/* root@
[00:01:15] sending incremental file list
[00:01:15] 0x3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF.key
[00:01:15] distributions
[00:01:15] gitauth
[00:01:15] github_config.php
[00:01:15] gitkey
[00:01:15] id_rsa_cronjob
[00:01:15] privateLBSkey
[00:01:15] rpmmacros
[00:01:15] sent 8,659 bytes received 187 bytes 5,897.33 bytes/sec
[00:01:15] total size is 10,552 speedup is 1.19
[00:01:15] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:15] 0
[00:01:15] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (chown root:root /root/.ssh/*) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:16] 0
[00:01:16] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (dnf clean metadata) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:16] Removed 20 files, 6 directories. 0 errors occurred.
[00:01:16] 0
[00:01:16] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (cd lbs-openpetra/openpetra-test-mysql; DOMAINNAME='' ./ test) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:01:17] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:01:17] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:01:17] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:01:17] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:01:17] 100 34386 0 34386 0 0 58589 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 58579
[00:01:17] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:01:20] Fedora 41 - x86_64 100% | 11.7 MiB/s | 35.4 MiB | 00m03s
[00:01:22] Fedora 41 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_ 100% | 5.7 KiB/s | 6.0 KiB | 00m01s
[00:01:23] Fedora 41 - x86_64 - Updates 100% | 7.1 MiB/s | 11.6 MiB | 00m02s
[00:01:29] Repositories loaded.
[00:01:32] Package "sudo-1.9.15-5.p5.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:01:32] Package "curl-8.9.1-3.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:01:32] Package "unzip-6.0-64.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:01:32] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:01:32] Installing:
[00:01:32] git x86_64 2.48.1-1.fc41 updates 85.3 KiB
[00:01:32] wget2-wget x86_64 2.2.0-2.fc41 updates 42.0 B
[00:01:32] Installing dependencies:
[00:01:32] git-core x86_64 2.48.1-1.fc41 updates 22.5 MiB
[00:01:32] git-core-doc noarch 2.48.1-1.fc41 updates 17.4 MiB
[00:01:32] gnutls-dane x86_64 3.8.9-2.fc41 updates 73.8 KiB
[00:01:32] gpgme x86_64 1.23.2-5.fc41 fedora 579.3 KiB
[00:01:32] less x86_64 668-1.fc41 updates 406.3 KiB
[00:01:32] perl-Error noarch 1:0.17029-16.fc41 fedora 77.3 KiB
[00:01:32] perl-Git noarch 2.48.1-1.fc41 updates 64.0 KiB
[00:01:32] wget2 x86_64 2.2.0-2.fc41 updates 1.0 MiB
[00:01:32] wget2-libs x86_64 2.2.0-2.fc41 updates 369.7 KiB
[00:01:32] Transaction Summary:
[00:01:32] Installing: 11 packages
[00:01:32] Total size of inbound packages is 9 MiB. Need to download 9 MiB.
[00:01:32] After this operation, 43 MiB extra will be used (install 43 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:01:32] [ 1/11] wget2-wget-0:2.2.0-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 601.3 KiB/s | 9.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 2/11] gpgme-0:1.23.2-5.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 212.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 3/11] wget2-libs-0:2.2.0-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 147.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 4/11] wget2-0:2.2.0-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 5.2 MiB/s | 280.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 5/11] git-0:2.48.1-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 51.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 6/11] perl-Git-0:2.48.1-1.fc41.noarch 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 38.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 7/11] 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 40.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 8/11] gnutls-dane-0:3.8.9-2.fc41.x86_ 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 42.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 9/11] less-0:668-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 189.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [10/11] 100% | 12.2 MiB/s | 3.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [11/11] git-core-0:2.48.1-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 13.1 MiB/s | 4.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:01:33] [11/11] Total 100% | 6.4 MiB/s | 8.7 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:33] Running transaction
[00:01:33] [ 1/13] Verify package files 100% | 323.0 B/s | 11.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 2/13] Prepare transaction 100% | 129.0 B/s | 11.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 3/13] Installing gpgme-0:1.23.2-5.fc4 100% | 47.3 MiB/s | 581.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 4/13] Installing less-0:668-1.fc41.x8 100% | 44.4 MiB/s | 409.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 5/13] Installing git-core-0:2.48.1-1. 100% | 220.7 MiB/s | 22.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 6/13] Installing git-core-doc-0:2.48. 100% | 586.9 MiB/s | 17.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 7/13] Installing gnutls-dane-0:3.8.9- 100% | 12.1 MiB/s | 74.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 8/13] Installing wget2-libs-0:2.2.0-2 100% | 45.3 MiB/s | 371.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [ 9/13] Installing wget2-0:2.2.0-2.fc41 100% | 105.5 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [10/13] Installing perl-Error-1:0.17029 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 80.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [11/13] Installing perl-Git-0:2.48.1-1. 100% | 10.6 MiB/s | 65.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:33] [12/13] Installing git-0:2.48.1-1.fc41. 100% | 14.2 MiB/s | 87.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:34] [13/13] Installing wget2-wget-0:2.2.0-2 100% | 3.7 KiB/s | 444.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:34] Complete!
[00:01:34] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:01:34] Repositories loaded.
[00:01:35] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:01:35] Installing:
[00:01:35] wkhtmltopdf x86_64 0.12.6-5.fc41 fedora 651.0 KiB
[00:01:35] Installing dependencies:
[00:01:35] abattis-cantarell-vf-fonts noarch 0.301-13.fc41 fedora 192.7 KiB
[00:01:35] alsa-lib x86_64 1.2.13-3.fc41 updates 1.4 MiB
[00:01:35] avahi-libs x86_64 0.8-29.fc41 fedora 166.3 KiB
[00:01:35] cairo x86_64 1.18.2-2.fc41 updates 1.7 MiB
[00:01:35] cdparanoia-libs x86_64 10.2-45.fc41 fedora 113.7 KiB
[00:01:35] cups-filesystem noarch 1:2.4.11-9.fc41 updates 0.0 B
[00:01:35] cups-libs x86_64 1:2.4.11-9.fc41 updates 613.9 KiB
[00:01:35] default-fonts-core-sans noarch 4.1-2.fc41 fedora 11.9 KiB
[00:01:35] double-conversion x86_64 3.3.1-1.fc41 updates 97.2 KiB
[00:01:35] fontconfig x86_64 2.15.0-8.fc41 fedora 791.9 KiB
[00:01:35] fonts-filesystem noarch 1:2.0.5-17.fc41 fedora 0.0 B
[00:01:35] freetype x86_64 2.13.3-1.fc41 fedora 850.5 KiB
[00:01:35] fribidi x86_64 1.0.15-2.fc41 fedora 368.4 KiB
[00:01:35] glx-utils x86_64 9.0.0-8.fc41 fedora 431.1 KiB
[00:01:35] google-noto-fonts-common noarch 20240701-2.fc41 fedora 17.5 KiB
[00:01:35] google-noto-sans-vf-fonts noarch 20240701-2.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:35] graphene x86_64 1.10.6-9.fc41 fedora 162.6 KiB
[00:01:35] graphite2 x86_64 1.3.14-16.fc41 fedora 192.0 KiB
[00:01:35] gstreamer1 x86_64 1.24.11-1.fc41 updates 5.2 MiB
[00:01:35] gstreamer1-plugins-base x86_64 1.24.11-1.fc41 updates 7.2 MiB
[00:01:35] harfbuzz x86_64 9.0.0-3.fc41 fedora 2.6 MiB
[00:01:35] hwdata noarch 0.393-1.fc41 updates 9.4 MiB
[00:01:35] hyphen x86_64 2.8.8-25.fc41 fedora 51.6 KiB
[00:01:35] iso-codes noarch 4.16.0-5.fc41 fedora 18.8 MiB
[00:01:35] libICE x86_64 1.1.2-1.fc41 updates 196.2 KiB
[00:01:35] libSM x86_64 1.2.5-1.fc41 updates 99.6 KiB
[00:01:35] libX11 x86_64 1.8.11-1.fc41 updates 1.3 MiB
[00:01:35] libX11-common noarch 1.8.11-1.fc41 updates 1.2 MiB
[00:01:35] libX11-xcb x86_64 1.8.11-1.fc41 updates 15.0 KiB
[00:01:35] libXau x86_64 1.0.11-7.fc41 fedora 66.9 KiB
[00:01:35] libXcomposite x86_64 0.4.6-4.fc41 fedora 44.5 KiB
[00:01:35] libXext x86_64 1.3.6-2.fc41 fedora 90.1 KiB
[00:01:35] libXft x86_64 2.3.8-7.fc41 fedora 164.5 KiB
[00:01:35] libXi x86_64 1.8.2-1.fc41 fedora 76.7 KiB
[00:01:35] libXrender x86_64 0.9.12-1.fc41 updates 48.8 KiB
[00:01:35] libXv x86_64 1.0.13-1.fc41 updates 28.7 KiB
[00:01:35] libXxf86vm x86_64 1.1.6-1.fc41 updates 28.2 KiB
[00:01:35] libdrm x86_64 2.4.124-1.fc41 updates 397.7 KiB
[00:01:35] libevdev x86_64 1.13.3-1.fc41 fedora 86.1 KiB
[00:01:35] libglvnd x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 530.2 KiB
[00:01:35] libglvnd-egl x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 68.8 KiB
[00:01:35] libglvnd-glx x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 605.5 KiB
[00:01:35] libgudev x86_64 238-6.fc41 fedora 87.9 KiB
[00:01:35] libicu x86_64 74.2-2.fc41 fedora 34.9 MiB
[00:01:35] libinput x86_64 1.27.1-1.fc41 updates 571.1 KiB
[00:01:35] libjpeg-turbo x86_64 3.0.2-3.fc41 fedora 776.9 KiB
[00:01:35] libogg x86_64 2:1.3.5-9.fc41 fedora 49.4 KiB
[00:01:35] libpciaccess x86_64 0.16-13.fc41 fedora 44.6 KiB
[00:01:35] libpng x86_64 2:1.6.40-4.fc41 fedora 245.8 KiB
[00:01:35] libproxy x86_64 0.5.8-1.fc41 fedora 110.4 KiB
[00:01:35] libtheora x86_64 1:1.1.1-38.fc41 fedora 477.6 KiB
[00:01:35] libunwind x86_64 1.8.0-5.fc41 updates 186.8 KiB
[00:01:35] libvisual x86_64 1:0.4.1-5.fc41 fedora 451.4 KiB
[00:01:35] libvorbis x86_64 1:1.3.7-11.fc41 fedora 833.6 KiB
[00:01:35] libwacom x86_64 2.13.0-1.fc41 fedora 98.7 KiB
[00:01:35] libwacom-data noarch 2.13.0-1.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:35] libwayland-client x86_64 1.23.0-2.fc41 fedora 62.1 KiB
[00:01:35] libwayland-cursor x86_64 1.23.0-2.fc41 fedora 37.4 KiB
[00:01:35] libwayland-egl x86_64 1.23.0-2.fc41 fedora 16.5 KiB
[00:01:35] libwayland-server x86_64 1.23.0-2.fc41 fedora 78.6 KiB
[00:01:35] libwebp x86_64 1.5.0-1.fc41 updates 814.4 KiB
[00:01:35] libxcb x86_64 1.17.0-3.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:35] libxkbcommon-x11 x86_64 1.7.0-4.fc41 fedora 39.6 KiB
[00:01:35] libxshmfence x86_64 1.3.2-5.fc41 updates 16.5 KiB
[00:01:35] libxslt x86_64 1.1.42-2.fc41 fedora 483.1 KiB
[00:01:35] llvm-libs x86_64 19.1.7-3.fc41 updates 124.5 MiB
[00:01:35] lm_sensors-libs x86_64 3.6.0-20.fc41 fedora 85.9 KiB
[00:01:35] mesa-dri-drivers x86_64 25.0.1-2.fc41 updates 160.6 MiB
[00:01:35] mesa-filesystem x86_64 25.0.1-2.fc41 updates 3.6 KiB
[00:01:35] mesa-libEGL x86_64 25.0.1-2.fc41 updates 335.9 KiB
[00:01:35] mesa-libGL x86_64 25.0.1-2.fc41 updates 424.9 KiB
[00:01:35] mesa-libgbm x86_64 25.0.1-2.fc41 updates 24.0 KiB
[00:01:35] mtdev x86_64 1.1.6-9.fc41 fedora 25.3 KiB
[00:01:35] opus x86_64 1.5.2-1.fc41 fedora 411.7 KiB
[00:01:35] orc x86_64 0.4.39-1.fc41 fedora 759.7 KiB
[00:01:35] pango x86_64 1.54.0-2.fc41 fedora 996.2 KiB
[00:01:35] pcre2-utf16 x86_64 10.44-1.fc41.1 fedora 590.1 KiB
[00:01:35] pixman x86_64 0.44.2-1.fc41 updates 664.5 KiB
[00:01:35] qt-settings noarch 41.2-1.fc41 fedora 1.1 KiB
[00:01:35] qt5-filesystem x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 0.0 B
[00:01:35] qt5-qtbase x86_64 5.15.15-3.fc41 updates 9.7 MiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtbase-common noarch 5.15.15-3.fc41 updates 78.0 B
[00:01:35] qt5-qtbase-gui x86_64 5.15.15-3.fc41 updates 19.5 MiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtdeclarative x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 14.5 MiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtlocation x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 10.9 MiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtsensors x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 947.9 KiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtsvg x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 643.7 KiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtwebchannel x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 303.1 KiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtwebkit x86_64 5.212.0-0.89alpha4.fc41 fedora 43.6 MiB
[00:01:35] spirv-tools-libs x86_64 2024.4-1.fc41 updates 5.4 MiB
[00:01:35] woff2 x86_64 1.0.2-20.fc41 fedora 133.7 KiB
[00:01:35] xcb-util x86_64 0.4.1-6.fc41 fedora 30.4 KiB
[00:01:35] xcb-util-image x86_64 0.4.1-6.fc41 fedora 22.2 KiB
[00:01:35] xcb-util-keysyms x86_64 0.4.1-6.fc41 fedora 16.8 KiB
[00:01:35] xcb-util-renderutil x86_64 0.3.10-6.fc41 fedora 28.5 KiB
[00:01:35] xcb-util-wm x86_64 0.4.2-6.fc41 fedora 85.4 KiB
[00:01:35] xml-common noarch 0.6.3-65.fc41 fedora 78.4 KiB
[00:01:35] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:01:35] iio-sensor-proxy x86_64 3.5-5.fc41 updates 161.2 KiB
[00:01:35] mesa-va-drivers x86_64 25.0.1-2.fc41 updates 92.0 B
[00:01:35] qt5-qttranslations noarch 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 14.7 MiB
[00:01:35] qt5-qtwayland x86_64 5.15.15-1.fc41 fedora 4.6 MiB
[00:01:35] xdriinfo x86_64 1.0.7-3.fc41 fedora 34.0 KiB
[00:01:35] Transaction Summary:
[00:01:35] Installing: 103 packages
[00:01:35] Total size of inbound packages is 127 MiB. Need to download 127 MiB.
[00:01:35] After this operation, 515 MiB extra will be used (install 515 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:01:36] [ 1/103] wkhtmltopdf-0:0.12.6-5.fc41.x 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 208.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:36] [ 2/103] qt5-qtsvg-0:5.15.15-1.fc41.x8 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 187.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:36] [ 3/103] hyphen-0:2.8.8-25.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 29.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:36] [ 4/103] libjpeg-turbo-0:3.0.2-3.fc41. 100% | 5.8 MiB/s | 227.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:36] [ 5/103] libpng-2:1.6.40-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 5.9 MiB/s | 120.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:36] [ 6/103] libxslt-0:1.1.42-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 4.9 MiB/s | 189.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 7/103] qt5-qtdeclarative-0:5.15.15-1 100% | 6.4 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:37] [ 8/103] libicu-0:74.2-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 8.2 MiB/s | 10.4 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:37] [ 9/103] qt5-qtlocation-0:5.15.15-1.fc 100% | 6.2 MiB/s | 3.2 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:37] [ 10/103] qt5-qtsensors-0:5.15.15-1.fc4 100% | 4.6 MiB/s | 219.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 11/103] qt5-qtwebchannel-0:5.15.15-1. 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 99.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 12/103] qt5-qtwebkit-0:5.212.0-0.89al 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 13.2 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:37] [ 13/103] woff2-0:1.0.2-20.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 61.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 14/103] libglvnd-glx-1:1.7.0-5.fc41.x 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 129.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 15/103] libXext-0:1.3.6-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.5 MiB/s | 39.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 16/103] libglvnd-1:1.7.0-5.fc41.x86_6 100% | 7.4 MiB/s | 114.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 17/103] libproxy-0:0.5.8-1.fc41.x86_6 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 45.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 18/103] pcre2-utf16-0:10.44-1.fc41.1. 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 222.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 19/103] qt-settings-0:41.2-1.fc41.noa 100% | 215.2 KiB/s | 10.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 20/103] qt5-filesystem-0:5.15.15-1.fc 100% | 270.2 KiB/s | 10.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 21/103] qt5-qtbase-common-0:5.15.15-3 100% | 292.1 KiB/s | 12.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 22/103] qt5-qtbase-0:5.15.15-3.fc41.x 100% | 16.8 MiB/s | 3.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:37] [ 23/103] fontconfig-0:2.15.0-8.fc41.x8 100% | 4.0 MiB/s | 269.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 24/103] freetype-0:2.13.3-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 6.3 MiB/s | 409.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 25/103] libglvnd-egl-1:1.7.0-5.fc41.x 100% | 515.1 KiB/s | 35.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 26/103] harfbuzz-0:9.0.0-3.fc41.x86_6 100% | 7.0 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 27/103] libxcb-0:1.17.0-3.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 240.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 28/103] libxkbcommon-x11-0:1.7.0-4.fc 100% | 325.3 KiB/s | 22.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 29/103] xcb-util-image-0:0.4.1-6.fc41 100% | 459.8 KiB/s | 18.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 30/103] xcb-util-keysyms-0:0.4.1-6.fc 100% | 303.7 KiB/s | 14.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 31/103] qt5-qtbase-gui-0:5.15.15-3.fc 100% | 14.5 MiB/s | 5.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 32/103] xcb-util-renderutil-0:0.3.10- 100% | 247.4 KiB/s | 17.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 33/103] xcb-util-wm-0:0.4.2-6.fc41.x8 100% | 619.2 KiB/s | 31.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 34/103] default-fonts-core-sans-0:4.1 100% | 943.3 KiB/s | 31.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 35/103] fonts-filesystem-1:2.0.5-17.f 100% | 353.5 KiB/s | 8.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 36/103] 100% | 892.5 KiB/s | 31.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 37/103] graphite2-0:1.3.14-16.fc41.x8 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 95.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 38/103] libXau-0:1.0.11-7.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 31.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 39/103] xcb-util-0:0.4.1-6.fc41.x86_6 100% | 568.3 KiB/s | 18.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 40/103] abattis-cantarell-vf-fonts-0: 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 120.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 41/103] google-noto-fonts-common-0:20 100% | 948.2 KiB/s | 18.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 42/103] google-noto-sans-vf-fonts-0:2 100% | 12.6 MiB/s | 594.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 43/103] cdparanoia-libs-0:10.2-45.fc4 100% | 592.2 KiB/s | 53.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 44/103] gstreamer1-0:1.24.11-1.fc41.x 100% | 10.7 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 45/103] graphene-0:1.10.6-9.fc41.x86_ 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 61.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 46/103] gstreamer1-plugins-base-0:1.2 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 2.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 47/103] libXi-0:1.8.2-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 753.2 KiB/s | 39.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 48/103] libgudev-0:238-6.fc41.x86_64 100% | 643.5 KiB/s | 34.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 49/103] libogg-2:1.3.5-9.fc41.x86_64 100% | 569.3 KiB/s | 33.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 50/103] libtheora-1:1.1.1-38.fc41.x86 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 167.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 51/103] iso-codes-0:4.16.0-5.fc41.noa 100% | 17.4 MiB/s | 3.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 52/103] libvisual-1:0.4.1-5.fc41.x86_ 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 151.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 53/103] libvorbis-1:1.3.7-11.fc41.x86 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 188.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 54/103] libwayland-client-0:1.23.0-2. 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 33.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 55/103] libwayland-cursor-0:1.23.0-2. 100% | 835.0 KiB/s | 19.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 56/103] libwayland-egl-0:1.23.0-2.fc4 100% | 701.3 KiB/s | 12.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 57/103] opus-0:1.5.2-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 7.9 MiB/s | 225.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 58/103] orc-0:0.4.39-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 7.5 MiB/s | 223.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 59/103] pango-0:1.54.0-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 10.6 MiB/s | 347.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 60/103] fribidi-0:1.0.15-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 92.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 61/103] libXft-0:2.3.8-7.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 72.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 62/103] libX11-0:1.8.11-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 15.5 MiB/s | 650.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 63/103] libX11-common-0:1.8.11-1.fc41 100% | 6.1 MiB/s | 176.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 64/103] libwebp-0:1.5.0-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 6.8 MiB/s | 279.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 65/103] libXrender-0:0.9.12-1.fc41.x8 100% | 637.1 KiB/s | 26.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 66/103] cairo-0:1.18.2-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 690.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 67/103] mesa-libGL-0:25.0.1-2.fc41.x8 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 162.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 68/103] lm_sensors-libs-0:3.6.0-20.fc 100% | 904.2 KiB/s | 40.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 69/103] libwayland-server-0:1.23.0-2. 100% | 838.8 KiB/s | 41.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:38] [ 70/103] mesa-filesystem-0:25.0.1-2.fc 100% | 569.8 KiB/s | 21.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 71/103] mesa-libEGL-0:25.0.1-2.fc41.x 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 138.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 72/103] mesa-libgbm-0:25.0.1-2.fc41.x 100% | 719.4 KiB/s | 27.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 73/103] cups-libs-1:2.4.11-9.fc41.x86 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 253.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 74/103] avahi-libs-0:0.8-29.fc41.x86_ 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 66.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 75/103] cups-filesystem-1:2.4.11-9.fc 100% | 308.2 KiB/s | 13.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 76/103] glx-utils-0:9.0.0-8.fc41.x86_ 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 71.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 77/103] libICE-0:1.1.2-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 75.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 78/103] libSM-0:1.2.5-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 920.7 KiB/s | 42.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 79/103] libX11-xcb-0:1.8.11-1.fc41.x8 100% | 261.5 KiB/s | 11.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 80/103] libdrm-0:2.4.124-1.fc41.x86_6 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 148.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 81/103] libpciaccess-0:0.16-13.fc41.x 100% | 490.3 KiB/s | 26.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 82/103] libinput-0:1.27.1-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 209.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 83/103] libevdev-0:1.13.3-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 631.6 KiB/s | 37.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 84/103] libwacom-0:2.13.0-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 868.1 KiB/s | 45.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 85/103] mtdev-0:1.1.6-9.fc41.x86_64 100% | 400.0 KiB/s | 20.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 86/103] libwacom-data-0:2.13.0-1.fc41 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 297.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 87/103] double-conversion-0:3.3.1-1.f 100% | 764.2 KiB/s | 51.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 88/103] libXxf86vm-0:1.1.6-1.fc41.x86 100% | 296.8 KiB/s | 16.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 89/103] libxshmfence-0:1.3.2-5.fc41.x 100% | 235.1 KiB/s | 13.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 90/103] spirv-tools-libs-0:2024.4-1.f 100% | 4.9 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:39] [ 91/103] alsa-lib-0:1.2.13-3.fc41.x86_ 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 517.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:40] [ 92/103] libXv-0:1.0.13-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 138.3 KiB/s | 17.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:40] [ 93/103] libunwind-0:1.8.0-5.fc41.x86_ 100% | 540.4 KiB/s | 72.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:40] [ 94/103] pixman-0:0.44.2-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 269.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:40] [ 95/103] hwdata-0:0.393-1.fc41.noarch 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:40] [ 96/103] iio-sensor-proxy-0:3.5-5.fc41 100% | 385.5 KiB/s | 62.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:41] [ 97/103] mesa-dri-drivers-0:25.0.1-2.f 100% | 13.5 MiB/s | 31.3 MiB | 00m02s
[00:01:41] [ 98/103] qt5-qttranslations-0:5.15.15- 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 2.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:41] [ 99/103] qt5-qtwayland-0:5.15.15-1.fc4 100% | 6.4 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:41] [100/103] libXcomposite-0:0.4.6-4.fc41. 100% | 180.7 KiB/s | 24.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:41] [101/103] mesa-va-drivers-0:25.0.1-2.fc 100% | 210.3 KiB/s | 19.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:41] [102/103] xdriinfo-0:1.0.7-3.fc41.x86_6 100% | 230.9 KiB/s | 21.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:41] [103/103] llvm-libs-0:19.1.7-3.fc41.x86 100% | 12.8 MiB/s | 31.5 MiB | 00m02s
[00:01:41] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:01:41] [103/103] Total 100% | 18.8 MiB/s | 127.3 MiB | 00m07s
[00:01:41] Running transaction
[00:01:43] [ 1/105] Verify package files 100% | 223.0 B/s | 103.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 2/105] Prepare transaction 100% | 851.0 B/s | 103.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 3/105] Installing libX11-xcb-0:1.8.1 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 15.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 4/105] Installing libpng-2:1.6.40-4. 100% | 34.5 MiB/s | 247.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 5/105] Installing libwayland-client- 100% | 10.3 MiB/s | 63.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 6/105] Installing libwayland-server- 100% | 11.1 MiB/s | 79.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 7/105] Installing libogg-2:1.3.5-9.f 100% | 10.0 MiB/s | 51.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 8/105] Installing libgudev-0:238-6.f 100% | 14.6 MiB/s | 89.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 9/105] Installing fonts-filesystem-1 100% | 192.4 KiB/s | 788.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:43] [ 10/105] Installing libjpeg-turbo-0:3. 100% | 84.5 MiB/s | 778.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 11/105] Installing libicu-0:74.2-2.fc 100% | 150.7 MiB/s | 35.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 12/105] Installing libwayland-cursor- 100% | 7.5 MiB/s | 38.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 13/105] Installing libevdev-0:1.13.3- 100% | 14.2 MiB/s | 87.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 14/105] Installing libICE-0:1.1.2-1.f 100% | 27.6 MiB/s | 197.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 15/105] Installing mesa-filesystem-0: 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 4.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 16/105] Installing libwayland-egl-0:1 100% | 928.7 KiB/s | 17.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 17/105] Installing xml-common-0:0.6.3 100% | 13.2 MiB/s | 81.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 18/105] Installing libglvnd-1:1.7.0-5 100% | 47.2 MiB/s | 531.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 19/105] Installing iso-codes-0:4.16.0 100% | 218.6 MiB/s | 19.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 20/105] Installing libSM-0:1.2.5-1.fc 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 100.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 21/105] Installing abattis-cantarell- 100% | 19.0 MiB/s | 194.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 22/105] Installing libtheora-1:1.1.1- 100% | 33.5 MiB/s | 480.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 23/105] Installing libvorbis-1:1.3.7- 100% | 58.3 MiB/s | 836.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 24/105] Installing hwdata-0:0.393-1.f 100% | 140.8 MiB/s | 9.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 25/105] Installing libpciaccess-0:0.1 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 46.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 26/105] Installing libdrm-0:2.4.124-1 100% | 26.1 MiB/s | 401.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 27/105] Installing pixman-0:0.44.2-1. 100% | 65.0 MiB/s | 665.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 28/105] Installing libunwind-0:1.8.0- 100% | 18.5 MiB/s | 189.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 29/105] Installing gstreamer1-0:1.24. 100% | 111.9 MiB/s | 5.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 30/105] Installing alsa-lib-0:1.2.13- 100% | 52.1 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:44] [ 31/105] Installing spirv-tools-libs-0 100% | 129.6 MiB/s | 5.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 32/105] Installing llvm-libs-0:19.1.7 100% | 143.4 MiB/s | 124.5 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:45] [ 33/105] Installing libxshmfence-0:1.3 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 17.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 34/105] Installing double-conversion- 100% | 10.7 MiB/s | 98.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 35/105] Installing libwacom-data-0:2. 100% | 21.1 MiB/s | 1.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 36/105] Installing libwacom-0:2.13.0- 100% | 12.3 MiB/s | 100.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 37/105] Installing mtdev-0:1.1.6-9.fc 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 26.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 38/105] Installing libinput-0:1.27.1- 100% | 18.4 MiB/s | 584.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 39/105] Installing cups-filesystem-1: 100% | 296.9 KiB/s | 1.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 40/105] Installing avahi-libs-0:0.8-2 100% | 20.6 MiB/s | 168.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 41/105] Installing cups-libs-1:2.4.11 100% | 42.9 MiB/s | 615.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 42/105] Installing lm_sensors-libs-0: 100% | 14.2 MiB/s | 87.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 43/105] Installing libwebp-0:1.5.0-1. 100% | 53.3 MiB/s | 818.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 44/105] Installing libX11-common-0:1. 100% | 33.0 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 45/105] Installing fribidi-0:1.0.15-2 100% | 45.3 MiB/s | 370.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 46/105] Installing orc-0:0.4.39-1.fc4 100% | 62.0 MiB/s | 762.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 47/105] Installing opus-0:1.5.2-1.fc4 100% | 44.8 MiB/s | 412.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 48/105] Installing libvisual-1:0.4.1- 100% | 55.4 MiB/s | 453.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 49/105] Installing graphene-0:1.10.6- 100% | 22.9 MiB/s | 164.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 50/105] Installing cdparanoia-libs-0: 100% | 22.5 MiB/s | 115.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 51/105] Installing google-noto-fonts- 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 18.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 52/105] Installing google-noto-sans-v 100% | 69.4 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 53/105] Installing default-fonts-core 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 18.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 54/105] Installing libXau-0:1.0.11-7. 100% | 9.5 MiB/s | 68.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 55/105] Installing libxcb-0:1.17.0-3. 100% | 49.5 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 56/105] Installing libX11-0:1.8.11-1. 100% | 80.1 MiB/s | 1.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 57/105] Installing libXext-0:1.3.6-2. 100% | 14.9 MiB/s | 91.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 58/105] Installing libXrender-0:0.9.1 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 50.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:45] [ 59/105] Installing mesa-libgbm-0:25.0 100% | 4.0 MiB/s | 24.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 60/105] Installing mesa-dri-drivers-0 100% | 198.6 MiB/s | 160.6 MiB | 00m01s
[00:01:46] [ 61/105] Installing mesa-libEGL-0:25.0 100% | 36.6 MiB/s | 336.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 62/105] Installing libglvnd-egl-1:1.7 100% | 8.6 MiB/s | 70.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 63/105] Installing libXi-0:1.8.2-1.fc 100% | 15.2 MiB/s | 77.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 64/105] Installing libXxf86vm-0:1.1.6 100% | 7.2 MiB/s | 29.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 65/105] Installing mesa-libGL-0:25.0. 100% | 41.6 MiB/s | 425.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 66/105] Installing libglvnd-glx-1:1.7 100% | 65.8 MiB/s | 606.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 67/105] Installing glx-utils-0:9.0.0- 100% | 52.8 MiB/s | 432.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 68/105] Installing libXv-0:1.0.13-1.f 100% | 5.8 MiB/s | 29.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 69/105] Installing libXcomposite-0:0. 100% | 7.5 MiB/s | 46.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 70/105] Installing libxkbcommon-x11-0 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 40.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 71/105] Installing xcb-util-keysyms-0 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 17.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 72/105] Installing xcb-util-renderuti 100% | 4.9 MiB/s | 29.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 73/105] Installing xcb-util-wm-0:0.4. 100% | 10.7 MiB/s | 87.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 74/105] Installing xcb-util-0:0.4.1-6 100% | 5.2 MiB/s | 31.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 75/105] Installing xcb-util-image-0:0 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 23.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 76/105] Installing graphite2-0:1.3.14 100% | 27.1 MiB/s | 194.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 77/105] Installing harfbuzz-0:9.0.0-3 100% | 126.2 MiB/s | 2.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:46] [ 78/105] Installing freetype-0:2.13.3- 100% | 69.4 MiB/s | 852.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 79/105] Installing fontconfig-0:2.15. 100% | 767.4 KiB/s | 811.1 KiB | 00m01s
[00:01:47] [ 80/105] Installing cairo-0:1.18.2-2.f 100% | 101.7 MiB/s | 1.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 81/105] Installing libXft-0:2.3.8-7.f 100% | 27.0 MiB/s | 166.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 82/105] Installing pango-0:1.54.0-2.f 100% | 61.2 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 83/105] Installing gstreamer1-plugins 100% | 95.8 MiB/s | 7.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 84/105] Installing qt5-filesystem-0:5 100% | 436.0 KiB/s | 3.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 85/105] Installing qt-settings-0:41.2 100% | 335.9 KiB/s | 1.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 86/105] Installing pcre2-utf16-0:10.4 100% | 44.4 MiB/s | 590.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:47] [ 87/105] Installing libproxy-0:0.5.8-1 100% | 10.0 MiB/s | 112.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 88/105] Installing qt5-qtbase-common- 100% | 16.6 KiB/s | 356.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 89/105] Installing qt5-qtbase-0:5.15. 100% | 95.5 MiB/s | 9.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 90/105] Installing qt5-qtbase-gui-0:5 100% | 126.0 MiB/s | 19.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 91/105] Installing qt5-qtdeclarative- 100% | 116.9 MiB/s | 14.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 92/105] Installing qt5-qtlocation-0:5 100% | 129.5 MiB/s | 10.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 93/105] Installing qt5-qtsensors-0:5. 100% | 58.3 MiB/s | 955.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 94/105] Installing qt5-qtwebchannel-0 100% | 29.9 MiB/s | 306.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 95/105] Installing qt5-qtsvg-0:5.15.1 100% | 52.7 MiB/s | 647.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 96/105] Installing woff2-0:1.0.2-20.f 100% | 14.7 MiB/s | 135.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 97/105] Installing libxslt-0:1.1.42-2 100% | 29.7 MiB/s | 486.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 98/105] Installing hyphen-0:2.8.8-25. 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 53.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [ 99/105] Installing qt5-qtwebkit-0:5.2 100% | 134.7 MiB/s | 43.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [100/105] Installing wkhtmltopdf-0:0.12 100% | 31.9 MiB/s | 654.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [101/105] Installing qt5-qtwayland-0:5. 100% | 76.3 MiB/s | 4.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [102/105] Installing xdriinfo-0:1.0.7-3 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 35.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:48] [103/105] Installing mesa-va-drivers-0: 100% | 72.1 KiB/s | 812.0 B | 00m00s
[00:01:49] [104/105] Installing iio-sensor-proxy-0 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 163.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:50] [105/105] Installing qt5-qttranslations 100% | 9.0 MiB/s | 14.8 MiB | 00m02s
[00:01:50] Complete!
[00:01:50] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:01:51] Repositories loaded.
[00:01:51] Package "alsa-lib-1.2.13-3.fc41.x86_64" is already installed.
[00:01:51] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:01:51] Installing:
[00:01:51] GConf2 x86_64 3.2.6-42.fc41 fedora 6.3 MiB
[00:01:51] gtk2-devel x86_64 2.24.33-19.fc41 fedora 23.8 MiB
[00:01:51] gtk3-devel x86_64 3.24.43-2.fc41 fedora 33.9 MiB
[00:01:51] libXScrnSaver x86_64 1.2.4-4.fc41 fedora 45.7 KiB
[00:01:51] libnotify-devel x86_64 0.8.3-4.fc41 fedora 509.6 KiB
[00:01:51] nss x86_64 3.109.0-1.fc41 updates 1.9 MiB
[00:01:51] xorg-x11-server-Xvfb x86_64 21.1.16-1.fc41 updates 1.8 MiB
[00:01:51] Installing dependencies:
[00:01:51] ModemManager-glib x86_64 1.22.0-4.fc41 fedora 1.4 MiB
[00:01:51] NetworkManager-libnm x86_64 1:1.50.3-1.fc41 updates 9.9 MiB
[00:01:51] adobe-source-code-pro-fonts noarch fedora 1.6 MiB
[00:01:51] adwaita-cursor-theme noarch 47.0-1.fc41 fedora 10.0 MiB
[00:01:51] adwaita-icon-theme noarch 47.0-1.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:51] adwaita-icon-theme-legacy noarch 46.2-2.fc41 fedora 2.1 MiB
[00:01:51] at-spi2-atk x86_64 2.54.0-1.fc41 fedora 283.8 KiB
[00:01:51] at-spi2-atk-devel x86_64 2.54.0-1.fc41 fedora 1.6 KiB
[00:01:51] at-spi2-core x86_64 2.54.0-1.fc41 fedora 1.5 MiB
[00:01:51] at-spi2-core-devel x86_64 2.54.0-1.fc41 fedora 4.1 MiB
[00:01:51] atk x86_64 2.54.0-1.fc41 fedora 252.7 KiB
[00:01:51] atk-devel x86_64 2.54.0-1.fc41 fedora 5.9 MiB
[00:01:51] avahi-glib x86_64 0.8-29.fc41 fedora 19.6 KiB
[00:01:51] bluez-libs x86_64 5.79-1.fc41 updates 202.4 KiB
[00:01:51] brotli x86_64 1.1.0-5.fc41 fedora 31.8 KiB
[00:01:51] brotli-devel x86_64 1.1.0-5.fc41 fedora 65.6 KiB
[00:01:51] bzip2-devel x86_64 1.0.8-19.fc41 fedora 309.8 KiB
[00:01:51] cairo-devel x86_64 1.18.2-2.fc41 updates 2.3 MiB
[00:01:51] cairo-gobject x86_64 1.18.2-2.fc41 updates 34.1 KiB
[00:01:51] cairo-gobject-devel x86_64 1.18.2-2.fc41 updates 7.0 KiB
[00:01:51] cmake-filesystem x86_64 3.30.8-1.fc41 updates 0.0 B
[00:01:51] colord-libs x86_64 1.4.7-5.fc41 fedora 847.0 KiB
[00:01:51] cpuinfo x86_64 23.11.04-0.gitd6860c4.fc41.1 fedora 114.3 KiB
[00:01:51] dbus-devel x86_64 1:1.14.10-4.fc41 fedora 129.9 KiB
[00:01:51] dbus-glib x86_64 0.112-9.fc41 fedora 366.5 KiB
[00:01:51] exempi x86_64 2.6.4-6.fc41 fedora 1.4 MiB
[00:01:51] exiv2-libs x86_64 0.28.4-1.fc41 updates 2.8 MiB
[00:01:51] fdk-aac-free x86_64 2.0.0-14.fc41 fedora 607.2 KiB
[00:01:51] flac-libs x86_64 1.4.3-5.fc41 fedora 674.2 KiB
[00:01:51] fontconfig-devel x86_64 2.15.0-8.fc41 fedora 117.2 KiB
[00:01:51] freetype-devel x86_64 2.13.3-1.fc41 fedora 8.5 MiB
[00:01:51] fribidi-devel x86_64 1.0.15-2.fc41 fedora 78.0 KiB
[00:01:51] fuse-common x86_64 3.16.2-4.fc41 fedora 38.0 B
[00:01:51] fuse3 x86_64 3.16.2-4.fc41 fedora 126.0 KiB
[00:01:51] fuse3-libs x86_64 3.16.2-4.fc41 fedora 281.5 KiB
[00:01:51] gdk-pixbuf2 x86_64 2.42.12-6.fc41 fedora 2.5 MiB
[00:01:51] gdk-pixbuf2-devel x86_64 2.42.12-6.fc41 fedora 2.3 MiB
[00:01:51] gdk-pixbuf2-modules x86_64 2.42.12-6.fc41 fedora 55.6 KiB
[00:01:51] geoclue2 x86_64 2.7.2-2.fc41 updates 404.0 KiB
[00:01:51] giflib x86_64 5.2.2-2.fc41 fedora 112.2 KiB
[00:01:51] glib-networking x86_64 2.80.0-4.fc41 fedora 722.6 KiB
[00:01:51] glib2-devel x86_64 2.82.2-1.fc41 updates 15.7 MiB
[00:01:51] gobject-introspection x86_64 1.82.0-1.fc41 fedora 396.2 KiB
[00:01:51] gpgmepp x86_64 1.23.2-5.fc41 fedora 424.2 KiB
[00:01:51] graphite2-devel x86_64 1.3.14-16.fc41 fedora 49.1 KiB
[00:01:51] gsettings-desktop-schemas x86_64 47.1-1.fc41 fedora 5.4 MiB
[00:01:51] gsm x86_64 1.0.22-7.fc41 fedora 68.8 KiB
[00:01:51] gtk-update-icon-cache x86_64 3.24.43-2.fc41 fedora 66.3 KiB
[00:01:51] gtk2 x86_64 2.24.33-19.fc41 fedora 12.8 MiB
[00:01:52] gtk3 x86_64 3.24.43-2.fc41 fedora 22.4 MiB
[00:01:52] harfbuzz-cairo x86_64 9.0.0-3.fc41 fedora 48.2 KiB
[00:01:52] harfbuzz-devel x86_64 9.0.0-3.fc41 fedora 5.1 MiB
[00:01:52] harfbuzz-icu x86_64 9.0.0-3.fc41 fedora 19.5 KiB
[00:01:52] hicolor-icon-theme noarch 0.17-19.fc41 fedora 72.2 KiB
[00:01:52] highway x86_64 1.2.0-3.fc41 fedora 4.5 MiB
[00:01:52] imath x86_64 3.1.12-1.fc41 fedora 375.8 KiB
[00:01:52] inih x86_64 58-2.fc41 fedora 26.5 KiB
[00:01:52] inih-cpp x86_64 58-2.fc41 fedora 28.1 KiB
[00:01:52] jbigkit-libs x86_64 2.1-30.fc41 fedora 117.6 KiB
[00:01:52] json-glib x86_64 1.10.0-1.fc41 fedora 558.2 KiB
[00:01:52] lame-libs x86_64 3.100-18.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:52] lcms2 x86_64 2.16-4.fc41 fedora 424.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libX11-devel x86_64 1.8.11-1.fc41 updates 1.0 MiB
[00:01:52] libXau-devel x86_64 1.0.11-7.fc41 fedora 6.4 KiB
[00:01:52] libXcomposite-devel x86_64 0.4.6-4.fc41 fedora 8.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libXcursor x86_64 1.2.3-1.fc41 updates 57.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libXcursor-devel x86_64 1.2.3-1.fc41 updates 22.7 KiB
[00:01:52] libXdamage x86_64 1.1.6-4.fc41 fedora 43.7 KiB
[00:01:52] libXdamage-devel x86_64 1.1.6-4.fc41 fedora 2.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libXdmcp x86_64 1.1.5-2.fc41 fedora 82.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libXext-devel x86_64 1.3.6-2.fc41 fedora 98.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libXfixes x86_64 6.0.1-4.fc41 fedora 30.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libXfixes-devel x86_64 6.0.1-4.fc41 fedora 9.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libXfont2 x86_64 2.0.7-1.fc41 fedora 338.7 KiB
[00:01:52] libXft-devel x86_64 2.3.8-7.fc41 fedora 31.7 KiB
[00:01:52] libXi-devel x86_64 1.8.2-1.fc41 fedora 132.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libXinerama x86_64 1.1.5-7.fc41 fedora 19.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libXinerama-devel x86_64 1.1.5-7.fc41 fedora 7.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libXmu x86_64 1.2.1-2.fc41 fedora 191.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libXrandr x86_64 1.5.4-4.fc41 fedora 51.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libXrandr-devel x86_64 1.5.4-4.fc41 fedora 21.8 KiB
[00:01:52] libXrender-devel x86_64 0.9.12-1.fc41 updates 50.1 KiB
[00:01:52] libXt x86_64 1.3.1-1.fc41 updates 429.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libXtst x86_64 1.2.5-1.fc41 fedora 33.6 KiB
[00:01:52] libXtst-devel x86_64 1.2.5-1.fc41 fedora 11.6 KiB
[00:01:52] libaom x86_64 3.12.0-1.fc41 updates 5.0 MiB
[00:01:52] libasyncns x86_64 0.8-29.fc41 fedora 59.4 KiB
[00:01:52] libavif x86_64 1.1.1-1.fc41 updates 214.1 KiB
[00:01:52] libblkid-devel x86_64 2.40.4-1.fc41 updates 44.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libcamera x86_64 0.3.2-1.fc41 fedora 1.8 MiB
[00:01:52] libcanberra x86_64 0.30-36.fc41 fedora 274.6 KiB
[00:01:52] libcanberra-gtk3 x86_64 0.30-36.fc41 fedora 66.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libcloudproviders x86_64 0.3.5-5.fc41 fedora 128.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libcloudproviders-devel x86_64 0.3.5-5.fc41 fedora 375.4 KiB
[00:01:52] libcue x86_64 2.3.0-8.fc41 fedora 89.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libdatrie-devel x86_64 0.2.13-10.fc41 fedora 591.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libdav1d x86_64 1.5.1-1.fc41 updates 1.7 MiB
[00:01:52] libdeflate x86_64 1.23-1.fc41 updates 117.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libepoxy x86_64 1.5.10-8.fc41 fedora 1.1 MiB
[00:01:52] libepoxy-devel x86_64 1.5.10-8.fc41 fedora 1.6 MiB
[00:01:52] libexif x86_64 0.6.24-8.fc41 fedora 2.4 MiB
[00:01:52] libffi-devel x86_64 3.4.6-3.fc41 fedora 33.1 KiB
[00:01:52] libfontenc x86_64 1.1.8-2.fc41 fedora 67.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libgexiv2 x86_64 0.14.3-2.fc41 fedora 282.6 KiB
[00:01:52] libglvnd-core-devel x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 40.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libglvnd-devel x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 2.1 MiB
[00:01:52] libglvnd-gles x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 106.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libglvnd-opengl x86_64 1:1.7.0-5.fc41 fedora 148.8 KiB
[00:01:52] libgrss x86_64 0.7.0-21.fc41 fedora 174.6 KiB
[00:01:52] libgsf x86_64 1.14.53-2.fc41 updates 969.7 KiB
[00:01:52] libgusb x86_64 0.4.9-2.fc41 fedora 162.1 KiB
[00:01:52] libgxps x86_64 0.3.2-9.fc41 fedora 192.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libicu-devel x86_64 74.2-2.fc41 fedora 5.6 MiB
[00:01:52] libimobiledevice x86_64 1.3.0^20230705git6fc41f5-5.fc41 fedora 300.4 KiB
[00:01:52] libimobiledevice-glue x86_64 1.0.0-4.fc41 fedora 73.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libiptcdata x86_64 1.0.5-19.fc41 fedora 164.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libjpeg-turbo-devel x86_64 3.0.2-3.fc41 fedora 352.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libjxl x86_64 1:0.10.4-1.fc41 updates 3.4 MiB
[00:01:52] liblc3 x86_64 1.1.3-1.fc41 updates 174.9 KiB
[00:01:52] libldac x86_64 fedora 82.4 KiB
[00:01:52] liblerc x86_64 4.0.0-7.fc41 fedora 607.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libmount-devel x86_64 2.40.4-1.fc41 updates 63.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libnotify x86_64 0.8.3-4.fc41 fedora 128.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libosinfo x86_64 1.11.0-7.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:52] libplist x86_64 2.3.0-6.fc41 fedora 231.8 KiB
[00:01:52] libpng-devel x86_64 2:1.6.40-4.fc41 fedora 881.5 KiB
[00:01:52] librsvg2 x86_64 2.59.2-1.fc41 updates 4.5 MiB
[00:01:52] libsbc x86_64 2.0-5.fc41 fedora 93.5 KiB
[00:01:52] libselinux-devel x86_64 3.7-5.fc41 fedora 126.4 KiB
[00:01:52] libsepol-devel x86_64 3.7-2.fc41 fedora 120.3 KiB
[00:01:52] libsndfile x86_64 1.2.2-5.fc41 updates 534.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libsoup x86_64 2.74.3-7.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:01:52] libsoup3 x86_64 3.6.4-1.fc41 updates 1.1 MiB
[00:01:52] libtdb x86_64 1.4.12-3.fc41 fedora 97.1 KiB
[00:01:52] libthai-devel x86_64 0.1.29-9.fc41 fedora 700.8 KiB
[00:01:52] libtiff x86_64 4.6.0-6.fc41 fedora 606.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libtiff-devel x86_64 4.6.0-6.fc41 fedora 709.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libtracker-sparql x86_64 3.7.3-3.fc41 fedora 1.0 MiB
[00:01:52] libusbmuxd x86_64 2.0.2^20230620git8d30a55-6.fc41 fedora 71.1 KiB
[00:01:52] libvmaf x86_64 3.0.0-2.fc41 fedora 823.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libwebp-devel x86_64 1.5.0-1.fc41 updates 121.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libxcb-devel x86_64 1.17.0-3.fc41 fedora 2.7 MiB
[00:01:52] libxkbcommon-devel x86_64 1.7.0-4.fc41 fedora 359.6 KiB
[00:01:52] libxkbfile x86_64 1.1.3-2.fc41 fedora 202.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libxml2-devel x86_64 2.12.9-1.fc41 updates 3.4 MiB
[00:01:52] libyuv x86_64 0-0.55.20240704git96bbdb5.fc41 fedora 679.0 KiB
[00:01:52] libzstd-devel x86_64 1.5.7-1.fc41 updates 208.0 KiB
[00:01:52] lttng-ust x86_64 2.13.8-3.fc41 fedora 1.1 MiB
[00:01:52] mpg123-libs x86_64 1.32.9-1.fc41 updates 801.7 KiB
[00:01:52] nspr x86_64 4.36.0-4.fc41 updates 320.4 KiB
[00:01:52] nss-softokn x86_64 3.109.0-1.fc41 updates 1.9 MiB
[00:01:52] nss-softokn-freebl x86_64 3.109.0-1.fc41 updates 845.1 KiB
[00:01:52] nss-sysinit x86_64 3.109.0-1.fc41 updates 22.2 KiB
[00:01:52] nss-util x86_64 3.109.0-1.fc41 updates 205.1 KiB
[00:01:52] numactl-libs x86_64 2.0.19-1.fc41 updates 61.0 KiB
[00:01:52] openexr-libs x86_64 3.2.4-3.fc41 fedora 6.5 MiB
[00:01:52] openjpeg x86_64 2.5.3-6.fc41 updates 455.9 KiB
[00:01:52] osinfo-db noarch 20250124-1.fc41 updates 3.9 MiB
[00:01:52] osinfo-db-tools x86_64 1.12.0-1.fc41 updates 207.5 KiB
[00:01:52] pango-devel x86_64 1.54.0-2.fc41 fedora 1.5 MiB
[00:01:52] pcre2-devel x86_64 10.44-1.fc41.1 fedora 2.0 MiB
[00:01:52] pcre2-utf32 x86_64 10.44-1.fc41.1 fedora 562.0 KiB
[00:01:52] pipewire-jack-audio-connection-kit-libs x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 464.7 KiB
[00:01:52] pipewire-libs x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 7.2 MiB
[00:01:52] pixman-devel x86_64 0.44.2-1.fc41 updates 49.4 KiB
[00:01:52] poppler x86_64 24.08.0-1.fc41 fedora 3.6 MiB
[00:01:52] poppler-data noarch 0.4.11-8.fc41 fedora 12.3 MiB
[00:01:52] poppler-glib x86_64 24.08.0-1.fc41 fedora 586.9 KiB
[00:01:52] pulseaudio-libs x86_64 17.0-2.fc41 fedora 3.4 MiB
[00:01:52] python3-packaging noarch 24.2-3.fc41 updates 558.3 KiB
[00:01:52] rav1e-libs x86_64 0.7.1-4.fc41 fedora 3.0 MiB
[00:01:52] redhat-display-fonts noarch 4.0.3-13.fc41 updates 1.1 MiB
[00:01:52] redhat-text-fonts noarch 4.0.3-13.fc41 updates 941.5 KiB
[00:01:52] rtkit x86_64 0.11-65.fc41 updates 146.4 KiB
[00:01:52] shared-mime-info x86_64 2.3-6.fc41 fedora 5.2 MiB
[00:01:52] sound-theme-freedesktop noarch 0.8-22.fc41 fedora 460.4 KiB
[00:01:52] svt-av1-libs x86_64 2.3.0-1.fc41 updates 5.6 MiB
[00:01:52] sysprof-capture-devel x86_64 47.2-1.fc41 updates 252.8 KiB
[00:01:52] totem-pl-parser x86_64 3.26.6-10.fc41 fedora 304.5 KiB
[00:01:52] tracker x86_64 3.7.3-3.fc41 fedora 2.3 MiB
[00:01:52] uchardet x86_64 0.0.8-6.fc41 fedora 275.9 KiB
[00:01:52] upower-libs x86_64 1.90.7-1.fc41 updates 171.6 KiB
[00:01:52] wayland-devel x86_64 1.23.0-2.fc41 fedora 679.0 KiB
[00:01:52] webrtc-audio-processing x86_64 1.3-3.fc41 fedora 1.3 MiB
[00:01:52] wireplumber x86_64 0.5.8-1.fc41 updates 381.8 KiB
[00:01:52] wireplumber-libs x86_64 0.5.8-1.fc41 updates 1.2 MiB
[00:01:52] xdg-desktop-portal x86_64 1.18.4-4.fc41 updates 2.2 MiB
[00:01:52] xkbcomp x86_64 1.4.7-2.fc41 fedora 217.4 KiB
[00:01:52] xorg-x11-proto-devel noarch 2024.1-3.fc41 fedora 1.7 MiB
[00:01:52] xorg-x11-server-common x86_64 21.1.16-1.fc41 updates 127.1 KiB
[00:01:52] xorg-x11-xauth x86_64 1:1.1.3-2.fc41 fedora 56.2 KiB
[00:01:52] xprop x86_64 1.2.7-2.fc41 fedora 58.8 KiB
[00:01:52] xz-devel x86_64 1:5.6.2-2.fc41 fedora 255.6 KiB
[00:01:52] zlib-ng-compat-devel x86_64 2.2.3-2.fc41 updates 107.0 KiB
[00:01:52] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:01:52] avif-pixbuf-loader x86_64 1.1.1-1.fc41 updates 23.5 KiB
[00:01:52] dconf x86_64 0.40.0-14.fc41 fedora 315.8 KiB
[00:01:52] exiv2 x86_64 0.28.4-1.fc41 updates 12.2 MiB
[00:01:52] gi-docgen-fonts noarch 2025.3-1.fc41 updates 0.0 B
[00:01:52] jxl-pixbuf-loader x86_64 1:0.10.4-1.fc41 updates 33.2 KiB
[00:01:52] libcamera-ipa x86_64 0.3.2-1.fc41 fedora 487.8 KiB
[00:01:52] libcanberra-gtk2 x86_64 0.30-36.fc41 fedora 50.2 KiB
[00:01:52] low-memory-monitor x86_64 2.1-11.fc41 fedora 70.1 KiB
[00:01:52] pipewire x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 401.8 KiB
[00:01:52] pipewire-alsa x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 138.0 KiB
[00:01:52] pipewire-jack-audio-connection-kit x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 30.0 B
[00:01:52] pipewire-plugin-libcamera x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 142.5 KiB
[00:01:52] pipewire-pulseaudio x86_64 1.2.7-6.fc41 updates 423.9 KiB
[00:01:52] rsvg-pixbuf-loader x86_64 2.59.2-1.fc41 updates 330.6 KiB
[00:01:52] tracker-miners x86_64 3.7.4-2.fc41 updates 4.3 MiB
[00:01:52] upower x86_64 1.90.7-1.fc41 updates 511.0 KiB
[00:01:52] usbmuxd x86_64 1.1.1^20230720git61b99ab-3.fc41 fedora 152.8 KiB
[00:01:52] webp-pixbuf-loader x86_64 0.2.7-2.fc41 fedora 32.7 KiB
[00:01:52] xdg-desktop-portal-gtk x86_64 1.15.1-6.fc41 fedora 477.8 KiB
[00:01:52] Transaction Summary:
[00:01:52] Installing: 220 packages
[00:01:52] Total size of inbound packages is 76 MiB. Need to download 76 MiB.
[00:01:52] After this operation, 352 MiB extra will be used (install 352 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:01:53] [ 1/220] libXdmcp-0:1.1.5-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 702.4 KiB/s | 37.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 2/220] xorg-x11-xauth-1:1.1.3-2.fc41 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 34.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 3/220] libXfont2-0:2.0.7-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 149.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 4/220] xorg-x11-server-Xvfb-0:21.1.1 100% | 6.8 MiB/s | 816.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 5/220] xorg-x11-server-common-0:21.1 100% | 827.2 KiB/s | 36.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 6/220] libfontenc-0:1.1.8-2.fc41.x86 100% | 958.2 KiB/s | 32.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 7/220] libXmu-0:1.2.1-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 78.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 8/220] gdk-pixbuf2-0:2.42.12-6.fc41. 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 489.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 9/220] gtk2-devel-0:2.24.33-19.fc41. 100% | 8.3 MiB/s | 2.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 10/220] gtk2-0:2.24.33-19.fc41.x86_64 100% | 9.7 MiB/s | 3.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 11/220] shared-mime-info-0:2.3-6.fc41 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 390.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 12/220] atk-0:2.54.0-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 80.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 13/220] gtk-update-icon-cache-0:3.24. 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 34.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 14/220] hicolor-icon-theme-0:0.17-19. 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 65.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 15/220] gdk-pixbuf2-modules-0:2.42.12 100% | 494.7 KiB/s | 27.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 16/220] libXdamage-0:1.1.6-4.fc41.x86 100% | 976.9 KiB/s | 23.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 17/220] libXfixes-0:6.0.1-4.fc41.x86_ 100% | 504.0 KiB/s | 19.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 18/220] libXrandr-0:1.5.4-4.fc41.x86_ 100% | 728.9 KiB/s | 27.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 19/220] libXinerama-0:1.1.5-7.fc41.x8 100% | 257.8 KiB/s | 14.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 20/220] at-spi2-core-0:2.54.0-1.fc41. 100% | 5.0 MiB/s | 377.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 21/220] libXtst-0:1.2.5-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 379.4 KiB/s | 20.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 22/220] libtiff-0:4.6.0-6.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 212.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 23/220] xprop-0:1.2.7-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 34.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 24/220] jbigkit-libs-0:2.1-30.fc41.x8 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 53.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 25/220] liblerc-0:4.0.0-7.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 210.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:53] [ 26/220] libepoxy-0:1.5.10-8.fc41.x86_ 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 220.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 27/220] adwaita-icon-theme-0:47.0-1.f 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 406.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 28/220] gtk3-devel-0:3.24.43-2.fc41.x 100% | 9.6 MiB/s | 4.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 29/220] at-spi2-atk-0:2.54.0-1.fc41.x 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 86.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 30/220] gtk3-0:3.24.43-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 11.4 MiB/s | 5.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 31/220] libcloudproviders-0:0.3.5-5.f 100% | 945.2 KiB/s | 46.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 32/220] colord-libs-0:1.4.7-5.fc41.x8 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 230.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 33/220] libtracker-sparql-0:3.7.3-3.f 100% | 5.9 MiB/s | 370.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 34/220] adwaita-cursor-theme-0:47.0-1 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 326.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 35/220] lcms2-0:2.16-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 180.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 36/220] libgusb-0:0.4.9-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 65.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 37/220] avahi-glib-0:0.8-29.fc41.x86_ 100% | 381.8 KiB/s | 15.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 38/220] json-glib-0:1.10.0-1.fc41.x86 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 161.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 39/220] libnotify-devel-0:0.8.3-4.fc4 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 74.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 40/220] adwaita-icon-theme-legacy-0:4 100% | 11.5 MiB/s | 2.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 41/220] libnotify-0:0.8.3-4.fc41.x86_ 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 51.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 42/220] dbus-glib-0:0.112-9.fc41.x86_ 100% | 2.9 MiB/s | 128.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 43/220] nss-0:3.109.0-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 705.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 44/220] GConf2-0:3.2.6-42.fc41.x86_64 100% | 7.2 MiB/s | 980.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 45/220] nss-softokn-freebl-0:3.109.0- 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 325.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 46/220] nss-softokn-0:3.109.0-1.fc41. 100% | 3.5 MiB/s | 411.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 47/220] nss-sysinit-0:3.109.0-1.fc41. 100% | 455.8 KiB/s | 19.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 48/220] libXScrnSaver-0:1.2.4-4.fc41. 100% | 679.0 KiB/s | 25.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 49/220] nspr-0:4.36.0-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 6.1 MiB/s | 137.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 50/220] xkbcomp-0:1.4.7-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 100.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 51/220] libxkbfile-0:1.1.3-2.fc41.x86 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 91.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 52/220] nss-util-0:3.109.0-1.fc41.x86 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 86.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 53/220] libsoup3-0:3.6.4-1.fc41.x86_6 100% | 4.6 MiB/s | 390.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 54/220] gdk-pixbuf2-devel-0:2.42.12-6 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 367.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 55/220] glib2-devel-0:2.82.2-1.fc41.x 100% | 13.4 MiB/s | 1.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 56/220] libXt-0:1.3.1-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 177.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 57/220] at-spi2-atk-devel-0:2.54.0-1. 100% | 285.0 KiB/s | 10.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 58/220] atk-devel-0:2.54.0-1.fc41.x86 100% | 5.8 MiB/s | 443.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 59/220] cairo-gobject-devel-0:1.18.2- 100% | 134.5 KiB/s | 11.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 60/220] cairo-gobject-0:1.18.2-2.fc41 100% | 710.7 KiB/s | 16.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 61/220] cairo-devel-0:1.18.2-2.fc41.x 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 191.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 62/220] fontconfig-devel-0:2.15.0-8.f 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 164.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:54] [ 63/220] fribidi-devel-0:1.0.15-2.fc41 100% | 775.0 KiB/s | 29.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 64/220] libXcomposite-devel-0:0.4.6-4 100% | 420.2 KiB/s | 16.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 65/220] xorg-x11-proto-devel-0:2024.1 100% | 5.5 MiB/s | 300.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 66/220] libX11-devel-0:1.8.11-1.fc41. 100% | 12.9 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 67/220] libXcursor-devel-0:1.2.3-1.fc 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 39.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 68/220] libXdamage-devel-0:1.1.6-4.fc 100% | 384.9 KiB/s | 9.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 69/220] libXfixes-devel-0:6.0.1-4.fc4 100% | 487.8 KiB/s | 12.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 70/220] libXext-devel-0:1.3.6-2.fc41. 100% | 1.8 MiB/s | 85.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 71/220] libXi-devel-0:1.8.2-1.fc41.x8 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 115.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 72/220] libXinerama-devel-0:1.1.5-7.f 100% | 315.2 KiB/s | 13.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 73/220] libXrandr-devel-0:1.5.4-4.fc4 100% | 604.7 KiB/s | 19.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 74/220] libcloudproviders-devel-0:0.3 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 49.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 75/220] libepoxy-devel-0:1.5.10-8.fc4 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 133.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 76/220] libxkbcommon-devel-0:1.7.0-4. 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 67.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 77/220] pango-devel-0:1.54.0-2.fc41.x 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 160.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 78/220] libXcursor-0:1.2.3-1.fc41.x86 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 31.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 79/220] wayland-devel-0:1.23.0-2.fc41 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 152.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 80/220] libjpeg-turbo-devel-0:3.0.2-3 100% | 2.7 MiB/s | 97.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 81/220] libpng-devel-2:1.6.40-4.fc41. 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 290.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 82/220] freetype-devel-0:2.13.3-1.fc4 100% | 8.0 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 83/220] libtiff-devel-0:4.6.0-6.fc41. 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 258.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 84/220] brotli-devel-0:1.1.0-5.fc41.x 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 34.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 85/220] brotli-0:1.1.0-5.fc41.x86_64 100% | 772.3 KiB/s | 20.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 86/220] bzip2-devel-0:1.0.8-19.fc41.x 100% | 6.1 MiB/s | 213.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 87/220] harfbuzz-cairo-0:9.0.0-3.fc41 100% | 918.1 KiB/s | 29.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 88/220] harfbuzz-icu-0:9.0.0-3.fc41.x 100% | 602.7 KiB/s | 15.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 89/220] zlib-ng-compat-devel-0:2.2.3- 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 38.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 90/220] harfbuzz-devel-0:9.0.0-3.fc41 100% | 6.2 MiB/s | 447.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 91/220] xz-devel-1:5.6.2-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 66.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 92/220] at-spi2-core-devel-0:2.54.0-1 100% | 5.5 MiB/s | 328.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 93/220] dbus-devel-1:1.14.10-4.fc41.x 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 39.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 94/220] libxml2-devel-0:2.12.9-1.fc41 100% | 5.1 MiB/s | 523.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 95/220] cmake-filesystem-0:3.30.8-1.f 100% | 989.1 KiB/s | 16.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 96/220] libXrender-devel-0:0.9.12-1.f 100% | 862.7 KiB/s | 19.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 97/220] libmount-devel-0:2.40.4-1.fc4 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 27.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 98/220] libffi-devel-0:3.4.6-3.fc41.x 100% | 701.6 KiB/s | 28.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [ 99/220] libsepol-devel-0:3.7-2.fc41.x 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 48.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [100/220] libselinux-devel-0:3.7-5.fc41 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 151.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [101/220] pcre2-devel-0:10.44-1.fc41.1. 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 521.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [102/220] python3-packaging-0:24.2-3.fc 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 153.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [103/220] libxcb-devel-0:1.17.0-3.fc41. 100% | 8.6 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [104/220] pcre2-utf32-0:10.44-1.fc41.1. 100% | 2.2 MiB/s | 210.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [105/220] sysprof-capture-devel-0:47.2- 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 53.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [106/220] pixman-devel-0:0.44.2-1.fc41. 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 17.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [107/220] libXft-devel-0:2.3.8-7.fc41.x 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 49.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [108/220] libthai-devel-0:0.1.29-9.fc41 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 146.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [109/220] libXau-devel-0:1.0.11-7.fc41. 100% | 394.9 KiB/s | 13.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [110/220] libwebp-devel-0:1.5.0-1.fc41. 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 39.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [111/220] libzstd-devel-0:1.5.7-1.fc41. 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 53.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [112/220] libdatrie-devel-0:0.2.13-10.f 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 155.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [113/220] libglvnd-devel-1:1.7.0-5.fc41 100% | 3.5 MiB/s | 162.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [114/220] libglvnd-core-devel-1:1.7.0-5 100% | 449.9 KiB/s | 17.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [115/220] libglvnd-gles-1:1.7.0-5.fc41. 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 29.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [116/220] graphite2-devel-0:1.3.14-16.f 100% | 577.5 KiB/s | 20.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [117/220] libglvnd-opengl-1:1.7.0-5.fc4 100% | 748.8 KiB/s | 37.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [118/220] libXtst-devel-0:1.2.5-1.fc41. 100% | 416.8 KiB/s | 15.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [119/220] libblkid-devel-0:2.40.4-1.fc4 100% | 521.3 KiB/s | 26.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [120/220] libicu-devel-0:74.2-2.fc41.x8 100% | 8.5 MiB/s | 928.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [121/220] xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-0:1.15 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 141.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [122/220] libcanberra-gtk2-0:0.30-36.fc 100% | 503.9 KiB/s | 24.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [123/220] libcanberra-0:0.30-36.fc41.x8 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 84.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [124/220] libcanberra-gtk3-0:0.30-36.fc 100% | 907.2 KiB/s | 30.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [125/220] libtdb-0:1.4.12-3.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 51.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [126/220] libasyncns-0:0.8-29.fc41.x86_ 100% | 964.9 KiB/s | 29.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [127/220] pulseaudio-libs-0:17.0-2.fc41 100% | 7.1 MiB/s | 698.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [128/220] sound-theme-freedesktop-0:0.8 100% | 3.6 MiB/s | 382.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:55] [129/220] webp-pixbuf-loader-0:0.2.7-2. 100% | 417.2 KiB/s | 20.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [130/220] rsvg-pixbuf-loader-0:2.59.2-1 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 152.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [131/220] jxl-pixbuf-loader-1:0.10.4-1. 100% | 632.4 KiB/s | 20.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [132/220] avif-pixbuf-loader-0:1.1.1-1. 100% | 963.0 KiB/s | 16.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [133/220] tracker-miners-0:3.7.4-2.fc41 100% | 13.5 MiB/s | 939.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [134/220] exempi-0:2.6.4-6.fc41.x86_64 100% | 5.9 MiB/s | 581.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [135/220] giflib-0:5.2.2-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 51.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [136/220] libcue-0:2.3.0-8.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 34.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [137/220] libgexiv2-0:0.14.3-2.fc41.x86 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 103.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [138/220] librsvg2-0:2.59.2-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [139/220] libexif-0:0.6.24-8.fc41.x86_6 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 453.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [140/220] libgrss-0:0.7.0-21.fc41.x86_6 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 62.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [141/220] libiptcdata-0:1.0.5-19.fc41.x 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 60.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [142/220] libgxps-0:0.3.2-9.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 76.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [143/220] poppler-glib-0:24.08.0-1.fc41 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 191.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [144/220] totem-pl-parser-0:3.26.6-10.f 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 143.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [145/220] libosinfo-0:1.11.0-7.fc41.x86 100% | 3.3 MiB/s | 315.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [146/220] libsoup-0:2.74.3-7.fc41.x86_6 100% | 6.5 MiB/s | 396.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [147/220] tracker-0:3.7.3-3.fc41.x86_64 100% | 7.6 MiB/s | 636.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [148/220] uchardet-0:0.0.8-6.fc41.x86_6 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 106.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [149/220] glib-networking-0:2.80.0-4.fc 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 199.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [150/220] gpgmepp-0:1.23.2-5.fc41.x86_6 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 138.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [151/220] dconf-0:0.40.0-14.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 109.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [152/220] poppler-0:24.08.0-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 6.0 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [153/220] gi-docgen-fonts-0:2025.3-1.fc 100% | 530.6 KiB/s | 8.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [154/220] poppler-data-0:0.4.11-8.fc41. 100% | 7.9 MiB/s | 2.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [155/220] adobe-source-code-pro-fonts-0 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 806.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [156/220] NetworkManager-libnm-1:1.50.3 100% | 9.5 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [157/220] libgsf-0:1.14.53-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 261.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [158/220] upower-libs-0:1.90.7-1.fc41.x 100% | 881.3 KiB/s | 54.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [159/220] libjxl-1:0.10.4-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 12.5 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [160/220] highway-0:1.2.0-3.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 653.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:56] [161/220] imath-0:3.1.12-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 98.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [162/220] openexr-libs-0:3.2.4-3.fc41.x 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [163/220] redhat-display-fonts-0:4.0.3- 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 553.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [164/220] redhat-text-fonts-0:4.0.3-13. 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 501.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [165/220] libavif-0:1.1.1-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 99.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [166/220] libyuv-0:0-0.55.20240704git96 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 200.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [167/220] xdg-desktop-portal-0:1.18.4-4 100% | 14.1 MiB/s | 447.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [168/220] fuse3-0:3.16.2-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 58.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [169/220] fuse3-libs-0:3.16.2-4.fc41.x8 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 93.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [170/220] rav1e-libs-0:0.7.1-4.fc41.x86 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [171/220] gsettings-desktop-schemas-0:4 100% | 4.1 MiB/s | 782.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [172/220] libsndfile-0:1.2.2-5.fc41.x86 100% | 9.5 MiB/s | 213.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [173/220] fuse-common-0:3.16.2-4.fc41.x 100% | 228.2 KiB/s | 8.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [174/220] gsm-0:1.0.22-7.fc41.x86_64 100% | 665.9 KiB/s | 36.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [175/220] flac-libs-0:1.4.3-5.fc41.x86_ 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 261.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [176/220] openjpeg-0:2.5.3-6.fc41.x86_6 100% | 5.5 MiB/s | 190.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [177/220] libdeflate-0:1.23-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 2.7 MiB/s | 66.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [178/220] osinfo-db-0:20250124-1.fc41.n 100% | 11.3 MiB/s | 476.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [179/220] lame-libs-0:3.100-18.fc41.x86 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 336.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [180/220] osinfo-db-tools-0:1.12.0-1.fc 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 73.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [181/220] exiv2-libs-0:0.28.4-1.fc41.x8 100% | 16.7 MiB/s | 888.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [182/220] inih-cpp-0:58-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 387.8 KiB/s | 18.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [183/220] inih-0:58-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 328.9 KiB/s | 18.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [184/220] geoclue2-0:2.7.2-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 6.7 MiB/s | 143.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [185/220] ModemManager-glib-0:1.22.0-4. 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 318.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [186/220] fdk-aac-free-0:2.0.0-14.fc41. 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 337.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [187/220] libldac-0: 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 41.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [188/220] libsbc-0:2.0-5.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 48.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [189/220] pipewire-libs-0:1.2.7-6.fc41. 100% | 12.5 MiB/s | 1.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [190/220] bluez-libs-0:5.79-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 83.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [191/220] webrtc-audio-processing-0:1.3 100% | 6.0 MiB/s | 520.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [192/220] gobject-introspection-0:1.82. 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 119.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [193/220] liblc3-0:1.1.3-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 5.9 MiB/s | 103.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [194/220] mpg123-libs-0:1.32.9-1.fc41.x 100% | 6.0 MiB/s | 337.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [195/220] libvmaf-0:3.0.0-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 193.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [196/220] libaom-0:3.12.0-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 15.0 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [197/220] libdav1d-0:1.5.1-1.fc41.x86_6 100% | 6.8 MiB/s | 634.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [198/220] upower-0:1.90.7-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 6.0 MiB/s | 136.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [199/220] cpuinfo-0:23.11.04-0.gitd6860 100% | 885.4 KiB/s | 42.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [200/220] libimobiledevice-0:1.3.0^2023 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 137.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [201/220] libplist-0:2.3.0-6.fc41.x86_6 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 93.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [202/220] svt-av1-libs-0:2.3.0-1.fc41.x 100% | 11.7 MiB/s | 2.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [203/220] libusbmuxd-0:2.0.2^20230620gi 100% | 1.4 MiB/s | 36.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [204/220] libimobiledevice-glue-0:1.0.0 100% | 870.3 KiB/s | 36.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [205/220] pipewire-0:1.2.7-6.fc41.x86_6 100% | 5.5 MiB/s | 129.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [206/220] low-memory-monitor-0:2.1-11.f 100% | 906.8 KiB/s | 34.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [207/220] rtkit-0:0.11-65.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 54.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [208/220] wireplumber-0:0.5.8-1.fc41.x8 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 111.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:57] [209/220] wireplumber-libs-0:0.5.8-1.fc 100% | 10.0 MiB/s | 388.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [210/220] pipewire-alsa-0:1.2.7-6.fc41. 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 56.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [211/220] pipewire-jack-audio-connectio 100% | 496.1 KiB/s | 13.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [212/220] pipewire-pulseaudio-0:1.2.7-6 100% | 6.3 MiB/s | 205.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [213/220] pipewire-jack-audio-connectio 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 136.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [214/220] exiv2-0:0.28.4-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 12.5 MiB/s | 2.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [215/220] pipewire-plugin-libcamera-0:1 100% | 4.0 MiB/s | 73.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [216/220] usbmuxd-0:1.1.1^20230720git61 100% | 1.3 MiB/s | 65.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [217/220] numactl-libs-0:2.0.19-1.fc41. 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 31.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [218/220] libcamera-0:0.3.2-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 6.3 MiB/s | 576.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [219/220] libcamera-ipa-0:0.3.2-1.fc41. 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 132.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] [220/220] lttng-ust-0:2.13.8-3.fc41.x86 100% | 2.4 MiB/s | 329.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:01:58] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:01:58] [220/220] Total 100% | 12.3 MiB/s | 76.5 MiB | 00m06s
[00:01:58] Running transaction
[00:02:00] [ 1/222] Verify package files 100% | 670.0 B/s | 220.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 2/222] Prepare transaction 100% | 827.0 B/s | 220.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 3/222] Installing xorg-x11-proto-dev 100% | 54.0 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 4/222] Installing nspr-0:4.36.0-4.fc 100% | 28.6 MiB/s | 322.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 5/222] Installing json-glib-0:1.10.0 100% | 55.7 MiB/s | 570.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 6/222] Installing libplist-0:2.3.0-6 100% | 25.4 MiB/s | 234.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 7/222] Installing cmake-filesystem-0 100% | 561.6 KiB/s | 7.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 8/222] Installing zlib-ng-compat-dev 100% | 10.6 MiB/s | 108.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 9/222] Installing libXfixes-0:6.0.1- 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 31.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 10/222] Installing libpng-devel-2:1.6 100% | 86.5 MiB/s | 885.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 11/222] Installing nss-util-0:3.109.0 100% | 25.2 MiB/s | 206.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 12/222] Installing cairo-gobject-0:1. 100% | 4.9 MiB/s | 35.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 13/222] Installing libsoup3-0:3.6.4-1 100% | 96.1 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 14/222] Installing libXdamage-0:1.1.6 100% | 7.4 MiB/s | 45.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 15/222] Installing libXcursor-0:1.2.3 100% | 9.6 MiB/s | 59.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 16/222] Installing libimobiledevice-g 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 74.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 17/222] Installing libtdb-0:1.4.12-3. 100% | 12.0 MiB/s | 97.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 18/222] Installing avahi-glib-0:0.8-2 100% | 2.0 MiB/s | 20.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 19/222] Installing libtracker-sparql- 100% | 45.4 MiB/s | 1.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 20/222] Installing lcms2-0:2.16-4.fc4 100% | 41.7 MiB/s | 426.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 21/222] Installing libepoxy-0:1.5.10- 100% | 90.5 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 22/222] Installing libXrandr-0:1.5.4- 100% | 5.2 MiB/s | 53.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 23/222] Installing libXinerama-0:1.1. 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 20.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 24/222] Installing shared-mime-info-0 100% | 55.6 MiB/s | 2.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 25/222] Installing gdk-pixbuf2-0:2.42 100% | 120.3 MiB/s | 2.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 26/222] Installing gtk-update-icon-ca 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 67.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 27/222] Installing libnotify-0:0.8.3- 100% | 14.2 MiB/s | 130.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 28/222] Installing libjpeg-turbo-deve 100% | 31.6 MiB/s | 355.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 29/222] Installing dbus-devel-1:1.14. 100% | 13.2 MiB/s | 134.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 30/222] Installing fuse3-libs-0:3.16. 100% | 27.6 MiB/s | 282.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 31/222] Installing gsettings-desktop- 100% | 234.4 MiB/s | 5.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 32/222] Installing giflib-0:5.2.2-2.f 100% | 13.9 MiB/s | 113.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 33/222] Installing pixman-devel-0:0.4 100% | 6.1 MiB/s | 50.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 34/222] Installing libffi-devel-0:3.4 100% | 6.8 MiB/s | 34.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 35/222] Installing fribidi-devel-0:1. 100% | 11.4 MiB/s | 81.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 36/222] Installing libcloudproviders- 100% | 15.9 MiB/s | 130.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 37/222] Installing libXtst-0:1.2.5-1. 100% | 4.8 MiB/s | 34.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 38/222] Installing hicolor-icon-theme 100% | 3.1 MiB/s | 179.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 39/222] Installing libcloudproviders- 100% | 26.7 MiB/s | 382.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 40/222] Installing wayland-devel-0:1. 100% | 37.3 MiB/s | 687.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 41/222] Installing glib-networking-0: 100% | 32.7 MiB/s | 737.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 42/222] Installing libsoup-0:2.74.3-7 100% | 62.8 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 43/222] Installing libgrss-0:0.7.0-21 100% | 8.6 MiB/s | 175.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 44/222] Installing rsvg-pixbuf-loader 100% | 19.0 MiB/s | 331.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:00] [ 45/222] Installing librsvg2-0:2.59.2- 100% | 103.2 MiB/s | 4.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 46/222] Installing libgsf-0:1.14.53-2 100% | 41.6 MiB/s | 980.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 47/222] Installing tracker-0:3.7.3-3. 100% | 37.8 MiB/s | 2.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 48/222] Installing libusbmuxd-0:2.0.2 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 72.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 49/222] Installing libimobiledevice-0 100% | 26.8 MiB/s | 302.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 50/222] Installing osinfo-db-tools-0: 100% | 13.0 MiB/s | 213.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 51/222] Installing nss-softokn-freebl 100% | 43.5 MiB/s | 847.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 52/222] Installing nss-softokn-0:3.10 100% | 67.4 MiB/s | 1.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 53/222] Installing nss-sysinit-0:3.10 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 23.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 54/222] Installing nss-0:3.109.0-1.fc 100% | 48.3 MiB/s | 1.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 55/222] Installing libwebp-devel-0:1. 100% | 5.3 MiB/s | 124.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 56/222] Installing libgusb-0:0.4.9-2. 100% | 13.3 MiB/s | 163.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 57/222] Installing colord-libs-0:1.4. 100% | 43.7 MiB/s | 850.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 58/222] Installing libXau-devel-0:1.0 100% | 329.5 KiB/s | 8.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 59/222] Installing libxcb-devel-0:1.1 100% | 63.9 MiB/s | 3.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 60/222] Installing libX11-devel-0:1.8 100% | 50.9 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 61/222] Installing libXext-devel-0:1. 100% | 7.2 MiB/s | 110.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 62/222] Installing libXfixes-devel-0: 100% | 989.5 KiB/s | 9.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 63/222] Installing libXrender-devel-0 100% | 5.0 MiB/s | 51.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 64/222] Installing libXi-devel-0:1.8. 100% | 10.9 MiB/s | 144.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 65/222] Installing libXcursor-devel-0 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 32.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 66/222] Installing libXrandr-devel-0: 100% | 986.2 KiB/s | 24.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 67/222] Installing libXcomposite-deve 100% | 874.7 KiB/s | 10.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 68/222] Installing libXinerama-devel- 100% | 774.5 KiB/s | 8.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 69/222] Installing libXtst-devel-0:1. 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 14.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 70/222] Installing libXdamage-devel-0 100% | 340.7 KiB/s | 3.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 71/222] Installing numactl-libs-0:2.0 100% | 7.5 MiB/s | 61.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 72/222] Installing lttng-ust-0:2.13.8 100% | 65.1 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 73/222] Installing libcamera-0:0.3.2- 100% | 17.1 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 74/222] Installing rtkit-0:0.11-65.fc 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 149.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: rtkit-0:0.11-65.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:01] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: rtkit-0:0.11-65.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:01] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:02:01] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/
[00:02:01] >>>
[00:02:01] [ 75/222] Installing cpuinfo-0:23.11.04 100% | 12.7 MiB/s | 116.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 76/222] Installing svt-av1-libs-0:2.3 100% | 160.4 MiB/s | 5.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 77/222] Installing libdav1d-0:1.5.1-1 100% | 120.4 MiB/s | 1.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 78/222] Installing libvmaf-0:3.0.0-2. 100% | 89.4 MiB/s | 824.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 79/222] Installing libaom-0:3.12.0-1. 100% | 165.6 MiB/s | 5.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 80/222] Installing mpg123-libs-0:1.32 100% | 78.5 MiB/s | 804.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 81/222] Installing liblc3-0:1.1.3-1.f 100% | 28.6 MiB/s | 175.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 82/222] Installing bluez-libs-0:5.79- 100% | 33.1 MiB/s | 203.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 83/222] Installing gobject-introspect 100% | 32.6 MiB/s | 400.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 84/222] Installing upower-libs-0:1.90 100% | 18.8 MiB/s | 172.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 85/222] Installing webrtc-audio-proce 100% | 103.3 MiB/s | 1.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 86/222] Installing libsbc-0:2.0-5.fc4 100% | 13.2 MiB/s | 94.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 87/222] Installing libldac-0: 100% | 9.2 MiB/s | 84.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 88/222] Installing fdk-aac-free-0:2.0 100% | 66.1 MiB/s | 608.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 89/222] Installing ModemManager-glib- 100% | 17.0 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 90/222] Installing geoclue2-0:2.7.2-2 100% | 9.1 MiB/s | 407.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 91/222] Installing inih-0:58-2.fc41.x 100% | 5.4 MiB/s | 27.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:01] [ 92/222] Installing inih-cpp-0:58-2.fc 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 28.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 93/222] Installing exiv2-libs-0:0.28. 100% | 134.3 MiB/s | 2.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 94/222] Installing libgexiv2-0:0.14.3 100% | 25.3 MiB/s | 284.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 95/222] Installing osinfo-db-0:202501 100% | 39.8 MiB/s | 4.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 96/222] Installing libosinfo-0:1.11.0 100% | 119.9 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 97/222] Installing libdeflate-0:1.23- 100% | 23.2 MiB/s | 118.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 98/222] Installing openjpeg-0:2.5.3-6 100% | 63.9 MiB/s | 457.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [ 99/222] Installing lame-libs-0:3.100- 100% | 132.7 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [100/222] Installing gsm-0:1.0.22-7.fc4 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 70.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [101/222] Installing flac-libs-0:1.4.3- 100% | 50.9 MiB/s | 677.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [102/222] Installing libsndfile-0:1.2.2 100% | 58.1 MiB/s | 535.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [103/222] Installing fuse-common-0:3.16 100% | 95.1 KiB/s | 292.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [104/222] Installing fuse3-0:3.16.2-4.f 100% | 17.9 MiB/s | 128.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [105/222] Installing rav1e-libs-0:0.7.1 100% | 176.1 MiB/s | 3.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [106/222] Installing libyuv-0:0-0.55.20 100% | 95.0 MiB/s | 680.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [107/222] Installing libavif-0:1.1.1-1. 100% | 35.0 MiB/s | 215.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [108/222] Installing redhat-text-fonts- 100% | 115.3 MiB/s | 944.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [109/222] Installing redhat-display-fon 100% | 97.0 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [110/222] Installing imath-0:3.1.12-1.f 100% | 46.1 MiB/s | 378.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [111/222] Installing openexr-libs-0:3.2 100% | 138.9 MiB/s | 6.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [112/222] Installing highway-0:1.2.0-3. 100% | 148.7 MiB/s | 4.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [113/222] Installing libjxl-1:0.10.4-1. 100% | 96.9 MiB/s | 3.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [114/222] Installing NetworkManager-lib 100% | 292.6 MiB/s | 9.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [115/222] Installing adobe-source-code- 100% | 100.8 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [116/222] Installing poppler-data-0:0.4 100% | 131.8 MiB/s | 12.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [117/222] Installing gpgmepp-0:1.23.2-5 100% | 59.3 MiB/s | 425.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [118/222] Installing uchardet-0:0.0.8-6 100% | 33.9 MiB/s | 278.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [119/222] Installing totem-pl-parser-0: 100% | 28.7 MiB/s | 323.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [120/222] Installing libiptcdata-0:1.0. 100% | 23.3 MiB/s | 167.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [121/222] Installing libexif-0:0.6.24-8 100% | 162.4 MiB/s | 2.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [122/222] Installing libcue-0:2.3.0-8.f 100% | 17.9 MiB/s | 91.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [123/222] Installing exempi-0:2.6.4-6.f 100% | 99.2 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [124/222] Installing libasyncns-0:0.8-2 100% | 11.8 MiB/s | 60.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [125/222] Installing pulseaudio-libs-0: 100% | 169.3 MiB/s | 3.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [126/222] Installing pipewire-libs-0:1. 100% | 100.0 MiB/s | 7.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [127/222] Installing xdg-desktop-portal 100% | 35.2 MiB/s | 2.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [128/222] Installing wireplumber-libs-0 100% | 62.7 MiB/s | 1.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [129/222] Installing wireplumber-0:0.5. 100% | 8.8 MiB/s | 396.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [130/222] Installing pipewire-jack-audi 100% | 60.9 KiB/s | 312.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [131/222] Installing pipewire-jack-audi 100% | 45.6 MiB/s | 467.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [132/222] Installing sound-theme-freede 100% | 19.8 MiB/s | 467.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [133/222] Installing libcanberra-0:0.30 100% | 6.7 MiB/s | 279.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [134/222] Installing libblkid-devel-0:2 100% | 7.5 MiB/s | 46.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [135/222] Installing libicu-devel-0:74. 100% | 104.5 MiB/s | 5.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [136/222] Installing graphite2-devel-0: 100% | 12.3 MiB/s | 50.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [137/222] Installing libglvnd-opengl-1: 100% | 48.7 MiB/s | 149.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [138/222] Installing libglvnd-gles-1:1. 100% | 35.0 MiB/s | 107.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [139/222] Installing libglvnd-core-deve 100% | 20.1 MiB/s | 41.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [140/222] Installing libglvnd-devel-1:1 100% | 132.5 MiB/s | 2.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:02] [141/222] Installing libepoxy-devel-0:1 100% | 158.9 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [142/222] Installing libdatrie-devel-0: 100% | 73.7 MiB/s | 603.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [143/222] Installing libthai-devel-0:0. 100% | 116.8 MiB/s | 717.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [144/222] Installing libzstd-devel-0:1. 100% | 68.0 MiB/s | 208.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [145/222] Installing sysprof-capture-de 100% | 41.6 MiB/s | 255.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [146/222] Installing python3-packaging- 100% | 50.7 MiB/s | 570.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [147/222] Installing pcre2-utf32-0:10.4 100% | 78.5 MiB/s | 562.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [148/222] Installing pcre2-devel-0:10.4 100% | 221.7 MiB/s | 2.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [149/222] Installing libsepol-devel-0:3 100% | 15.6 MiB/s | 127.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [150/222] Installing libselinux-devel-0 100% | 26.2 MiB/s | 161.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [151/222] Installing libmount-devel-0:2 100% | 21.0 MiB/s | 64.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [152/222] Installing glib2-devel-0:2.82 100% | 147.0 MiB/s | 15.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [153/222] Installing xz-devel-1:5.6.2-2 100% | 42.2 MiB/s | 259.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [154/222] Installing libxml2-devel-0:2. 100% | 244.0 MiB/s | 3.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [155/222] Installing libxkbcommon-devel 100% | 70.6 MiB/s | 361.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [156/222] Installing harfbuzz-icu-0:9.0 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 20.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [157/222] Installing harfbuzz-cairo-0:9 100% | 24.0 MiB/s | 49.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [158/222] Installing bzip2-devel-0:1.0. 100% | 101.2 MiB/s | 310.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [159/222] Installing brotli-0:1.1.0-5.f 100% | 15.9 MiB/s | 32.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [160/222] Installing brotli-devel-0:1.1 100% | 16.6 MiB/s | 68.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [161/222] Installing cairo-devel-0:1.18 100% | 286.4 MiB/s | 2.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [162/222] Installing fontconfig-devel-0 100% | 29.7 MiB/s | 151.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [163/222] Installing freetype-devel-0:2 100% | 388.3 MiB/s | 8.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [164/222] Installing harfbuzz-devel-0:9 100% | 212.4 MiB/s | 5.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [165/222] Installing cairo-gobject-deve 100% | 3.7 MiB/s | 7.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [166/222] Installing libXft-devel-0:2.3 100% | 14.4 MiB/s | 44.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [167/222] Installing pango-devel-0:1.54 100% | 115.7 MiB/s | 1.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [168/222] Installing libXt-0:1.3.1-1.fc 100% | 70.2 MiB/s | 431.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [169/222] Installing libXmu-0:1.2.1-2.f 100% | 37.8 MiB/s | 193.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [170/222] Installing xorg-x11-xauth-1:1 100% | 14.0 MiB/s | 57.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [171/222] Installing libxkbfile-0:1.1.3 100% | 66.2 MiB/s | 203.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [172/222] Installing xkbcomp-0:1.4.7-2. 100% | 42.7 MiB/s | 218.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [173/222] Installing xorg-x11-server-co 100% | 62.6 MiB/s | 128.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [174/222] Installing dbus-glib-0:0.112- 100% | 40.0 MiB/s | 368.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [175/222] Installing adwaita-icon-theme 100% | 15.5 MiB/s | 2.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [176/222] Installing adwaita-cursor-the 100% | 228.1 MiB/s | 10.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [177/222] Installing adwaita-icon-theme 100% | 20.0 MiB/s | 1.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [178/222] Installing liblerc-0:4.0.0-7. 100% | 148.7 MiB/s | 609.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [179/222] Installing jbigkit-libs-0:2.1 100% | 58.4 MiB/s | 119.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [180/222] Installing libtiff-0:4.6.0-6. 100% | 118.8 MiB/s | 608.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [181/222] Installing gdk-pixbuf2-module 100% | 27.7 MiB/s | 56.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [182/222] Installing libtiff-devel-0:4. 100% | 175.8 MiB/s | 720.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [183/222] Installing gdk-pixbuf2-devel- 100% | 255.7 MiB/s | 2.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [184/222] Installing libgxps-0:0.3.2-9. 100% | 63.3 MiB/s | 194.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [185/222] Installing poppler-0:24.08.0- 100% | 171.9 MiB/s | 3.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [186/222] Installing poppler-glib-0:24. 100% | 114.8 MiB/s | 587.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [187/222] Installing xprop-0:1.2.7-2.fc 100% | 29.4 MiB/s | 60.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [188/222] Installing at-spi2-core-0:2.5 100% | 138.1 MiB/s | 1.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [189/222] Installing atk-0:2.54.0-1.fc4 100% | 62.0 MiB/s | 254.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [190/222] Installing atk-devel-0:2.54.0 100% | 377.1 MiB/s | 6.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [191/222] Installing gtk2-0:2.24.33-19. 100% | 229.0 MiB/s | 12.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [192/222] Installing at-spi2-atk-0:2.54 100% | 55.8 MiB/s | 285.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [193/222] Installing gtk3-0:3.24.43-2.f 100% | 224.7 MiB/s | 22.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [194/222] Installing libcanberra-gtk3-0 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 70.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [195/222] Installing at-spi2-core-devel 100% | 296.7 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [196/222] Installing at-spi2-atk-devel- 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 2.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [197/222] Installing libfontenc-0:1.1.8 100% | 33.4 MiB/s | 68.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [198/222] Installing libXfont2-0:2.0.7- 100% | 83.1 MiB/s | 340.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [199/222] Installing libXdmcp-0:1.1.5-2 100% | 40.9 MiB/s | 83.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:03] [200/222] Installing xorg-x11-server-Xv 100% | 104.6 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [201/222] Installing gtk3-devel-0:3.24. 100% | 227.9 MiB/s | 34.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [202/222] Installing libcanberra-gtk2-0 100% | 16.8 MiB/s | 51.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [203/222] Installing xdg-desktop-portal 100% | 14.8 MiB/s | 484.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [204/222] Installing gtk2-devel-0:2.24. 100% | 265.0 MiB/s | 23.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [205/222] Installing tracker-miners-0:3 100% | 78.4 MiB/s | 4.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [206/222] Installing libnotify-devel-0: 100% | 101.9 MiB/s | 521.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [207/222] Installing GConf2-0:3.2.6-42. 100% | 59.7 MiB/s | 6.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [208/222] Installing pipewire-0:1.2.7-6 100% | 10.5 MiB/s | 408.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: pipewire-0:1.2.7-6.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:04] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: pipewire-0:1.2.7-6.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:04] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:02:04] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/user/' ->
[00:02:04] >>>
[00:02:04] [209/222] Installing pipewire-alsa-0:1. 100% | 34.1 MiB/s | 139.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [210/222] Installing pipewire-pulseaudi 100% | 11.4 MiB/s | 431.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: pipewire-pulseaudio-0:1.2.7-6.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:04] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: pipewire-pulseaudio-0:1.2.7-6.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:04] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:02:04] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/user/
[00:02:04] >>>
[00:02:04] [211/222] Installing pipewire-plugin-li 100% | 35.0 MiB/s | 143.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [212/222] Installing gi-docgen-fonts-0: 100% | 121.1 KiB/s | 124.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [213/222] Installing jxl-pixbuf-loader- 100% | 11.2 MiB/s | 34.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [214/222] Installing avif-pixbuf-loader 100% | 11.9 MiB/s | 24.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [215/222] Installing exiv2-0:0.28.4-1.f 100% | 421.5 MiB/s | 12.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [216/222] Installing upower-0:1.90.7-1. 100% | 13.3 MiB/s | 518.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: upower-0:1.90.7-1.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:04] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: upower-0:1.90.7-1.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:04] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:02:04] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/'
[00:02:04] >>>
[00:02:04] [217/222] Installing libcamera-ipa-0:0. 100% | 5.6 MiB/s | 491.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [218/222] Installing usbmuxd-0:1.1.1^20 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 154.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [219/222] Installing webp-pixbuf-loader 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 33.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [220/222] Installing low-memory-monitor 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 71.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:04] [221/222] Installing dconf-0:0.40.0-14. 100% | 9.8 MiB/s | 320.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:10] [222/222] Installing libXScrnSaver-0:1. 100% | 8.2 KiB/s | 47.1 KiB | 00m06s
[00:02:10] >>> Running post-transaction scriptlet: wireplumber-0:0.5.8-1.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:10] >>> Finished post-transaction scriptlet: wireplumber-0:0.5.8-1.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:10] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:02:10] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/user/pipewire-session-manager.service' -> '/us
[00:02:10] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/user/pipewire.service.wants/wireplumber.servic
[00:02:10] >>>
[00:02:10] Complete!
[00:02:11] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:02:12] Repositories loaded.
[00:02:12] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:02:12] Installing:
[00:02:12] nodejs x86_64 1:22.14.0-2.fc41 updates 149.5 KiB
[00:02:12] Installing dependencies:
[00:02:12] libuv x86_64 1:1.50.0-1.fc41 updates 568.4 KiB
[00:02:12] nodejs-libs x86_64 1:22.14.0-2.fc41 updates 75.9 MiB
[00:02:12] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:02:12] nodejs-docs noarch 1:22.14.0-2.fc41 updates 93.7 MiB
[00:02:12] nodejs-full-i18n x86_64 1:22.14.0-2.fc41 updates 30.4 MiB
[00:02:12] nodejs-npm x86_64 1:10.9.2- updates 9.3 MiB
[00:02:12] Transaction Summary:
[00:02:12] Installing: 6 packages
[00:02:12] Total size of inbound packages is 39 MiB. Need to download 39 MiB.
[00:02:12] After this operation, 210 MiB extra will be used (install 210 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:02:13] [1/6] nodejs-1:22.14.0-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 137.9 KiB/s | 46.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:13] [2/6] libuv-1:1.50.0-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 708.7 KiB/s | 264.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:14] [3/6] nodejs-npm-1:10.9.2- 100% | 1.9 MiB/s | 2.4 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:14] [4/6] nodejs-docs-1:22.14.0-2.fc41.noar 100% | 6.6 MiB/s | 8.8 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:14] [5/6] nodejs-libs-1:22.14.0-2.fc41.x86_ 100% | 11.3 MiB/s | 19.2 MiB | 00m02s
[00:02:15] [6/6] nodejs-full-i18n-1:22.14.0-2.fc41 100% | 21.3 MiB/s | 8.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:15] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:02:15] [6/6] Total 100% | 14.3 MiB/s | 39.2 MiB | 00m03s
[00:02:15] Running transaction
[00:02:16] [1/8] Verify package files 100% | 41.0 B/s | 6.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:16] [2/8] Prepare transaction 100% | 31.0 B/s | 6.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:16] [3/8] Installing libuv-1:1.50.0-1.fc41. 100% | 19.2 MiB/s | 571.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:16] [4/8] Installing nodejs-libs-1:22.14.0- 100% | 179.1 MiB/s | 75.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:16] [5/8] Installing nodejs-1:22.14.0-2.fc4 100% | 5.9 MiB/s | 151.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:16] [6/8] Installing nodejs-npm-1:10.9.2-1. 100% | 28.2 MiB/s | 9.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:17] [7/8] Installing nodejs-full-i18n-1:22. 100% | 155.0 MiB/s | 30.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:17] [8/8] Installing nodejs-docs-1:22.14.0- 100% | 299.0 MiB/s | 93.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:17] Complete!
[00:02:17] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:02:18] Repositories loaded.
[00:02:19] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:02:19] Installing:
[00:02:19] liberation-mono-fonts noarch 1:2.1.5-12.fc41 fedora 1.2 MiB
[00:02:19] libgdiplus-devel x86_64 6.1-8.fc41 fedora 1.1 KiB
[00:02:19] mono-data x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 16.8 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-devel x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 22.6 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-mvc x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 1.6 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-wcf x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 3.0 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-winfx x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 850.9 KiB
[00:02:19] nant x86_64 1:0.92-37.fc41 fedora 2.9 MiB
[00:02:19] xsp x86_64 4.7.1-11.fc41 fedora 717.2 KiB
[00:02:19] Installing dependencies:
[00:02:19] libgdiplus x86_64 6.1-8.fc41 fedora 539.3 KiB
[00:02:19] log4net x86_64 2.0.8-20.fc41 fedora 442.2 KiB
[00:02:19] mono-core x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 56.2 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-data-sqlite x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 206.8 KiB
[00:02:19] mono-extras x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 1.5 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-web x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 8.5 MiB
[00:02:19] mono-winforms x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 5.1 MiB
[00:02:19] monodoc x86_64 6.12.0-18.fc41 fedora 23.0 MiB
[00:02:19] nunit2 x86_64 2.6.4-35.fc41 fedora 940.9 KiB
[00:02:19] Transaction Summary:
[00:02:19] Installing: 18 packages
[00:02:19] Total size of inbound packages is 54 MiB. Need to download 54 MiB.
[00:02:19] After this operation, 146 MiB extra will be used (install 146 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:02:19] [ 1/18] mono-mvc-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86_6 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 468.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:19] [ 2/18] mono-wcf-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86_6 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 943.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:19] [ 3/18] nant-1:0.92-37.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 600.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:19] [ 4/18] mono-winfx-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 292.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:19] [ 5/18] liberation-mono-fonts-1:2.1.5-1 100% | 3.8 MiB/s | 507.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:19] [ 6/18] mono-data-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86_ 100% | 15.6 MiB/s | 4.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:19] [ 7/18] log4net-0:2.0.8-20.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 171.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [ 8/18] mono-extras-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x8 100% | 4.7 MiB/s | 475.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [ 9/18] mono-winforms-0:6.12.0-18.fc41. 100% | 10.9 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [10/18] mono-data-sqlite-0:6.12.0-18.fc 100% | 1.5 MiB/s | 75.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [11/18] mono-web-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86_6 100% | 9.5 MiB/s | 2.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [12/18] mono-devel-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86 100% | 11.2 MiB/s | 5.8 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:20] [13/18] xsp-0:4.7.1-11.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 299.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [14/18] libgdiplus-devel-0:6.1-8.fc41.x 100% | 172.6 KiB/s | 8.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:20] [15/18] libgdiplus-0:6.1-8.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 191.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:21] [16/18] nunit2-0:2.6.4-35.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.7 MiB/s | 292.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:21] [17/18] mono-core-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86_ 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 17.1 MiB | 00m02s
[00:02:21] [18/18] monodoc-0:6.12.0-18.fc41.x86_64 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 18.5 MiB | 00m02s
[00:02:21] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:02:21] [18/18] Total 100% | 18.6 MiB/s | 54.5 MiB | 00m03s
[00:02:21] Running transaction
[00:02:22] [ 1/20] Verify package files 100% | 87.0 B/s | 18.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:22] [ 2/20] Prepare transaction 100% | 113.0 B/s | 18.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:23] [ 3/20] Installing libgdiplus-0:6.1-8.f 100% | 23.0 MiB/s | 541.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:23] [ 4/20] Installing mono-winforms-0:6.12 100% | 100.0 MiB/s | 5.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:23] [ 5/20] Installing mono-data-0:6.12.0-1 100% | 134.9 MiB/s | 16.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:23] [ 6/20] Installing mono-wcf-0:6.12.0-18 100% | 103.8 MiB/s | 3.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:23] [ 7/20] Installing mono-extras-0:6.12.0 100% | 72.9 MiB/s | 1.5 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:23] [ 8/20] Installing mono-data-sqlite-0:6 100% | 29.0 MiB/s | 207.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [ 9/20] Installing mono-core-0:6.12.0-1 100% | 67.4 MiB/s | 56.3 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:24] [10/20] Installing mono-web-0:6.12.0-18 100% | 111.2 MiB/s | 8.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [11/20] Installing mono-mvc-0:6.12.0-18 100% | 92.9 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [12/20] Installing log4net-0:2.0.8-20.f 100% | 43.4 MiB/s | 443.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [13/20] Installing nunit2-0:2.6.4-35.fc 100% | 61.6 MiB/s | 946.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [14/20] Installing monodoc-0:6.12.0-18. 100% | 184.3 MiB/s | 23.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [15/20] Installing mono-devel-0:6.12.0- 100% | 108.1 MiB/s | 22.7 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [16/20] Installing nant-1:0.92-37.fc41. 100% | 122.2 MiB/s | 2.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [17/20] Installing xsp-0:4.7.1-11.fc41. 100% | 21.6 MiB/s | 752.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [18/20] Installing mono-winfx-0:6.12.0- 100% | 83.3 MiB/s | 852.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [19/20] Installing libgdiplus-devel-0:6 100% | 214.8 KiB/s | 1.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] [20/20] Installing liberation-mono-font 100% | 3.9 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:24] Complete!
[00:02:24] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:02:24] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:02:25] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:02:25] 100 227k 100 227k 0 0 2112k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2128k
[00:02:25] Mono Certificate Store Sync - version
[00:02:25] Populate Mono certificate store from a concatenated list of certificates.
[00:02:25] Copyright 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies. Copyright 2004-2008 Novell. BSD licensed.
[00:02:25] Importing into legacy system store:
[00:02:25] I already trust 0, your new list has 150
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added:, incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Limited, Certification Authority (2048)
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Entrust, Inc.", is incorporated by reference, OU="(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc.", CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=AAA Certificate Services
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US,, O=XRamp Security Services Inc, CN=XRamp Global Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Starfield Technologies, Inc.", OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CH, O=SwissSign AG, CN=SwissSign Gold CA - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=SecureTrust CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=Secure Global CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO ECC Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=FR, O=Dhimyotis, CN=Certigna
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O="Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.", OU=ePKI Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=RO, O=certSIGN, OU=certSIGN ROOT CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=NetLock Kft., OU=Tan?s?tv?nykiad?k (Certification Services), CN=NetLock Arany (Class Gold) F?tan?s?tv?ny
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=Microsec Ltd., CN=Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009,
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=IZENPE S.A.,
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=", Inc.", CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O="Starfield Technologies, Inc.", CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O="Starfield Technologies, Inc.", CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Networking
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD.", OU=Security Communication RootCA2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IT, L=Milan, O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967, CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 2 Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 3 Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=SK, L=Bratislava, O=Disig a.s., CN=CA Disig Root R2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Global Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: O=TeliaSonera, CN=TeliaSonera Root CA v1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=Atos TrustedRoot 2011, O=Atos, C=DE
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Entrust, Inc.", OU=See, OU="(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only", CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Entrust, Inc.", OU=See, OU="(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only", CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=China Financial Certification Authority, CN=CFCA EV ROOT
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., CN=SZAFIR ROOT CA2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=FNMT-RCM, OU=AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TR, L=Gebze - Kocaeli, O=Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu - TUBITAK, OU=Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi - Kamu SM, CN=TUBITAK Kamu SM SSL Kok Sertifikasi - Surum 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, Root Certification Authority RSA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, Root Certification Authority ECC
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, EV Root Certification Authority RSA R2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, EV Root Certification Authority ECC
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GC CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=UniTrust, CN=UCA Global G2 Root
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=UniTrust, CN=UCA Extended Validation Root
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=FR, O=Dhimyotis, OU=0002 48146308100036, CN=Certigna Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IN, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Technologies Limited, CN=emSign Root CA - G1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IN, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Technologies Limited, CN=emSign ECC Root CA - G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Inc, CN=emSign Root CA - C1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Inc, CN=emSign ECC Root CA - C3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HK, S=Hong Kong, L=Hong Kong, O=Hongkong Post, CN=Hongkong Post Root CA 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=Microsec Ltd., OID., CN=e-Szigno Root CA 2017
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=RO, O=CERTSIGN SA, OU=certSIGN ROOT CA G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Illinois, L=Chicago, O="Trustwave Holdings, Inc.", CN=Trustwave Global Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Illinois, L=Chicago, O="Trustwave Holdings, Inc.", CN=Trustwave Global ECC P256 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Illinois, L=Chicago, O="Trustwave Holdings, Inc.", CN=Trustwave Global ECC P384 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=KR, O=NAVER BUSINESS PLATFORM Corp., CN=NAVER Global Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=FNMT-RCM, OU=Ceres, OID., CN=AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM SERVIDORES SEGUROS
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, CN=GlobalSign Root R46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, CN=GlobalSign Root E46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=AT, O=e-commerce monitoring GmbH, CN=GLOBALTRUST 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: SERIALNUMBER=G63287510, C=ES, O=ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, OU=ANF CA Raiz, CN=ANF Secure Server Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Asseco Data Systems S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum EC-384 CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Asseco Data Systems S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN=HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN=HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, CN=Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="iTrusChina Co.,Ltd.", CN=vTrus ECC Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="iTrusChina Co.,Ltd.", CN=vTrus Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O="Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.", CN=HiPKI Root CA - G1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=FI, O=Telia Finland Oyj, CN=Telia Root CA v2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST BR Root CA 1 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST EV Root CA 1 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="DigiCert, Inc.", CN=DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="DigiCert, Inc.", CN=DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Certainly, CN=Certainly Root R1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Certainly, CN=Certainly Root E1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD.", CN=Security Communication ECC RootCA1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=BEIJING CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY, CN=BJCA Global Root CA1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=BEIJING CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY, CN=BJCA Global Root CA2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, O=Sectigo Limited, CN=Sectigo Public Server Authentication Root E46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, O=Sectigo Limited, CN=Sectigo Public Server Authentication Root R46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SSL Corporation, TLS RSA Root CA 2022
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SSL Corporation, TLS ECC Root CA 2022
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=Atos TrustedRoot Root CA ECC TLS 2021, O=Atos, C=DE
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=Atos TrustedRoot Root CA RSA TLS 2021, O=Atos, C=DE
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.", CN=TrustAsia Global Root CA G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.", CN=TrustAsia Global Root CA G4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust ECC Root-01
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust ECC Root-02
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust RSA Root-01
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust RSA Root-02
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, CN=Telekom Security TLS ECC Root 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, CN=Telekom Security TLS RSA Root 2023
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=Firmaprofesional SA, OID., CN=FIRMAPROFESIONAL CA ROOT-A WEB
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA CYBER Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.", CN=SecureSign Root CA12
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.", CN=SecureSign Root CA14
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.", CN=SecureSign Root CA15
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST BR Root CA 2 2023
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST EV Root CA 2 2023
[00:02:25] 150 new root certificates were added to your trust store.
[00:02:25] Import process completed.
[00:02:25] Importing into BTLS system store:
[00:02:25] I already trust 0, your new list has 150
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, OU=Root CA, CN=GlobalSign Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added:, incorp. by ref. (limits liab.), OU=(c) 1999 Limited, Certification Authority (2048)
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IE, O=Baltimore, OU=CyberTrust, CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Entrust, Inc.", is incorporated by reference, OU="(c) 2006 Entrust, Inc.", CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=Comodo CA Limited, CN=AAA Certificate Services
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US,, O=XRamp Security Services Inc, CN=XRamp Global Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Starfield Technologies, Inc.", OU=Starfield Class 2 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CH, O=SwissSign AG, CN=SwissSign Gold CA - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=SecureTrust CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SecureTrust Corporation, CN=Secure Global CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO ECC Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=FR, O=Dhimyotis, CN=Certigna
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O="Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.", OU=ePKI Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=RO, O=certSIGN, OU=certSIGN ROOT CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=NetLock Kft., OU=Tan?s?tv?nykiad?k (Certification Services), CN=NetLock Arany (Class Gold) F?tan?s?tv?ny
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=Microsec Ltd., CN=Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009,
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R3, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=IZENPE S.A.,
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O=", Inc.", CN=Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O="Starfield Technologies, Inc.", CN=Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Arizona, L=Scottsdale, O="Starfield Technologies, Inc.", CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Commercial
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Networking
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=AffirmTrust, CN=AffirmTrust Premium ECC
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD.", OU=Security Communication RootCA2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IT, L=Milan, O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967, CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 2 Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=NO, O=Buypass AS-983163327, CN=Buypass Class 3 Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=SK, L=Bratislava, O=Disig a.s., CN=CA Disig Root R2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA Global Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: O=TeliaSonera, CN=TeliaSonera Root CA v1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH, OU=T-Systems Trust Center, CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=Atos TrustedRoot 2011, O=Atos, C=DE
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BM, O=QuoVadis Limited, CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Global Root G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=DigiCert Inc,, CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, S=Greater Manchester, L=Salford, O=COMODO CA Limited, CN=COMODO RSA Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=New Jersey, L=Jersey City, O=The USERTRUST Network, CN=USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R5, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=IdenTrust, CN=IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Entrust, Inc.", OU=See, OU="(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only", CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="Entrust, Inc.", OU=See, OU="(c) 2012 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only", CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=China Financial Certification Authority, CN=CFCA EV ROOT
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., CN=SZAFIR ROOT CA2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Unizeto Technologies S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Network CA 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2015
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, L=Athens, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions Cert. Authority, CN=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions ECC RootCA 2015
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=FNMT-RCM, OU=AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Amazon, CN=Amazon Root CA 4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TR, L=Gebze - Kocaeli, O=Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu - TUBITAK, OU=Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi - Kamu SM, CN=TUBITAK Kamu SM SSL Kok Sertifikasi - Surum 1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, Root Certification Authority RSA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, Root Certification Authority ECC
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, EV Root Certification Authority RSA R2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Texas, L=Houston, O=SSL Corporation, EV Root Certification Authority ECC
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CH, O=WISeKey, OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed, CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GC CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=UniTrust, CN=UCA Global G2 Root
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=UniTrust, CN=UCA Extended Validation Root
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=FR, O=Dhimyotis, OU=0002 48146308100036, CN=Certigna Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IN, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Technologies Limited, CN=emSign Root CA - G1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=IN, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Technologies Limited, CN=emSign ECC Root CA - G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Inc, CN=emSign Root CA - C1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, OU=emSign PKI, O=eMudhra Inc, CN=emSign ECC Root CA - C3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HK, S=Hong Kong, L=Hong Kong, O=Hongkong Post, CN=Hongkong Post Root CA 3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Microsoft Corporation, CN=Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=HU, L=Budapest, O=Microsec Ltd., OID., CN=e-Szigno Root CA 2017
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=RO, O=CERTSIGN SA, OU=certSIGN ROOT CA G2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Illinois, L=Chicago, O="Trustwave Holdings, Inc.", CN=Trustwave Global Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Illinois, L=Chicago, O="Trustwave Holdings, Inc.", CN=Trustwave Global ECC P256 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, S=Illinois, L=Chicago, O="Trustwave Holdings, Inc.", CN=Trustwave Global ECC P384 Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=KR, O=NAVER BUSINESS PLATFORM Corp., CN=NAVER Global Root Certification Authority
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=FNMT-RCM, OU=Ceres, OID., CN=AC RAIZ FNMT-RCM SERVIDORES SEGUROS
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, CN=GlobalSign Root R46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=BE, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, CN=GlobalSign Root E46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=AT, O=e-commerce monitoring GmbH, CN=GLOBALTRUST 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: SERIALNUMBER=G63287510, C=ES, O=ANF Autoridad de Certificacion, OU=ANF CA Raiz, CN=ANF Secure Server Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Asseco Data Systems S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum EC-384 CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=PL, O=Asseco Data Systems S.A., OU=Certum Certification Authority, CN=Certum Trusted Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TN, O=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, CN=TunTrust Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN=HARICA TLS RSA Root CA 2021
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GR, O=Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions CA, CN=HARICA TLS ECC Root CA 2021
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, CN=Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="iTrusChina Co.,Ltd.", CN=vTrus ECC Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="iTrusChina Co.,Ltd.", CN=vTrus Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Internet Security Research Group, CN=ISRG Root X2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O="Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd.", CN=HiPKI Root CA - G1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: OU=GlobalSign ECC Root CA - R4, O=GlobalSign, CN=GlobalSign
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS Root R4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=FI, O=Telia Finland Oyj, CN=Telia Root CA v2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST BR Root CA 1 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST EV Root CA 1 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="DigiCert, Inc.", CN=DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O="DigiCert, Inc.", CN=DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Certainly, CN=Certainly Root R1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=Certainly, CN=Certainly Root E1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD.", CN=Security Communication ECC RootCA1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=BEIJING CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY, CN=BJCA Global Root CA1
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O=BEIJING CERTIFICATE AUTHORITY, CN=BJCA Global Root CA2
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, O=Sectigo Limited, CN=Sectigo Public Server Authentication Root E46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=GB, O=Sectigo Limited, CN=Sectigo Public Server Authentication Root R46
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SSL Corporation, TLS RSA Root CA 2022
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=SSL Corporation, TLS ECC Root CA 2022
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=Atos TrustedRoot Root CA ECC TLS 2021, O=Atos, C=DE
[00:02:25] Certificate added: CN=Atos TrustedRoot Root CA RSA TLS 2021, O=Atos, C=DE
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.", CN=TrustAsia Global Root CA G3
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=CN, O="TrustAsia Technologies, Inc.", CN=TrustAsia Global Root CA G4
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust ECC Root-01
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust ECC Root-02
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust RSA Root-01
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=US, O=CommScope, CN=CommScope Public Trust RSA Root-02
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, CN=Telekom Security TLS ECC Root 2020
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=Deutsche Telekom Security GmbH, CN=Telekom Security TLS RSA Root 2023
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=ES, O=Firmaprofesional SA, OID., CN=FIRMAPROFESIONAL CA ROOT-A WEB
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=TW, O=TAIWAN-CA, OU=Root CA, CN=TWCA CYBER Root CA
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.", CN=SecureSign Root CA12
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.", CN=SecureSign Root CA14
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=JP, O="Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.", CN=SecureSign Root CA15
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST BR Root CA 2 2023
[00:02:25] Certificate added: C=DE, O=D-Trust GmbH, CN=D-TRUST EV Root CA 2 2023
[00:02:25] 150 new root certificates were added to your trust store.
[00:02:25] Import process completed.
[00:02:25] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:02:27] Repositories loaded.
[00:02:27] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:02:27] Installing:
[00:02:27] libsodium x86_64 1.0.20-2.fc41 fedora 393.0 KiB
[00:02:27] libsodium-static x86_64 1.0.20-2.fc41 fedora 714.8 KiB
[00:02:27] nginx x86_64 2:1.26.3-1.fc41 updates 119.8 KiB
[00:02:27] Installing dependencies:
[00:02:27] fedora-logos-httpd noarch 38.1.0-6.fc41 fedora 12.1 KiB
[00:02:27] gperftools-libs x86_64 2.15-4.fc41 fedora 1.4 MiB
[00:02:27] libsodium-devel x86_64 1.0.20-2.fc41 fedora 3.8 MiB
[00:02:27] nginx-core x86_64 2:1.26.3-1.fc41 updates 1.8 MiB
[00:02:27] nginx-filesystem noarch 2:1.26.3-1.fc41 updates 141.0 B
[00:02:27] nginx-mimetypes noarch 2.1.54-7.fc41 fedora 46.6 KiB
[00:02:27] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:02:27] julietaula-montserrat-fonts noarch 1:7.222-9.fc41 fedora 4.2 MiB
[00:02:27] logrotate x86_64 3.22.0-2.fc41 fedora 153.1 KiB
[00:02:27] Transaction Summary:
[00:02:27] Installing: 11 packages
[00:02:27] Total size of inbound packages is 4 MiB. Need to download 4 MiB.
[00:02:27] After this operation, 12 MiB extra will be used (install 12 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:02:28] [ 1/11] nginx-2:1.26.3-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 551.0 KiB/s | 33.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 2/11] nginx-filesystem-2:1.26.3-1.fc4 100% | 153.4 KiB/s | 11.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 3/11] nginx-mimetypes-0:2.1.54-7.fc41 100% | 1.1 MiB/s | 21.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 4/11] gperftools-libs-0:2.15-4.fc41.x 100% | 4.5 MiB/s | 303.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 5/11] nginx-core-2:1.26.3-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 4.6 MiB/s | 650.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 6/11] libsodium-0:1.0.20-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 3.0 MiB/s | 175.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 7/11] fedora-logos-httpd-0:38.1.0-6.f 100% | 719.6 KiB/s | 15.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 8/11] libsodium-static-0:1.0.20-2.fc4 100% | 3.5 MiB/s | 186.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [ 9/11] logrotate-0:3.22.0-2.fc41.x86_6 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 75.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [10/11] libsodium-devel-0:1.0.20-2.fc41 100% | 9.3 MiB/s | 1.1 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] [11/11] julietaula-montserrat-fonts-1:7 100% | 12.4 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:28] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:02:28] [11/11] Total 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:28] Running transaction
[00:02:28] [ 1/13] Verify package files 100% | 578.0 B/s | 11.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 2/13] Prepare transaction 100% | 51.0 B/s | 11.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 3/13] Installing nginx-filesystem-2:1 100% | 133.2 KiB/s | 1.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 4/13] Installing nginx-mimetypes-0:2. 100% | 11.6 MiB/s | 47.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 5/13] Installing fedora-logos-httpd-0 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 13.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 6/13] Installing libsodium-0:1.0.20-2 100% | 42.8 MiB/s | 394.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 7/13] Installing libsodium-devel-0:1. 100% | 159.7 MiB/s | 3.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 8/13] Installing gperftools-libs-0:2. 100% | 91.2 MiB/s | 1.4 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [ 9/13] Installing nginx-core-2:1.26.3- 100% | 93.0 MiB/s | 1.8 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [10/13] Installing nginx-2:1.26.3-1.fc4 100% | 2.8 MiB/s | 122.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [11/13] Installing libsodium-static-0:1 100% | 99.8 MiB/s | 715.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [12/13] Installing julietaula-montserra 100% | 106.6 MiB/s | 4.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:29] [13/13] Installing logrotate-0:3.22.0-2 100% | 218.7 KiB/s | 155.7 KiB | 00m01s
[00:02:29] >>> Running post-install scriptlet: logrotate-0:3.22.0-2.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:29] >>> Finished post-install scriptlet: logrotate-0:3.22.0-2.fc41.x86_64
[00:02:29] >>> Scriptlet output:
[00:02:29] >>> Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' ->
[00:02:29] >>>
[00:02:29] Complete!
[00:02:30] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:02:30] Repositories loaded.
[00:02:31] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:02:31] Installing:
[00:02:31] mariadb-server x86_64 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 76.6 MiB
[00:02:31] Installing dependencies:
[00:02:31] cracklib-dicts x86_64 2.9.11-6.fc41 fedora 9.3 MiB
[00:02:31] libaio x86_64 0.3.111-20.fc41 fedora 56.9 KiB
[00:02:31] lzo x86_64 2.10-13.fc41 fedora 166.9 KiB
[00:02:31] mariadb x86_64 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 22.2 MiB
[00:02:31] mariadb-common noarch 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 185.8 KiB
[00:02:31] mariadb-connector-c x86_64 3.3.10-1.fc41 fedora 529.2 KiB
[00:02:31] mariadb-connector-c-config noarch 3.3.10-1.fc41 fedora 497.0 B
[00:02:31] mariadb-errmsg noarch 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 3.0 MiB
[00:02:31] perl-DBD-MariaDB x86_64 1.23-6.fc41 fedora 381.0 KiB
[00:02:31] perl-DBI x86_64 1.645-1.fc41 fedora 2.2 MiB
[00:02:31] snappy x86_64 1.2.1-2.fc41 fedora 71.1 KiB
[00:02:31] Installing weak dependencies:
[00:02:31] mariadb-backup x86_64 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 22.2 MiB
[00:02:31] mariadb-cracklib-password-check x86_64 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 17.1 KiB
[00:02:31] mariadb-gssapi-server x86_64 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 20.0 KiB
[00:02:31] mariadb-server-utils x86_64 3:10.11.10-1.fc41 updates 1.4 MiB
[00:02:31] Transaction Summary:
[00:02:31] Installing: 16 packages
[00:02:31] Total size of inbound packages is 25 MiB. Need to download 25 MiB.
[00:02:31] After this operation, 138 MiB extra will be used (install 138 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:02:32] [ 1/16] libaio-0:0.3.111-20.fc41.x86_64 100% | 955.5 KiB/s | 23.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 2/16] lzo-0:2.10-13.fc41.x86_64 100% | 2.1 MiB/s | 66.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 3/16] mariadb-connector-c-config-0:3. 100% | 870.3 KiB/s | 8.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 4/16] snappy-0:1.2.1-2.fc41.x86_64 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 39.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 5/16] mariadb-common-3:10.11.10-1.fc4 100% | 1.2 MiB/s | 37.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 6/16] mariadb-errmsg-3:10.11.10-1.fc4 100% | 2.3 MiB/s | 260.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 7/16] mariadb-3:10.11.10-1.fc41.x86_6 100% | 7.8 MiB/s | 1.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 8/16] mariadb-connector-c-0:3.3.10-1. 100% | 3.2 MiB/s | 203.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:32] [ 9/16] mariadb-cracklib-password-check 100% | 499.4 KiB/s | 17.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:33] [10/16] mariadb-server-3:10.11.10-1.fc4 100% | 11.2 MiB/s | 10.9 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:33] [11/16] mariadb-gssapi-server-3:10.11.1 100% | 324.6 KiB/s | 17.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:33] [12/16] mariadb-backup-3:10.11.10-1.fc4 100% | 8.2 MiB/s | 6.6 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:33] [13/16] cracklib-dicts-0:2.9.11-6.fc41. 100% | 4.6 MiB/s | 3.6 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:33] [14/16] mariadb-server-utils-3:10.11.10 100% | 6.7 MiB/s | 258.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:33] [15/16] perl-DBD-MariaDB-0:1.23-6.fc41. 100% | 8.3 MiB/s | 153.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:33] [16/16] perl-DBI-0:1.645-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 18.5 MiB/s | 812.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:33] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:02:33] [16/16] Total 100% | 11.0 MiB/s | 24.6 MiB | 00m02s
[00:02:33] Running transaction
[00:02:33] [ 1/18] Verify package files 100% | 173.0 B/s | 16.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 2/18] Prepare transaction 100% | 111.0 B/s | 16.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 3/18] Installing mariadb-connector-c- 100% | 164.7 KiB/s | 1.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 4/18] Installing mariadb-common-3:10. 100% | 26.6 MiB/s | 190.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 5/18] Installing mariadb-connector-c- 100% | 47.4 MiB/s | 534.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 6/18] Installing perl-DBI-0:1.645-1.f 100% | 101.7 MiB/s | 2.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 7/18] Installing libaio-0:0.3.111-20. 100% | 9.5 MiB/s | 58.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 8/18] Installing perl-DBD-MariaDB-0:1 100% | 53.6 MiB/s | 384.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [ 9/18] Installing mariadb-3:10.11.10-1 100% | 291.7 MiB/s | 22.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [10/18] Installing mariadb-errmsg-3:10. 100% | 296.2 MiB/s | 3.0 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [11/18] Installing cracklib-dicts-0:2.9 100% | 149.6 MiB/s | 9.3 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [12/18] Installing snappy-0:1.2.1-2.fc4 100% | 10.2 MiB/s | 72.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [13/18] Installing lzo-0:2.10-13.fc41.x 100% | 2.6 MiB/s | 168.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [14/18] Installing mariadb-server-3:10. 100% | 178.6 MiB/s | 76.6 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [15/18] Installing mariadb-backup-3:10. 100% | 138.7 MiB/s | 22.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [16/18] Installing mariadb-cracklib-pas 100% | 949.2 KiB/s | 18.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:34] [17/18] Installing mariadb-gssapi-serve 100% | 3.4 MiB/s | 20.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:35] [18/18] Installing mariadb-server-utils 100% | 1.6 MiB/s | 1.5 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:35] Complete!
[00:02:36] Updating and loading repositories:
[00:02:37] Repositories loaded.
[00:02:37] Package Arch Version Repository Size
[00:02:37] Installing:
[00:02:37] php-fpm x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 8.2 MiB
[00:02:37] phpMyAdmin noarch 5.2.2-1.fc41 updates 52.7 MiB
[00:02:37] Installing dependencies:
[00:02:37] gd x86_64 2.3.3-17.fc41 fedora 403.7 KiB
[00:02:37] httpd-filesystem noarch 2.4.63-1.fc41 updates 464.0 B
[00:02:37] libXpm x86_64 3.5.17-4.fc41 fedora 148.4 KiB
[00:02:37] libimagequant x86_64 4.0.3-5.fc41 fedora 666.7 KiB
[00:02:37] libzip x86_64 1.11.3-1.fc41 updates 140.0 KiB
[00:02:37] oniguruma x86_64 6.9.10-1.fc41 updates 762.5 KiB
[00:02:37] php-common x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 8.9 MiB
[00:02:37] php-gd x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 101.5 KiB
[00:02:37] php-intl x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 543.6 KiB
[00:02:37] php-mbstring x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 1.2 MiB
[00:02:37] php-mysqlnd x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 378.9 KiB
[00:02:37] php-pdo x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 234.5 KiB
[00:02:37] php-pecl-zip x86_64 1.22.5-1.fc41 updates 170.6 KiB
[00:02:37] php-process x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 135.6 KiB
[00:02:37] php-xml x86_64 8.3.17-1.fc41 updates 446.9 KiB
[00:02:37] Transaction Summary:
[00:02:37] Installing: 17 packages
[00:02:37] Total size of inbound packages is 13 MiB. Need to download 13 MiB.
[00:02:37] After this operation, 75 MiB extra will be used (install 75 MiB, remove 0 B).
[00:02:38] [ 1/17] php-common-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86_ 100% | 5.7 MiB/s | 713.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 2/17] php-fpm-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 9.3 MiB/s | 1.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 3/17] phpMyAdmin-0:5.2.2-1.fc41.noarc 100% | 15.9 MiB/s | 8.7 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:38] [ 4/17] php-xml-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 354.3 KiB/s | 151.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 5/17] php-process-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86 100% | 130.6 KiB/s | 46.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 6/17] php-mbstring-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x8 100% | 15.6 MiB/s | 526.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 7/17] php-intl-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.2 MiB/s | 167.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 8/17] php-gd-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 1.0 MiB/s | 43.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [ 9/17] php-mysqlnd-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86 100% | 8.1 MiB/s | 141.7 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [10/17] gd-0:2.3.3-17.fc41.x86_64 100% | 8.8 MiB/s | 135.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [11/17] php-pdo-0:8.3.17-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.4 MiB/s | 89.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [12/17] libXpm-0:3.5.17-4.fc41.x86_64 100% | 4.3 MiB/s | 66.0 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [13/17] libimagequant-0:4.0.3-5.fc41.x8 100% | 12.3 MiB/s | 301.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [14/17] httpd-filesystem-0:2.4.63-1.fc4 100% | 530.1 KiB/s | 12.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [15/17] php-pecl-zip-0:1.22.5-1.fc41.x8 100% | 2.5 MiB/s | 63.9 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [16/17] libzip-0:1.11.3-1.fc41.x86_64 100% | 5.2 MiB/s | 69.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] [17/17] oniguruma-0:6.9.10-1.fc41.x86_6 100% | 9.4 MiB/s | 211.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:38] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:02:38] [17/17] Total 100% | 8.4 MiB/s | 13.2 MiB | 00m02s
[00:02:38] Running transaction
[00:02:39] [ 1/19] Verify package files 100% | 209.0 B/s | 17.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 2/19] Prepare transaction 100% | 84.0 B/s | 17.0 B | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 3/19] Installing php-common-0:8.3.17- 100% | 41.0 MiB/s | 8.9 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 4/19] Installing httpd-filesystem-0:2 100% | 180.3 KiB/s | 2.2 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 5/19] Installing php-fpm-0:8.3.17-1.f 100% | 96.1 MiB/s | 8.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 6/19] Installing php-xml-0:8.3.17-1.f 100% | 36.7 MiB/s | 450.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 7/19] Installing php-process-0:8.3.17 100% | 16.9 MiB/s | 138.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 8/19] Installing php-intl-0:8.3.17-1. 100% | 48.3 MiB/s | 544.5 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [ 9/19] Installing php-pdo-0:8.3.17-1.f 100% | 19.2 MiB/s | 236.4 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [10/19] Installing php-mysqlnd-0:8.3.17 100% | 37.2 MiB/s | 380.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [11/19] Installing oniguruma-0:6.9.10-1 100% | 83.0 MiB/s | 764.6 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [12/19] Installing php-mbstring-0:8.3.1 100% | 105.2 MiB/s | 1.2 MiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [13/19] Installing libzip-0:1.11.3-1.fc 100% | 23.0 MiB/s | 141.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [14/19] Installing php-pecl-zip-0:1.22. 100% | 19.0 MiB/s | 175.1 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:39] [15/19] Installing libimagequant-0:4.0. 100% | 59.3 MiB/s | 668.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:40] [16/19] Installing libXpm-0:3.5.17-4.fc 100% | 24.4 MiB/s | 149.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:40] [17/19] Installing gd-0:2.3.3-17.fc41.x 100% | 49.4 MiB/s | 404.8 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:40] [18/19] Installing php-gd-0:8.3.17-1.fc 100% | 5.0 MiB/s | 102.3 KiB | 00m00s
[00:02:41] [19/19] Installing phpMyAdmin-0:5.2.2-1 100% | 36.7 MiB/s | 53.5 MiB | 00m01s
[00:02:41] Complete!
[00:02:41] Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' -> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/php-fpm.service'.
[00:02:41] generated mysql root password: FCFoXLgkDovN31sHleV2M13F2Z3r03D1
[00:02:46] Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/mysql.service' -> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service'.
[00:02:46] Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/mysqld.service' -> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service'.
[00:02:46] Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' -> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service'.
[00:02:47] Cloning into '/home/op_dev/openpetra'...
[00:02:49] useradd: warning: the home directory /home/op_dev already exists.
[00:02:49] useradd: Not copying any file from skel directory into it.
[00:02:49] Archive:
[00:02:49] creating: css/
[00:02:49] inflating: css/bootstrap.min.css
[00:02:49] inflating: css/
[00:02:49] inflating: css/bootstrap.css
[00:02:49] inflating: css/
[00:02:49] inflating: css/bootstrap-grid.min.css
[00:02:49] inflating: css/
[00:02:49] inflating: css/
[00:02:49] inflating: css/bootstrap-reboot.min.css
[00:02:49] inflating: css/bootstrap-reboot.css
[00:02:49] inflating: css/bootstrap-grid.css
[00:02:49] inflating: css/
[00:02:49] inflating: css/
[00:02:49] creating: js/
[00:02:49] inflating: js/bootstrap.bundle.js
[00:02:49] inflating: js/
[00:02:49] inflating: js/
[00:02:49] inflating: js/bootstrap.js
[00:02:49] inflating: js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js
[00:02:49] inflating: js/bootstrap.min.js
[00:02:49] inflating: js/
[00:02:49] inflating: js/
[00:02:49] /home/op_dev/openpetra
[00:02:55] Created symlink '/home/op_dev/.config/systemd/user/' -> '/home/op_dev/.config/systemd/user/openpetra.service'.
[00:02:55] /home/op_dev/openpetra
[00:02:55] /home/op_dev/openpetra
[00:02:55] /home/op_dev/openpetra
[00:02:55] Created symlink '/etc/systemd/system/' -> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service'.
[00:02:56] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:02:56] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:02:56] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:02:56] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:02:56] Target(s) specified: generateTools createSQLStatements
[00:02:56] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:02:56] [echo] platform=unix
[00:02:57] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/tmp'.
[00:02:57] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:02:57] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/log'.
[00:02:57] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/var'.
[00:02:57] [echo] Cannot find nunit3-console.exe! Please run nant generateTools
[00:02:57] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:02:58] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db'.
[00:02:58] generateTools:
[00:02:58] [echo] Target generateTools started at: 03/14/2025 00:25:33
[00:02:58] nanttasks:
[00:02:58] [echo] Target nanttasks started at: 03/14/2025 00:25:33
[00:02:58] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/inc/nanttasks/ compile
[00:02:58] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/inc/nanttasks/
[00:02:58] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:02:58] Target(s) specified: compile
[00:02:59] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:02:59] [echo] Cannot find nunit3-console.exe! Please run nant generateTools
[00:02:59] custdepend:
[00:02:59] [csc] Compiling 9 files to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Tools.NAntTasks.dll'.
[00:03:00] compile:
[00:03:00] Total time: 1.6 seconds.
[00:03:00] [echo] Target nanttasks finished at: 03/14/2025 00:25:34
[00:03:00] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/ compile
[00:03:00] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/
[00:03:00] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:03:00] Target(s) specified: compile
[00:03:00] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:03:01] [echo] Cannot find nunit3-console.exe! Please run nant generateTools
[00:03:01] compile:
[00:03:01] [echo] Target ThirdParty compile started at: 03/14/2025 00:25:36
[00:03:01] emulateNuget:
[00:03:01] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages'.
[00:03:01] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:01] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:02] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:02] 100 194 0 194 0 0 314 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 315
[00:03:02] 41 1287k 41 531k 0 0 685k 0 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0:00:01 685k
[00:03:02] 100 1287k 100 1287k 0 0 1597k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 24.6M
[00:03:02] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/NUnit.3.14.0/NUnit.3.14.0.nupkg
[00:03:02] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:02] inflating: NUnit.nuspec
[00:03:02] inflating: LICENSE.txt
[00:03:02] inflating: NOTICES.txt
[00:03:02] inflating:
[00:03:02] inflating:
[00:03:02] inflating: icon.png
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/net35/nunit.framework.dll
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/net35/nunit.framework.xml
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/net40/nunit.framework.dll
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/net40/nunit.framework.xml
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/net45/nunit.framework.dll
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/net45/nunit.framework.xml
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/nunit.framework.dll
[00:03:02] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/nunit.framework.xml
[00:03:02] inflating: build/NUnit.props
[00:03:02] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:02] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/efc1d37a1847463d87c137ded10f9027.psmdcp
[00:03:02] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:02] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:02] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:03] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:03] 100 202 0 202 0 0 423 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 424
[00:03:03] 100 29318 100 29318 0 0 57037 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 57037
[00:03:03] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/NUnit.Console.3.15.2/NUnit.Console.3.15.2.nupkg
[00:03:03] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:03] inflating: NUnit.Console.nuspec
[00:03:03] inflating: LICENSE.txt
[00:03:03] inflating: images/nunit_256.png
[00:03:03] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:03] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/20e767a4587f4f57a79c999040a289a0.psmdcp
[00:03:03] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:03] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:03] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:03] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:03] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:03] 100 208 0 208 0 0 431 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 431
[00:03:03] 100 1289k 100 1289k 0 0 2096k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2096k
[00:03:03] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.15.2/NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.15.2.nupkg
[00:03:03] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:03] inflating: NUnit.ConsoleRunner.nuspec
[00:03:03] inflating: LICENSE.txt
[00:03:03] inflating: NOTICES.txt
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit-agent.exe
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit-agent.exe.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit-agent-x86.exe
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit-agent-x86.exe.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit.engine.api.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit.engine.api.xml
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit.engine.core.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/testcentric.engine.metadata.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net20/nunit.agent.addins
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit-agent.exe
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit-agent.exe.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit-agent-x86.exe
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit-agent-x86.exe.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit.engine.api.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit.engine.api.xml
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit.engine.core.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/testcentric.engine.metadata.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net40/nunit.agent.addins
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit-agent.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit-agent.dll.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit-agent.deps.json
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit-agent.runtimeconfig.json
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit.engine.api.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit.engine.api.xml
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit.engine.core.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/testcentric.engine.metadata.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/netcoreapp3.1/nunit.agent.addins
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit-agent.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit-agent.dll.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit-agent.deps.json
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit-agent.runtimeconfig.json
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit.engine.api.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit.engine.api.xml
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit.engine.core.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/testcentric.engine.metadata.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net5.0/nunit.agent.addins
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit-agent.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit-agent.dll.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit-agent.deps.json
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit-agent.runtimeconfig.json
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit.engine.api.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit.engine.api.xml
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit.engine.core.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/testcentric.engine.metadata.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/agents/net6.0/nunit.agent.addins
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit3-console.exe
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit3-console.exe.config
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit.engine.api.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit.engine.api.xml
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit.engine.core.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit.engine.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/testcentric.engine.metadata.dll
[00:03:03] inflating: tools/nunit.console.nuget.addins
[00:03:03] inflating: images/nunit_256.png
[00:03:03] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:03] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/95edb0d025674642b286e24f4063f7da.psmdcp
[00:03:03] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:03] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:03] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:04] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:04] 100 201 0 201 0 0 328 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 329
[00:03:04] 1 3204k 1 38569 0 0 58829 0 0:00:55 --:--:-- 0:00:55 58829
[00:03:04] 100 3204k 100 3204k 0 0 4026k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 22.0M
[00:03:04] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/MySqlConnector.2.4.0/MySqlConnector.2.4.0.nupkg
[00:03:04] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net462/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net462/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net471/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net471/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net48/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net48/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net6.0/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net6.0/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net8.0/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net8.0/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net9.0/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/net9.0/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MySqlConnector.dll
[00:03:04] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MySqlConnector.xml
[00:03:04] creating: package/services/
[00:03:04] creating: package/services/metadata/
[00:03:04] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/187c766e27b34ecebd6ede7229a3bbf3.psmdcp
[00:03:04] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:04] inflating: logo.png
[00:03:04] inflating: MySqlConnector.nuspec
[00:03:04] inflating:
[00:03:04] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:04] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:04] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:05] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:05] 100 201 0 201 0 0 419 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 420
[00:03:05] 100 67596 100 67596 0 0 126k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 126k
[00:03:05] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Buffers.4.6.0/System.Buffers.4.6.0.nupkg
[00:03:05] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:05] inflating: System.Buffers.nuspec
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net462/System.Buffers.dll
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net462/System.Buffers.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Buffers.dll
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Buffers.xml
[00:03:05] extracting: lib/netcoreapp2.1/_._
[00:03:05] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:05] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:05] inflating:
[00:03:05] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Buffers.targets
[00:03:05] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:05] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/bb15485afb2f49a9b0654654da4d7685.psmdcp
[00:03:05] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:05] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:05] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:05] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:05] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:05] 100 222 0 222 0 0 461 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 460
[00:03:05] 100 444k 100 444k 0 0 790k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 790k
[00:03:05] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.9.0.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.9.0.0.nupkg
[00:03:05] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:05] inflating: System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.nuspec
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net462/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net462/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net8.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net8.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net9.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/net9.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
[00:03:05] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: content/ILLink/ILLink.Descriptors.LibraryBuild.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: contentFiles/any/net462/ILLink/ILLink.Descriptors.LibraryBuild.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: contentFiles/any/net8.0/ILLink/ILLink.Descriptors.LibraryBuild.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: contentFiles/any/net9.0/ILLink/ILLink.Descriptors.LibraryBuild.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: contentFiles/any/netstandard2.0/ILLink/ILLink.Descriptors.LibraryBuild.xml
[00:03:05] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:05] extracting: useSharedDesignerContext.txt
[00:03:05] inflating: LICENSE.TXT
[00:03:05] inflating: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT
[00:03:05] inflating: buildTransitive/netcoreapp2.0/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.targets
[00:03:05] extracting: buildTransitive/net8.0/_._
[00:03:05] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:05] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.targets
[00:03:05] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:05] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/54fc57e90c4942ee8e0cf95329c47a7c.psmdcp
[00:03:05] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:05] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:05] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:06] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:06] 100 228 0 228 0 0 479 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 480
[00:03:06] 100 758k 100 758k 0 0 1357k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1357k
[00:03:06] 100 758k 100 758k 0 0 1357k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:06] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.9.0.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.9.0.0.nupkg
[00:03:06] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:06] inflating: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.nuspec
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/net462/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/net462/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.xml
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/net8.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/net8.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.xml
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/net9.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/net9.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.xml
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.xml
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/cs/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/de/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/es/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/fr/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/it/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/ja/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/ko/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/pl/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/pt-BR/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/ru/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/tr/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/zh-Hans/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/zh-Hant/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/cs/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/de/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/es/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/fr/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/it/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/ja/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/ko/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/pl/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/pt-BR/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/ru/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/tr/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/zh-Hans/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/zh-Hant/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/cs/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/de/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/es/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/fr/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/it/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/ja/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/ko/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/pl/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/pt-BR/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/ru/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/tr/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/zh-Hans/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/zh-Hant/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.resources.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Generators.dll
[00:03:06] inflating: buildTransitive/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.targets
[00:03:06] inflating: buildTransitive/net8.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.targets
[00:03:06] inflating: buildTransitive/net462/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.targets
[00:03:06] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:06] extracting: useSharedDesignerContext.txt
[00:03:06] inflating:
[00:03:06] inflating: LICENSE.TXT
[00:03:06] inflating: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT
[00:03:06] inflating: buildTransitive/netcoreapp2.0/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.targets
[00:03:06] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.targets
[00:03:06] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:06] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/90d595b7b2ed44f8992ef80ea20f5e47.psmdcp
[00:03:06] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:06] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:06] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:06] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:06] 100 195 0 195 0 0 414 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 414
[00:03:07] 100 1341k 100 1341k 0 0 2323k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2323k
[00:03:07] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/Npgsql.4.1.10/Npgsql.4.1.10.nupkg
[00:03:07] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:07] inflating: Npgsql.nuspec
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/net461/Npgsql.dll
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/net461/Npgsql.xml
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/netcoreapp3.0/Npgsql.dll
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/netcoreapp3.0/Npgsql.xml
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Npgsql.dll
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Npgsql.xml
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/Npgsql.dll
[00:03:07] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/Npgsql.xml
[00:03:07] inflating: postgresql.png
[00:03:07] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:07] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/37dd162935394fbc90cdfa19e3269a52.psmdcp
[00:03:07] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:07] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:07] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:07] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:07] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:07] 100 216 0 216 0 0 447 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 447
[00:03:08] 100 97963 100 97963 0 0 99060 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 99060
[00:03:08] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.9.0.0/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.9.0.0.nupkg
[00:03:08] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:08] inflating: Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.nuspec
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/net462/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/net462/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.xml
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.xml
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.xml
[00:03:08] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:08] extracting: useSharedDesignerContext.txt
[00:03:08] inflating:
[00:03:08] inflating: LICENSE.TXT
[00:03:08] inflating: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT
[00:03:08] inflating: buildTransitive/netcoreapp2.0/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.targets
[00:03:08] extracting: buildTransitive/net8.0/_._
[00:03:08] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:08] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.targets
[00:03:08] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:08] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/bf18d9158c884b61bef68cb54abb6b6d.psmdcp
[00:03:08] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:08] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:08] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:08] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:08] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:08] 100 225 0 225 0 0 478 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 477
[00:03:08] 100 62013 100 62013 0 0 117k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 117k
[00:03:08] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.6.1.0/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.6.1.0.nupkg
[00:03:08] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:08] inflating: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.nuspec
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/net462/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/net462/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.xml
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
[00:03:08] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.xml
[00:03:08] extracting: lib/net7.0/_._
[00:03:08] extracting: buildTransitive/net6.0/_._
[00:03:08] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:08] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:08] inflating:
[00:03:08] inflating: buildTransitive/netcoreapp2.0/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.targets
[00:03:08] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.targets
[00:03:08] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:08] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/18acf151307c4dd7999fc7ed6d66d715.psmdcp
[00:03:08] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:08] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:08] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:09] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:09] 100 200 0 200 0 0 416 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 417
[00:03:09] 100 188k 100 188k 0 0 348k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 348k
[00:03:09] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Memory.4.6.0/System.Memory.4.6.0.nupkg
[00:03:09] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:09] inflating: System.Memory.nuspec
[00:03:09] inflating: lib/net462/System.Memory.dll
[00:03:09] inflating: lib/net462/System.Memory.xml
[00:03:09] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Memory.dll
[00:03:09] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Memory.xml
[00:03:09] extracting: lib/netcoreapp2.1/_._
[00:03:09] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:09] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:09] inflating:
[00:03:09] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Memory.targets
[00:03:09] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:09] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/c92eebf4c6dd4286974501cf6d0b0bee.psmdcp
[00:03:09] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:09] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:09] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:09] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:09] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:09] 100 203 0 203 0 0 427 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 427
[00:03:10] 100 1832k 100 1832k 0 0 2513k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2513k
[00:03:10] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Text.Json.9.0.0/System.Text.Json.9.0.0.nupkg
[00:03:10] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:10] inflating: System.Text.Json.nuspec
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net462/System.Text.Json.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net462/System.Text.Json.xml
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net8.0/System.Text.Json.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net8.0/System.Text.Json.xml
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net9.0/System.Text.Json.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net9.0/System.Text.Json.xml
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Text.Json.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Text.Json.xml
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/cs/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/de/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/es/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/fr/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/it/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/ja/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/ko/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/pl/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/pt-BR/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/ru/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/tr/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/zh-Hans/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/zh-Hant/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn3.11/cs/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/cs/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/de/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/es/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/fr/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/it/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/ja/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/ko/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/pl/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/pt-BR/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/ru/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/tr/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/zh-Hans/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/zh-Hant/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.0/cs/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/cs/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/de/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/es/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/fr/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/it/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/ja/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/ko/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/pl/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/pt-BR/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/ru/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/tr/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/zh-Hans/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/zh-Hant/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.resources.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: analyzers/dotnet/roslyn4.4/cs/System.Text.Json.SourceGeneration.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: buildTransitive/netstandard2.0/System.Text.Json.targets
[00:03:10] inflating: buildTransitive/net8.0/System.Text.Json.targets
[00:03:10] inflating: buildTransitive/net462/System.Text.Json.targets
[00:03:10] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:10] extracting: useSharedDesignerContext.txt
[00:03:10] inflating:
[00:03:10] inflating: LICENSE.TXT
[00:03:10] inflating: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT
[00:03:10] inflating: buildTransitive/netcoreapp2.0/System.Text.Json.targets
[00:03:10] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Text.Json.targets
[00:03:10] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:10] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/0b83e05c4e0c4ec592ea93e29a3f418e.psmdcp
[00:03:10] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:10] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:10] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:10] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:10] 100 220 0 220 0 0 457 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 457
[00:03:10] 100 74469 100 74469 0 0 134k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 134k
[00:03:10] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.4.6.0/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.4.6.0.nupkg
[00:03:10] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:10] inflating: System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.nuspec
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net462/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/net462/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.xml
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
[00:03:10] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.xml
[00:03:10] extracting: lib/netcoreapp2.1/_._
[00:03:10] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:10] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:10] inflating:
[00:03:10] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.targets
[00:03:10] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:10] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/19e48a0202c24bffb99154632b33efa8.psmdcp
[00:03:10] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:10] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:10] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:11] 100 204 0 204 0 0 422 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 423
[00:03:11] 100 200k 100 200k 0 0 356k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 356k
[00:03:11] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.ValueTuple.4.5.0/System.ValueTuple.4.5.0.nupkg
[00:03:11] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:11] inflating: System.ValueTuple.nuspec
[00:03:11] inflating: LICENSE.TXT
[00:03:11] inflating: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT
[00:03:11] inflating: version.txt
[00:03:11] extracting: useSharedDesignerContext.txt
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/MonoAndroid10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/MonoTouch10/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net461/System.ValueTuple.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net461/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net47/System.ValueTuple.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net47/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/netcoreapp2.0/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/netstandard1.0/System.ValueTuple.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/netstandard1.0/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/netstandard2.0/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/portable-net40%2Bsl4%2Bwin8%2Bwp8/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/portable-net40%2Bsl4%2Bwin8%2Bwp8/System.ValueTuple.xml
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/uap10.0.16299/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/xamarinios10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/xamarinmac20/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/xamarintvos10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: lib/xamarinwatchos10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/MonoAndroid10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/MonoTouch10/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: ref/net461/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: ref/net47/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/netcoreapp2.0/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/netstandard2.0/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: ref/portable-net40%2Bsl4%2Bwin8%2Bwp8/System.ValueTuple.dll
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/uap10.0.16299/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/xamarinios10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/xamarinmac20/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/xamarintvos10/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: ref/xamarinwatchos10/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:11] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/20324349661141658a675ec704aa4212.psmdcp
[00:03:11] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:11] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:11] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:11] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:11] 100 212 0 212 0 0 446 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 445
[00:03:11] 100 286k 100 286k 0 0 523k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 523k
[00:03:11] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Text.Encodings.Web.9.0.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.9.0.0.nupkg
[00:03:11] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:11] inflating: System.Text.Encodings.Web.nuspec
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net462/System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net462/System.Text.Encodings.Web.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net8.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net8.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net9.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/net9.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: runtimes/browser/lib/net8.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: runtimes/browser/lib/net8.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: runtimes/browser/lib/net9.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
[00:03:11] inflating: runtimes/browser/lib/net9.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.xml
[00:03:11] inflating: Icon.png
[00:03:11] extracting: useSharedDesignerContext.txt
[00:03:11] inflating:
[00:03:11] inflating: LICENSE.TXT
[00:03:11] inflating: THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES.TXT
[00:03:11] inflating: buildTransitive/netcoreapp2.0/System.Text.Encodings.Web.targets
[00:03:11] extracting: buildTransitive/net8.0/_._
[00:03:11] extracting: buildTransitive/net462/_._
[00:03:11] inflating: buildTransitive/net461/System.Text.Encodings.Web.targets
[00:03:11] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:11] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/318f9dff72ee4fb397be8757346e2c65.psmdcp
[00:03:11] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:11] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:11] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:12] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:12] 100 194 0 194 0 0 395 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 395
[00:03:12] 2 5972k 2 172k 0 0 321k 0 0:00:18 --:--:-- 0:00:18 321k
[00:03:12] 100 5972k 100 5972k 0 0 7708k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 23.8M
[00:03:12] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/MimeKit.4.9.0/MimeKit.4.9.0.nupkg
[00:03:12] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:12] inflating: MimeKit.nuspec
[00:03:12] inflating: docs/
[00:03:12] inflating: docs/
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MimeKit.dll
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MimeKit.pdb
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MimeKit.xml
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MimeKit.dll.config
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MimeKit.dll
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MimeKit.pdb
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MimeKit.xml
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MimeKit.dll.config
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net462/MimeKit.dll
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net462/MimeKit.pdb
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net462/MimeKit.xml
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net47/MimeKit.dll
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net47/MimeKit.pdb
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net47/MimeKit.xml
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net48/MimeKit.dll
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net48/MimeKit.pdb
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net48/MimeKit.xml
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net8.0/MimeKit.dll
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net8.0/MimeKit.pdb
[00:03:12] inflating: lib/net8.0/MimeKit.xml
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/net8.0/MimeKit.dll.config
[00:03:13] inflating: icons/mimekit-50.png
[00:03:13] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:13] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/2b31cd38ffeb4930a10505d69bcfd10b.psmdcp
[00:03:13] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:13] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:13] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:13] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:13] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:13] 100 194 0 194 0 0 342 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 342
[00:03:13] 100 4983k 100 4983k 0 0 6058k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 6058k
[00:03:13] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/MailKit.4.9.0/MailKit.4.9.0.nupkg
[00:03:13] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:13] inflating: MailKit.nuspec
[00:03:13] inflating: docs/
[00:03:13] inflating: docs/
[00:03:13] inflating: docs/
[00:03:13] inflating: docs/
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MailKit.dll
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MailKit.pdb
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MailKit.xml
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/MailKit.dll.config
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MailKit.dll
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MailKit.pdb
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MailKit.xml
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/MailKit.dll.config
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/net462/MailKit.dll
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/net462/MailKit.pdb
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/net462/MailKit.xml
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/net462/MailKit.dll.config
[00:03:13] inflating: lib/net47/MailKit.dll
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net47/MailKit.pdb
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net47/MailKit.xml
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net47/MailKit.dll.config
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net48/MailKit.dll
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net48/MailKit.pdb
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net48/MailKit.xml
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net48/MailKit.dll.config
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net8.0/MailKit.dll
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net8.0/MailKit.pdb
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net8.0/MailKit.xml
[00:03:14] inflating: lib/net8.0/MailKit.dll.config
[00:03:14] inflating: icons/mailkit-50.png
[00:03:14] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:14] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/98ab558af10a4dd887f83ed19107466a.psmdcp
[00:03:14] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:14] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:14] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:14] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:14] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:14] 100 201 0 201 0 0 418 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 417
[00:03:14] 100 7102k 100 7102k 0 0 8632k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8632k
[00:03:14] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/System.Runtime.4.3.1/System.Runtime.4.3.1.nupkg
[00:03:14] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:14] inflating: System.Runtime.nuspec
[00:03:14] inflating: dotnet_library_license.txt
[00:03:14] inflating: ThirdPartyNotices.txt
[00:03:14] extracting: lib/MonoAndroid10/_._
[00:03:14] extracting: lib/MonoTouch10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/net45/_._
[00:03:15] inflating: lib/net462/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/portable-net45%2Bwin8%2Bwp80%2Bwpa81/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/win8/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/wp80/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/wpa81/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/xamarinios10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/xamarinmac20/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/xamarintvos10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: lib/xamarinwatchos10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/MonoAndroid10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/MonoTouch10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/net45/_._
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/net462/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/de/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/es/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/fr/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/it/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/ja/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/ko/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/ru/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/zh-hans/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netcore50/zh-hant/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/de/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/es/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/fr/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/it/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/ja/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/ko/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/ru/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/zh-hans/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.0/zh-hant/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/de/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/es/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/fr/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/it/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/ja/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/ko/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/ru/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/zh-hans/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.2/zh-hant/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/de/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/es/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/fr/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/it/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/ja/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/ko/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/ru/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hans/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.3/zh-hant/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/System.Runtime.dll
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/de/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/es/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/fr/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/it/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/ja/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/ko/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/ru/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/zh-hans/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] inflating: ref/netstandard1.5/zh-hant/System.Runtime.xml
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/portable-net45%2Bwin8%2Bwp80%2Bwpa81/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/win8/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/wp80/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/wpa81/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/xamarinios10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/xamarinmac20/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/xamarintvos10/_._
[00:03:15] extracting: ref/xamarinwatchos10/_._
[00:03:15] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:15] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/e08f9a5147e94509927c9c6de9e30ed6.psmdcp
[00:03:15] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:15] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:15] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:16] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:16] 100 212 0 212 0 0 441 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 442
[00:03:16] 100 8038k 100 8038k 0 0 9040k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9040k
[00:03:16] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.2.5.0/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.2.5.0.nupkg
[00:03:16] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:16] inflating: BouncyCastle.Cryptography.nuspec
[00:03:16] inflating: lib/net461/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.dll
[00:03:16] inflating: lib/net461/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.xml
[00:03:16] inflating: lib/net6.0/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.dll
[00:03:16] inflating: lib/net6.0/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.xml
[00:03:16] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.dll
[00:03:16] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/BouncyCastle.Cryptography.xml
[00:03:16] inflating:
[00:03:16] inflating: packageIcon.png
[00:03:16] inflating:
[00:03:16] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:16] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/6059309de2f8447cae76f6486e027648.psmdcp
[00:03:16] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:16] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:16] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:17] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:17] 100 206 0 206 0 0 432 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 433
[00:03:17] 100 1480k 100 1480k 0 0 2421k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2421k
[00:03:17] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/HtmlAgilityPack.1.11.71/HtmlAgilityPack.1.11.71.nupkg
[00:03:17] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:17] inflating: HtmlAgilityPack.nuspec
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net35/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net35/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net35/HtmlAgilityPack.xml
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net40/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net40/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net40/HtmlAgilityPack.XML
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net40-client/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net40-client/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net40-client/HtmlAgilityPack.xml
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net45/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net45/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/Net45/HtmlAgilityPack.XML
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/NetCore45/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/NetCore45/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/NetCore45/HtmlAgilityPack.XML
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.3/HtmlAgilityPack.deps.json
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.3/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.3/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.3/HtmlAgilityPack.xml
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.6/HtmlAgilityPack.deps.json
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.6/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.6/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard1.6/HtmlAgilityPack.xml
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/HtmlAgilityPack.deps.json
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/HtmlAgilityPack.xml
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/portable-net45+netcore45+wp8+MonoAndroid+MonoTouch/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/portable-net45+netcore45+wp8+MonoAndroid+MonoTouch/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/portable-net45+netcore45+wp8+MonoAndroid+MonoTouch/HtmlAgilityPack.XML
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/portable-net45+netcore45+wpa81+wp8+MonoAndroid+MonoTouch/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/portable-net45+netcore45+wpa81+wp8+MonoAndroid+MonoTouch/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/portable-net45+netcore45+wpa81+wp8+MonoAndroid+MonoTouch/HtmlAgilityPack.XML
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/uap10.0/HtmlAgilityPack.dll
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/uap10.0/HtmlAgilityPack.pdb
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/uap10.0/HtmlAgilityPack.pri
[00:03:17] inflating: lib/uap10.0/HtmlAgilityPack.XML
[00:03:17] inflating:
[00:03:17] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:17] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/bd8045ff042347eb884e17cab9323532.psmdcp
[00:03:17] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:17] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:17] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:17] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:17] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:17] 100 204 0 204 0 0 422 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 422
[00:03:17] 100 2384k 100 2384k 0 0 3770k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3770k
[00:03:17] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/Newtonsoft.Json.13.0.3/Newtonsoft.Json.13.0.3.nupkg
[00:03:17] inflating:
[00:03:17] inflating: Newtonsoft.Json.nuspec
[00:03:17] inflating: packageIcon.png
[00:03:17] inflating:
[00:03:17] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:17] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net20/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net20/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net35/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net35/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net40/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net40/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net6.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/net6.0/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/netstandard1.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/netstandard1.0/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/netstandard1.3/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/netstandard1.3/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/Newtonsoft.Json.xml
[00:03:18] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/d209b95bc94842f88c554aec290ef888.psmdcp
[00:03:18] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:18] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:18] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:18] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:18] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:18] 100 202 0 202 0 0 268 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 268
[00:03:18] 100 383k 100 383k 0 0 467k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 467k
[00:03:18] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/libsodium-net.0.10.0/libsodium-net.0.10.0.nupkg
[00:03:18] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:18] inflating: libsodium-net.nuspec
[00:03:18] inflating: output/libsodium-64.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: output/libsodium.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: lib/Net40/Sodium.dll
[00:03:18] inflating: output/sodium.dll.config
[00:03:18] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:18] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/86fcddf940e74427aa0e4bdde612d348.psmdcp
[00:03:18] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:18] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:18] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:19] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:19] 100 198 0 198 0 0 230 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 230
[00:03:19] 100 198 0 198 0 0 230 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 230
[00:03:19] 100 640k 100 640k 0 0 678k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 678k
[00:03:19] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/SharpZipLib.1.3.3/SharpZipLib.1.3.3.nupkg
[00:03:19] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:19] inflating: SharpZipLib.nuspec
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/net45/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.pdb
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.pdb
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.pdb
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/net45/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/net45/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.xml
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.xml
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
[00:03:19] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.xml
[00:03:19] inflating: images/sharpziplib-nuget-256x256.png
[00:03:19] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:19] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/7de003b19cf14fd4a3e3d2f0354f1b91.psmdcp
[00:03:19] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:19] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:19] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:20] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:20] 100 203 0 203 0 0 425 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 424
[00:03:20] 100 203 0 203 0 0 425 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 424
[00:03:20] 100 395k 100 395k 0 0 737k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 737k
[00:03:20] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/PDFsharp.1.50.5147/PDFsharp.1.50.5147.nupkg
[00:03:20] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:20] inflating: PDFsharp.nuspec
[00:03:20] inflating: lib/net20/PdfSharp.Charting.dll
[00:03:20] inflating: lib/net20/PdfSharp.Charting.xml
[00:03:20] inflating: lib/net20/PdfSharp.dll
[00:03:20] inflating: lib/net20/PdfSharp.xml
[00:03:20] inflating: lib/net20/de/PdfSharp.Charting.resources.dll
[00:03:20] inflating: lib/net20/de/PdfSharp.resources.dll
[00:03:20] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:20] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/19735a40f82c4d77bba6a2a9a9724159.psmdcp
[00:03:20] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:20] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:20] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:21] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:21] 100 191 0 191 0 0 400 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 401
[00:03:22] 0 10.5M 0 15392 0 0 14268 0 0:12:52 0:00:01 0:12:51 14268
[00:03:23] 13 10.5M 13 1468k 0 0 775k 0 0:00:13 0:00:01 0:00:12 1785k
[00:03:23] 100 10.5M 100 10.5M 0 0 3826k 0 0:00:02 0:00:02 --:--:-- 6202k
[00:03:23] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/NPOI.2.5.6/NPOI.2.5.6.nupkg
[00:03:23] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:23] inflating: NPOI.nuspec
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OOXML.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OOXML.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OOXML.XML
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.XML
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/net45/NPOI.XML
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OOXML.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OOXML.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OOXML.xml
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/NPOI.xml
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OOXML.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OOXML.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OOXML.xml
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OpenXml4Net.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.dll
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.pdb
[00:03:23] inflating: lib/netstandard2.1/NPOI.xml
[00:03:23] inflating: logo/120_120.jpg
[00:03:23] inflating: logo/240_240.png
[00:03:23] inflating: logo/32_32.jpg
[00:03:23] inflating: logo/60_60.jpg
[00:03:23] inflating: LICENSE
[00:03:23] inflating: Read Me.txt
[00:03:23] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:23] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/4b7f1986bfdc45798fde4e7b50e1f82e.psmdcp
[00:03:23] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:23] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
[00:03:23] Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
[00:03:24] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:24] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
[00:03:24] 100 200 0 200 0 0 256 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 256
[00:03:24] 100 43260 100 43260 0 0 37996 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 37996
[00:03:24] Archive: /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/packages/GetText.NET.1.9.14/GetText.NET.1.9.14.nupkg
[00:03:24] inflating: _rels/.rels
[00:03:24] inflating: GetText.NET.nuspec
[00:03:24] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/GetText.dll
[00:03:24] inflating: lib/netstandard2.0/GetText.xml
[00:03:24] inflating: LICENSE
[00:03:24] inflating: [Content_Types].xml
[00:03:25] inflating: package/services/metadata/core-properties/80106cbaff5d47b1aa42beb4523450d5.psmdcp
[00:03:25] extracting: .signature.p7s
[00:03:25] [echo] We have emulated nuget.exe for the packages.config file
[00:03:25] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin'.
[00:03:25] [copy] Copying 2 files to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin'.
[00:03:25] [echo] Nuget Dlls have been copied to /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:03:25] removeWindowsDlls:
[00:03:25] [echo] Target ThirdParty compile finished at: 03/14/2025 00:25:59
[00:03:25] Total time: 24.8 seconds.
[00:03:25] [echo] Starting GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:25:59
[00:03:25] [echo] Completed parsing 493 files at 00:26:00
[00:03:25] [echo] Completed NamespaceMap (232 items) and DllMap (11 items) at 00:26:00
[00:03:25] [echo] Finished GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:26:00
[00:03:25] generateProjectFilesInternal:
[00:03:25] [echo] Target generateProjectFilesInternal started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:00
[00:03:25] [echo] Target generateProjectFilesInternal finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:00
[00:03:25] quickCompile:
[00:03:25] [echo] Target quickCompile started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:00
[00:03:25] compiling OpenPetra.Tools
[00:03:25] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Ict.Common.csproj
[00:03:27] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/IO/Ict.Common.IO.csproj
[00:03:28] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/DB/Ict.Common.DB.csproj
[00:03:29] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/DBXML/Ict.Tools.DBXML.csproj
[00:03:30] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CodeGeneration/Ict.Tools.CodeGeneration.csproj
[00:03:31] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateSQL/Ict.Tools.GenerateSQL.csproj
[00:03:31] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateORM/Ict.Tools.GenerateORM.csproj
[00:03:32] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateI18N/Ict.Tools.GenerateI18N.csproj
[00:03:33] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateGlue/Ict.Tools.GenerateGlue.csproj
[00:03:34] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CodeChecker/Ict.Tools.CodeChecker.csproj
[00:03:35] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CheckHtml/Ict.Tools.CheckHtml.csproj
[00:03:35] [echo] Target quickCompile finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:10
[00:03:35] [echo] Target generateTools finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:10
[00:03:35] init:
[00:03:35] createSQLStatements:
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Writing file to /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra.sql...
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra.sql
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_withoutConstraints.sql
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_remove.sql
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createtables-MySQL.sql
[00:03:36] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createconstraints-MySQL.sql
[00:03:36] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createdb-MySQL.sql'.
[00:03:36] Total time: 40.2 seconds.
[00:03:36] preparing OpenPetra database...
[00:03:36] initialise database
[00:03:36] creating tables...
[00:03:45] initial data...
[00:03:45] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:03:45] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:03:46] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:03:46] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:03:46] Target(s) specified: recreateDatabase resetDatabase
[00:03:46] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:03:46] [echo] platform=unix
[00:03:46] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:03:47] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:03:48] init:
[00:03:48] createSQLStatements:
[00:03:48] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Writing file to /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra.sql...
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra.sql
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_withoutConstraints.sql
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_remove.sql
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createtables-MySQL.sql
[00:03:49] [ExecDotNet] Success: file written: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createconstraints-MySQL.sql
[00:03:49] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createdb-MySQL.sql'.
[00:03:49] recreateDatabase:
[00:03:49] [echo] this will now take a while...
[00:03:49] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_remove.sql
[00:03:49] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_remove.sql;
[00:03:52] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createdb-MySQL.sql
[00:03:52] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/createdb-MySQL.sql;
[00:03:59] resetDatabase:
[00:03:59] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:03:59] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:03:59] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [echo] True
[00:03:59] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:03:59] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:04:01] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:04:03] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:04:05] Total time: 19 seconds.
[00:04:05] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:04:05] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:04:05] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:05] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:04:05] Target(s) specified: generateSolution
[00:04:05] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:04:05] [echo] platform=unix
[00:04:06] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:07] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:04:08] minimalGenerateSolution:
[00:04:08] [echo] Target minimalGenerateSolution started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:42
[00:04:08] generateTools:
[00:04:08] [echo] Target generateTools started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:42
[00:04:08] nanttasks:
[00:04:08] [echo] Target nanttasks started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:42
[00:04:08] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/inc/nanttasks/ compile
[00:04:08] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/inc/nanttasks/
[00:04:08] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:04:08] Target(s) specified: compile
[00:04:08] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:08] custdepend:
[00:04:08] compile:
[00:04:08] Total time: 0.7 seconds.
[00:04:08] [echo] Target nanttasks finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:43
[00:04:08] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/ compile
[00:04:08] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ThirdParty/
[00:04:08] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:04:08] Target(s) specified: compile
[00:04:09] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:10] compile:
[00:04:10] [echo] Target ThirdParty compile started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:44
[00:04:10] emulateNuget:
[00:04:10] [echo] We have emulated nuget.exe for the packages.config file
[00:04:10] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin'.
[00:04:10] [echo] Nuget Dlls have been copied to /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:04:10] removeWindowsDlls:
[00:04:10] [echo] Target ThirdParty compile finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:44
[00:04:10] Total time: 1.5 seconds.
[00:04:10] [echo] Starting GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:26:44
[00:04:10] [echo] Completed parsing 504 files at 00:26:45
[00:04:10] [echo] Completed NamespaceMap (233 items) and DllMap (11 items) at 00:26:45
[00:04:10] [echo] Finished GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:26:45
[00:04:10] generateProjectFilesInternal:
[00:04:10] [echo] Target generateProjectFilesInternal started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:45
[00:04:10] [echo] Target generateProjectFilesInternal finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:45
[00:04:10] quickCompile:
[00:04:10] [echo] Target quickCompile started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:45
[00:04:10] compiling OpenPetra.Tools
[00:04:10] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Ict.Common.csproj
[00:04:12] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/IO/Ict.Common.IO.csproj
[00:04:13] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/DB/Ict.Common.DB.csproj
[00:04:14] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/DBXML/Ict.Tools.DBXML.csproj
[00:04:15] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CodeGeneration/Ict.Tools.CodeGeneration.csproj
[00:04:16] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateSQL/Ict.Tools.GenerateSQL.csproj
[00:04:16] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateORM/Ict.Tools.GenerateORM.csproj
[00:04:17] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateI18N/Ict.Tools.GenerateI18N.csproj
[00:04:18] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateGlue/Ict.Tools.GenerateGlue.csproj
[00:04:19] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CodeChecker/Ict.Tools.CodeChecker.csproj
[00:04:20] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CheckHtml/Ict.Tools.CheckHtml.csproj
[00:04:20] [echo] Target quickCompile finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:55
[00:04:20] [echo] Target generateTools finished at: 03/14/2025 00:26:55
[00:04:20] generateORMCachedTables:
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Partner.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Mailing.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Subscriptions.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing MPartner.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing MCommon.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Unit.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Person.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing MPersonnel.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing MFinance.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing MConference.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [ExecDotNet] Writing MSysMan.Cacheable-generated.cs
[00:04:21] [echo] now run: nant quickCompile -D:onlyonce=true
[00:04:21] generateORMData:
[00:04:21] [echo] Target generateORMData started at: 03/14/2025 00:26:56
[00:04:21] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/ custdepend
[00:04:21] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/
[00:04:21] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:04:21] Target(s) specified: custdepend
[00:04:22] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:22] custdepend:
[00:04:22] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/data'.
[00:04:22] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MHospitality/validation'.
[00:04:22] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSponsorship/validation'.
[00:04:23] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Partner
[00:04:26] [ExecDotNet] Writing Partner.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:26] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Mailroom
[00:04:26] [ExecDotNet] Writing Mailroom.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:27] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Personnel
[00:04:28] [ExecDotNet] Writing Personnel.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:28] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Units
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] Writing Units.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Conference
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] Writing Conference.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Hospitality
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] Writing Hospitality.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Sponsorship
[00:04:29] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Account
[00:04:31] [ExecDotNet] Writing Account.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:31] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Ap
[00:04:32] [ExecDotNet] Writing AP.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:32] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Ar
[00:04:32] [ExecDotNet] Writing AR.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:32] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Gift
[00:04:33] [ExecDotNet] Writing Gift.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:33] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Sysman
[00:04:34] [ExecDotNet] Writing SysMan.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:34] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace Typed Tables Common
[00:04:35] [ExecDotNet] Writing Common.Tables-generated.cs
[00:04:35] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Partner
[00:04:35] [ExecDotNet] Writing Partner.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:35] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Mailroom
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] Writing Mailroom.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Personnel
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] Writing Personnel.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Units
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] Writing Units.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Conference
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] Writing Conference.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Hospitality
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] Writing Hospitality.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Sponsorship
[00:04:36] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Account
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] Writing Account.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Ap
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] Writing AP.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Ar
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] Writing AR.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Gift
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] Writing Gift.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:37] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Sysman
[00:04:38] [ExecDotNet] Writing SysMan.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:38] [ExecDotNet] processing validation of Typed Tables Common
[00:04:38] [ExecDotNet] Writing Common.Validation-generated.cs
[00:04:38] [ExecDotNet] Writing TableList-generated.cs
[00:04:39] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MCommon.Data
[00:04:39] [ExecDotNet] Writing Common.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:39] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MPartner.Partner.Data
[00:04:40] [ExecDotNet] Writing Partner.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:41] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MPersonnel.Personnel.Data
[00:04:41] [ExecDotNet] Writing Personnel.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:42] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MHospitality.Data
[00:04:42] [ExecDotNet] Writing Hospitality.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:43] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MFinance.AP.Data
[00:04:43] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.AP.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:43] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MFinance.GL.Data
[00:04:44] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.GL.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:44] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MFinance.Gift.Data
[00:04:45] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.Gift.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:45] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MSysMan.Data
[00:04:45] [ExecDotNet] Writing SysMan.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:46] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MConference.Data
[00:04:46] [ExecDotNet] Writing Conference.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:46] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MFinance.CrossLedger.Data
[00:04:47] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.CrossLedger.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:47] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MFinance.BankImport.Data
[00:04:47] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.BankImport.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:48] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Shared.MSponsorship.Data
[00:04:48] [ExecDotNet] Writing Sponsorship.DataSets-generated.cs
[00:04:48] Total time: 26.7 seconds.
[00:04:48] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Plugins/ custdependORM
[00:04:48] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Plugins/
[00:04:48] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:04:48] Target(s) specified: custdependORM
[00:04:49] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:49] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:04:50] custdependORM:
[00:04:50] Total time: 1.9 seconds.
[00:04:50] [echo] now run: nant quickCompile -D:onlyonce=true
[00:04:50] [echo] Target generateORMData finished at: 03/14/2025 00:27:25
[00:04:50] generateORMAccess:
[00:04:50] [echo] Target generateORMAccess started at: 03/14/2025 00:27:25
[00:04:50] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/ custdepend
[00:04:50] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/
[00:04:50] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:04:50] Target(s) specified: custdepend
[00:04:51] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:04:51] custdepend:
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/data'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/web'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/web'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MCommon/connect'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MConference/connect'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinDev/connect'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPersonnel/connect'.
[00:04:51] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSysMan/connect'.
[00:04:51] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Partner
[00:04:55] [ExecDotNet] Writing Partner.Access-generated.cs
[00:04:55] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Mailroom
[00:04:56] [ExecDotNet] Writing Mailroom.Access-generated.cs
[00:04:56] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Personnel
[00:04:58] [ExecDotNet] Writing Personnel.Access-generated.cs
[00:04:58] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Units
[00:04:58] [ExecDotNet] Writing Units.Access-generated.cs
[00:04:58] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Conference
[00:04:59] [ExecDotNet] Writing Conference.Access-generated.cs
[00:04:59] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Hospitality
[00:04:59] [ExecDotNet] Writing Hospitality.Access-generated.cs
[00:04:59] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Sponsorship
[00:04:59] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Account
[00:05:01] [ExecDotNet] Writing Account.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:01] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Ap
[00:05:02] [ExecDotNet] Writing AP.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:02] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Ar
[00:05:03] [ExecDotNet] Writing AR.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:03] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Gift
[00:05:03] [ExecDotNet] Writing Gift.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:03] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Sysman
[00:05:05] [ExecDotNet] Writing SysMan.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:05] [ExecDotNet] processing namespace PetraTypedDataAccess.Common
[00:05:05] [ExecDotNet] Writing Common.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:05] [ExecDotNet] writing namespace Ict.Petra.Server.MCommon.Data.Cascading
[00:05:11] [ExecDotNet] Writing Cascading-generated.cs
[00:05:11] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MCommon.Data
[00:05:12] [ExecDotNet] Writing Common.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:12] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.Data
[00:05:14] [ExecDotNet] Writing Partner.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:14] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MPersonnel.Personnel.Data
[00:05:14] [ExecDotNet] Writing Personnel.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:15] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MHospitality.Data
[00:05:15] [ExecDotNet] Writing Hospitality.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:16] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MFinance.AP.Data
[00:05:16] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.AP.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:16] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.Data
[00:05:17] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.GL.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:17] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MFinance.Gift.Data
[00:05:18] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.Gift.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:18] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MSysMan.Data
[00:05:18] [ExecDotNet] Writing SysMan.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:19] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MConference.Data
[00:05:19] [ExecDotNet] Writing Conference.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:20] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MFinance.BankImport.Data
[00:05:20] [ExecDotNet] Writing Finance.BankImport.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:20] [ExecDotNet] processing dataset Ict.Petra.Server.MSponsorship.Data
[00:05:20] [ExecDotNet] Writing Sponsorship.DataSets.Access-generated.cs
[00:05:20] Total time: 30.3 seconds.
[00:05:20] [echo] now run: nant quickCompile -D:onlyonce=true
[00:05:20] [echo] Target generateORMAccess finished at: 03/14/2025 00:27:55
[00:05:20] generateORM:
[00:05:20] [echo] Target generateORM started at: 03/14/2025 00:27:55
[00:05:20] [echo] please compile the code after the files have been regenerated
[00:05:20] [echo] Target generateORM finished at: 03/14/2025 00:27:55
[00:05:20] generateGlue:
[00:05:20] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Plugins/ custdependGlue
[00:05:20] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Plugins/
[00:05:20] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:05:20] Target(s) specified: custdependGlue
[00:05:21] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:05:22] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:05:22] custdependGlue:
[00:05:22] Total time: 2 seconds.
[00:05:22] [ExecDotNet] parsing all cs files for namespaces...
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MCommon-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MCommon-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MConference-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MConference-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MFinance-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MFinance-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MFinDev-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MFinDev-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MHospitality-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MHospitality-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MPartner-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MPartner-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MPersonnel-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MPersonnel-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MReporting-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MReporting-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MSponsorship-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MSponsorship-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MSysMan-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MSysMan-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] working on /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/ServerGlue.MServerAdmin-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [ExecDotNet] Writing ServerGlue.MServerAdmin-generated.cs
[00:05:24] [echo] now run: nant quickCompile -D:onlyonce=true
[00:05:24] generateNamespaceMap:
[00:05:24] [echo] Target generateNamespaceMap started at: 03/14/2025 00:27:59
[00:05:24] [echo] Starting GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:27:59
[00:05:27] [echo] Completed parsing 591 files at 00:28:02
[00:05:27] [echo] Completed NamespaceMap (316 items) and DllMap (119 items) at 00:28:02
[00:05:27] [echo] Finished GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:28:02
[00:05:27] [echo] Target generateNamespaceMap finished at: 03/14/2025 00:28:02
[00:05:27] nanttasks:
[00:05:27] [echo] Target nanttasks started at: 03/14/2025 00:28:02
[00:05:27] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/inc/nanttasks/ compile
[00:05:27] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/inc/nanttasks/
[00:05:27] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:05:27] Target(s) specified: compile
[00:05:28] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:05:28] custdepend:
[00:05:28] compile:
[00:05:28] Total time: 0.8 seconds.
[00:05:28] [echo] Target nanttasks finished at: 03/14/2025 00:28:03
[00:05:28] generateNamespaceMap:
[00:05:28] [echo] Target generateNamespaceMap started at: 03/14/2025 00:28:03
[00:05:28] [echo] Starting GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:28:03
[00:05:31] [echo] Completed parsing 591 files at 00:28:05
[00:05:31] [echo] Completed NamespaceMap (316 items) and DllMap (119 items) at 00:28:05
[00:05:31] [echo] Finished GenerateNamespaceMap at 00:28:05
[00:05:31] [echo] Target generateNamespaceMap finished at: 03/14/2025 00:28:05
[00:05:31] generateProjectFilesInternal:
[00:05:31] [echo] Target generateProjectFilesInternal started at: 03/14/2025 00:28:05
[00:05:31] [echo] Target generateProjectFilesInternal finished at: 03/14/2025 00:28:06
[00:05:31] generateProjectFiles:
[00:05:31] prepareDeliveryContent:
[00:05:31] [delete] Deleting 12 files.
[00:05:31] [echo] Target minimalGenerateSolution finished at: 03/14/2025 00:28:06
[00:05:31] generateSolution:
[00:05:31] [echo] Target generateSolution started at: 03/14/2025 00:28:06
[00:05:31] quickCompile:
[00:05:31] [echo] Target quickCompile started at: 03/14/2025 00:28:06
[00:05:31] compiling OpenPetra
[00:05:31] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Ict.Common.csproj
[00:05:32] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/IO/Ict.Common.IO.csproj
[00:05:33] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/DB/Ict.Common.DB.csproj
[00:05:35] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Printing/Ict.Common.Printing.csproj
[00:05:36] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Session/Ict.Common.Session.csproj
[00:05:36] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Verification/Ict.Common.Verification.csproj
[00:05:37] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Conversion/Ict.Common.Conversion.csproj
[00:05:38] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Data/Ict.Common.Data.csproj
[00:05:39] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Remoting/Shared/Ict.Common.Remoting.Shared.csproj
[00:05:40] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Remoting/Server/Ict.Common.Remoting.Server.csproj
[00:05:41] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Common/Remoting/Client/Ict.Common.Remoting.Client.csproj
[00:05:42] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/data/
[00:05:47] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/Ict.Petra.Shared.csproj
[00:05:48] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/data/
[00:05:54] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/Core/
[00:05:55] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MCommon/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MCommon.validation.csproj
[00:05:55] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MConference/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MConference.validation.csproj
[00:05:56] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinDev/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinDev.web.csproj
[00:05:57] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MHospitality/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MHospitality.validation.csproj
[00:05:57] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MHospitality/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MHospitality.web.csproj
[00:05:58] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSysMan/Common/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MSysMan.Common.csproj
[00:05:59] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSysMan/DBUpgrades/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MSysMan.DBUpgrades.csproj
[00:06:00] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSysMan/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MSysMan.validation.csproj
[00:06:00] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/ServerAdmin/app/Core/
[00:06:01] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/Interfaces/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.Interfaces.csproj
[00:06:02] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MCommon/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MCommon.csproj
[00:06:03] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MCommon/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MCommon.csproj
[00:06:04] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MCommon/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MCommon.web.csproj
[00:06:04] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MConference/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MConference.csproj
[00:06:05] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MFinance/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MFinance.csproj
[00:06:06] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MPartner/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MPartner.csproj
[00:06:07] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MPersonnel/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MPersonnel.csproj
[00:06:07] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MReporting/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MReporting.csproj
[00:06:08] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.csproj
[00:06:09] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/core/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.core.csproj
[00:06:10] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Shared/lib/MSysMan/Ict.Petra.Shared.lib.MSysMan.csproj
[00:06:10] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/Common/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.Common.csproj
[00:06:12] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/Common/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPartner.Common.csproj
[00:06:13] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MCommon/queries/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MCommon.queries.csproj
[00:06:14] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/queries/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.queries.csproj
[00:06:15] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/processing/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPartner.processing.csproj
[00:06:16] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/queries/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPartner.queries.csproj
[00:06:16] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPartner.validation.csproj
[00:06:17] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.validation.csproj
[00:06:18] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/data/
[00:06:19] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/setup/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.setup.csproj
[00:06:20] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/JsClient/
[00:06:21] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/GL/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.GL.csproj
[00:06:23] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/Budget/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.Budget.csproj
[00:06:23] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/Gift/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.Gift.csproj
[00:06:25] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/BankImport/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.BankImport.csproj
[00:06:26] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/connect/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.connect.csproj
[00:06:26] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/data/
[00:06:27] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPersonnel/queries/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPersonnel.queries.csproj
[00:06:28] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPersonnel/validation/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPersonnel.validation.csproj
[00:06:29] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPersonnel/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPersonnel.csproj
[00:06:30] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPersonnel/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPersonnel.web.csproj
[00:06:31] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/connect/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPartner.connect.csproj
[00:06:32] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MPartner/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MPartner.web.csproj
[00:06:33] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MConference/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MConference.csproj
[00:06:34] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MConference/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MConference.web.csproj
[00:06:35] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/AP/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.AP.csproj
[00:06:36] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/MFinance/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.MFinance.csproj
[00:06:37] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/connect/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.connect.csproj
[00:06:38] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/MPartner/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.MPartner.csproj
[00:06:39] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/MFinDev/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.MFinDev.csproj
[00:06:39] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MReporting/MPersonnel/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MReporting.MPersonnel.csproj
[00:06:40] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSponsorship/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MSponsorship.web.csproj
[00:06:41] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSysMan/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MSysMan.csproj
[00:06:42] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MCommon/processing/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MCommon.processing.csproj
[00:06:43] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MFinance/ICH/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MFinance.ICH.csproj
[00:06:44] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/Delegates/
[00:06:44] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/lib/MSysMan/web/Ict.Petra.Server.lib.MSysMan.web.csproj
[00:06:45] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Server/app/WebService/
[00:06:46] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.csproj
[00:06:47] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.DB.csproj
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.cs(851,28) : warning CS0219: The variable `FirstTransaction' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(164,44) : warning CS0219: The variable `Count1' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(44,24) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FTestCallDBCommand1' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(45,24) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FTestCallDBCommand2' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(48,22) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FTestingThread1NewTransaction' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(49,22) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FTestingThread2NewTransaction' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(50,27) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FTestingThread1Exception' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(51,27) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FTestingThread2Exception' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(58,41) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FGotNewOrExistingDBTransactionSignal1' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(59,41) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FGotNewOrExistingDBTransactionSignal2' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(60,41) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FRollbackDBTransactionSignal1' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(61,41) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FRollbackDBTransactionSignal2' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(62,41) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FDBTransactionRolledbackSignal1' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.Multithreading.cs(63,41) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FDBTransactionRolledbackSignal2' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.cs(52,25) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FDBType' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.cs(54,15) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FProgressUpdateCounter' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/DB/test.cs(55,15) : warning CS0414: The private field `Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.FProgressUpdateNumber' is assigned but its value is never used
[00:06:48] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/IO/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.IO.csproj
[00:06:49] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/Printing/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Printing.csproj
[00:06:50] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/Verification/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Verification.csproj
[00:06:51] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MPartner/shared/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.shared.csproj
[00:06:51] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Shared/Ict.Testing.lib.Shared.csproj
[00:06:52] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/DBXML/Ict.Tools.DBXML.csproj
[00:06:53] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/NUnitTools/Ict.Testing.lib.NUnitTools.csproj
[00:06:54] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/NUnitPetraServer/Ict.Testing.lib.NUnitPetraServer.csproj
[00:06:54] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/Data/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Data.csproj
[00:06:55] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/AP/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.AP.csproj
[00:06:56] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/BankImport/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.BankImport.csproj
[00:06:57] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/Budget/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Budget.csproj
[00:06:58] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/CrossLedger/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.CrossLedger.csproj
[00:06:58] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/Gift/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Gift.csproj
[00:06:59] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/GL/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.GL.csproj
[00:07:00] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/ICH/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.ICH.csproj
[00:07:01] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MPartner/server/AddressTools/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.AddressTools.csproj
[00:07:02] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MPartner/server/PartnerEdit/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerEdit.csproj
[00:07:03] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MPartner/server/PartnerExports/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerExports.csproj
[00:07:04] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MPartner/server/PartnerMerge/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerMerge.csproj
[00:07:05] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MSponsorship/Ict.Testing.lib.MSponsorship.csproj
[00:07:05] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Reporting/Ict.Testing.lib.Reporting.csproj
[00:07:06] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/server/Reporting/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Reporting.csproj
[00:07:07] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MPartner/server/Reporting/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.Reporting.csproj
[00:07:08] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CodeGeneration/Ict.Tools.CodeGeneration.csproj
[00:07:09] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/TinyWebServer/Ict.Tools.TinyWebServer.csproj
[00:07:09] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GuidedTranslation/Ict.Tools.GuidedTranslation.csproj
[00:07:10] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateSQL/Ict.Tools.GenerateSQL.csproj
[00:07:11] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateORM/Ict.Tools.GenerateORM.csproj
[00:07:12] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateI18N/Ict.Tools.GenerateI18N.csproj
[00:07:13] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/GenerateGlue/Ict.Tools.GenerateGlue.csproj
[00:07:14] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/FilterButtonWiki/Ict.Tools.FilterButtonWiki.csproj
[00:07:14] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/DevelopersAssistantUpdater/Ict.Tools.DevelopersAssistantUpdater.csproj
[00:07:15] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/DeleteButtonWiki/Ict.Tools.DeleteButtonWiki.csproj
[00:07:16] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/DataMigrateStatistics/Ict.Tools.DataMigrateStatistics.csproj
[00:07:17] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CodeChecker/Ict.Tools.CodeChecker.csproj
[00:07:17] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/BuildTools/CheckHtml/Ict.Tools.CheckHtml.csproj
[00:07:18] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/exe/I18N/Ict.Testing.I18N.csproj
[00:07:19] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Tools/YmlGzImportExport/Ict.Petra.Tools.MSysMan.YmlGzImportExport.csproj
[00:07:19] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Tools/SampleDataConstructor/Ict.Petra.Tools.SampleDataConstructor.csproj
[00:07:20] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Tools/FinanceGDPdUExportIncomeTax/Ict.Petra.Tools.MFinance.Server.GDPdUExportIncomeTax.csproj
[00:07:21] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/Tools/FinanceGDPdUExport/Ict.Petra.Tools.MFinance.Server.GDPdUExport.csproj
[00:07:22] Compiling /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Petra/ServerAdmin/PetraServerAdminConsole/PetraServerAdminConsole.csproj
[00:07:23] [echo] Target quickCompile finished at: 03/14/2025 00:29:58
[00:07:23] pullVCSVersionInfo:
[00:07:23] [echo] Target generateSolution finished at: 03/14/2025 00:29:58
[00:07:23] Total time: 197.6 seconds.
[00:07:23] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:07:23] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:07:24] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:07:24] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:07:24] Target(s) specified:
[00:07:24] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:07:24] [echo] platform=unix
[00:07:24] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:07:25] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:07:26] Total time: 2.3 seconds.
[00:07:26] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:07:26] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:07:27] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:07:27] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:07:27] Target(s) specified: install.js
[00:07:27] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:07:27] [echo] platform=unix
[00:07:27] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:07:28] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:07:29] install.js:
[00:07:33] [exec] npm warn deprecated urix@0.1.0: Please see
[00:07:33] [exec] npm warn deprecated source-map-url@0.4.1: See
[00:07:33] [exec] npm warn deprecated resolve-url@0.2.1:
[00:07:33] [exec] npm warn deprecated source-map-resolve@0.5.3: See
[00:07:34] [exec] npm warn deprecated i18next-xhr-backend@1.5.1: replaced by i18next-http-backend
[00:07:35] [exec] npm warn deprecated popper.js@1.16.1: You can find the new Popper v2 at @popperjs/core, this package is dedicated to the legacy v1
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] added 386 packages, and audited 387 packages in 31s
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] 43 packages are looking for funding
[00:08:01] [exec] run `npm fund` for details
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] 8 vulnerabilities (4 moderate, 3 high, 1 critical)
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] To address issues that do not require attention, run:
[00:08:01] [exec] npm audit fix
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
[00:08:01] [exec] npm audit fix --force
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] Run `npm audit` for details.
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:01] [exec] > openpetra-client-js@2018.2.0 build
[00:08:01] [exec] > npm run build-debug && npm run build-min
[00:08:01] [exec]
[00:08:02] [exec]
[00:08:02] [exec] > openpetra-client-js@2018.2.0 build-debug
[00:08:02] [exec] > mkdir -p dist && mkdir -p webfonts && cp -f node_modules/\@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css dist/fontawesome.min.css && cp -f node_modules/\@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/* webfonts && browserify -t browserify-css src/index.js -d > dist/bundle.js && chmod a+rx -R dist webfonts
[00:08:02] [exec]
[00:08:04] [exec]
[00:08:04] [exec] > openpetra-client-js@2018.2.0 build-min
[00:08:04] [exec] > mkdir -p dist && mkdir -p webfonts && cp -f node_modules/\@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css dist/fontawesome.min.css && cp -f node_modules/\@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/* webfonts && browserify -t browserify-css src/index.js | uglifyjs -c > dist/bundle.min.js && chmod a+rx -R dist webfonts
[00:08:04] [exec]
[00:08:10] BUILD SUCCEEDED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 6 warning(s)
[00:08:10] Total time: 43 seconds.
[00:08:10] loading database from /home/op_dev/demoWith1ledger.yml.gz with config /home/op_dev/etc/PetraServerConsole.config
[00:09:01] 00:31:36 backup has been restored from /home/op_dev/demoWith1ledger.yml.gz
[00:09:01] 00:31:36 SHUTDOWN: Executing step 1 of 2...
[00:09:01] 00:31:36 SHUTDOWN: Executing step 2 of 2...
[00:09:01] Please press Enter to continue...
[00:09:02] Go and check your instance at http://localhost
[00:09:02] login with user DEMO and password demo, or user SYSADMIN and password CHANGEME.
[00:09:02] See also the API at http://localhost/api/
[00:09:02] You find phpMyAdmin running at http://localhost/phpmyadmin
[00:09:02] Start developing in /home/op_dev/openpetra as user op_dev, and use the following commands:
[00:09:02] nant generateGlue
[00:09:02] nant generateProjectFiles
[00:09:02] nant quickCompile -D:onlyonce=yes
[00:09:02] nant compileProject -D:name=Ict.Common
[00:09:03] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:09:03] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:09:04] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:09:04] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:09:04] Target(s) specified: test-without-display
[00:09:04] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:09:04] [echo] platform=unix
[00:09:05] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:09:05] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:09:06] initConfigFiles-server:
[00:09:06] initConfigFiles-internal:
[00:09:06] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/web.config'.
[00:09:06] initConfigFiles-internal:
[00:09:06] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/etc/TestServer.config'.
[00:09:06] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/version.txt'.
[00:09:06] initConfigFiles-admin:
[00:09:06] initConfigFiles-internal:
[00:09:06] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/etc/ServerAdmin.config'.
[00:09:06] initConfigFiles:
[00:09:06] copySQLFiles:
[00:09:06] [mkdir] Creating directory '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/sql30'.
[00:09:06] [copy] Copying 52 files to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/sql30'.
[00:09:06] test-without-display:
[00:09:06] [echo] Target test-without-display (outer) started at: 03/14/2025 00:31:41
[00:09:06] [nant] /home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/ test-without-display
[00:09:06] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/csharp/ICT/Testing/
[00:09:06] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:09:06] Target(s) specified: test-without-display
[00:09:07] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:09:07] test-without-display:
[00:09:07] [echo] Target test-without-display started at: 03/14/2025 00:31:42
[00:09:07] test-common:
[00:09:07] [echo] Target test-common started at: 03/14/2025 00:31:42
[00:09:07] remove_dlls:
[00:09:07] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.dll
[00:09:07] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:07] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:07] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:31:42
[00:09:07] Runtime Environment
[00:09:07] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:07] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:07] Test Files
[00:09:07] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.dll
[00:09:09] Run Settings
[00:09:09] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:09] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:09] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:09] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:09] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:09] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:09] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:09] Test Run Summary
[00:09:09] Overall result: Passed
[00:09:09] Test Count: 18, Passed: 18, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:09:09] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:31:42Z
[00:09:09] End time: 2025-03-13 23:31:43Z
[00:09:09] Duration: 1.484 seconds
[00:09:09] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:09] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.IO.dll
[00:09:10] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:10] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:10] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:31:44
[00:09:10] Runtime Environment
[00:09:10] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:10] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:10] Test Files
[00:09:10] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.IO.dll
[00:09:11] => Ict.Common.IO.Testing.TTestCommonIO.TestExcelExportFile
[00:09:11] 00:31:46 writing to ../../csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/IO/TestData/test.xlsx
[00:09:13] => Ict.Common.IO.Testing.TTestCommonIO.TestExcelImportStream
[00:09:13] 00:31:48 reading ../../csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/Common/IO/TestData/testReading.xlsx
[00:09:14] => Ict.Common.IO.Testing.TTestSmtpSender.TestSendMail
[00:09:14] 00:31:48 for TestSendMail: need to configure SmptHost in the config file
[00:09:14] Run Settings
[00:09:14] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:14] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:14] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:14] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:14] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:14] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:14] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:14] Test Run Summary
[00:09:14] Overall result: Passed
[00:09:14] Test Count: 23, Passed: 23, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:09:14] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:31:44Z
[00:09:14] End time: 2025-03-13 23:31:48Z
[00:09:14] Duration: 3.971 seconds
[00:09:14] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:14] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.DB.dll
[00:09:14] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:14] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:14] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:31:49
[00:09:14] Runtime Environment
[00:09:14] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:14] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:14] Test Files
[00:09:14] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.DB.dll
[00:09:16] => Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.TestDBAccess_GNoETransaction_throws_proper_ExceptionOnWrongMinimumIsolationLevel
[00:09:16] 00:31:51 Ict.Common.DB.Exceptions.EDBTransactionIsolationLevelTooLowException: Expected IsolationLevel: at least Serializable but is: ReadCommitted
[00:09:16] => Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.TestDBAccess_working_after_ExecuteNonQuery_threw_DBLevel_Exception
[00:09:16] 00:31:51 Attempting to run BREAKING INSERT command using ExecuteNonQuery...
[00:09:16] 00:31:51 Error executing non-query SQL statement.
[00:09:16] on Thread 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7] in AppDomain 'domain-'
[00:09:16] The SQL Statement was:
[00:09:16] INSERT INTO p_type(p_type_code_c, p_type_description_c) VALUES ('TEST_EXECUTENONQUERY', NULL)
[00:09:16] Possible cause: MySqlConnector.MySqlException (0x80004005): Column 'p_type_description_c' cannot be null
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.ServerSession.ReceiveReplyAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000fc] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/ServerSession.cs:1081
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.ResultSet.ReadResultSetHeaderAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior) [0x00066] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/ResultSet.cs:37
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlDataReader.ActivateResultSet (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000b3] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlDataReader.cs:131
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlDataReader.InitAsync (MySqlConnector.Core.CommandListPosition commandListPosition, MySqlConnector.Core.ICommandPayloadCreator payloadCreator, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cachedProcedures, MySqlConnector.Core.IMySqlCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Diagnostics.Activity activity, MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x002bc] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlDataReader.cs:507
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.CommandExecutor.ExecuteReaderAsync (MySqlConnector.Core.CommandListPosition commandListPosition, MySqlConnector.Core.ICommandPayloadCreator payloadCreator, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Diagnostics.Activity activity, MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00321] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/CommandExecutor.cs:56
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x0006b] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlCommand.cs:309
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x00000] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlCommand.cs:108
[00:09:16] at Ict.Common.DB.TDataBase.ExecuteNonQuery (System.String ASqlStatement, Ict.Common.DB.TDBTransaction ATransaction, System.Boolean AMustCoordinateDBAccess, System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] AParametersArray, System.Boolean ACommitTransaction) [0x000a2] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:16] Message: Column 'p_type_description_c' cannot be null
[00:09:16] MySQL Error Number: 1048
[00:09:16] 00:31:51 Running WORKING INSERT command using ExecuteNonQuery...
[00:09:16] => Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.TestForeignKeyConstraints
[00:09:16] 00:31:51 Error executing non-query SQL statement.
[00:09:16] on Thread 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7] in AppDomain 'domain-'
[00:09:16] The SQL Statement was:
[00:09:16] INSERT INTO a_gift(a_ledger_number_i, a_batch_number_i, a_gift_transaction_number_i) VALUES(43, 99999999, 1)
[00:09:16] Possible cause: MySqlConnector.MySqlException (0x80004005): Field 'a_date_entered_d' doesn't have a default value
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.ServerSession.ReceiveReplyAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000fc] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/ServerSession.cs:1081
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.ResultSet.ReadResultSetHeaderAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior) [0x00066] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/ResultSet.cs:37
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlDataReader.ActivateResultSet (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000b3] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlDataReader.cs:131
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlDataReader.InitAsync (MySqlConnector.Core.CommandListPosition commandListPosition, MySqlConnector.Core.ICommandPayloadCreator payloadCreator, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cachedProcedures, MySqlConnector.Core.IMySqlCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Diagnostics.Activity activity, MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x002bc] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlDataReader.cs:507
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.CommandExecutor.ExecuteReaderAsync (MySqlConnector.Core.CommandListPosition commandListPosition, MySqlConnector.Core.ICommandPayloadCreator payloadCreator, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Diagnostics.Activity activity, MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00321] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/CommandExecutor.cs:56
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x0006b] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlCommand.cs:309
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x00000] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlCommand.cs:108
[00:09:16] at Ict.Common.DB.TDataBase.ExecuteNonQuery (System.String ASqlStatement, Ict.Common.DB.TDBTransaction ATransaction, System.Boolean AMustCoordinateDBAccess, System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] AParametersArray, System.Boolean ACommitTransaction) [0x000a2] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:16] Message: Field 'a_date_entered_d' doesn't have a default value
[00:09:16] MySQL Error Number: 1364
[00:09:16] => Ict.Common.DB.Testing.TTestCommonDB.TestOrderStatementsInTransaction
[00:09:16] 00:31:51 Error executing non-query SQL statement.
[00:09:16] on Thread 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7] in AppDomain 'domain-'
[00:09:16] The SQL Statement was:
[00:09:16] INSERT INTO a_gift(a_ledger_number_i, a_batch_number_i, a_gift_transaction_number_i) VALUES(43, 99999999, 1)
[00:09:16] Possible cause: MySqlConnector.MySqlException (0x80004005): Field 'a_date_entered_d' doesn't have a default value
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.ServerSession.ReceiveReplyAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000fc] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/ServerSession.cs:1081
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.ResultSet.ReadResultSetHeaderAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior) [0x00066] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/ResultSet.cs:37
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlDataReader.ActivateResultSet (System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x000b3] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlDataReader.cs:131
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlDataReader.InitAsync (MySqlConnector.Core.CommandListPosition commandListPosition, MySqlConnector.Core.ICommandPayloadCreator payloadCreator, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[TKey,TValue] cachedProcedures, MySqlConnector.Core.IMySqlCommand command, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Diagnostics.Activity activity, MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x002bc] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlDataReader.cs:507
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.Core.CommandExecutor.ExecuteReaderAsync (MySqlConnector.Core.CommandListPosition commandListPosition, MySqlConnector.Core.ICommandPayloadCreator payloadCreator, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior, System.Diagnostics.Activity activity, MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00321] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/Core/CommandExecutor.cs:56
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync (MySqlConnector.Protocol.Serialization.IOBehavior ioBehavior, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x0006b] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlCommand.cs:309
[00:09:16] at MySqlConnector.MySqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () [0x00000] in /_/src/MySqlConnector/MySqlCommand.cs:108
[00:09:16] at Ict.Common.DB.TDataBase.ExecuteNonQuery (System.String ASqlStatement, Ict.Common.DB.TDBTransaction ATransaction, System.Boolean AMustCoordinateDBAccess, System.Data.Common.DbParameter[] AParametersArray, System.Boolean ACommitTransaction) [0x000a2] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:16] Message: Field 'a_date_entered_d' doesn't have a default value
[00:09:16] MySQL Error Number: 1364
[00:09:16] Run Settings
[00:09:16] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:16] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:16] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:16] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:16] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:16] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:16] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:16] Test Run Summary
[00:09:16] Overall result: Passed
[00:09:16] Test Count: 13, Passed: 13, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:09:16] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:31:49Z
[00:09:16] End time: 2025-03-13 23:31:51Z
[00:09:16] Duration: 1.789 seconds
[00:09:16] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:16] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Data.dll
[00:09:16] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:16] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:17] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:31:51
[00:09:17] Runtime Environment
[00:09:17] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:17] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:17] Test Files
[00:09:17] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Data.dll
[00:09:19] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:09:19] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:09:20] => Ict.Common.Data.Testing.TTestCommonData.UpdateRecord
[00:09:20] 00:31:55 Ict.Common.DB.Exceptions.EDBAttemptingToUseTransactionThatIsInvalidException: TDataBase.RollbackTransaction called on DB Transaction that isn't valid
[00:09:20] (ThreadIdentifier of the Thread that started the existing Transaction: 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7]; ThreadIdentifier of the Thread that wants to reuse an existing Transaction: 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7])
[00:09:20] Server stack trace: at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at Ict.Common.DB.Exceptions.EDBAttemptingToUseTransactionThatIsInvalidException.ToString () [0x00000] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:20] at Ict.Common.DB.TDBTransaction.Rollback () [0x00000] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:20] at Ict.Common.Data.Testing.TTestCommonData.UpdateRecord () [0x00000] in <a48846650e3440aea3d1e36b10e25a1c>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo , System.Object , System.Object[] , System.Exception& ) [0x00000] in <8611ac11d22247aabb4fd94490032492>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0007c] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <8611ac11d22247aabb4fd94490032492>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Reflect.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object fixture, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.MethodWrapper.Invoke (System.Object fixture, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestMethodCommand.InvokeTestMethod (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestMethodCommand.RunTestMethod (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestMethodCommand.Execute (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.BeforeAndAfterTestCommand+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Execute>b__0 () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.DelegatingTestCommand.RunTestMethodInThreadAbortSafeZone (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context, System.Action action) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.BeforeAndAfterTestCommand.Execute (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.SimpleWorkItem+<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<PerformWork>b__0 () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.ContextUtils+<>c__DisplayClass1_0`1[T].<DoIsolated>b__0 (System.Object _) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x0008d] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00031] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.ContextUtils.DoIsolated (System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.ContextUtils.DoIsolated[T] (System.Func`1[TResult] func) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.SimpleWorkItem.PerformWork () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.RunOnCurrentThread () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.Execute () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.ParallelWorkItemDispatcher.Dispatch (NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem work, NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.ParallelExecutionStrategy strategy) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.ParallelWorkItemDispatcher.Dispatch (NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem work) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.CompositeWorkItem.RunChildren () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.CompositeWorkItem.PerformWork () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.RunOnCurrentThread () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.Execute () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.TestWorker.TestWorkerThreadProc () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00017] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x0008d] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00031] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x0000b] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] 00:31:55 Exception while attempting Transaction rollback: Ict.Common.DB.Exceptions.EDBAttemptingToUseTransactionThatIsInvalidException: TDataBase.RollbackTransaction called on DB Transaction that isn't valid
[00:09:20] (ThreadIdentifier of the Thread that started the existing Transaction: 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7]; ThreadIdentifier of the Thread that wants to reuse an existing Transaction: 'NonParallelWorker' [ThreadID: 7])
[00:09:20] Server stack trace: at System.Environment.get_StackTrace () [0x00000] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at Ict.Common.DB.Exceptions.EDBAttemptingToUseTransactionThatIsInvalidException.ToString () [0x00000] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:20] at Ict.Common.DB.TDBTransaction.Rollback () [0x00000] in <dfc5067aa88f458681ae3338393e2b83>:0
[00:09:20] at Ict.Common.Data.Testing.TTestCommonData.UpdateRecord () [0x00000] in <a48846650e3440aea3d1e36b10e25a1c>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke (System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo , System.Object , System.Object[] , System.Exception& ) [0x00000] in <8611ac11d22247aabb4fd94490032492>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x0007c] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <8611ac11d22247aabb4fd94490032492>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Reflect.InvokeMethod (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method, System.Object fixture, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.MethodWrapper.Invoke (System.Object fixture, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestMethodCommand.InvokeTestMethod (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestMethodCommand.RunTestMethod (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.TestMethodCommand.Execute (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.BeforeAndAfterTestCommand+<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Execute>b__0 () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.DelegatingTestCommand.RunTestMethodInThreadAbortSafeZone (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context, System.Action action) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands.BeforeAndAfterTestCommand.Execute (NUnit.Framework.Internal.TestExecutionContext context) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.SimpleWorkItem+<>c__DisplayClass4_0.<PerformWork>b__0 () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.ContextUtils+<>c__DisplayClass1_0`1[T].<DoIsolated>b__0 (System.Object _) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x0008d] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00031] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.ContextUtils.DoIsolated (System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.ContextUtils.DoIsolated[T] (System.Func`1[TResult] func) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.SimpleWorkItem.PerformWork () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.RunOnCurrentThread () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.Execute () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.ParallelWorkItemDispatcher.Dispatch (NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem work, NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.ParallelExecutionStrategy strategy) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.ParallelWorkItemDispatcher.Dispatch (NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem work) [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.CompositeWorkItem.RunChildren () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.CompositeWorkItem.PerformWork () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.RunOnCurrentThread () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.WorkItem.Execute () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution.TestWorker.TestWorkerThreadProc () [0x00000] in <5cbb374274d647da9f5736053ff00dfc>:0
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context (System.Object state) [0x00017] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x0008d] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state, System.Boolean preserveSyncCtx) [0x00000] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run (System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, System.Object state) [0x00031] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart () [0x0000b] in /builddir/build/BUILD/mono-6.12.0-build/mono-
[00:09:20] 00:31:55 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:09:20] 00:31:55 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:09:20] Tests Not Run
[00:09:20] 1) Explicit : Ict.Common.Data.Testing.TTestCommonData.SpeedTestLoadIntoTypedTable
[00:09:20] Run Settings
[00:09:20] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:20] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:20] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:20] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:20] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:20] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:20] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:20] Test Run Summary
[00:09:20] Overall result: Passed
[00:09:20] Test Count: 2, Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 1
[00:09:20] Skipped Tests - Ignored: 0, Explicit: 1, Other: 0
[00:09:20] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:31:51Z
[00:09:20] End time: 2025-03-13 23:31:55Z
[00:09:20] Duration: 3.532 seconds
[00:09:20] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:21] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Verification.dll
[00:09:21] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:21] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:21] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:31:56
[00:09:21] Runtime Environment
[00:09:21] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:21] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:21] Test Files
[00:09:21] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Common.Verification.dll
[00:09:23] => Ict.Common.Verification.Testing.TTestVerificationResultCollection.TestBuildScreenVerificationResultList
[00:09:23] test8
[00:09:23] test8\n\n
[00:09:23] => Ict.Common.Verification.Testing.TTestVerificationResultCollection.TestBuildVerificationResultString
[00:09:23] Problem: test0
[00:09:23] (Non-critical)
[00:09:23] Status: test1
[00:09:23] Problem: test4
[00:09:23] (Non-critical)
[00:09:23] Status: test5
[00:09:23] Problem: test6
[00:09:23] (Non-critical)
[00:09:23] Problem: test7
[00:09:23] (Non-critical)
[00:09:23] \n Problem: test0\n (Non-critical)\n\n\n Status: test1\n\n\n\n Problem: test4\n (Non-critical)\n\n\n Status: test5\n\n\n\n Problem: test6\n (Non-critical)\n\n\n Problem: test7\n (Non-critical)\n\n
[00:09:23] Run Settings
[00:09:23] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:23] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:23] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:23] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:23] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:23] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:23] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:23] Test Run Summary
[00:09:23] Overall result: Passed
[00:09:23] Test Count: 13, Passed: 13, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:09:23] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:31:56Z
[00:09:23] End time: 2025-03-13 23:31:58Z
[00:09:23] Duration: 1.512 seconds
[00:09:23] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:24] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Shared.dll
[00:09:24] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:24] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:24] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:31:58
[00:09:24] Runtime Environment
[00:09:24] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:24] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:24] Test Files
[00:09:24] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Shared.dll
[00:09:25] Run Settings
[00:09:25] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:25] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:25] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:25] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:25] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:25] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:25] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:25] Test Run Summary
[00:09:25] Overall result: Passed
[00:09:25] Test Count: 1, Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:09:25] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:31:59Z
[00:09:25] End time: 2025-03-13 23:32:00Z
[00:09:25] Duration: 1.096 seconds
[00:09:25] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:26] [echo] Target test-common finished at: 03/14/2025 00:32:00
[00:09:26] test-tools:
[00:09:26] [echo] Target test-tools started at: 03/14/2025 00:32:00
[00:09:26] [echo] Target test-tools finished at: 03/14/2025 00:32:00
[00:09:26] test-server:
[00:09:26] [echo] Target test-server started at: 03/14/2025 00:32:00
[00:09:26] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerEdit.dll
[00:09:26] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:26] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:26] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:32:01
[00:09:26] Runtime Environment
[00:09:26] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:26] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:26] Test Files
[00:09:26] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerEdit.dll
[00:09:28] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:09:28] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:09:30] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditBankingDetailsTest.TestBankingDetails
[00:09:30] 00:32:04 Creating new partner: 43014105
[00:09:30] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditBankingDetailsTest
[00:09:30] 00:32:05 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:09:30] 00:32:05 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:09:32] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestCreateSimplePartnerUserAndEdit
[00:09:32] 00:32:06 Created new partner: 43014106
[00:09:32] 00:32:06 First Edit passed
[00:09:32] 00:32:06 Second Edit successfully failed
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Thired Edit passed
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Fourth Edit passed
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Fifth test passed
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Sixth Edit passed
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Last Edit passed
[00:09:32] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeleteBank
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Creating new partner: 43014107
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Unable to delete a bank that has accounts set up.
[00:09:32] 00:32:07 Creating new partner: 43014108
[00:09:33] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeleteChurch
[00:09:33] 00:32:07 Creating new partner: 43014109
[00:09:33] 00:32:07 Creating new partner: 43014110
[00:09:33] 00:32:07 Unable to delete a supporting church.
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014111
[00:09:33] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeleteFamily
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014112
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014113
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Unable to delete a family that still has members.
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014114
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Unable to delete a Partner who has gifted a Subscription.
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014115
[00:09:33] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeleteOrganisation
[00:09:33] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014116
[00:09:34] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeletePerson
[00:09:34] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014117
[00:09:34] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014118
[00:09:34] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014119
[00:09:34] 00:32:08 Unable to delete a person with a commitment.
[00:09:34] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014120
[00:09:34] 00:32:08 Creating new partner: 43014121
[00:09:34] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeleteUnit
[00:09:34] 00:32:09 Creating new partner: 43014122
[00:09:34] 00:32:09 Unable to delete a Key Ministry.
[00:09:34] 00:32:09 Creating new partner: 43014123
[00:09:34] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestDeleteVenue
[00:09:34] 00:32:09 Creating new partner: 43014124
[00:09:34] 00:32:09 Unable to delete a venue that has buildings set up.
[00:09:34] 00:32:09 Creating new partner: 43014125
[00:09:35] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestNewPartnerWithLocation0
[00:09:35] 00:32:09 Creating new partner: 43014126
[00:09:35] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestSaveNewPartnerWithExistingLocation
[00:09:35] 00:32:09 Creating new partner: 43014127
[00:09:35] 00:32:10 Creating new partner: 43014128
[00:09:35] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestSaveNewPartnerWithLocation
[00:09:35] 00:32:10 Creating new partner: 43014129
[00:09:35] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest
[00:09:35] 00:32:10 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:09:35] 00:32:10 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:09:35] Tests Not Run
[00:09:35] 1) Ignored : Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerEdit.TPartnerEditTest.TestFamilyPropagateNewLocation
[00:09:35] Ignore this test for the moment
[00:09:35] Run Settings
[00:09:35] DisposeRunners: True
[00:09:35] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:09:35] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:09:35] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:09:35] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:09:35] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:09:35] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:09:35] Test Run Summary
[00:09:35] Overall result: Warning
[00:09:35] Test Count: 17, Passed: 16, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 1
[00:09:35] Skipped Tests - Ignored: 1, Explicit: 0, Other: 0
[00:09:35] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:32:01Z
[00:09:35] End time: 2025-03-13 23:32:10Z
[00:09:35] Duration: 9.046 seconds
[00:09:35] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:09:35] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerMerge.dll
[00:09:36] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:09:36] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:09:36] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:32:10
[00:09:36] Runtime Environment
[00:09:36] OS Version: Linux
[00:09:36] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:09:36] Test Files
[00:09:36] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerMerge.dll
[00:09:38] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:09:38] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:09:39] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeAPInfo
[00:09:39] 00:32:14 Creating new partner: 43014130
[00:09:39] 00:32:14 Creating new partner: 43014131
[00:09:39] 00:32:14 Creating new partner: 43014132
[00:09:40] 00:32:15 MergePartners_43014131_43014132
[00:09:40] Status: 2 changes made to Accounts Payable details
[00:09:40] MergePartners_43014131_43014132
[00:09:40] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class PERSON
[00:09:40] MergePartners_43014131_43014132
[00:09:40] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:40] MergePartners_43014131_43014132
[00:09:40] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:40] (Non-critical)
[00:09:41] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeBankToChurch
[00:09:41] 00:32:15 Creating new partner: 43014133
[00:09:41] 00:32:15 Creating new partner: 43014134
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:41] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014133->43014134): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:41] Stack trace:
[00:09:41] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 MergePartners_43014133_43014134
[00:09:41] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014133->43014134): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:41] (Critical)
[00:09:41] MergePartners_43014133_43014134
[00:09:41] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:16
[00:09:41] (Critical)
[00:09:41] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeBankToFamily
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 Creating new partner: 43014135
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 Creating new partner: 43014136
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:41] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014135->43014136): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:41] Stack trace:
[00:09:41] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 MergePartners_43014135_43014136
[00:09:41] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014135->43014136): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:41] (Critical)
[00:09:41] MergePartners_43014135_43014136
[00:09:41] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:16
[00:09:41] (Critical)
[00:09:41] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeBankToOrganisation
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 Creating new partner: 43014137
[00:09:41] 00:32:16 Creating new partner: 43014138
[00:09:42] 00:32:17 MergePartners_43014137_43014138
[00:09:42] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class BANK
[00:09:42] MergePartners_43014137_43014138
[00:09:42] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:42] MergePartners_43014137_43014138
[00:09:42] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:42] (Non-critical)
[00:09:42] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeBankToPerson
[00:09:42] 00:32:17 Creating new partner: 43014139
[00:09:42] 00:32:17 Creating new partner: 43014140
[00:09:42] 00:32:17 Creating new partner: 43014141
[00:09:43] 00:32:17 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:43] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:43] 00:32:17 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014139->43014141): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:43] Stack trace:
[00:09:43] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:43] 00:32:17 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:43] 00:32:17 MergePartners_43014139_43014141
[00:09:43] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014139->43014141): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:43] (Critical)
[00:09:43] MergePartners_43014139_43014141
[00:09:43] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:17
[00:09:43] (Critical)
[00:09:43] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeBankToUnit
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 Creating new partner: 43014142
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 Creating new partner: 43014143
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:43] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014142->43014143): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:43] Stack trace:
[00:09:43] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 MergePartners_43014142_43014143
[00:09:43] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014142->43014143): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:43] (Critical)
[00:09:43] MergePartners_43014142_43014143
[00:09:43] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:18
[00:09:43] (Critical)
[00:09:43] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeBankToVenue
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 Creating new partner: 43014144
[00:09:43] 00:32:18 Creating new partner: 43014145
[00:09:44] 00:32:18 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:44] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:44] 00:32:18 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014144->43014145): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:44] Stack trace:
[00:09:44] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00fbc] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:44] 00:32:18 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:44] 00:32:18 MergePartners_43014144_43014145
[00:09:44] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014144->43014145): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:44] (Critical)
[00:09:44] MergePartners_43014144_43014145
[00:09:44] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:18
[00:09:44] (Critical)
[00:09:44] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeChurchToBank
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 Creating new partner: 43014146
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 Creating new partner: 43014147
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:44] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014146->43014147): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:44] Stack trace:
[00:09:44] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 MergePartners_43014146_43014147
[00:09:44] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014146->43014147): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:44] (Critical)
[00:09:44] MergePartners_43014146_43014147
[00:09:44] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:19
[00:09:44] (Critical)
[00:09:44] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeChurchToFamily
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 Creating new partner: 43014148
[00:09:44] 00:32:19 Creating new partner: 43014149
[00:09:45] 00:32:19 MergePartners_43014148_43014149
[00:09:45] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class CHURCH
[00:09:45] MergePartners_43014148_43014149
[00:09:45] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:45] MergePartners_43014148_43014149
[00:09:45] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:45] (Non-critical)
[00:09:45] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeChurchToOrganisation
[00:09:45] 00:32:20 Creating new partner: 43014150
[00:09:45] 00:32:20 Creating new partner: 43014151
[00:09:46] 00:32:20 MergePartners_43014150_43014151
[00:09:46] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class CHURCH
[00:09:46] MergePartners_43014150_43014151
[00:09:46] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:46] MergePartners_43014150_43014151
[00:09:46] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:46] (Non-critical)
[00:09:46] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeChurchToPerson
[00:09:46] 00:32:21 Creating new partner: 43014152
[00:09:46] 00:32:21 Creating new partner: 43014153
[00:09:46] 00:32:21 Creating new partner: 43014154
[00:09:47] 00:32:21 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:47] 00:32:21 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014152->43014154): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] Stack trace:
[00:09:47] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:47] 00:32:21 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:47] 00:32:21 MergePartners_43014152_43014154
[00:09:47] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014152->43014154): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] (Critical)
[00:09:47] MergePartners_43014152_43014154
[00:09:47] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:21
[00:09:47] (Critical)
[00:09:47] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeChurchToUnit
[00:09:47] 00:32:21 Creating new partner: 43014155
[00:09:47] 00:32:21 Creating new partner: 43014156
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014155->43014156): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] Stack trace:
[00:09:47] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 MergePartners_43014155_43014156
[00:09:47] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014155->43014156): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] (Critical)
[00:09:47] MergePartners_43014155_43014156
[00:09:47] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:22
[00:09:47] (Critical)
[00:09:47] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeChurchToVenue
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 Creating new partner: 43014157
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 Creating new partner: 43014158
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014157->43014158): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] Stack trace:
[00:09:47] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00d69] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 MergePartners_43014157_43014158
[00:09:47] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014157->43014158): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:47] (Critical)
[00:09:47] MergePartners_43014157_43014158
[00:09:47] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:22
[00:09:47] (Critical)
[00:09:47] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToBank
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 Creating new partner: 43014159
[00:09:47] 00:32:22 Creating new partner: 43014160
[00:09:48] 00:32:22 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:48] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:48] 00:32:22 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014159->43014160): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:48] Stack trace:
[00:09:48] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:48] 00:32:22 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:48] 00:32:22 MergePartners_43014159_43014160
[00:09:48] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014159->43014160): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:48] (Critical)
[00:09:48] MergePartners_43014159_43014160
[00:09:48] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:22
[00:09:48] (Critical)
[00:09:48] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToChurch
[00:09:48] 00:32:23 Creating new partner: 43014161
[00:09:48] 00:32:23 Creating new partner: 43014162
[00:09:48] 00:32:23 MergePartners_43014161_43014162
[00:09:48] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class FAMILY
[00:09:48] MergePartners_43014161_43014162
[00:09:48] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:48] MergePartners_43014161_43014162
[00:09:48] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:48] (Non-critical)
[00:09:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToChurchCheck
[00:09:49] 00:32:23 Creating new partner: 43014163
[00:09:49] 00:32:23 Creating new partner: 43014164
[00:09:49] 00:32:23 Creating new partner: 43014165
[00:09:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToOrganisation
[00:09:49] 00:32:24 Creating new partner: 43014166
[00:09:49] 00:32:24 Creating new partner: 43014167
[00:09:49] 00:32:24 MergePartners_43014166_43014167
[00:09:49] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class FAMILY
[00:09:49] MergePartners_43014166_43014167
[00:09:49] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:49] MergePartners_43014166_43014167
[00:09:49] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:49] (Non-critical)
[00:09:50] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToPerson
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014168
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014169
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014170
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:50] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014168->43014170): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:50] Stack trace:
[00:09:50] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 MergePartners_43014168_43014170
[00:09:50] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014168->43014170): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:50] (Critical)
[00:09:50] MergePartners_43014168_43014170
[00:09:50] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:25
[00:09:50] (Critical)
[00:09:50] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToUnit
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014171
[00:09:50] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014172
[00:09:51] 00:32:25 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:51] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:51] 00:32:25 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014171->43014172): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:51] Stack trace:
[00:09:51] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:51] 00:32:25 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:51] 00:32:25 MergePartners_43014171_43014172
[00:09:51] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014171->43014172): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:51] (Critical)
[00:09:51] MergePartners_43014171_43014172
[00:09:51] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:25
[00:09:51] (Critical)
[00:09:51] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeFamilyToVenue
[00:09:51] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014173
[00:09:51] 00:32:25 Creating new partner: 43014174
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:51] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014173->43014174): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:51] Stack trace:
[00:09:51] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00e45] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 MergePartners_43014173_43014174
[00:09:51] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014173->43014174): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:51] (Critical)
[00:09:51] MergePartners_43014173_43014174
[00:09:51] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:26
[00:09:51] (Critical)
[00:09:51] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeGiftInfo
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 Creating new partner: 43014175
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 Creating new partner: 43014176
[00:09:51] 00:32:26 Creating new partner: 43014177
[00:09:52] 00:32:26 MergePartners_43014176_43014177
[00:09:52] Status: 2 changes made to Gift Donor and/or Recipient
[00:09:52] MergePartners_43014176_43014177
[00:09:52] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class PERSON
[00:09:52] MergePartners_43014176_43014177
[00:09:52] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:52] MergePartners_43014176_43014177
[00:09:52] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:52] (Non-critical)
[00:09:52] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeOrganisationToBank
[00:09:52] 00:32:27 Creating new partner: 43014178
[00:09:52] 00:32:27 Creating new partner: 43014179
[00:09:53] 00:32:27 MergePartners_43014178_43014179
[00:09:53] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class ORGANISATION
[00:09:53] MergePartners_43014178_43014179
[00:09:53] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:53] MergePartners_43014178_43014179
[00:09:53] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:53] (Non-critical)
[00:09:53] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeOrganisationToChurch
[00:09:53] 00:32:28 Creating new partner: 43014180
[00:09:53] 00:32:28 Creating new partner: 43014181
[00:09:54] 00:32:28 MergePartners_43014180_43014181
[00:09:54] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class ORGANISATION
[00:09:54] MergePartners_43014180_43014181
[00:09:54] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:54] MergePartners_43014180_43014181
[00:09:54] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:54] (Non-critical)
[00:09:54] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeOrganisationToFamily
[00:09:54] 00:32:29 Creating new partner: 43014182
[00:09:54] 00:32:29 Creating new partner: 43014183
[00:09:54] 00:32:29 MergePartners_43014182_43014183
[00:09:54] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class ORGANISATION
[00:09:54] MergePartners_43014182_43014183
[00:09:54] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:54] MergePartners_43014182_43014183
[00:09:54] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:54] (Non-critical)
[00:09:55] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeOrganisationToPerson
[00:09:55] 00:32:29 Creating new partner: 43014184
[00:09:55] 00:32:29 Creating new partner: 43014185
[00:09:55] 00:32:29 Creating new partner: 43014186
[00:09:55] 00:32:30 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:55] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00f4e] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:55] 00:32:30 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014184->43014186): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:55] Stack trace:
[00:09:55] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00f4e] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:55] 00:32:30 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:55] 00:32:30 MergePartners_43014184_43014186
[00:09:55] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014184->43014186): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:55] (Critical)
[00:09:55] MergePartners_43014184_43014186
[00:09:55] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:30
[00:09:55] (Critical)
[00:09:55] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeOrganisationToUnit
[00:09:55] 00:32:30 Creating new partner: 43014187
[00:09:55] 00:32:30 Creating new partner: 43014188
[00:09:56] 00:32:30 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:56] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00f4e] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:56] 00:32:30 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014187->43014188): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:56] Stack trace:
[00:09:56] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00f4e] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:56] 00:32:30 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:56] 00:32:30 MergePartners_43014187_43014188
[00:09:56] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014187->43014188): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:56] (Critical)
[00:09:56] MergePartners_43014187_43014188
[00:09:56] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:30
[00:09:56] (Critical)
[00:09:56] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeOrganisationToVenue
[00:09:56] 00:32:30 Creating new partner: 43014189
[00:09:56] 00:32:30 Creating new partner: 43014190
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:56] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00f4e] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014189->43014190): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:56] Stack trace:
[00:09:56] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00f4e] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 MergePartners_43014189_43014190
[00:09:56] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014189->43014190): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:09:56] (Critical)
[00:09:56] MergePartners_43014189_43014190
[00:09:56] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:31
[00:09:56] (Critical)
[00:09:56] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergePMData
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 Creating new partner: 43014191
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 Creating new partner: 43014192
[00:09:56] 00:32:31 Creating new partner: 43014193
[00:09:57] 00:32:31 MergePartners_43014192_43014193
[00:09:57] Status: 3 changes made to Personnel Data
[00:09:57] MergePartners_43014192_43014193
[00:09:57] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class PERSON
[00:09:57] MergePartners_43014192_43014193
[00:09:57] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:57] MergePartners_43014192_43014193
[00:09:57] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:57] (Non-critical)
[00:09:57] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeRecurringGiftInfo
[00:09:57] 00:32:32 Creating new partner: 43014194
[00:09:57] 00:32:32 Creating new partner: 43014195
[00:09:57] 00:32:32 Creating new partner: 43014196
[00:09:57] 00:32:32 MergePartners_43014195_43014196
[00:09:57] Status: 2 changes made to Gift Donor and/or Recipient
[00:09:57] MergePartners_43014195_43014196
[00:09:57] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class PERSON
[00:09:57] MergePartners_43014195_43014196
[00:09:57] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:57] MergePartners_43014195_43014196
[00:09:57] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:57] (Non-critical)
[00:09:58] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoBanks
[00:09:58] 00:32:33 Creating new partner: 43014197
[00:09:58] 00:32:33 Creating new partner: 43014198
[00:09:58] 00:32:33 MergePartners_43014197_43014198
[00:09:58] Status: 2 changes made to Partner Class BANK
[00:09:58] MergePartners_43014197_43014198
[00:09:58] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:58] MergePartners_43014197_43014198
[00:09:58] Status: 1 change made to Bank Accounts
[00:09:58] MergePartners_43014197_43014198
[00:09:58] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:58] (Non-critical)
[00:09:59] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoChurches
[00:09:59] 00:32:33 Creating new partner: 43014199
[00:09:59] 00:32:33 Creating new partner: 43014200
[00:09:59] 00:32:34 MergePartners_43014199_43014200
[00:09:59] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class CHURCH
[00:09:59] MergePartners_43014199_43014200
[00:09:59] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:09:59] MergePartners_43014199_43014200
[00:09:59] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:09:59] (Non-critical)
[00:10:00] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoFamilies
[00:10:00] 00:32:34 Creating new partner: 43014201
[00:10:00] 00:32:34 Creating new partner: 43014202
[00:10:00] 00:32:35 MergePartners_43014201_43014202
[00:10:00] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class FAMILY
[00:10:00] MergePartners_43014201_43014202
[00:10:00] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:10:00] MergePartners_43014201_43014202
[00:10:00] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:10:00] (Non-critical)
[00:10:01] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoOrganisations
[00:10:01] 00:32:35 Creating new partner: 43014203
[00:10:01] 00:32:35 Creating new partner: 43014204
[00:10:01] 00:32:36 MergePartners_43014203_43014204
[00:10:01] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class ORGANISATION
[00:10:01] MergePartners_43014203_43014204
[00:10:01] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:10:01] MergePartners_43014203_43014204
[00:10:01] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:10:01] (Non-critical)
[00:10:01] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoPersonsFromDifferentFamilies
[00:10:01] 00:32:36 Creating new partner: 43014205
[00:10:01] 00:32:36 Creating new partner: 43014206
[00:10:01] 00:32:36 Creating new partner: 43014207
[00:10:01] 00:32:36 Creating new partner: 43014208
[00:10:02] 00:32:36 MergePartners_43014206_43014208
[00:10:02] Status: 1 change made to Addresses
[00:10:02] MergePartners_43014206_43014208
[00:10:02] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class PERSON
[00:10:02] MergePartners_43014206_43014208
[00:10:02] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:10:02] MergePartners_43014206_43014208
[00:10:02] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:10:02] (Non-critical)
[00:10:02] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoPersonsFromSameFamily
[00:10:02] 00:32:37 Creating new partner: 43014209
[00:10:02] 00:32:37 Creating new partner: 43014210
[00:10:02] 00:32:37 Creating new partner: 43014211
[00:10:03] 00:32:37 MergePartners_43014210_43014211
[00:10:03] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class PERSON
[00:10:03] MergePartners_43014210_43014211
[00:10:03] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:10:03] MergePartners_43014210_43014211
[00:10:03] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:10:03] (Non-critical)
[00:10:03] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoUnits
[00:10:03] 00:32:38 Creating new partner: 43014212
[00:10:03] 00:32:38 Creating new partner: 43014213
[00:10:03] 00:32:38 Creating new partner: 43014214
[00:10:04] 00:32:38 MergePartners_43014212_43014213
[00:10:04] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class UNIT
[00:10:04] MergePartners_43014212_43014213
[00:10:04] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:10:04] MergePartners_43014212_43014213
[00:10:04] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:10:04] (Non-critical)
[00:10:04] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeTwoVenues
[00:10:04] 00:32:39 Creating new partner: 43014215
[00:10:04] 00:32:39 Creating new partner: 43014216
[00:10:05] 00:32:39 MergePartners_43014215_43014216
[00:10:05] Status: 1 change made to Partner Class VENUE
[00:10:05] MergePartners_43014215_43014216
[00:10:05] Status: 1 change made to Basic Partner Info
[00:10:05] MergePartners_43014215_43014216
[00:10:05] Problem: Merge Partners completed successfully.
[00:10:05] (Non-critical)
[00:10:05] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeUnitToBank
[00:10:05] 00:32:40 Creating new partner: 43014217
[00:10:05] 00:32:40 Creating new partner: 43014218
[00:10:05] 00:32:40 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:05] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:05] 00:32:40 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014217->43014218): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:05] Stack trace:
[00:10:05] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:05] 00:32:40 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:05] 00:32:40 MergePartners_43014217_43014218
[00:10:05] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014217->43014218): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:05] (Critical)
[00:10:05] MergePartners_43014217_43014218
[00:10:05] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:40
[00:10:05] (Critical)
[00:10:06] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeUnitToChurch
[00:10:06] 00:32:40 Creating new partner: 43014219
[00:10:06] 00:32:40 Creating new partner: 43014220
[00:10:06] 00:32:40 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:06] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:06] 00:32:40 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014219->43014220): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:06] Stack trace:
[00:10:06] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:06] 00:32:40 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:06] 00:32:40 MergePartners_43014219_43014220
[00:10:06] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014219->43014220): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:06] (Critical)
[00:10:06] MergePartners_43014219_43014220
[00:10:06] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:40
[00:10:06] (Critical)
[00:10:06] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeUnitToFamily
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014221
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014222
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:06] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014221->43014222): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:06] Stack trace:
[00:10:06] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 MergePartners_43014221_43014222
[00:10:06] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014221->43014222): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:06] (Critical)
[00:10:06] MergePartners_43014221_43014222
[00:10:06] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:41
[00:10:06] (Critical)
[00:10:06] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeUnitToOrganisation
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014223
[00:10:06] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014224
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014223->43014224): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] Stack trace:
[00:10:07] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 MergePartners_43014223_43014224
[00:10:07] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014223->43014224): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] (Critical)
[00:10:07] MergePartners_43014223_43014224
[00:10:07] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:41
[00:10:07] (Critical)
[00:10:07] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeUnitToPerson
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014225
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014226
[00:10:07] 00:32:41 Creating new partner: 43014227
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014225->43014227): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] Stack trace:
[00:10:07] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 MergePartners_43014225_43014227
[00:10:07] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014225->43014227): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] (Critical)
[00:10:07] MergePartners_43014225_43014227
[00:10:07] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:42
[00:10:07] (Critical)
[00:10:07] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeUnitToVenue
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 Creating new partner: 43014228
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 Creating new partner: 43014229
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014228->43014229): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] Stack trace:
[00:10:07] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00cd2] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:07] 00:32:42 MergePartners_43014228_43014229
[00:10:07] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014228->43014229): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:07] (Critical)
[00:10:07] MergePartners_43014228_43014229
[00:10:07] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:42
[00:10:07] (Critical)
[00:10:08] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeVenueToBank
[00:10:08] 00:32:42 Creating new partner: 43014230
[00:10:08] 00:32:42 Creating new partner: 43014231
[00:10:08] 00:32:42 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:08] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:08] 00:32:42 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014230->43014231): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:08] Stack trace:
[00:10:08] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:08] 00:32:42 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:08] 00:32:42 MergePartners_43014230_43014231
[00:10:08] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014230->43014231): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:08] (Critical)
[00:10:08] MergePartners_43014230_43014231
[00:10:08] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:42
[00:10:08] (Critical)
[00:10:08] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeVenueToChurch
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 Creating new partner: 43014232
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 Creating new partner: 43014233
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:08] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014232->43014233): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:08] Stack trace:
[00:10:08] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 MergePartners_43014232_43014233
[00:10:08] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014232->43014233): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:08] (Critical)
[00:10:08] MergePartners_43014232_43014233
[00:10:08] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:43
[00:10:08] (Critical)
[00:10:08] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeVenueToFamily
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 Creating new partner: 43014234
[00:10:08] 00:32:43 Creating new partner: 43014235
[00:10:09] 00:32:43 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:09] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:09] 00:32:43 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014234->43014235): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:09] Stack trace:
[00:10:09] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:09] 00:32:43 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:09] 00:32:43 MergePartners_43014234_43014235
[00:10:09] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014234->43014235): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:09] (Critical)
[00:10:09] MergePartners_43014234_43014235
[00:10:09] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:43
[00:10:09] (Critical)
[00:10:09] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeVenueToOrganisation
[00:10:09] 00:32:43 Creating new partner: 43014236
[00:10:09] 00:32:43 Creating new partner: 43014237
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:09] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014236->43014237): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:09] Stack trace:
[00:10:09] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 MergePartners_43014236_43014237
[00:10:09] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014236->43014237): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:09] (Critical)
[00:10:09] MergePartners_43014236_43014237
[00:10:09] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:44
[00:10:09] (Critical)
[00:10:09] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeVenueToPerson
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 Creating new partner: 43014238
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 Creating new partner: 43014239
[00:10:09] 00:32:44 Creating new partner: 43014240
[00:10:10] 00:32:44 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:10] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:10] 00:32:44 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014238->43014240): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:10] Stack trace:
[00:10:10] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:10] 00:32:44 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:10] 00:32:44 MergePartners_43014238_43014240
[00:10:10] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014238->43014240): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:10] (Critical)
[00:10:10] MergePartners_43014238_43014240
[00:10:10] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:44
[00:10:10] (Critical)
[00:10:10] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest.TestMergeVenueToUnit
[00:10:10] 00:32:44 Creating new partner: 43014241
[00:10:10] 00:32:44 Creating new partner: 43014242
[00:10:10] 00:32:45 System.Exception: Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:10] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:10] 00:32:45 An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014241->43014242): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:10] Stack trace:
[00:10:10] at Ict.Petra.Server.MPartner.Partner.WebConnectors.TMergePartnersWebConnector+<MergeTwoPartners>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 () [0x00dae] in <9b475ac3af6348408fd65499aea9be3c>:0
[00:10:10] 00:32:45 The following changes had already been made but were rolled back...
[00:10:10] 00:32:45 MergePartners_43014241_43014242
[00:10:10] Problem: An exception occurred during a merge of two partners (43014241->43014242): Selected Partner Classes cannot be merged!
[00:10:10] (Critical)
[00:10:10] MergePartners_43014241_43014242
[00:10:10] Problem: Server date and time: Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:32:45
[00:10:10] (Critical)
[00:10:10] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerMerge.TPartnerMergeTest
[00:10:10] 00:32:45 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:10] 00:32:45 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:10:10] Run Settings
[00:10:10] DisposeRunners: True
[00:10:10] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:10:10] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:10:10] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:10:10] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:10:10] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:10:10] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:10:10] Test Run Summary
[00:10:10] Overall result: Passed
[00:10:10] Test Count: 49, Passed: 49, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:10:10] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:32:10Z
[00:10:10] End time: 2025-03-13 23:32:45Z
[00:10:10] Duration: 34.363 seconds
[00:10:10] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:10:10] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Budget.dll
[00:10:11] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:10:11] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:10:11] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:32:45
[00:10:11] Runtime Environment
[00:10:11] OS Version: Linux
[00:10:11] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:10:11] Test Files
[00:10:11] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Budget.dll
[00:10:12] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:12] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:14] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:10:14] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:10:15] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:15] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:10:15] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:10:15] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:10:15] [echo] platform=unix
[00:10:15] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:16] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:10:17] init:
[00:10:17] resetDatabase:
[00:10:17] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:10:17] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:10:17] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:10:17] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [echo] True
[00:10:17] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:10:17] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:10:20] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:22] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:24] Total time: 8.9 seconds.
[00:10:24] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.Budget.TestBudget.T0_Consolidation
[00:10:24] 00:32:58 Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:24] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:10:24] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:10:24] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:10:24] [echo] platform=unix
[00:10:24] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:24] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:10:24] init:
[00:10:24] resetDatabase:
[00:10:24] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:10:24] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:10:24] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:10:24] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [echo] True
[00:10:24] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:10:24] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:10:24] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:24] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:24] Total time: 8.9 seconds.
[00:10:24] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:24] 00:32:59 The Password Scheme of User DEMO got upgraded to 2; previously it was 0. [Request came from Computer 'NUNITTEST' (IP Address:]
[00:10:26] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.Budget.TestBudget
[00:10:26] 00:33:01 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:26] 00:33:01 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:10:26] Run Settings
[00:10:26] DisposeRunners: True
[00:10:26] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:10:26] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:10:26] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:10:26] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:10:26] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:10:26] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:10:26] Test Run Summary
[00:10:26] Overall result: Passed
[00:10:26] Test Count: 4, Passed: 4, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:10:26] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:32:45Z
[00:10:26] End time: 2025-03-13 23:33:01Z
[00:10:26] Duration: 15.349 seconds
[00:10:26] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:10:27] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.BankImport.dll
[00:10:27] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:10:27] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:10:27] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:33:02
[00:10:27] Runtime Environment
[00:10:27] OS Version: Linux
[00:10:27] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:10:27] Test Files
[00:10:27] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.BankImport.dll
[00:10:29] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:29] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:31] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.BankImport.TBankImportGiftMatching.ImportCAMTFile52
[00:10:31] 00:33:05 CrdtName is not like expected: Invoice Nr, Hosting of last month --- The Hosting Company
[00:10:31] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.BankImport.TBankImportGiftMatching.ImportCAMTFile53
[00:10:31] 00:33:05 CrdtName is not like expected: Invoice Nr, Hosting of last month --- The Hosting Company
[00:10:31] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.BankImport.TBankImportGiftMatching.TestImportCAMT
[00:10:31] 00:33:05 CrdtName is not like expected: Invoice Nr, Hosting of last month --- The Hosting Company
[00:10:32] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.BankImport.TBankImportGiftMatching.TestMultipleGifts
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 TODO: several split gifts, for multiple transactions
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 gift detail: Donor, Test, Mr Kenya 20.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 gift detail: Donor, Test, Mr Kenya 25.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 gift detail: Donor, Test, Mr Kenya 40.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 transaction: 43005001 45.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 transaction: 43005001 40.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 TODO: several split gifts, for multiple transactions
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 gift detail: Donor, Test, Mr Kenya 20.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 gift detail: Donor, Test, Mr Kenya 25.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 gift detail: Donor, Test, Mr Kenya 40.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 transaction: 43005001 45.0000000000
[00:10:32] 00:33:07 transaction: 43005001 40.0000000000
[00:10:33] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.BankImport.TBankImportGiftMatching
[00:10:33] 00:33:07 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:33] 00:33:07 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:10:33] Run Settings
[00:10:33] DisposeRunners: True
[00:10:33] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:10:33] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:10:33] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:10:33] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:10:33] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:10:33] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:10:33] Test Run Summary
[00:10:33] Overall result: Passed
[00:10:33] Test Count: 5, Passed: 5, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:10:33] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:33:02Z
[00:10:33] End time: 2025-03-13 23:33:07Z
[00:10:33] Duration: 5.580 seconds
[00:10:33] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:10:33] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Gift.dll
[00:10:34] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:10:34] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:10:34] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:33:08
[00:10:34] Runtime Environment
[00:10:34] OS Version: Linux
[00:10:34] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:10:34] Test Files
[00:10:34] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Gift.dll
[00:10:36] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:36] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:38] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.SetMotivationGroupAndDetailTest.Test_GetRecipientLedger
[00:10:38] 00:33:12 Creating new partner: 43005005
[00:10:38] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.SetMotivationGroupAndDetailTest.Test_KeyMinistryExists
[00:10:38] 00:33:13 Creating new partner: 43005006
[00:10:38] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.SetMotivationGroupAndDetailTest.Test_Person
[00:10:38] 00:33:13 Creating new partner: 43005007
[00:10:38] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.SetMotivationGroupAndDetailTest.Test_Unit_WithKeyMin
[00:10:38] 00:33:13 Creating new partner: 43005008
[00:10:38] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.SetMotivationGroupAndDetailTest.Test_Unit_WithoutKeyMin
[00:10:38] 00:33:13 Creating new partner: 43005009
[00:10:39] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.SetMotivationGroupAndDetailTest
[00:10:39] 00:33:13 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:39] 00:33:13 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:10:40] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:10:40] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:10:41] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:41] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:10:41] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:10:41] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:10:41] [echo] platform=unix
[00:10:42] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:42] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:10:43] init:
[00:10:43] resetDatabase:
[00:10:43] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:10:43] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:10:43] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:10:43] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [echo] True
[00:10:43] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:10:43] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:10:45] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:47] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:49] Total time: 7.8 seconds.
[00:10:49] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftAnnualReceiptTest.TestAnnualReceipt
[00:10:49] 00:33:23 Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:49] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:10:49] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:10:49] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:10:49] [echo] platform=unix
[00:10:49] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:10:49] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:10:49] init:
[00:10:49] resetDatabase:
[00:10:49] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:10:49] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:10:49] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:10:49] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [echo] True
[00:10:49] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:10:49] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:10:49] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:49] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:10:49] Total time: 7.8 seconds.
[00:10:49] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:10:49] 00:33:24 The Password Scheme of User DEMO got upgraded to 2; previously it was 0. [Request came from Computer 'NUNITTEST' (IP Address:]
[00:10:52] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftAnnualReceiptTest
[00:10:52] 00:33:27 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:52] 00:33:27 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:10:54] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftBatchTest
[00:10:54] 00:33:28 Ledger Number = 43
[00:10:54] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftBatchTest.TestBatchLoadingRecalculations
[00:10:54] 00:33:28 Creating new partner: 43005005
[00:10:54] 00:33:28 Creating new partner: 43005006
[00:10:54] 00:33:28 Creating new partner: 43005007
[00:10:54] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftBatchTest.TestBatchPostingRecalculations
[00:10:54] 00:33:29 Creating new partner: 43005008
[00:10:54] 00:33:29 Creating new partner: 43005009
[00:10:54] 00:33:29 Creating new partner: 43005010
[00:10:56] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftBatchTest.TestRecurringBatchLoadingRecalculations
[00:10:56] 00:33:31 Creating new partner: 43005011
[00:10:56] 00:33:31 Creating new partner: 43005012
[00:10:56] 00:33:31 Creating new partner: 43005013
[00:10:57] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftBatchTest.TestRecurringBatchSubmitRecalculations
[00:10:57] 00:33:31 Creating new partner: 43005014
[00:10:57] 00:33:31 Creating new partner: 43005015
[00:10:57] 00:33:31 Creating new partner: 43005016
[00:10:57] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftBatchTest
[00:10:57] 00:33:32 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:57] 00:33:32 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:10:59] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TGiftTest
[00:10:59] 00:33:33 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:10:59] 00:33:33 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:00] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TRecurringGiftBatchTest
[00:11:00] 00:33:35 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:00] 00:33:35 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:01] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TRevertAdjustGiftBatchTest
[00:11:01] 00:33:36 Ledger Number = 43
[00:11:02] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TRevertAdjustGiftBatchTest.TestAdjustGiftBatch
[00:11:02] 00:33:36 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (3500, 0200).
[00:11:03] 00:33:37 Posting: Making transaction intl currency adjustment: DR - 4,17 -> 4,16 (Batch 6/Journal 1/Trans 3)
[00:11:03] 00:33:38 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:11:03] 00:33:38 TestAdjustGiftBatch Diff:
[00:11:03] 00:33:38 <<tr><td>80,00</td><td>Achtzig</td></tr></table>
[00:11:03] ><tr><td>85,00</td><td>F?nfundachtzig</td></tr></table>
[00:11:03] < <tr><td>01.01.2025</td><td align="right">80,00 </td><td align="center">gemeinn?tzig</td><td align="center"><div class="Gift">Geldzuwendung</div></td><td align="center">Ausland</td></tr>
[00:11:03] > <tr><td>01.01.2025</td><td align="right">60,00 </td><td align="center">gemeinn?tzig</td><td align="center"><div class="Gift">Geldzuwendung</div></td><td align="center">Ausland</td></tr><tr><td>14.03.2025</td><td align="right">25,00 </td><td align="center">gemeinn?tzig</td><td align="center"><div class="Gift">Geldzuwendung</div></td><td align="center">Ausland</td></tr>
[00:11:03] < <td align="right">80,00 </td>
[00:11:03] > <td align="right">85,00 </td>
[00:11:03] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Gift.TRevertAdjustGiftBatchTest
[00:11:03] 00:33:38 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:03] 00:33:38 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:03] Run Settings
[00:11:03] DisposeRunners: True
[00:11:03] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:11:03] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:11:03] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:11:03] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:11:03] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:11:03] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:11:03] Test Run Summary
[00:11:03] Overall result: Passed
[00:11:03] Test Count: 27, Passed: 27, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:11:03] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:33:09Z
[00:11:03] End time: 2025-03-13 23:33:38Z
[00:11:03] Duration: 29.430 seconds
[00:11:03] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:11:04] Loading page (1/2)
[00:11:04] [> ] 0%
[00:11:04] [==============================> ] 50%
[00:11:04] [============================================================] 100%
[00:11:04] Printing pages (2/2)
[00:11:04] [> ]
[00:11:04] Done
[00:11:04] Loading page (1/2)
[00:11:04] [> ] 0%
[00:11:04] [==============================> ] 50%
[00:11:04] [============================================================] 100%
[00:11:04] Printing pages (2/2)
[00:11:04] [> ]
[00:11:04] Done
[00:11:04] Loading page (1/2)
[00:11:04] [> ] 0%
[00:11:04] [==============================> ] 50%
[00:11:04] [============================================================] 100%
[00:11:04] Printing pages (2/2)
[00:11:04] [> ]
[00:11:04] Done
[00:11:04] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.GL.dll
[00:11:04] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:11:04] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:11:04] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:33:38
[00:11:04] Runtime Environment
[00:11:04] OS Version: Linux
[00:11:04] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:11:04] Test Files
[00:11:04] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.GL.dll
[00:11:06] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:11:06] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:11:07] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestCommonAccountingTool.Test_01_BaseCurrencyAccounting
[00:11:07] 00:33:42 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 6000).
[00:11:07] 00:33:42 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 9800).
[00:11:08] 00:33:42 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:11:08] 00:33:42 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:11:08] 00:33:43 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:11:08] 00:33:43 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:11:08] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestCommonAccountingTool.Test_02_ForeignCurrencyAccounting
[00:11:08] 00:33:43 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-account-data.sql)
[00:11:09] 00:33:43 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-costcentre-data.sql)
[00:11:09] 00:33:44 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 6001).
[00:11:10] 00:33:44 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:11:10] 00:33:44 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdForeign not available.
[00:11:10] 00:33:44 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdForeign not available.
[00:11:10] 00:33:44 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdForeign not available.
[00:11:10] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestCommonAccountingTool
[00:11:10] 00:33:44 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:10] 00:33:44 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:11] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLCommonTools
[00:11:11] 00:33:46 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:11] 00:33:46 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:13] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLImport
[00:11:13] 00:33:47 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 500
[00:11:14] 00:33:49 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-costcentre-data.sql)
[00:11:15] 00:33:50 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:15] 00:33:50 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:16] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEnd
[00:11:16] 00:33:51 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:16] 00:33:51 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:18] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndMonth
[00:11:18] 00:33:52 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 501
[00:11:19] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndMonth.Test_PEMM_02_UnpostedBatches
[00:11:19] 00:33:53 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-batch-data.sql)
[00:11:20] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndMonth.Test_PEMM_03_SuspensedAccounts
[00:11:20] 00:33:54 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 502
[00:11:23] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndMonth.Test_PEMM_05_Revaluation
[00:11:23] 00:33:58 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 503
[00:11:25] 00:33:59 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-account-data.sql)
[00:11:26] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndMonth.Test_SwitchToNextMonth
[00:11:26] 00:34:01 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 504
[00:11:29] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndMonth
[00:11:29] 00:34:03 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:29] 00:34:03 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:30] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndYear.Test_2YearEnds
[00:11:30] 00:34:05 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 505
[00:11:31] 00:34:06 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-year-end.sql)
[00:11:32] 00:34:07 preparing year number 0
[00:11:33] 00:34:08 Closing year number 0
[00:11:34] 00:34:08 preparing year number 1
[00:11:35] 00:34:10 Closing year number 1
[00:11:36] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndYear.Test_TAccountPeriodToNewYear
[00:11:36] 00:34:10 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 506
[00:11:37] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndYear.Test_YearEnd
[00:11:37] 00:34:12 CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger 507
[00:11:38] 00:34:13 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-year-end.sql)
[00:11:42] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLPeriodicEndYear
[00:11:42] 00:34:16 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:42] 00:34:16 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:43] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.GL.TestGLRevaluation
[00:11:43] 00:34:18 LoadTestDataBase(csharp\ICT\Testing\lib\MFinance\server\GL\test-sql\gl-test-currency-data.sql)
[00:11:44] 00:34:19 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:44] 00:34:19 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:45] => Tests.MFinance.Server.GL.TGLBatchTest
[00:11:45] 00:34:20 Ledger Number = 43
[00:11:45] 00:34:20 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:11:45] 00:34:20 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:11:46] Run Settings
[00:11:46] DisposeRunners: True
[00:11:46] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:11:46] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:11:46] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:11:46] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:11:46] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:11:46] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:11:46] Test Run Summary
[00:11:46] Overall result: Passed
[00:11:46] Test Count: 31, Passed: 31, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:11:46] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:33:39Z
[00:11:46] End time: 2025-03-13 23:34:20Z
[00:11:46] Duration: 41.486 seconds
[00:11:46] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:11:46] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.ICH.dll
[00:11:46] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:11:46] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:11:46] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:34:21
[00:11:46] Runtime Environment
[00:11:46] OS Version: Linux
[00:11:46] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:11:46] Test Files
[00:11:46] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.ICH.dll
[00:11:48] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:11:48] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:11:50] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:11:50] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:11:50] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:11:50] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:11:50] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:11:50] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:11:50] [echo] platform=unix
[00:11:51] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:11:52] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:11:53] init:
[00:11:53] resetDatabase:
[00:11:53] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:11:53] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:11:53] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:11:53] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [echo] True
[00:11:53] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:11:53] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:11:54] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:11:56] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:11:58] Total time: 7.5 seconds.
[00:11:58] => Tests.MFinance.Server.ICH.TICHHOSAFileReportsTest.TestExportGifts
[00:11:58] 00:34:32 Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:11:58] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:11:58] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:11:58] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:11:58] [echo] platform=unix
[00:11:58] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:11:58] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:11:58] init:
[00:11:58] resetDatabase:
[00:11:58] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:11:58] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:11:58] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:11:58] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [echo] True
[00:11:58] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:11:58] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:11:58] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:11:58] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:11:58] Total time: 7.5 seconds.
[00:11:58] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:11:59] 00:34:33 The Password Scheme of User DEMO got upgraded to 2; previously it was 0. [Request came from Computer 'NUNITTEST' (IP Address:]
[00:11:59] 00:34:34 /home/op_dev/openpetra//csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/SampleData/sampleGiftBatch.csv
[00:12:01] => Tests.MFinance.Server.ICH.TICHHOSAFileReportsTest
[00:12:01] 00:34:35 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:12:01] 00:34:35 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:12:02] => Tests.MFinance.Server.ICH.TStewardshipCalculationTest.TestPerformStewardshipCalculation
[00:12:02] 00:34:37 /home/op_dev/openpetra//csharp/ICT/Testing/lib/MFinance/SampleData/sampleGiftBatch.csv
[00:12:03] => Tests.MFinance.Server.ICH.TStewardshipCalculationTest
[00:12:03] 00:34:38 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:12:03] 00:34:38 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:12:03] Tests Not Run
[00:12:03] 1) Explicit : Tests.MFinance.Server.ICH.TICHHOSAFileReportsTest.TestGenerateHOSAFiles
[00:12:03] Run Settings
[00:12:03] DisposeRunners: True
[00:12:03] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:12:03] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:12:03] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:12:03] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:12:03] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:12:03] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:12:03] Test Run Summary
[00:12:03] Overall result: Passed
[00:12:03] Test Count: 5, Passed: 4, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 1
[00:12:03] Skipped Tests - Ignored: 0, Explicit: 1, Other: 0
[00:12:03] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:34:21Z
[00:12:03] End time: 2025-03-13 23:34:38Z
[00:12:03] Duration: 16.931 seconds
[00:12:03] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:12:04] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.AP.dll
[00:12:04] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:12:04] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:12:04] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:34:39
[00:12:04] Runtime Environment
[00:12:04] OS Version: Linux
[00:12:04] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:12:04] Test Files
[00:12:04] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.AP.dll
[00:12:06] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:06] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:08] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:12:08] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:12:08] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:08] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:12:08] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:12:08] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:12:08] [echo] platform=unix
[00:12:09] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:10] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:12:10] init:
[00:12:10] resetDatabase:
[00:12:10] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:12:10] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:12:10] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:12:10] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [echo] True
[00:12:10] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:12:10] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:12:12] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:14] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:15] Total time: 7 seconds.
[00:12:15] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.AP.TestAP.ForeignCurrencySupplier_ExpectDocumentPostingAndPayingWorking
[00:12:15] 00:34:50 Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:15] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:12:15] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:12:15] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:12:15] [echo] platform=unix
[00:12:15] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:15] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:12:15] init:
[00:12:15] resetDatabase:
[00:12:15] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:12:15] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:12:15] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:12:15] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [echo] True
[00:12:15] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:12:15] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:12:15] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:15] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:15] Total time: 7 seconds.
[00:12:15] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:16] 00:34:51 The Password Scheme of User DEMO got upgraded to 2; previously it was 0. [Request came from Computer 'NUNITTEST' (IP Address:]
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 9100).
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 6210).
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdForeign not available.
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 4200).
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 5003).
[00:12:17] 00:34:51 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:18] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:12:18] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:12:18] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:18] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:12:18] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:12:18] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:12:18] [echo] platform=unix
[00:12:19] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:20] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:12:20] init:
[00:12:20] resetDatabase:
[00:12:20] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:12:20] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:12:20] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:12:20] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [echo] True
[00:12:20] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:12:20] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:12:22] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:24] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:25] Total time: 7.2 seconds.
[00:12:25] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.AP.TestAP.ForeignCurrencySupplier_ExpectDocumentPostingPayingAndReversingWorking
[00:12:25] 00:35:00 Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:25] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:12:25] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:12:25] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:12:25] [echo] platform=unix
[00:12:25] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:25] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:12:25] init:
[00:12:25] resetDatabase:
[00:12:25] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:12:25] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:12:25] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:12:25] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [echo] True
[00:12:25] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:12:25] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:12:25] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:25] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:25] Total time: 7.2 seconds.
[00:12:26] 00:35:01 The Password Scheme of User DEMO got upgraded to 2; previously it was 0. [Request came from Computer 'NUNITTEST' (IP Address:]
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 9100).
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 6210).
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdForeign not available.
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 4200).
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 5003).
[00:12:27] 00:35:01 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:29] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:12:29] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:12:29] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:29] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:12:29] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:12:29] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:12:29] [echo] platform=unix
[00:12:30] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:31] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:12:32] init:
[00:12:32] resetDatabase:
[00:12:32] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:12:32] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:12:32] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:12:32] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [echo] True
[00:12:32] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:12:32] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:12:33] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:35] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:37] Total time: 7.8 seconds.
[00:12:37] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.AP.TestAP.SimpleDocument_ExpectPostingAndPayingWorking
[00:12:37] 00:35:12 Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:37] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:12:37] Target(s) specified: resetDatabase
[00:12:37] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:12:37] [echo] platform=unix
[00:12:37] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:12:37] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:12:37] init:
[00:12:37] resetDatabase:
[00:12:37] [delete] Deleting 4 files.
[00:12:37] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_accounting_period.csv.local'.
[00:12:37] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/a_corporate_exchange_rate.csv.local'.
[00:12:37] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/basedata/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/db/demodataGermany/init.sql.local'.
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [echo] True
[00:12:37] [mysql] Load sql commands from file: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql
[00:12:37] [mysql] source /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/db/petra_clean.sql;
[00:12:37] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:37] [ExecDotNet] Reading xml file /home/op_dev/openpetra/db/petra.xml...
[00:12:37] Total time: 7.8 seconds.
[00:12:38] 00:35:13 The Password Scheme of User DEMO got upgraded to 2; previously it was 0. [Request came from Computer 'NUNITTEST' (IP Address:]
[00:12:39] 00:35:13 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 9100).
[00:12:39] 00:35:13 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:39] 00:35:13 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 6200).
[00:12:39] 00:35:13 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:39] 00:35:13 ERROR: No TGet_GLM_Info row found for (4300, 4200).
[00:12:39] 00:35:13 TGet_GLM_Info.YtdActual not available.
[00:12:39] => Ict.Testing.Petra.Server.MFinance.AP.TestAP
[00:12:39] 00:35:14 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:12:39] 00:35:14 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:12:39] Run Settings
[00:12:39] DisposeRunners: True
[00:12:39] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:12:39] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:12:39] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:12:39] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:12:39] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:12:39] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:12:39] Test Run Summary
[00:12:39] Overall result: Passed
[00:12:39] Test Count: 3, Passed: 3, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:12:39] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:34:39Z
[00:12:39] End time: 2025-03-13 23:35:14Z
[00:12:39] Duration: 34.880 seconds
[00:12:39] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:12:40] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.CrossLedger.dll
[00:12:40] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:12:40] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:12:40] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:35:14
[00:12:40] Runtime Environment
[00:12:40] OS Version: Linux
[00:12:40] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:12:40] Test Files
[00:12:40] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.CrossLedger.dll
[00:12:42] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:42] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:44] => Tests.MFinance.Server.CrossLedger.TAvailableLedgersTest.TestGetAvailableInUseLedgers
[00:12:44] New 'In Use' ledger count is 3
[00:12:44] => Tests.MFinance.Server.CrossLedger.TAvailableLedgersTest.TestGetAvailableJPYLedgers
[00:12:44] New 'JPY' ledger count is 1
[00:12:44] => Tests.MFinance.Server.CrossLedger.TAvailableLedgersTest.TestGetAvailableLedgers
[00:12:44] New 'All' ledger count is 4
[00:12:44] => Tests.MFinance.Server.CrossLedger.TAvailableLedgersTest.TestInitialisation
[00:12:44] TestInitialisation... Initial ledger count is 1
[00:12:44] => Tests.MFinance.Server.CrossLedger.TAvailableLedgersTest
[00:12:44] 00:35:18 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:12:44] 00:35:18 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:12:44] Run Settings
[00:12:44] DisposeRunners: True
[00:12:44] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:12:44] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:12:44] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:12:44] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:12:44] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:12:44] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:12:44] Test Run Summary
[00:12:44] Overall result: Passed
[00:12:44] Test Count: 4, Passed: 4, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:12:44] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:35:15Z
[00:12:44] End time: 2025-03-13 23:35:19Z
[00:12:44] Duration: 3.761 seconds
[00:12:44] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:12:44] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerExports.dll
[00:12:44] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:12:44] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:12:44] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:35:19
[00:12:44] Runtime Environment
[00:12:44] OS Version: Linux
[00:12:44] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:12:44] Test Files
[00:12:44] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.PartnerExports.dll
[00:12:46] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:46] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerExports.TPartnerImportCSVTest.TestImportCSV_Dates_DMY
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 Bad date of birth: 19/08/79 (Expected format: month-day-year) in line 2
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 Bad date of birth: 16/09/78 (Expected format: month-day-year) in line 3
[00:12:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerExports.TPartnerImportCSVTest.TestImportCSV_Dates_MDY
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 Bad date of birth: 08/19/79 (Expected format: day-month-year) in line 2
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 Bad date of birth: 09/16/78 (Expected format: day-month-year) in line 3
[00:12:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerExports.TPartnerImportCSVTest.TestImportCSVUnknownColumn
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 Unknown Column(s): Test2
[00:12:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerExports.TPartnerImportCSVTest.TestImportCSVWithoutName
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 Missing Firstname or family name in line 2
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 We need either a valid address, phone number, email address or IBAN in line 4
[00:12:49] => Tests.MPartner.Server.PartnerExports.TPartnerImportCSVTest
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:12:49] 00:35:24 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:12:49] Run Settings
[00:12:49] DisposeRunners: True
[00:12:49] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:12:49] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:12:49] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:12:49] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:12:49] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:12:50] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:12:50] Test Run Summary
[00:12:50] Overall result: Passed
[00:12:50] Test Count: 5, Passed: 5, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:12:50] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:35:19Z
[00:12:50] End time: 2025-03-13 23:35:24Z
[00:12:50] Duration: 4.967 seconds
[00:12:50] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:12:50] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MSponsorship.dll
[00:12:50] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:12:50] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:12:50] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:35:24
[00:12:50] Runtime Environment
[00:12:50] OS Version: Linux
[00:12:50] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:12:50] Test Files
[00:12:50] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MSponsorship.dll
[00:12:52] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:52] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:12:53] => Tests.MSponsorship.Server.MSponsorship.TSponsorshipTesting
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Selected Ledger Number = 43
[00:12:53] => Tests.MSponsorship.Server.MSponsorship.TSponsorshipTesting.RunTest
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Running: selectAllChildren
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 All Children returns: 0
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Running: createNewChild
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Created new Child with following args:Ict.Common.Verification.TVerificationResultCollection
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Running: selectCreatedChild
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Found new Child with id: 43005007
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Running: createNewReminders
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Created new Reminder:
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Running: createNewComments
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Created new Comments for School:
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Created new Comments for Family:
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Running: createNewSponsorship
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 Created new Sponsorship:
[00:12:53] => Tests.MSponsorship.Server.MSponsorship.TSponsorshipTesting
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:12:53] 00:35:28 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:12:53] Run Settings
[00:12:53] DisposeRunners: True
[00:12:53] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:12:53] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:12:53] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:12:53] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:12:53] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:12:53] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:12:53] Test Run Summary
[00:12:53] Overall result: Passed
[00:12:53] Test Count: 1, Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:12:53] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:35:25Z
[00:12:53] End time: 2025-03-13 23:35:28Z
[00:12:53] Duration: 3.370 seconds
[00:12:53] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:12:54] test-server-reports:
[00:12:54] [echo] Target test-server-reports started at: 03/14/2025 00:35:29
[00:12:54] load-reports-test-db:
[00:12:54] [ExecDotNet] 00:35:29 FindSessionID: Session ID not found in the HttpContext
[00:12:55] [ExecDotNet] 00:35:29 TSession: Creating new session: b2281872-a4c0-4d0c-ae92-afa4cd42496f in Thread 1
[00:12:55] [ExecDotNet] 0%: Deleting current data...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 0%: Loading initial tables...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 1%: Loading Table p_language...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 1%: Loading Table a_frequency...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 1%: Loading Table p_international_postal_type...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 2%: Loading Table p_country...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 2%: Loading Table a_currency...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 2%: Loading Table s_report_result...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 2%: Loading Table s_user_account_activity...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 3%: Loading Table s_form...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 3%: Loading Table s_group...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 3%: Loading Table s_user_group...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 4%: Loading Table s_valid_output_form...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 4%: Loading Table s_group_module_access_permission...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 4%: Loading Table s_group_table_access_permission...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 5%: Loading Table s_module_table_access_permission...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 5%: Loading Table s_user_table_access_permission...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 5%: Loading Table s_language_specific...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 5%: Loading Table s_login...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 6%: Loading Table s_logon_message...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 6%: Loading Table s_patch_log...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 6%: Loading Table s_report_template...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 7%: Loading Table s_reports_to_archive...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 7%: Loading Table s_user_defaults...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 7%: Loading Table s_system_defaults_gui...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 8%: Loading Table s_error_log...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 8%: Loading Table p_partner_status...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 8%: Loading Table p_acquisition...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 9%: Loading Table p_addressee_type...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 9%: Loading Table p_title...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 9%: Loading Table p_partner_classes...
[00:12:56] [ExecDotNet] 9%: Loading Table p_location...
[00:12:57] [ExecDotNet] 10%: Loading Table p_location_type...
[00:12:57] [ExecDotNet] 10%: Loading Table p_partner_attribute_category...
[00:12:57] [ExecDotNet] 10%: Loading Table p_partner_attribute_type...
[00:12:57] [ExecDotNet] 11%: Loading Table u_unit_type...
[00:12:57] [ExecDotNet] 11%: Loading Table pt_marital_status...
[00:12:57] [ExecDotNet] 11%: Loading Table p_occupation...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 12%: Loading Table p_denomination...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 12%: Loading Table p_business...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 12%: Loading Table p_banking_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 12%: Loading Table p_banking_details_usage_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 13%: Loading Table p_type_category...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 13%: Loading Table p_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 13%: Loading Table p_relation_category...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 14%: Loading Table p_relation...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 14%: Loading Table m_extract_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 14%: Loading Table m_extract_master...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 15%: Loading Table m_extract_parameter...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 15%: Loading Table p_mailing...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 15%: Loading Table p_address_layout_code...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 16%: Loading Table p_address_layout...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 16%: Loading Table p_address_block...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 16%: Loading Table p_address_element...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 16%: Loading Table p_address_block_element...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 17%: Loading Table p_address_line...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 17%: Loading Table p_addressee_title_override...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 17%: Loading Table p_formality...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 18%: Loading Table p_label...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 18%: Loading Table p_merge_form...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 18%: Loading Table p_merge_field...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 19%: Loading Table p_postcode_range...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 19%: Loading Table p_postcode_region...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 19%: Loading Table p_postcode_region_range...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 19%: Loading Table p_publication...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 20%: Loading Table p_publication_cost...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 20%: Loading Table p_reason_subscription_given...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 20%: Loading Table p_reason_subscription_cancelled...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 21%: Loading Table p_membership...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 21%: Loading Table p_contact_attribute...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 21%: Loading Table p_contact_attribute_detail...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 22%: Loading Table p_method_of_contact...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 22%: Loading Table p_contact_log...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 22%: Loading Table p_partner_contact_attribute...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 22%: Loading Table p_form...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 23%: Loading Table a_sub_system...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 23%: Loading Table a_tax_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 23%: Loading Table a_ledger...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 24%: Loading Table a_tax_table...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 24%: Loading Table a_ledger_init_flag...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 24%: Loading Table a_budget_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 25%: Loading Table a_account_property_code...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 25%: Loading Table a_cost_centre_types...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 25%: Loading Table a_cost_centre...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 26%: Loading Table a_budget_revision...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 26%: Loading Table a_accounting_period...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 26%: Loading Table a_accounting_system_parameter...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 26%: Loading Table a_analysis_store_table...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 27%: Loading Table a_analysis_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 27%: Loading Table a_corporate_exchange_rate...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 27%: Loading Table a_daily_exchange_rate...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 28%: Loading Table p_email...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 28%: Loading Table a_form...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 28%: Loading Table a_form_element_type...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 29%: Loading Table a_form_element...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 29%: Loading Table a_freeform_analysis...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 29%: Loading Table a_ich_stewardship...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 29%: Loading Table a_method_of_giving...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 30%: Loading Table a_method_of_payment...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 30%: Loading Table a_motivation_group...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 30%: Loading Table a_recurring_batch...
[00:12:58] [ExecDotNet] 31%: Loading Table a_batch...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 31%: Loading Table a_revaluation...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 31%: Loading Table a_special_trans_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 32%: Loading Table a_system_interface...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 32%: Loading Table a_currency_language...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 32%: Loading Table a_ar_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 33%: Loading Table a_ar_article...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 33%: Loading Table a_ar_article_price...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 33%: Loading Table a_ar_discount...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 33%: Loading Table a_ar_discount_per_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 34%: Loading Table a_ar_default_discount...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 34%: Loading Table pt_applicant_status...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 34%: Loading Table pt_application_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 35%: Loading Table pt_contact...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 35%: Loading Table pt_special_applicant...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 35%: Loading Table pt_leadership_rating...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 36%: Loading Table pt_arrival_point...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 36%: Loading Table pt_outreach_preference_level...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 36%: Loading Table pt_congress_code...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 36%: Loading Table pt_travel_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 37%: Loading Table pm_document_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 37%: Loading Table pm_document_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 37%: Loading Table pt_passport_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 38%: Loading Table pt_language_level...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 38%: Loading Table pt_ability_area...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 38%: Loading Table pt_ability_level...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 39%: Loading Table pt_qualification_area...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 39%: Loading Table pt_qualification_level...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 39%: Loading Table pt_skill_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 40%: Loading Table pt_skill_level...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 40%: Loading Table p_data_label_lookup_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 40%: Loading Table p_data_label...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 40%: Loading Table p_data_label_use...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 41%: Loading Table p_data_label_lookup...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 41%: Loading Table pm_commitment_status...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 41%: Loading Table pt_position...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 42%: Loading Table pt_assignment_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 42%: Loading Table pc_cost_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 42%: Loading Table pc_conference_option_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 43%: Loading Table pc_discount_criteria...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 43%: Loading Table pc_room_attribute_type...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 43%: Loading Table p_interest_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 43%: Loading Table p_interest...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 44%: Loading Table p_reminder_category...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 44%: Loading Table p_process...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 44%: Loading Table p_state...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 45%: Loading Table p_action...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 45%: Loading Table p_first_contact...
[00:12:59] [ExecDotNet] 45%: Loading Table p_partner...
[00:13:09] [ExecDotNet] 46%: Loading Table p_recent_partners...
[00:13:09] [ExecDotNet] 46%: Loading Table p_partner_location...
[00:13:15] [ExecDotNet] 46%: Loading Table p_partner_attribute...
[00:13:17] [ExecDotNet] 47%: Loading Table p_unit...
[00:13:17] [ExecDotNet] 47%: Loading Table um_unit_structure...
[00:13:17] [ExecDotNet] 47%: Loading Table p_family...
[00:13:18] [ExecDotNet] 47%: Loading Table p_person...
[00:13:18] [ExecDotNet] 48%: Loading Table p_church...
[00:13:18] [ExecDotNet] 48%: Loading Table p_organisation...
[00:13:18] [ExecDotNet] 48%: Loading Table p_bank...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 49%: Loading Table p_venue...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 49%: Loading Table p_banking_details...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 49%: Loading Table p_partner_banking_details...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 50%: Loading Table p_banking_details_usage...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 50%: Loading Table p_partner_tax_deductible_pct...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 50%: Loading Table p_partner_type...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 50%: Loading Table p_partner_relationship...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 51%: Loading Table p_partner_ledger...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 51%: Loading Table m_extract...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 51%: Loading Table p_customised_greeting...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 52%: Loading Table p_subscription...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 52%: Loading Table p_partner_membership...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 52%: Loading Table p_partner_membership_paid...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 53%: Loading Table p_partner_contact...
[00:13:22] [ExecDotNet] 53%: Loading Table a_account...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 53%: Loading Table a_ep_statement...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 53%: Loading Table a_account_property...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 54%: Loading Table a_account_hierarchy...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 54%: Loading Table a_account_hierarchy_detail...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 54%: Loading Table a_valid_ledger_number...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 55%: Loading Table a_budget...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 55%: Loading Table a_budget_period...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 55%: Loading Table a_analysis_attribute...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 56%: Loading Table a_email_destination...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 56%: Loading Table a_fees_payable...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 56%: Loading Table a_fees_receivable...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 57%: Loading Table a_general_ledger_master...
[00:13:23] [ExecDotNet] 57%: Loading Table a_general_ledger_master_period...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 57%: Loading Table a_motivation_detail...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 57%: Loading Table a_ep_account...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 58%: Loading Table a_ep_match...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 58%: Loading Table a_ep_transaction...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 58%: Loading Table a_motivation_detail_fee...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 59%: Loading Table a_transaction_type...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 59%: Loading Table a_recurring_journal...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 59%: Loading Table a_recurring_transaction...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 60%: Loading Table a_recurring_trans_anal_attrib...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 60%: Loading Table a_recurring_gift_batch...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 60%: Loading Table a_recurring_gift...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 60%: Loading Table a_recurring_gift_detail...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 61%: Loading Table a_gift_batch...
[00:13:24] [ExecDotNet] 61%: Loading Table a_gift...
[00:13:26] [ExecDotNet] 61%: Loading Table a_gift_detail...
[00:13:30] [ExecDotNet] 62%: Loading Table a_processed_fee...
[00:13:34] [ExecDotNet] 62%: Loading Table a_journal...
[00:13:34] [ExecDotNet] 62%: Loading Table a_transaction...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 63%: Loading Table a_trans_anal_attrib...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 63%: Loading Table a_suspense_account...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 63%: Loading Table a_ap_supplier...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 64%: Loading Table a_ap_document...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 64%: Loading Table a_crdt_note_invoice_link...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 64%: Loading Table a_ap_document_detail...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 64%: Loading Table a_ap_payment...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 65%: Loading Table a_ap_document_payment...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 65%: Loading Table a_ep_payment...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 65%: Loading Table a_ep_document_payment...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 66%: Loading Table a_ap_anal_attrib...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 66%: Loading Table a_ar_invoice...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 66%: Loading Table a_ar_invoice_detail...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 67%: Loading Table a_ar_invoice_discount...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 67%: Loading Table a_ar_invoice_detail_discount...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 67%: Loading Table pm_general_application...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 67%: Loading Table pm_application_status_history...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 68%: Loading Table pm_short_term_application...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 68%: Loading Table pm_year_program_application...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 68%: Loading Table pm_document...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 69%: Loading Table pm_passport_details...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 69%: Loading Table pm_person_language...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 69%: Loading Table pm_past_experience...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 70%: Loading Table pm_person_ability...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 70%: Loading Table pm_person_qualification...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 70%: Loading Table pm_person_skill...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 71%: Loading Table pm_formal_education...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 71%: Loading Table pm_personal_data...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 71%: Loading Table p_data_label_value_partner...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 71%: Loading Table p_data_label_value_application...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 72%: Loading Table pm_person_evaluation...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 72%: Loading Table pm_person_absence...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 72%: Loading Table pm_special_need...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 73%: Loading Table pm_staff_data...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 73%: Loading Table pm_person_commitment_status...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 73%: Loading Table um_job...
[00:13:37] [ExecDotNet] 74%: Loading Table um_job_requirement...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 74%: Loading Table um_job_language...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 74%: Loading Table um_job_qualification...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 74%: Loading Table pm_job_assignment...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 75%: Loading Table um_unit_ability...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 75%: Loading Table um_unit_language...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 75%: Loading Table um_unit_cost...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 76%: Loading Table um_unit_evaluation...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 76%: Loading Table pc_conference...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 76%: Loading Table pc_conference_option...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 77%: Loading Table pc_discount...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 77%: Loading Table pc_attendee...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 77%: Loading Table pc_conference_cost...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 78%: Loading Table pc_extra_cost...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 78%: Loading Table pc_early_late...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 78%: Loading Table pc_group...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 78%: Loading Table pc_supplement...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 79%: Loading Table pc_building...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 79%: Loading Table pc_room...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 79%: Loading Table pc_room_alloc...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 80%: Loading Table pc_room_attribute...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 80%: Loading Table pc_conference_venue...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 80%: Loading Table ph_booking...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 81%: Loading Table ph_room_booking...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 81%: Loading Table p_tax...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 81%: Loading Table p_partner_interest...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 81%: Loading Table p_partner_merge...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 82%: Loading Table p_partner_reminder...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 82%: Loading Table p_partner_gift_destination...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 82%: Loading Table p_partner_short_code...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 83%: Loading Table p_partner_state...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 83%: Loading Table p_partner_action...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 83%: Loading Table s_function...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 84%: Loading Table s_group_function...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 84%: Loading Table s_job_group...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 84%: Loading Table p_partner_set...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 84%: Loading Table s_group_partner_set...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 85%: Loading Table p_partner_set_partner...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 85%: Loading Table s_group_gift...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 85%: Loading Table s_group_motivation...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 86%: Loading Table s_group_partner_contact...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 86%: Loading Table s_group_partner_reminder...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 86%: Loading Table s_group_location...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 87%: Loading Table s_group_partner_location...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 87%: Loading Table s_group_data_label...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 87%: Loading Table s_group_ledger...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 88%: Loading Table s_group_cost_centre...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 88%: Loading Table s_group_extract...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 88%: Loading Table s_change_event...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 88%: Loading Table s_label...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 89%: Loading Table p_partner_comment...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 89%: Loading Table p_proposal_submission_type...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 89%: Loading Table p_foundation...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 90%: Loading Table p_foundation_proposal_status...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 90%: Loading Table p_foundation_proposal...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 90%: Loading Table p_foundation_proposal_detail...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 91%: Loading Table p_foundation_deadline...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 91%: Loading Table s_workflow_definition...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 91%: Loading Table s_workflow_user...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 91%: Loading Table s_workflow_group...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 92%: Loading Table s_workflow_step...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 92%: Loading Table s_function_relationship...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 92%: Loading Table s_workflow_instance...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 93%: Loading Table s_workflow_instance_step...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 93%: Loading Table s_volume...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 93%: Loading Table p_file_info...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 94%: Loading Table p_partner_graphic...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 94%: Loading Table p_partner_file...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 94%: Loading Table pm_person_file...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 95%: Loading Table p_partner_contact_file...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 95%: Loading Table pm_document_file...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 95%: Loading Table pm_application_file...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 95%: Loading Table s_volume_partner_group...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 96%: Loading Table s_default_file_volume...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 96%: Loading Table s_volume_partner_group_partner...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 96%: Loading Table s_group_file_info...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 97%: Loading Table p_consent_channel...
[00:13:38] [ExecDotNet] 97%: Loading Table p_consent_history...
[00:13:39] [ExecDotNet] 97%: Loading Table p_consent_purpose...
[00:13:39] [ExecDotNet] 98%: Loading Table p_consent_history_permission...
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 100%: Loading Sequences...
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 100%: Finishing Restore...
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 100%: Updating the database...
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2020.6.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202006_202009
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2020.9.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202009_202010
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2020.10.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202010_202012
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2020.12.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202012_202101
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2021.1.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202101_202102
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2021.2.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202102_202104
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2021.4.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202104_202110
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2021.10.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202110_202202
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2022.2.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202202_202206
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2022.6.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202206_202207
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2022.7.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202207_202301
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2023.1.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Database Upgrade: applying method UpgradeDatabase202301_202302
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 current DB version: 2023.2.0-0
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 Finished the job for ClientID
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 backup has been restored from /home/op_dev/openpetra/demoWith1ledger.yml.gz
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE INITIATED
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 SHUTDOWN: Executing step 1 of 2...
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 SHUTDOWN: Executing step 2 of 2...
[00:13:40] [ExecDotNet] 00:36:15 SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE FINISHED
[00:13:40] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Reporting.dll
[00:13:41] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:13:41] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:13:41] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:36:15
[00:13:41] Runtime Environment
[00:13:41] OS Version: Linux
[00:13:41] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:13:41] Test Files
[00:13:41] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.Reporting.dll
[00:13:42] => Tests.Reporting.TConfigTest.CheckConfigFile
[00:13:42] 00:36:17 ../../etc/TestServer.config
[00:13:42] Run Settings
[00:13:42] DisposeRunners: True
[00:13:42] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:13:42] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:13:42] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:13:42] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:13:42] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:13:42] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:13:42] Test Run Summary
[00:13:42] Overall result: Passed
[00:13:42] Test Count: 2, Passed: 2, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:13:42] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:36:16Z
[00:13:42] End time: 2025-03-13 23:36:17Z
[00:13:42] Duration: 1.281 seconds
[00:13:42] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:13:43] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.Reporting.dll
[00:13:43] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:13:43] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:13:43] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:36:18
[00:13:43] Runtime Environment
[00:13:43] OS Version: Linux
[00:13:43] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:13:43] Test Files
[00:13:43] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MPartner.server.Reporting.dll
[00:13:45] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:13:45] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:13:47] => Tests.MPartner.Server.Reporting.TPartnerReportsTest.TestPartnerByCity
[00:13:47] 00:36:22 Variable param_families_only empty or not found
[00:13:47] 00:36:22 Variable param_excludeNoSolicitations empty or not found
[00:13:47] 00:36:22 Variable param_country empty or not found
[00:13:47] 00:36:22 Variable Phone empty or not found
[00:13:48] => Tests.MPartner.Server.Reporting.TPartnerReportsTest.TestPartnerBySpecialTypes
[00:13:48] 00:36:22 Variable param_exclude_specialtypes empty or not found
[00:13:48] 00:36:22 Variable param_families_only empty or not found
[00:13:48] 00:36:22 Variable param_excludeNoSolicitations empty or not found
[00:13:48] 00:36:22 Variable param_city empty or not found
[00:13:48] 00:36:22 Variable param_country empty or not found
[00:13:53] => Tests.MPartner.Server.Reporting.TPartnerReportsTest
[00:13:53] 00:36:27 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:13:53] 00:36:27 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:13:53] Run Settings
[00:13:53] DisposeRunners: True
[00:13:53] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:13:53] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:13:53] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:13:53] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:13:53] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:13:53] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:13:53] Test Run Summary
[00:13:53] Overall result: Passed
[00:13:53] Test Count: 3, Passed: 3, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 0
[00:13:53] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:36:18Z
[00:13:53] End time: 2025-03-13 23:36:27Z
[00:13:53] Duration: 9.397 seconds
[00:13:53] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:13:53] Testing /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Reporting.dll
[00:13:53] NUnit Console 3.15.2 (Release)
[00:13:53] Copyright (c) 2022 Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse
[00:13:53] Friday, 14 March 2025 00:36:28
[00:13:54] Runtime Environment
[00:13:54] OS Version: Linux
[00:13:54] Runtime: .NET Framework CLR v4.0.30319.42000
[00:13:54] Test Files
[00:13:54] /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/Ict.Testing.lib.MFinance.server.Reporting.dll
[00:13:56] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:13:56] gpath.c:115: assertion 'filename != NULL' failed
[00:13:57] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TAccountDetailTest.TestAccountDetail
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 20 times: Variable debit empty or not found.
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 20 times: Variable debit empty or not found.
[00:13:57] 00:36:32 20 times: Variable debit empty or not found.
[00:13:58] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TAccountDetailTest.TestAccountDetailSelectedAccount
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 Variable debit empty or not found
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 20 times: Variable debit empty or not found.
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 20 times: Variable debit empty or not found.
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 20 times: Variable debit empty or not found.
[00:13:58] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TAccountDetailTest
[00:13:58] 00:36:33 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:13:59] 00:36:33 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:14:00] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TBalanceSheetTest
[00:14:00] 00:36:34 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:14:00] 00:36:34 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:14:01] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TIncExpStatementTest
[00:14:01] 00:36:36 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:14:01] 00:36:36 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:14:04] => Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TTrialBalanceTest
[00:14:04] 00:36:38 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Session is about to getting stopped!
[00:14:04] 00:36:38 EndSession (for client 'DEMO_0'): Checking whether there is a HttpSession.Current object
[00:14:04] Tests Not Run
[00:14:04] 1) Ignored : Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TBalanceSheetTest.TestBalanceSheet
[00:14:04] Balance sheet needs fixing to calculate the summaries in glm
[00:14:04] 2) Ignored : Tests.MFinance.Server.Reporting.TIncExpStatementTest.TestIncExpStatement
[00:14:04] IncExc statement needs fixing to calculate the summaries in glm
[00:14:04] Run Settings
[00:14:04] DisposeRunners: True
[00:14:04] WorkDirectory: /home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin
[00:14:04] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[00:14:04] ImageRequiresX86: False
[00:14:04] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[00:14:04] TargetRuntimeFramework: mono-4.0
[00:14:04] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[00:14:04] Test Run Summary
[00:14:04] Overall result: Warning
[00:14:04] Test Count: 6, Passed: 4, Failed: 0, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Skipped: 2
[00:14:04] Skipped Tests - Ignored: 2, Explicit: 0, Other: 0
[00:14:04] Start time: 2025-03-13 23:36:28Z
[00:14:04] End time: 2025-03-13 23:36:38Z
[00:14:04] Duration: 9.874 seconds
[00:14:04] Results (nunit3) saved as TestResult.xml
[00:14:04] [echo] Target test-server-reports finished at: 03/14/2025 00:36:38
[00:14:04] [echo] Target test-without-display finished at: 03/14/2025 00:36:38
[00:14:04] BUILD SUCCEEDED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 33 warning(s)
[00:14:04] Total time: 297.6 seconds.
[00:14:04] [echo] Target test-without-display (outer) finished at: 03/14/2025 00:36:38
[00:14:04] Total time: 300.1 seconds.
[00:14:04] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:14:04] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:14:05] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:14:05] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:14:05] Target(s) specified: test-client
[00:14:05] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:14:05] [echo] platform=unix
[00:14:06] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:14:06] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:14:07] initConfigFiles-server:
[00:14:07] initConfigFiles-internal:
[00:14:07] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/web.config'.
[00:14:07] initConfigFiles-internal:
[00:14:07] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/etc/TestServer.config'.
[00:14:07] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/version.txt'.
[00:14:07] initConfigFiles-admin:
[00:14:07] initConfigFiles-internal:
[00:14:07] [copy] Copying 1 file to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/etc/ServerAdmin.config'.
[00:14:07] initConfigFiles:
[00:14:07] copySQLFiles:
[00:14:07] [copy] Copying 7 files to '/home/op_dev/openpetra/delivery/bin/sql30'.
[00:14:07] test-client:
[00:14:07] [echo] Target test-client (outer) started at: 03/14/2025 00:36:42
[00:14:07] [echo] try: curl --silent --retry 5 http://localhost:80/api/serverSessionManager.asmx/IsUserLoggedIn
[00:14:07] [exec] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[00:14:07] [exec] <string xmlns="">{"selfsignupEnabled":"false","resultcode":"error"}</string>
[00:14:08] [exec] It looks like this is your first time using Cypress: 5.6.0
[00:14:08] [exec]
[00:14:08] [exec] [00:36:43] Verifying Cypress can run /home/op_dev/.cache/Cypress/5.6.0/Cypress [started]
[00:14:11] [exec] [00:36:45] Verified Cypress! /home/op_dev/.cache/Cypress/5.6.0/Cypress [title changed]
[00:14:11] [exec] [00:36:45] Verified Cypress! /home/op_dev/.cache/Cypress/5.6.0/Cypress [completed]
[00:14:11] [exec]
[00:14:11] [exec] Opening Cypress...
[00:14:16] [exec]
[00:14:16] [exec] ================================================================================
[00:14:16] [exec]
[00:14:16] [exec] (Run Starting)
[00:14:16] [exec]
[00:14:16] [exec] tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[00:14:16] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:16] [exec] ??? Cypress: 5.6.0 ???
[00:14:16] [exec] ??? Browser: Electron 85 (headless) ???
[00:14:16] [exec] ??? Specs: 2 found (login_spec.js, partner_edit.js) ???
[00:14:16] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:16] [exec]
[00:14:16] [exec]
[00:14:16] [exec] ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:16] [exec]
[00:14:16] [exec] Running: login_spec.js (1 of 2)
[00:14:19] [exec] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
[00:14:19] [exec] npx browserslist@latest --update-db
[00:14:19] [exec]
[00:14:19] [exec] Why you should do it regularly:
[00:14:19] [exec]
[00:14:19] [exec]
[00:14:19] [exec]
[00:14:19] [exec] simple login
[00:14:23] [exec] ??? logs in with user demo (3409ms)
[00:14:26] [exec] ??? logs in with user DEMO (2864ms)
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? fails with wrong password (1609ms)
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec] 3 passing (8s)
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec] (Results)
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Tests: 3 ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Passing: 3 ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Failing: 0 ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Pending: 0 ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Skipped: 0 ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Screenshots: 0 ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Video: false ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Duration: 7 seconds ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??? Spec Ran: login_spec.js ???
[00:14:27] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec] ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:27] [exec]
[00:14:27] [exec] Running: partner_edit.js (2 of 2)
[00:14:29] [exec]
[00:14:29] [exec]
[00:14:29] [exec] find and edit partner
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? logs in with user demo and modifies partner (16230ms)
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec] 1 passing (16s)
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec] (Results)
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Tests: 1 ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Passing: 1 ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Failing: 0 ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Pending: 0 ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Skipped: 0 ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Screenshots: 0 ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Video: false ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Duration: 16 seconds ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? Spec Ran: partner_edit.js ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec] ================================================================================
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec] (Run Finished)
[00:14:45] [exec] tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [exec] Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped
[00:14:45] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? ??? login_spec.js 00:07 3 3 - - - ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? ??? partner_edit.js 00:16 1 1 - - - ???
[00:14:45] [exec] ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[00:14:45] [exec] ??? All specs passed! 00:24 4 4 - - -
[00:14:45] [exec]
[00:14:45] [echo] Target test-client (outer) finished at: 03/14/2025 00:37:20
[00:14:45] BUILD SUCCEEDED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 7 warning(s)
[00:14:45] Total time: 40.5 seconds.
[00:14:46] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:14:46] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:14:46] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:14:46] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:14:46] Target(s) specified: checkHtml
[00:14:46] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:14:46] [echo] platform=unix
[00:14:47] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:14:48] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:14:48] checkHtml:
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/About.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/ReleaseNotes.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/CrossLedgerSetup/LedgerSetup.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/SystemManager/ImportAndExportDatabase.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/SystemManager/MaintainSettings.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/SystemManager/SysManAssistantInit.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/SystemManager/MaintainUsers.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Settings/ChangePassword.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Settings/ChangeLanguage.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/SelfService/MaintainPartnerSelfService.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Setup/MaintainConsentChannels.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Setup/MaintainConsentPurposes.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Partners/ImportPartners.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Partners/MaintainPartners.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/SponsorShip/Children/MaintainChildren.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Setup/Gift/Motivations.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Setup/GL/AccountTree.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Setup/GL/CostCenterTree.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Gift/GiftEntry/RecurringGiftBatches.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Gift/GiftEntry/BankImport.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Gift/GiftEntry/GiftBatches.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/Gift/GiftReceipting/PrintAnnualReceipts.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/GeneralLedger/PeriodEnd/YearEnd.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/GeneralLedger/PeriodEnd/MonthEnd.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/GeneralLedger/Reports/AccountDetail.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/GeneralLedger/Reports/TrialBalance.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/GeneralLedger/Info/LedgerInfo.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Finance/GeneralLedger/GLBatchMaintenance/GLBatches.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Setup/Subscription/MaintainPublications.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Setup/Memberships/MaintainMemberships.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Setup/Types/MaintainTypes.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Reports/PartnerReports/PartnerBySubscription.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Reports/PartnerReports/PartnerBySpecialType.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Reports/PartnerReports/AnnualReportWithoutAnnualReceiptRecipients.html
[00:14:48] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:23 checking file js-client/src/forms/Partner/Reports/PartnerReports/PartnerByCity.html
[00:14:48] BUILD SUCCEEDED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 35 warning(s)
[00:14:48] Total time: 2.5 seconds.
[00:14:49] NAnt 0.92 (Build 0.92.4543.0; release; 06/09/2012)
[00:14:49] Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Gerry Shaw
[00:14:49] Buildfile: file:///home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:14:49] Target framework: Mono 4.5 Profile
[00:14:49] Target(s) specified: checkCode
[00:14:49] [echo] operating system=Unix
[00:14:49] [echo] platform=unix
[00:14:50] [include] Including file /home/op_dev/openpetra/
[00:14:51] [echo] Running on Unix
[00:14:51] checkCode:
[00:14:52] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:26 'CODECHECKER' run started at Friday, 14-Mar-2025, 00:37:26.74
[00:14:52] [ExecDotNet] (0 Regular Expression Patterns to search for, 0 'False Positives' excluded from search)
[00:15:04] [ExecDotNet] 00:37:39
[00:15:04] [ExecDotNet] * No Matches were found! :-)
[00:15:04] BUILD SUCCEEDED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 4 warning(s)
[00:15:04] Total time: 15 seconds.
[00:15:04] 0
[00:15:04] now running: ssh -f -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o Port=2006 -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ root@ "export LC_ALL=C; (mydevice=\`ip -o route get to | awk '{ print \$5 }'\`; myip=\`ip -o route get to | awk '{ print \$7 }'\`; ip route add \$myip dev \$mydevice) 2>&1; echo \$?"
[00:15:05] 0
[00:15:05] now running: rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2222" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/repos/solidcharity/openpetra/fedora
[00:15:06] receiving incremental file list
[00:15:06] sent 25 bytes received 55 bytes 53.33 bytes/sec
[00:15:06] total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
[00:15:06] now running: rsync -avz --delete -e "ssh -i /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/ssh/ -p 2222" /home/pacs/tim00/users/lbserver/var/tarballs/solidcharity
[00:15:06] receiving incremental file list
[00:15:06] sent 25 bytes received 723 bytes 498.67 bytes/sec
[00:15:06] total size is 226,675,825 speedup is 303,042.55
[00:15:06] Success!
[00:15:20] This build took about 15 minutes
go to top of this page